Chapter 682

How the cracks in the ground came about is unknown.

Zhang Ke turned into a ghost and flew towards the crack. When all the ghosts and ghosts were flying upwards, his downward movement was very eye-catching.

But Zhang Ke didn't care too much. With his ever-changing ability, the more complicated and denser the place, the safer it would be for him.

In the past, even the semi-lords of the Zerg race couldn't find him in the sea of ​​tens of millions of insects, let alone this low-level ghost.

The cracks were narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and the lower they went, the darker and damper they were.

The sound of the wind passing through the rocky caves made a sharp sound of 'wooo'.

Zhang Ke went all the way down, changing various ghosts and ghosts from time to time.

During this period, he encountered countless ghosts swirling and flying upwards, and his keen sense of spiritual sense could make him hear the wailing of ghosts.

After roughly calculating the number and frequency of ghosts appearing, Zhang Ke was secretly startled.

In just a short while, he saw tens of thousands of ghosts flying out, plus the dozen or so cracks where ghosts appeared.

The number of ghosts gathered these days is probably already an astronomical number.

If ghosts keep appearing like this endlessly, Zhang Ke suspects that one day the entire Azure World will be covered by endless ghosts.

Flying all the way down, he flew straight for thousands of feet before stopping. It wasn't that he changed his mind, but that he had reached the end.

This is a huge, empty cave, covering an area of ​​several miles.

Before coming here, Zhang Ke thought about many kinds of "Gate of Hell" in his heart.

The dark, deep corridor, suffused with yin, and the chained door, even he wondered if it would look like a huge skull with its mouth open.

But after he came to this cave, he realized that he really thought a little too much.

The ground in a radius of several miles was uneven, and a layer of purple-black mist shrouded the ground, and it swirled in a clockwise direction, forming mist vortices hundreds of feet in size.

Countless red and black rays of light appeared and disappeared in the mist.

Because the purple-black mist is too dense, the mist above the ground is as deep as a pool of water.

Countless ghosts flew out of the constantly rotating mist vortex.

Looking along these flying ghosts, there are more than a dozen cracks above, and those ghosts flew out along these cracks.

Zhang Ke didn't act rashly. It's easy to close these cracks, but it can't solve the problem perfectly.

He wanted to find out why this 'ghost gate' was opened, and only by closing this 'ghost gate' could the matter be completely resolved.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Ke probed into the whirlpool with his divine sense.

Unexpectedly, the divine sense penetrated in all of a sudden, originally he thought that the divine sense would be blocked.

And what he saw next could not help but give him a chill.

I saw that there was a mountain under the vortex.

Because there is no comparison, Zhang Ke has no way of knowing how high the mountain is.

A mountain naturally cannot arouse Zhang Ke's fear.

What really scares Zhang Ke is that this mountain is not made of earth and stone, but is formed by the accumulation of countless ghosts.

What is surprising is that these ghosts seem to have a physical quality under the vortex, and countless ghosts are like countless ants climbing trees.

Layer upon layer, densely packed together, desperately climbing upwards.

This vortex is like a gate to the sky, through which one can come to the human world.

Zhang Ke breathed a sigh of relief.

'It turns out that this is the gate of hell! '

'Ugh!Why do I always encounter such weird things? '

In fact, this is also very normal. As the strength increases, the dangers encountered will naturally increase.

If he is a real person at the Golden Core Realm at this moment, Daojun will naturally not entrust him with such a thing.

The stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility!
It was never just a saying.

Taking the sect as an example, the Xiantian Yiqi Sect was originally only a seventh-rank sect, so it only needed to guard the Mopan Canyon in Dingzhou together with other sects.

Now that the sect has been promoted, with the expansion of regions and resources, it is natural to assume greater responsibilities.

And the top-rank sects are guarding the dangerous passes in various places.

For example, in the Qianxi City in the far west of the Eastern Region, the Momen guarded many exotic passages in the world of giant beasts.

Zhang Ke has been traveling abroad for many years, why he rarely sees the disciples of the great sect is because these disciples have been practicing and guarding in various dangerous places.

Gathering his mind, Zhang Ke shook his body, and his whole body rushed backward into the vortex of the opened 'Gate of Hell'.

The feeling in the fog vortex is very strange, Zhang Ke can clearly feel that the outside world is gradually becoming colder.

It was a kind of chill that penetrated into the bone marrow, and it seemed that even the soul would be frozen.

The yang and qi in the body are rapidly losing, which means a reduction in lifespan.

Zhang Ke's heart shuddered, and he fully activated the "Ghost Patrol Order", so that this cold breath only gathered on the surface of his body.

I don't know how long it took, but with the rotation of the vortex, Zhang Ke suddenly felt the chill on the surface of his body increase dozens of times at a certain moment.

Hastily used mana to form a shield to isolate the cold air.

The next second, the vortex stopped spinning. Zhang Ke shook his dizzy head and looked around.

Above is a deep, pitch-black void like night, and when probed with divine sense, it is dark for three thousand miles upwards.

The surroundings were also extremely dark, with no light or sound.

Not so underfoot, where pale branches twisted together to form the ground.

It looks like the roots under a big tree are entangled, but in Zhang Ke's view, it's more like countless bones interspersed and spliced ​​together.

Zhang Ke's spiritual thoughts probed around like a wave, but found that the spiritual thoughts could only spread about a hundred feet.

At this time, the vortex from when he came could no longer be seen, as if he had been picked up and put into another closed space.

Zhang Ke tried to shout.


As soon as the sound came out, it was swallowed by the dark void, and not even a single sound could come out.

There is nothing in this space except for the cold breath constantly seeping into the body.

'Strange, is this the 'Underworld'? '

'So where are the ghosts? '

'How should I leave? '

Worry, fear, fear, apprehension, helplessness... All kinds of negative emotions seem to be magnified without limit here.

Countless thoughts rolled in his mind, making Zhang Ke unable to calm down.

Zhang Ke understood that his emotions were wrong, so he calmed down and operated the 'Hunyuan Qi' to transform it into the masculine energy of the day.

In an instant, his body was like a stove, washing away all kinds of negative emotions.

But this state Zhang Ke is just a taste of it, and he will be as eye-catching as the lights at night when he exerts his yang and harmony in the 'Netherworld'.

He didn't want to attract the attention of some horrible ghostly creatures.

After trying several kinds of Taoism and supernatural powers one after another, Zhang Ke found that here, except for the Taoism of the yin attribute, all other magical powers were greatly weakened.

In desperation, Zhang Ke could only change into a ghost state again, and flew in a random direction.

The darkness seemed to be boundless. Zhang Ke flew for a long time without encountering any creatures.

'Shouldn't I just be trapped here and can't get out? '

Zhang Ke was a little worried, so he stopped to think for a moment, then decided to continue flying in one direction and try for a while.

Then there was another burst of flying, and half an hour later, Zhang Ke stopped.

At his current speed, he might have flown tens of thousands of miles in half an hour.

Since it still looks like this, then there is something wrong with my method.

Since his divine sense was blocked, he couldn't look around, so he suspected that he had been circling in a small place.

After thinking about it, Zhang Ke took out a gemstone, injected a little spiritual light to make it glow, and then slowly moved in one direction, and so on, lighting up a gemstone every few feet.

Rely on that extremely faint light to determine whether you are walking in a straight line.



When he put down a gemstone, he keenly noticed the arc created between the lights and found that he began to deviate in one direction.

'Woo! '

Zhang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, his guess was correct, his senses deceived him.

It's easy to find a way.

With a slight flick of both hands, gems flew out with shimmering lights, extending forward like a lighthouse.

Zhang Ke positioned the straight line with three gems in a circle, and quickly moved forward.

As he walked in a straight line in one direction, this time it took less than 10 minutes to find something different.

From a distance, Zhang Ke found a faint light flickering. Although it was very dim, it was really light.

Zhang Ke was refreshed, but he didn't relax at all, and continued to move forward with the gem positioning.

But when he approached that light bit by bit, his heart gradually sank into the abyss.

Before he came to the point of light, he squatted down slightly, and after a few seconds of sluggishness, picked up a shimmering gemstone.

The familiar aura contained in it made him extremely convinced that this was the gem he dropped when he started exploring the way.

I actually returned to the starting point of positioning again.

Looking back, the light emitted by each gemstone formed a straight line, without any bending at all.

Zhang Ke secretly smiled wryly, thinking this was too simple.

Since he was still going around in circles, Zhang Ke was not going to move on.

Then he used his posture to fly vertically upwards, and the aura flashed at his fingertips, drawing a straight white aura line in this dark place.

Zhang Ke flew for 10 minutes.

Relying on the light radiating from his hands, he can be sure that he is keeping a straight line, but the sky above his head is as vast as the void, without any boundaries at all.

Finally Zhang Ke gave up, turned around and flew down.

But this time he only flew for a few seconds before falling to the ground.

The gap back and forth was so huge that Zhang Ke quickly calculated and constructed it in his mind, but he couldn't figure out the shape of where he was.

Out of thirst for knowledge, Zhang Ke felt a little surprised.

Why it came out like this?
If there were not still things to do, he would like to study the principles in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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