Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 647 The Great War

Chapter 647 Great War (Continuation [-])
In the big formation of meteorites in the Azure Realm.

Here, the Azure Realm has arranged one hundred Dao Lords and ten thousand True Lords.

This level of strength deployment has surpassed the power of the 99 Taoist Lords and the 3000 Yuanshen Zhenjun in the 'Hunyuan Heluo Formation'.

Without it, it's just because this is the last line of defense outside the Azure Realm.

And these practitioners have only one purpose, which is to screen out the leaders and warriors of the massive Zerg from the large formation of meteorites.

At this moment, there are only 6000 Dao Lords and [-] Yuanshen Zhenjun remaining in the Azure Realm.

This number of people is distributed in the huge azure world, and the land of a state may not even have a Taoist monarch sitting in charge.

Once a Zerg leader breaks into the Azure Realm, under his reckless killing, it will definitely cause havoc to the Azure Realm.

Relying on thirty Taoist monarchs is powerless to stop this rampage.

And the reason why these [-] Daoist Lords will sit in the Azure Realm is that the real defenses are not the Zerg Race at all, but the Monster Race and other races that have been suppressed by the Human Race for thousands of years.

These non-human races are not weak.

Monster clan, sea clan, elves, ghosts, and the manifested creatures of exotic nodes that are banned everywhere.

Among these races, each race has a Daoist level existence, and its strength should not be underestimated.

When the human race was powerful, these non-human races could only curl up their minions and endure everything.

But now that the Zerg race is attacking, maybe these non-human races will take the opportunity to jump out and disrupt the situation.

If it weren't for these non-human races, they were not united and were divided in various regions.

Thirty human Taoist monarchs can't deter these races that are already a little bit ready to move.


The meteorite belt outside the Azure Realm is extremely huge, you must know that this is shrouded outside the Azure Realm.

Countless Zergs poured into it from all directions, and then they were obliterated into slag by the meteorite belt rotating forwards and backwards like large millstones juxtaposed together.



A voice came out of the void again, and when the sound was loud enough, even the void could not block it.

Without the obstruction of the fog, the Zerg's numerical advantage was brought into play. Under the leadership of hundreds of Zerg leaders, the Zerg marched towards the Azure Realm from all directions.

The practitioners in the Azure Realm used the power of the meteorite array to resist layer by layer.

One side invades, the other side defends!
Here, a life-and-death battle broke out between the high-level practitioners of the Azure Realm and the Zerg.

The aura of vitality filled the void brilliantly, and the void was shattered from time to time, with endless winds and cracks appearing everywhere.

The law of the void collapsed, the rule of the avenue manifested, and countless void rays crisscrossed all directions.

Pieces of Zerg, meteorites one after another, a famous human cultivator was disintegrated into ashes.

Less than 3 minutes after the Zerg rushed into the meteorite formation, sixteen soaring purple pillars of energy and three pillars of mana emitting endless spiritual energy rose in the void.

This means the fall of sixteen Zerg leaders and three Taoist rulers of the human race.

As for the aura tides that sway like the sea, I don't know how many there are.

If there is no meteorite formation, the number of human races will not be able to hinder the attack of the Zerg race.

Whether it is high price or low level, the difference in quantity between the two parties is really too big, and the gap of dozens of times cannot be smoothed out by strength alone.

Fortunately, the accumulation of the human race for thousands of years is not useless.

For thousands of years, the practitioners of the human race have been persistently moving meteorites from the void to protect the azure world.

At this moment, the meteorite formation displayed a power that shocked everyone.

In the never-ending rotation, nine pros and cons meteorite belts are like grinding discs, obliterating ninety-nine percent of the Zerg into slag.

Only a very small number of Zerg escaped the nine strict screening and broke into the Azure Realm by chance.

But it must be clear that such a huge base of Zerg, even if it is only a very small number, is still a suffocating number.

For the Zerg below the warrior level, many human Taoist monarchs and primordial spirits don't care.

What they have to do is to hinder and kill the leaders and warriors of the Zerg as much as possible.

As for those low-level Zerg who broke through the nine-layer meteorite belt, there are naturally tens of millions of practitioners in the Azure Realm waiting.

With the help of the meteorite formation, countless Zerg races were wiped out, and practitioners in the Azure Realm gradually stood firm.

In the multiverse, practitioners, monsters, and Zerg are called the three major evils.

And practitioners can rank first, relying on their absolute personal force.

Comparing the Zerg's instinctive talent and the power inherited by their bloodlines, the accumulation of knowledge by practitioners surpasses them by an unknown amount.

When the situation fell into a stalemate, the strange, complicated and mysterious divine channel methods of human practitioners began to show their power.

In groups of three or four, they charged everywhere like lightning, killing Zerg leaders and warriors one by one.

Although the boundless Zerg is still crazily and fearlessly attacking the meteorite formation, the war situation is tilting towards the Terran.


The blue world.

The ninth day of July.

This day is a day of disaster for countless creatures in the Azure World.

In the sky, endless muffled thunder sounds one after another, and thousands of rays of light burst into the sky.

The sky is as fragile as porcelain, with root-like cracks appearing from time to time.

Everyone looked at the sky nervously.

In the bunkers, on the city walls, and in the watchtowers, countless people secretly prayed, hoping that disaster would not happen.

But things backfire, good hopes will always fail, and fears will always appear.

When the first black dot appeared in the sky, people hoped it was a bird or some other animal.

And when black spots rained down from the sky, all hopes were dashed.


It's finally here!



"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

When the Zerg descended from the sky approached the ground, they vibrated their wings to buffer the force and fell to the ground.



The Zerg that landed turned their heads to look at the surrounding scene, flapping their wings and neighing non-stop.


The voice is full of bloodthirsty joy and madness, and the hunger for killing in the blood makes every Zerg's blood boil.

Sweet blood and tender flesh await them.

Tearing, chewing, and devouring every creature they saw was the only thought in the minds of all the Zerg at this time.

The instinct rooted deep in the blood makes the Zerg do not need the command of the high-level Zerg at all, and scatter in groups of three or four.

In the sound of hissing, countless Zergs rushed towards the city where the humans gathered, following the smell in the air.

At this moment, looking from the sky, hundreds of thousands of Zerg were scattered all over the five regions like dandelions blown away.

Fortresses, villages, forests, oceans, there are ferocious figures of Zerg everywhere.

There are quite a few Zergs falling from the sky, but if they are diluted in the five regions of the azure world, there are actually not many.

It is only because the Zergs have purposefully gathered towards the place where the human races gather when they are in mid-air, that they appear to be extremely numerous.

In a certain castle in Dingzhou.

Seeing the Zerg that was about to fall from the sky, hundreds of practitioners stationed in the city shouted loudly.

"Women and children hide, men, take up your arms, your family needs you to protect."

"Don't get close to the Zerg, resist with shields, shoot with crossbows!"

"Hide in the bunker, prepare spears, spears, torches and takraw balls!"


With three months of preparation time and sufficient resources, the secular world is not without means of preparation.

In this castle with thousands of people in front of you, there are hedgehog-shaped bunkers everywhere.

Sharpened wooden stakes, metal thorns, and various sharp-edged long-handled weapons are unevenly inserted upside down in various places in the castle.

The dense array of sharp weapons stands like a forest of guns, which is enough to make goose bumps all over the patient's body.

In addition, there are twisted rattan tripwires all over the castle, long or short, high or low, connected to tree trunks, beams, etc.

Even children can hardly run freely on the street.

With the Zerg information provided by the practice sect, ordinary people clearly know that there is no safer place than a cement fortress, and escape is a dead end.

So they have given up escaping and are ready to use all means to survive.

The Zerg landed very quickly, they were already hungry and thirsty, and they wanted to land immediately to enjoy the delicious flesh and blood.

When the distance to the ground below was getting closer and closer, some Zerg with super-sightedness had already seen the iron gun forest shining with cold light below.


Countless hisses sounded, which was a warning to the same race.

At the same time, countless Zerg flapped their wings desperately, hoping to slow down the speed of descent.


"Puff puff……"


In the bunker, tense people held long spears and crossbows, observing the situation outside through the narrow holes.

The sound of sharp knives piercing into flesh resounded incessantly, accompanied by the painful hiss of the Zerg.

The Zerg that could not escape were pierced through the roofs, corners, watchtowers, and bunkers by sharp wooden stakes and sharp metal thorns.

Most of the Zerg that were penetrated were directly killed, while some Zerg that were not penetrated at their vital points screamed in pain and struggled desperately.

At this time, the practitioners who were hidden in the roofs, attics and other places rushed out.

"Dian Huo Lie, Southern Fire Lord, is as anxious as a spark, rushing to come, as anxious as a law."

"There is the sun on the left, the moon on the right, thunder and lightning in the front, and wind and clouds in the back. Generals of strong men, stars gathered on the left and right, listen to my covenant, accept my law, and rush like a law."

"The Black Emperor's spiritual book commands the wind and fire to follow. Hearing my knocking orders, ghosts and gods will be punished. Be as urgent as a law."


Five-element incantation, call for soldiers and generals.

A group of yellow turban warriors, Liu Ding Liujia, and heavenly soldiers and generals were summoned to rush into the swarm of insects and fight with them.

One after another spells, talismans, and supernatural powers were issued from the hands of many practitioners.

The fireball in the hands of the conjurer exploded, the frost froze, the thunder and lightning raged, and the Zerg fell down screaming.

The talisman masters advanced in a group of three, flying missiles with both hands, and amulet arrows flew out of their hands.

Fast as a spark, fast as a shooting star, but the three of them shot like a rain of arrows.

The Zerg rushed forward frantically, but none of the Zerg could reach within thirty steps of the Talisman Master, and all of them fell on the way of charging.

The talisman master has never released talismans so heartily.

As the Zergs were killed one by one, many practitioners suddenly discovered that these Zergs did not seem to be as scary as they imagined.

There are still Zerg descending from the sky, fighting with practitioners.

(End of this chapter)

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