Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 673 Restoration

Chapter 673 Restoration

Ao Shang shrank his neck in fright, and he recovered after a while.

Looking intently at Zhang Ke in the golden beam of light, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

The idea of ​​getting back [Liu Desire Miracle Mirror] and 'Dragon Ball' was gone with the wind, and now he just wants to get as far away from this person as possible.

Shaking his head slightly, he waved his big sleeves casually, and left with his green clothes wrapped around him.

And that [Battle Arena] turned into a gleam of light and merged into Zhang Ke's natal talisman.

It is difficult to describe what is the merit of heaven and earth.

The golden light is shining brightly, but it is intangible and intangible. It can be seen but cannot be touched, and it can be felt but does not seem to exist.

It is a substance that can be felt but cannot be touched.

At this moment, Zhang Ke is in a special state.

Bathed in the beam of light from the merits of heaven and earth, Zhang Ke found himself transparent inside and out.

This is not only the body, but even the soul, memory, and thoughts have become transparent.

It was a strange feeling that he could see everything about himself without opening his eyes.

The body and soul full of cracks are like a piece of transparent glass that was broken and glued together.

The power of heaven and earth merit is like smoke, mist, and water, pervasively seeping into the body and even the soul.

Zhang Ke was excited, could this power of merit be able to recover some of his injuries?

But then he realized that he was thinking too much.

With the power of merit pouring in, it was like pressing the last straw on Zhang Ke's body.

Zhang Ke was already on the verge of breaking apart his broken body and soul.


At this moment, Zhang Ke disintegrated into countless fragments, and then these fragments disintegrated again.

After countless disintegrations, Zhang Ke's soul and body mixed together to form a cloud of golden mist.

Zhang Keben thought he was going to die this time, but then he found that he was in a very strange state at the moment.

Obviously the body and soul have disintegrated, but why do I still have thoughts.

How is this going?

Zhang Ke fell into confusion.

A cloud of mist rippled up and down in the beam of merit light, and the power of endless merit was continuously integrated into this mist.

Zhang Ke tried to condense his body, but the mist only turbulent for a while and then stopped responding.

While wondering, suddenly a broken 'Dragon Ball' spontaneously appeared in the golden mist.

Zhang Ke was taken aback, not understanding how the things he had hidden in the natal talisman appeared here.


The "Dragon Ball" collapsed like a bubble, and endless pure golden vitality poured out like a sea like a tide.

'Uh! '

With the influx of pure power, Zhang Ke suddenly felt full.

Although I still can't feel my body, it seems that there is a strange transformation happening.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of treasures and resources, such as 'Star Core', 'Five Elements Essence Liquid', 'Two Instruments Pearl', 'Faith Crystallization', etc., appeared in the beam of merit light one by one.

Although at this moment Zhang Ke already understood that this was re-breeding his body.

But looking at the number of precious treasures that disappeared, he still felt heartbroken.

My accumulation of hundreds of years has shrunk by more than half in just a few breaths.

It is estimated that there will never be such unexpected gains among the Zerg in the future.

Can the only remaining treasure resources be able to support the 88 Zerg leaders in the natal talisman?
Just as Zhang Ke was heartbroken for the treasures he lost, a golden talisman appeared in the golden mist.

'Hey, isn't this the golden talisman it gave me when I flattered the half-lord of the Zerg? '

In the months after Zhang Ke was severely injured by the Zerg semi-lord and fell into the Southern Territory, he also investigated many changes in himself.

In addition to serious injuries to the body and soul, there are also some strange changes.

First of all, the ashram of 'Jiu Tian Sang Mo Tianzun' in the natal talisman disappeared, only the [Soul Refining Lamp] was still there.

For this reason, Zhang Ke deduced that he could survive the attack of the Zerg half-lords, which may be due to the credit of this dojo.

He guessed this point from the traces of strange aura in his shattered body.

Secondly, Zhang Ke found that a sword seemed to be growing in his body.

A sword that combines the unyielding sword intent, the killing intent of the Zerg race, and the belief in destroying demons.

This idea is not rootless, it is carried by the remaining substance of the soft flying sword that circles the fingers mixed with the red lotus gossamer talisman sword.

Zhang Ke was in a coma at the time, so naturally he didn't know that in the final blow against the Zerg half-lord, all kinds of power collapsed at the same time.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of disintegrating power is enough to disintegrate any living body.

But Zhang Ke relied on his powerful physical body and various means to endure this disintegration.

As a result, there was nowhere to release these kinds of power, so chances and coincidences mixed together and condensed in his body.

Since Zhang Ke's own will is the main body, and there are remnants of the unyielding sword intent and the softness of the fingers, so a sword is naturally born.

However, this kind of gestation is extremely harmful to Zhang Ke himself, just like gestation of life, it will absorb the strength of Zhang Ke's body and soul as a supplement.

However, Zhang Ke was seriously injured, which was equivalent to a woman who was about to die and wanted to give birth to a child desperately.

It is conceivable how much pressure Zhang Ke has been under during this time.

In addition, in the past few months, Zhang Ke has also conducted research on the treasures obtained from the Zerg half-lords.

[Golden Bamboo Cage] is one of them.

In addition, there is that weird golden talisman.

In these hundreds of years, Zhang Ke has obtained three golden talismans in total.

The first is the [Ruyi Golden Talisman] that built the foundation of his practice, the second is the [Two-Phase Golden Bridge] obtained in the Qingkong Realm, and the third is the unknown one that was obtained from the Zerg half-lord. Gold Talisman.

According to Zhang Ke's guess, this golden talisman should be the same as the previous two golden talismans, both of which came from the former heaven.

But Zhang Ke studied for several days, but failed to find out the function of this golden talisman.

Because in this golden talisman, there are restrictions set by the heavenly court in the past.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the half-lord of the Zerg race presented this tasteless treasure to Zhang Ke.

At this moment, this golden talisman spontaneously appeared in the beam of merit light.

Only by the golden light of merit and virtue, the restriction in this golden talisman has been wiped away.

Then the golden talisman disintegrated silently, and a core pattern merged into the golden mist.

【Nine Breaths Convinced】

'Hey, Tiangang 36 method? '

In the past, when the Heavenly Court ruled the Three Realms, it compiled the "Golden Chapter and Yulu" Daowen Golden Book.

Among them, a total of 36 top Taoist methods are included in the "72 methods of Tiangang" and "[-] methods of earth evil".

But this is just a classification, and there are many changes in it.

For example, Zhang Ke's "Ruyi Change" is derived from the "Small and Small Ruyi" in Tiangang Taoism.

In addition, the Taoist techniques he is good at, such as 'Riding the Clouds and Riding the Mist', 'Thunderbolt', and 'Thunderbolt Golden Light Escape', also have corresponding Tiangang Taoist techniques.

'Nine breaths of convincing' is a rare auxiliary Tiangang Taoism that can increase the speed of practice and heal injuries.

If any practitioner were to choose, this method would definitely be the first choice that deserved it.

Other powerful methods such as "moving stars and changing buckets" and "reversing yin and yang" are incomparable.

There is nothing more important than a state of cultivation and a sound body.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that he was selected by the Light of Merit.

If Zhang Ke's special form at the moment is like beads, then 'Nine Breaths of Convincing' is the thread that strings the beads together.

When the core pattern of 'Nine Breath Convincing Qi' melted into the golden mist, Zhang Ke's mind was suddenly emptied.

Gradually, Zhang Ke fell into a deep sleep.

This deep sleep is not a rest, but a gestation in the mother's womb.

The golden beam of light hanging from the sky to the ground changed from real to virtual, still existing but undetectable.

Time passed little by little.

The golden column of merit light gradually changed from thick to thin, and the golden mist gradually turned into a platinum color.

A little light appeared from the beam of light, and gradually, a small embryo took shape and grew rapidly.

During the period, figures flew high in the sky from time to time, but turned a blind eye to the scene below, as if this area did not exist.

Seven days later, Zhang Ke woke up from his deep sleep after feeling the warmth of the sun.


With a soft sigh, Zhang Ke slowly opened his eyes.

It was still the same mountain ridge, the surroundings were empty, Ao Shang and Qing Yi had long since disappeared, and she was curled up on the ground naked.

Standing up, looking around for a while, with a thought, a platinum Taoist robe was constructed outside the body.

He checked himself silently, his heart was beating like a drum, his blood was rushing like a river, and every inch of muscle contained explosive power.

At this moment, Zhang Ke had a feeling that he could blow the mountain down with just one breath.

[Golden Cicada Nine Turns] Step into the eighth turn.

His physical strength once again surpassed his own cultivation realm.

With a movement of the divine mind, the power of the divine soul has at least doubled within three thousand miles.

I took a look at my own cultivation and found that I was still in the first realm of Yuanshen, but the 'Three Flowers' had fully manifested, but they just couldn't get together.

This change alone saved Zhang Ke hundreds of years of training time.

With a thought, one thousand and twenty-four 'spiritual probes' are born from the body with the thought.

Another change, before this 'sense probe' he could only condense 360.

After meticulously inspecting his body inside and out, Zhang Ke heaved a long sigh of relief.

All the injuries of the body and soul were recovered, and it seemed that they were affected by the broken and standing.

The basic qualities of body and soul have been qualitatively improved at the source.

Zhang Ke didn't know if it was because of the 'Dragon Ball' or the power of those precious treasures, but his body was really different.

This essential change is not very obvious now, but Zhang Ke has a feeling that this change may be the most precious transformation in this life.

In addition to these changes, Zhang Ke found that the speed of the internal energy in his body was at least twice as fast as before.

It seems that there is a force driving the inner breath to run quickly.

Obviously, this is the 'nine breaths of convincing' at work.

Zhang Ke was excited. With this method, his cultivation speed would be doubled.

Although he still felt sorry for the treasures he had lost, Zhang Ke was already very satisfied with being able to restore his original foundation and restore his realm.

Originally, he was ready to be reincarnated.

Now that his body has recovered, Zhang Ke is not going to cross the endless sea.

He took a last look at the place that almost made him fall.

Zhang Ke stepped forward with his left foot, and an illusory platinum broken bridge manifested under his feet.

【Two-Phase Golden Bridge】

Then the broken bridge changed from virtual to real, and after Zhang Ke stepped on the broken bridge, it turned from real to virtual again, bringing out phantoms Zhang Ke walked through the air.

(End of this chapter)

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