Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 677 Backlash

Chapter 677 Backlash
Within a hundred thousand miles of the Milky Way.

Daojun Daojun and the nine of them stared dumbfounded at the incredible scene in front of them.

Looking around, countless blade insects fell silently while running and galloping. This situation is like the sudden collapse of a world made of sand.

Countless Zerg screamed in panic, whether it was the Zerg leader or the ordinary Zerg who had no sense.

At this moment, they were completely frightened crazy.

Blade insects accounted for [-]% of the total number of Zerg. Although their strength was not too strong, they were the foundation and backbone of this swarm.

And now, their spines are broken.

Without the greatest aftermath of the Zerg half-lord, the Zerg was in utter disarray.

Countless Zerg races ran in all directions in the void, rushing wildly, no discipline could restrain them.

They frantically attack all creatures in front of them.

Whether it's the same race or other Zergs, as long as they stand in front of them, they will give crazy attacks.

Even those commanders at the top of the Zerg were in a mess.

Headless and mindless flying in the void, they would kill each other from time to time because of the collision with each other.

Shattered Taoist Lord trembled, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

He was afraid, afraid, and he had never been so afraid in his heart at this moment in his life.

'Ruyi Zhenjun, what kind of person are you? '

There were several Taoist monarchs around him who had the same movement as him.

After settling his mind, Daoist Daoist turned his head to look at Zhang Ke, and said with his spiritual thoughts:
"Ruyi Zhenjun, how are you?"

The sound transmission of the divine sense came to an abrupt end.

At this moment, he saw an extremely horrifying scene.

A terrible change appeared on Zhang Ke's frozen body.

Zhang Ke's hair turned from black to white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his delicate skin shriveled, aged, and lost its elasticity.

The youthful face was full of wrinkles in an instant.

The tall and burly body seemed to have been drained of water, and in just a few seconds it had become dry and thin, as bent as an old man in his dying years.

If these were not scary enough, then the countless glass-like cracks on the surface of his body, as well as the traces of death energy coming out of his body, made everyone's hearts tremble violently.


Disrupted Taoist Lord and the others couldn't help but take a deep breath, their expressions were full of horror.

It goes without saying that this is the sequelae of Zhang Ke's blow.

Daoist Daoist's expression became serious, and he transmitted the sound of Ziling Daojun saying:
"Fellow Taoist Ziling please send Zhenjun Ruyi back immediately, there must be no loss!"

Taoist Ziling was born in the "Nine Immortals Palace", and he is best at escaping through space. Before he and Taoist Banxia broke into the Zerg position, he was able to retreat completely, relying on this body's space Taoism.

Taoist Ziling nodded. Zhang Ke has made a great contribution to the Azure World this time, and his safety is the most important thing now.

"Then what do you want to do?"

He asked Daoist Disruption through voice transmission with his spiritual thoughts,

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Daoist Daoist's mouth.

"Don't you think that now is the biggest opportunity in this world?

Taking advantage of the chaos of the Zerg, I will destroy all those nests now. As long as there are no nests, these Zergs will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Pass my order after you go back, and immediately launch the 'Hunyuan Heluo Formation' with all your strength, mobilizing all the human monks."

Daoist Disruption took a deep breath, and said word by word:
"The human race's counterattack will start from this moment!"

'Broken Army' treasure ship.

In a quiet room.

Zhang Ke turned his heart to the sky, closed his eyes and concentrated in ecstasy.

At this moment, he is still in that state of dying.

It has been three months since Zhang Ke rang the 'infrasonic bell', and he has completely forgotten about the situation of the battle outside.

Right now he's just focused on recovering from his injury.

Someone once said that no matter how good your plan is, there will always be surprises in the process of implementation.

And now, Zhang Ke is personally experiencing the consequences of the accident.

'Infrasonic bell', a Taoism that can cause terrible harm to ordinary life, will definitely arouse the fear of others.

In Zhang Ke's original plan, he would dispel everyone's doubts by paying a huge price himself.

However, the plan has not kept up with the changes.

After he wiped out 5000 million blade insects with one blow, before he intentionally injured himself, the death energy of extinction had already turned into smoke and rushed into his body.

All the symptoms that Zhang Ke was showing now were caused by the erosion of that dead energy.

Zhang Ke also used the 'Infrasound Bell' to kill millions of monsters in the Qingkong world before.

But the monster worm was a mindless creature, without even the most basic emotions, so it didn't bring Zhang Ke backlash.

Unlike the Zerg that he killed in front of him, they had emotions.

They know fear, they know joy, and they know hatred.

5000 million Zergs died suddenly, and their resentment before death was unified and persistent.

All of this was accepted by Zhang Ke.

No one can bear the final curse when tens of millions of souls die.

The real king can't do it, the dao king can't do it, even the dao venerable may not be able to do it.

At the moment when he was eroded by death energy, Zhang Ke really thought he was going to die.

However, at the moment when Zhang Ke's body was filled with death, the sword contained in his body suddenly shook.

Although this sword is still just a sword embryo now, it doesn't even have a specific shape, only a vague sword shadow is stored in Zhang Ke's lungs.

At this moment, the vibration of the sword shadow suddenly attracted that dead air.

This sword held by Zhang Ke contained the killing intent of the Zerg half-lord.

The tens of millions of Zerg in the void in front of them are all the people of the Zerg semi-lord, and the original restraint cannot be erased even after death.

Therefore, after the death energy circulated in Zhang Ke's body, like the most well-behaved sheep, it obediently returned to the sword shadow.

But just for this moment of immersion, Zhang Ke already looked like an old man.

In just a few seconds, Zhang Ke will be wiped out by this dead energy.

And this is because his body at this moment has been purified by the power of merit.

The resentment and death energy of 5000 million living beings condensed and impacted. If it were anyone, even if he was a Daoist, the moment the death energy rushed into the body, it would be annihilated into ashes.

Three months ago, after Zhang Ke was sent back to the treasure ship 'Broken Army' by Taoist Ziling, he retreated immediately without any delay.

In a short period of time, the treasures bestowed by many Taoist monarchs have been exhausted by Zhang Ke.

Even the precious treasures he kept were consumed countless by Zhang Ke.

If it weren't for the powerful healing effect of 'Nine Breaths Convincing Qi', even with many treasures, Zhang Ke could barely sustain it.

After a long time.

Zhang Ke let out a breath of white air slowly.

He opened his eyes, and there was a trace of distress in his eyes, which were as clear as snow-capped mountains and clear springs.

This is a quiet room completely sealed by him, and he can safely reveal his secrets.

Zhang Ke silently probed his body with the 'Spiritual Mind Probe', seeing the cracks all over the body and the skinny body, he couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly.

If you don't die, you won't die!

This encounter gave Zhang Ke a great warning.

The 'Infrasound Bell' is indeed a huge threat to ordinary life, but at the same time, it is a double-edged sword, which not only hurts the enemy but also hurts oneself.

Zhang Ke secretly vowed that he would never use this technique on a large scale unless it was absolutely necessary.

The consequences of backlash are too serious.

If it weren't for his fate, the grass would have grown on the grave now.

It is said that I have done a lot of things that are beneficial to the world, so how could I be on the verge of death frequently one after another.

Too TM scary!
For the past three months, all Zhang Ke's thoughts have been on the sword shadow in his body.

Since Jian Ying absorbed the pure death energy, some strange changes began to take place.

With Zhang Ke's current knowledge, he can be said to be proficient in swordsmanship.

After all, he has a sword cultivator, and he knows a lot about how to cultivate flying swords.

Moreover, over the past few hundred years, Zhang Ke has collected countless miraculous secrets, among which there are many books about swordsmanship.

When he felt a change in the sword shadow in his body, he immediately guided it.

Death Qi is not good for the body, since it can't be peeled off, Zhang Ke can only integrate it into Feijian.

But this dead air was originally aimed at Zhang Ke. If he didn't deal with it, he might be backlashed by him in the future.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhang Ke also integrated the 'Red Lotus Yehuo' into this sword shadow.

He wants to use this fire to purify the dead energy, so that he can use it completely for himself.

At the same time, Zhang Ke even integrated the structural restriction of the "Invisible Sword" of the all-encompassing wishful talisman soldier, and gritted his teeth to remove half of the "Taibaijinjing" and "Golden Wind and Jade Dew" in the natal talisman.

He wants to refine an 'invisible sword' again, a peerless flying sword that has never been seen before or since.

In the past three months, most of the precious treasures and resources that Zhang Ke consumed were used on this sword.

This is the sword that Zhang Ke has invested the most in his life.

Integrating the injustice sword intent, Zerg killing intent, demon belief, dead spirit essence, red lotus industry fire, building wood, Taibai gold essence, golden wind jade dew, shards of soft flying sword around fingers, and thousands of precious ores and treasures .

In addition, there is an "invisible sword" prohibition consisting of seven-turn basic rune swords.

With so many treasures accumulated, Zhang Ke couldn't imagine what this flying sword would look like in the future.

Silently inspected the flying sword in the body, its embryonic form has been formed.

A translucent sword pill the size of a chicken is stored in the lungs.

The whole body is shining with light, but this light is made up of needles, it's just too dense to be like a ball of light shining.

The sword pill is full of various seal scripts, which are closely, interlaced, connected, scattered and orderly blended together.

Seal script is not static, but keeps moving inside.

There is even a trace of Jianmu's breath revealed.

Jianmu is known as the tree of the world, standing upright without a shadow and touching without sound, this is the main reason why the "invisible sword" can be silent.

In addition, there is a true and pure killing intent that combines many killing intents, sword intents, beliefs, and death aura.

Now, this 'invisible sword' is still in the process of being cultivated, requiring Zhang Ke to invest endless resources.

As for when this sword will be truly completed, even Zhang Ke cannot predict.

Maybe hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years.

Seeing the 'invisible sword' beating slowly with his breath, Zhang Ke returned his attention to himself.

He didn't dare to let go of his mind until he had dealt with that dead air well.

Now that it is finally settled properly, it is time to recuperate and recover from the injury.

Zhang Ke didn't leave the customs, and he didn't pay attention to the battle outside. He had done everything he could do.

The most urgent task now is to recover his body as soon as possible, and the people outside may not all have good intentions.

Fortunately, Zhang Ke's body has just been refined by the power of merit, and he has cultivated to the eighth turn of the 'Nine Turns of the Golden Cicada', and his physical body is extremely powerful.

As long as you give yourself a little time, you will probably be able to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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