Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 667 Lord of the Wei River

Chapter 667 Lord of the Wei River
Southern Region.

Suguang Plain.

"Shua! Shua! Shua"

A group of gray wolves ran fast in the forest, with their heads low and their tails like flagpoles, and their actions were extremely disciplined.

Gradually, one of the gray wolves fell behind from the pack, and when they turned around a certain mountain pass, the gray wolf that fell behind quietly left the pack.

After the wolves roared away, Zhang Ke slowly walked out from behind the col.

At this time, it has been a month since He Qing sat down.

Relying on the ever-changing ability, he turned into a beast when he met a forest, and a fish when he met water, and came to this Suguang Plain without any surprises or dangers.

The reason why Zhang Ke came here was to leave the Southern Region as soon as possible.

There are natural barriers between the five major regions of the Azure World.

The barrier between the southern region and the eastern region is the endless sea.

This is an ocean that stretches to an unknown extent. Not only are there countless sea monsters and monsters in the sea, but even the space above the sea is full of dangers.

Space cracks that may appear at any time can only be regarded as the smallest danger.

There are more weird fields, recurring illusions, forbidden sea areas that appear from time to time, and various unknown dangers.

Generally speaking, when the true masters of Yuanshen can fly in the sky, they will mostly fly out of the azure world, and then enter the desired area from the qi layer of different areas.

For thousands of years, there have been very few people who have directly crossed the five major geographical moats.

But this is a natural barrier to others, but it is not dangerous to Zhang Ke.

With the ability of [Wishful Change], no one can adapt to extreme environments faster than him.

Zhang Ke's strength has not fully recovered at this time. Although he can use the [Two-Phase Golden Bridge] to leave the Southern Region, his momentum is too prominent.

The Southern Territory is different from the Eastern Territory in that it is ruled by the demon clan, and there are no less than 30 demon ancestors who are equivalent to Daojun.

This is not the Zerg half-lord who only knows how to attack by instinct.

In the azure world, the monster race also has inheritance, and its individual strength is even stronger than that of the human race.

Once the demon ancestor has evil intentions, he is powerless to resist.

During this period of time, Zhang Ke found that his injury was no longer recovering.

Even though he took many kinds of panacea and mist to relieve his injuries, it didn't help.

At this moment, he is like a well-glued porcelain, which seems to be intact, but is actually full of cracks.

Without him, the origin is damaged, which is no longer curable by ordinary means.

The original plan to hide here in a low-key manner for several years until the injury recovers fell through.

After thinking about it, Zhang Ke decided to rely on his transformation technique to cross the Endless Sea, and return to the Eastern Region to find a way for the sect.

The Suguang Plain is the only way for the Southern Territory to go to the 'Endless Sea'.

Zhang Ke regained his human form and walked out of the mountain with a tired expression.

Once the shortcomings are born, countless linkage effects will follow.

At this moment, his severely injured body is no longer able to perform Taoism for a long time.

I looked at the surrounding vegetation and trees, identified the direction according to their growth, and then used the [star drawing technique] to compare and calculate for a while.

Zhang Ke stepped out of the forest.

When he transformed into a gray wolf before, he found traces of human beings nearby, so he left the wolf pack.

The Suguang Plain covers an area of ​​thousands of miles, surrounded by hundreds of human villages and three big cities, in addition to numerous mountains and lakes, many monster races also live here.

The land of the plain is fertile, and the upper reaches of the Wei River separate hundreds of tributaries that run through the plains, nourishing hundreds of thousands of people and countless creatures here.

Zhang Ke had a blue headband wrapped around his head, dressed in commoner clothes, carried a bamboo basket, stepped on straw sandals, pressed his left hand on the handle of a short knife at his waist, and walked with a five-foot short stick in his right. On the mountain road.

Head wrapping, bamboo baskets, straw sandals, this is the most common local attire, and half of the ten people wear this attire.

And due to the ravages of the Zerg, everyone who goes out, regardless of gender, will carry weapons, and will not attract the attention of others.

Zhang Ke walked all the way and found that there were not many people walking outside.

This is also normal, Zergs will come every few months, in order to resist the Zergs, naturally few people will go out at this time.

Fire in July.

The hot sun shone fiercely on the earth, and there were faintly transparent ripples rippling on the ground.

Turning around a mountain ridge, Zhang Ke saw a simple tea shed by the side of the road from a distance, and a guise with a painted wine jar hanging on a wooden post by the side of the road.

Zhang Kesong walked a few steps to the front of the tea shed, but when he saw the scene in the tea shed, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

An old couple who looked like the owner of the tea shed squatted in the corner of the tea shed with their heads in their arms.

And a pretty woman in a light blue dress was sitting at a tea table.

A teacup on the tea table was filled with tea, but it didn't move at all.

The woman combed dozens of thin braids, and a golden string slanted on her forehead, showing a bit of rebelliousness.

A gauze covered most of her face, only her spring-like eyes were exposed, her back was straight, her hands were clasped in front of her body, and she sat there as if she had a ruler behind her back.

No matter in dress or manner, this is a person who is completely incompatible with the tea shop, but at the moment she is sitting there, she seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth.

No, it seems that the whole world is catering to this woman, actively creating a harmonious atmosphere.

The beauty of Zhong Tiandi, the beauty of mountains and rivers!
This is a word to describe the beauty of mountains and rivers, but at this moment it fits this woman incomparably.

Zhang Ke couldn't help but take another look at the woman, turned around and was about to leave.

This kind of woman is the source of right and wrong wherever she goes, so it is better to stay as far away as possible.

Unexpectedly, just as he turned around, he heard the woman behind him say:

"Ruyi Zhenjun, please stay behind!"

The voice was clear and clear like a lark, but the meaning in the words made Zhang Ke's pupils shrink suddenly, and he turned around slowly.

The woman got up and came to Zhang Ke, bowed her hands and saluted:
"Weihe Tsingyi has been waiting here for a long time, it's presumptuous to come here, Zhenjun please forgive me!"

Zhang Kegong cupped his hands and said:

"It doesn't matter, I wonder if Fellow Daoist Qing Yi has any advice?"

Now that his identity was identified, Zhang Ke didn't hide any more, and asked a casual question.

But at this moment, Zhang Ke's heart is far from being as calm as it looks on the outside.

He didn't know why the woman in front of him could appear here ahead of time to wait for him. Although she didn't say anything, the pressure on Zhang Ke was enormous.

The appearance of this woman means that the transformation technique in her body is useless.

Tsing Yi smiled lightly, as if he had seen through Zhang Ke's uneasiness.

"Please Zhenjun come with me, there is an elder waiting for a long time!"

After finishing speaking, he walked out, as if he didn't worry about whether Zhang Ke would accompany him at all.

Zhang Ke hesitated for a moment, decided to find out, and followed Tsing Yi to the distance.

While walking, Zhang Ke found that no matter whether it was a bird or a beast, after feeling the breath of Tsing Yi, they all crawled obediently aside.

Even the plants on the ground express something in a lodging posture.

She is like the king of this land and water!

Zhang Ke secretly guessed Tsing Yi's origin in his heart, and followed her along the way.

After a while, Tsing Yi brought Zhang Ke to a cliff like a mountain ridge.

This mountain ridge looks like an arch bridge has been cut off from it, and the curved mountain ridge protrudes hundreds of feet out of the cliff.

And at this moment, on the mountain ridge, there is a Jin Luo Jinxiu umbrella that is as large as Zhang Xu.

An old man in white was sitting under the umbrella, fiddling with the teacup on the table in front of him.

The hair is tied in a golden crown, the horns of the head are tall, and when the eyes are opened and closed, there is a faint golden glow, and the proportion of the facial features is perfect, which can no longer be described as handsome.

Even if he sat there very casually, he could still feel a kind of real pressure.

Tsing Yi walked quickly to the old man, bowed and said:
"Yuanjun, Ruyi Zhenjun has been brought!"

The old man waved his hand slightly, Tsing Yi bowed slightly and came to stand behind the old man with his head bowed.

Zhang Ke secretly thought about the name of 'Yuan Jun', stepped forward slowly, and after feeling the deep aura of the old man, he bowed to salute.

"Junior Ruyi, meet Daojun!"

The old man said casually:

But the hands are not stopping, continue to cook tea.

Zhang Ke sat cross-legged in front of the desk, not saying a word.

A few minutes passed, and the old man poured a pot for Zhang Ke and himself with both hands, waved his hands and said:

The tea in the teacup is as green as a cold pool, and the tea fragrance gathers into a purple cloud that gathers over the teacup for a long time.

Zhang Ke bowed his hands in thanks, held up the teacup and drank it down.

Tsing Yi stood behind the old man, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

“Good tea!”

Zhang Kezan said:

"I heard that there is a kind of spiritual tea in this world called 'Chaotianmei'. The leaves are facing the sky and never bend. It needs to be cooked with rootless water that does not freeze or melt snow in snowy mountains. It needs to be drunk slowly and carefully. Taste it.

It's a pity that Pindao is a layman, he only likes to drink, but he has failed the Taoist Lord's heart. "

Tsing Yi's expression moved slightly, unexpectedly, this Ruyi Zhenjun still has some eyesight, and it seems that there is something in his words!
The old man smiled lightly.

"This seat, Ao Shang, was conferred the title of 'Weihe Yuanjun' by the Heavenly Court in the past, and it has been unknown how many years ago."

Zhang Ke's heart was shocked, the old man in front of him was actually a member of the former Heavenly Court.

This is the master of the Weihe River conferred by the heavenly court, the real power of the earth immortal.

Among the five immortals of "heaven, earth, man, god, and ghost" among the Taoists, only the heavenly immortals can be promoted to the rank of Taoist lord, but the strength of some earth immortals may not be bad.

Countless years ago, when the Heavenly Court ruled the Three Realms, Taoist monarchs such as Ao Shang would be enshrined in one place to be in charge of the seasons of the four seasons.

Its fiefdom is the foundation of the Earth Immortal Cave Heaven Secret Realm.

This is not an ordinary secret cave, but the foundation of the Azure Realm's own existence.

In this area, the entire Weihe River can be used by him, and Ao Shang can exert a power that is several times greater than that of ordinary Taoist monarchs.

Ordinary three or five Taoist monarchs come here, but they may not necessarily be the opponents of the Lord of the Weihe River.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the Heavenly Court was shattered. It stands to reason that even the Daoist Lord should have fallen long ago. From this we can see how powerful the Lord of the Wei River is.

And the Ao surname has always been unique to the Dragon Clan, could it be...
Zhang Ke thought about the joints in his heart, but he stood up in awe, and paid his respects again.

Weihe Yuanjun smiled slightly, indicating to Zhang Ke that there is no need to be too polite.

Then he said:

"I invite Zhenjun to come here today. I actually want to ask for something. I don't know if Zhenjun can give me face."

Zhang Ke's heart sank, and he had an extremely bad premonition.

Sure enough, Ao Shang continued:

"I heard that Zhenjun caught a snake demon a while ago, I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Zhang Ke was silent for a moment, nodded and said:

In front of Daojun, don't try to be clever, it will only make people laugh.

Ao Shang was very satisfied with Zhang Ke's attitude, and said with a smile:
"Can you give her to me, I will definitely remember this favor."

Zhang Ke looked up at Ao Shang, his attitude seemed amiable but full of a condescending sense of superiority.

"Is this snake demon familiar with Daojun?"

Ao Shang pondered for a moment and said:

"This snake demon is my descendant. I heard that she has caused a little trouble outside these years, so I want to bring her with me and strictly control her."

Zhang Ke smiled with a 'hehe'.

"It turns out that hundreds of thousands of human lives are just a small misfortune in the eyes of Daojun."

Before Ao Shang could speak, the Tsing Yi behind him had already interjected:

"True Lord Ruyi, let's tell the truth, Mishen is a descendant of my dragon clan. I ask Zhenjun to hand him over today, and the dragon clan will definitely not let you suffer."

Zhang Ke looked up at Tsing Yi, and suddenly said:

"Fellow Daoist in Tsing Yi, don't lie to me. Mishen is clearly a golden ring snake. How could she be a dragon? Could it be that she is one?"

Having said that, Zhang Ke didn't continue talking, but smiled inexplicably.

Tsing Yi was furious immediately, how could she not know what Zhang Ke hadn't said.

Senran said:
"Ruyi Zhenjun, are you provoking the Dragon Clan?

Do you know what consequences your actions will have? "

Zhang Ke leaned back slightly, and said with a faint smile:

"Oh? Let me tell you about the consequences. I never imagined that there are still some reptiles who dare to talk to my human race like this, so they are not afraid of dying out?"


Tsing Yi's breathing was stagnant, and his heart was boiling with anger, but he didn't dare to answer Zhang Ke's words.

The human race in the Azure Realm is now powerful, and all the races in the world have curled up their minions and exposed their bellies.

This time the Zerg invaded, the human race sent nearly [-] Taoist monarchs and tens of thousands of gods to fight, and the displayed strength made all the races secretly terrified.

Even knowing that there are not many human masters in the Azure Realm, all races still dare not start the war lightly.

Although the dragons are strong, their numbers are insufficient, and they dare not confront the humans.

Hearing Zhang Ke's provocation at this time, Tsing Yi felt aggrieved, but still could only hold back his anger.


Ao Shang put the teacup in his hand on the table, his face sank, and he said displeasedly:

"Shut up!"

Tsing Yi glared at Zhang Ke bitterly, puffing out her cheeks and getting angry.

Ao Shang's complexion changed again, and he said to Zhang Ke with a smile:
"Hey! The family is unlucky, but it's a joke for Zhenjun."

The warning sign in Zhang Ke's heart was very clear, he said so rudely, this Ao Shang, as a Taoist monarch, was not angry at all.

A dog that bites doesn't bark!

"Well, it looks like I'm about to make this matter clear.

This seat has a granddaughter named Ao Ji, who has a stubborn personality and is arrogant and domineering since she was a child.

Thousands of years ago, when she was traveling abroad, she had an affair with a snake demon and gave birth to a daughter named Diao Pan'er.

My granddaughter doted on this child very much, so she gave her a congenital spiritual treasure [Liu Desire Misty Mirror] as a protection, so she was also called Mishen by the world. "

Zhang Ke let out an 'oh', and only then did he understand what Madam Mishen was up to.

Just listen to Ao Shang continue:
"Speaking of which, my great-grandson Diao Pan'er is also a hard-working person, and he encountered a catastrophe not long after he was born.

2000 years ago, the portal to foreign lands in the depths of the Weihe River was opened. At that time, I led the Aquarium to fight with exotic monsters. Diao Paner ran out of the Weihe River to play, and was accidentally taken away by a human cultivator.

For the next 200 years, Diao Pan'er was tortured by that human race.

Later, when Ao Ji found Pan'er with her heart and soul, she had already been peeled off the snake skin and cooked in a cauldron. If she came a quarter of an hour later, what would happen?

Speaking of this, Ao Shang couldn't help shaking his head, and after a while, he continued:
"This is why she hates the human race. Over the years, Pan'er has indeed hurt many lives, but if she hadn't been killed by that human race, she would not have been so extreme."

Zhang Ke also didn't expect Madam Mishen to have such a past.

Just listen to Ao Shang continue:
"More than 200 years ago, Pan'er came back from the Eastern Region, and I specially placed her in the 'Qianlong Cave' and ordered her not to go out and harm the human race.

Fortunately, this child is quite obedient, and has never left the 'Qianlong Cave' for hundreds of years.

Although many human races suffered from it, in reality, she didn't do too much. "

Zhang Ke was stunned, it was the first time he heard such a statement in his life.

The lives of 10 people were actually ignored by him in such an understatement. He would like to hear how Ao Shang would explain it.

"Appreciate further details."

Ao Shang explained:
"Most of the human race that Pan'er devours are old people, even if Pan'er doesn't eat them, they won't live long.

Secondly, Pan'er also protected the 'Qianlong Cave' from outsiders. Many of the people she ate were offered by the human race. This is actually just a fair transaction. "

Zhang Ke couldn't help but angrily said:
"As expected of a Daoist Lord, the ability to turn right and wrong and confuse black and white is not small.

My human race has been devoured countless times by your great-grandson, and it is my own fault. "

Ao Shang said slowly:

"Ruyi Zhenjun, I am willing to explain to you, it is already giving you face, don't be ignorant of flattery."

(End of this chapter)

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