Mai Guanzhong's young face showed a tangled look. After touching two hands on his body, he raised his head and said to Yu Tingzhang:

"Fellow Daoist Yu, do you have a red silk scarf, please borrow one. Well, I guess I can't repay it, can you give me one?"

Yu Tingzhang stared blankly at Mai Guanzhong, speechless for a long time.

At this time, his heart was extraordinarily peaceful, just like a lake that was inaccessible, empty and silent without a trace of waves.

This calm even surprised him.

After an unknown amount of time, Yu Tingzhang took out a red silk scarf from his body and handed it to Mai Guanzhong.

He wanted to say something to comfort him, but he couldn't utter a single word.

yes!Saying anything at this time is superfluous.

Mai Guanzhong himself took out a letter and handed it to Yu Tingzhang.

"I have a junior sister named She Chunyun, this is a letter she gave me, I haven't had time to read it yet.

If Fellow Daoist Yu has a chance to leave this place, please return this letter to her, just say it."

Having said that, Mai Guanzhong shook his head with a wry smile.

"No need to say anything, just leave it to her."

Yu Tingzhang looked around in a blink of an eye, and one after another, disciples of the Southern Sect were walking towards the assembly point.

Perhaps this is the reason why Mai Guanzhong entrusted him to himself but did not let his colleagues hand over.

Mai Guanzhong had gone away, Yu Tingzhang looked at the frivolous letter in his hand and felt extremely heavy.

Looking back, I found that Luo Jiujiang was holding a sledgehammer and talking to several Southern Sect disciples.

From the constant nodding or shaking of the head to each other, it can be seen that Luo Jiujiang gets along very well with several people.

Yu Tingzhang turned his head and stared blankly at the assembly point. There were more and more people gathered there, and the contrast of red and white was particularly dazzling.

At this moment, Yu Tingzhang suddenly burst out with a desire.

He desperately wanted to be one of these people himself.

Heartbroken, Yu Tingzhang stepped out of the queue and also walked towards the northern assembly point.

As he walked, he tied a red silk scarf around his left arm.

The moment he walked out of the queue, his blood and impulse gradually disappeared, but his steps became more and more steady.

Some decisions made under impulsive emotions may be regretted, but the calm heart will not.

What Yu Tingzhang didn't know was that when he walked towards the assembly point with an extremely calm mood, countless people were shocked by his behavior.

Many casual cultivators looked at Yu Tingzhang with complicated expressions, some were puzzled, some laughed, some were jealous, and even more envious.

Mai Guanzhong watched Yu Tingzhang approach him with straight eyes, and then a letter came into view.

"After thinking about it, it's better for you to keep this letter yourself. I'm most afraid of women crying."

Mai Guanzhong took the letter silently, looked at Yu Tingzhang in a daze, and couldn't help but said after a while:
"Friend Daoist Yu, why are you doing this?"

Yu Tingzhang said with a straight face:

"Isn't it boring to live?"

Then there was a smile in his eyes and he said:
"It's not only sect disciples who know how to sacrifice, casual cultivators also have backbone."

Seeing the hundreds of casual cultivators in the queue, Mai Guanzhong was very moved, but he muttered unhappily.

"Your clothes are so ugly, they are not tidy at all when added."

Although Yu Tingzhang knew that he was pretending to be hypocritical, he was still very angry and blurted out:

"If you have extra clothes, give me one and it will be tidy."

As soon as these words came out, the two were stunned at the same time.

Mai Guanzhong stared at Yu Tingzhang for a long time, then suddenly smiled.

With his backhand, he took out a brand new moon-white robe from the storage bag.

Yu Tingzhang's heart suddenly beat fast, no matter how he tried to calm down his emotions, he still couldn't calm down his agitated heart.

But after waiting for a while, he saw that Mai Guanzhong just kept rubbing the robe in his hand, but refused to hand it over to him.

Yu Tingzhang got angry and pulled the robe out of Mai Guanzhong's hand.

"It's just a piece of clothing. It's really uncomfortable to see you like this."


Mai Guanzhong pointed at Yu Tingzhang and laughed, attracting the attention of everyone around him.

Holding the robe in his hand, Yu Tingzhang's face was hot, but he felt a little embarrassed.

"Can I really wear it?"

Uniform clothing is a symbol of Zongmen.

Yu Tingzhang's words are puns, and the meanings in the words have multiple meanings.

Mai Guan stopped laughing, stared at Yu Tingzhang without saying a word, until Yu Tingzhang's expression became uncomfortable, and then said solemnly:
"Junior Brother Yu, put it on!"

Yu Tingzhang's heart was full of blood, knowing that this title would only exist for a while, but he felt a fever all over his body.

At this moment, he felt that he was not alone.

A quarter of an hour later.

Daoist Yugu, Daoist Zixiu and [-] other Jindan Daoist came before the crowd.

There are [-] Southern Sect disciples, [-] casual practitioners, and a total of [-] practitioners are lined up neatly.

At this moment, everyone is dressed in the same attire, tied with red scarves and dressed in white robes, regardless of each other.

Yugu Daoist is tall and tall, with lavender eyebrows, which are extremely eye-catching. After looking around, he said in a deep voice:

"The four hundred Southern Sect disciples are the first to open the way, and there must be no stagnation, as there are casualties that do not need help.

The others each took a powerful magic weapon. The cores of these magic weapons had been destroyed, and they could be detonated just by inputting mana.

But there is one thing to be aware of”

He paused slightly, and said word by word:
"We will take this action by surprise and make a contribution in one fell swoop.

If the disciple who entered the worm's mouth first acted in advance, it might be more vigilant after being injured, preventing other disciples from entering its belly.

Therefore, no one should take action before receiving my instructions, so as not to fail. "

A Southern Sect disciple asked:

"Then what are we going to do?"

Daoist Yugu took a breath and said slowly:

"There is no plan, and we can only play by ear. I will enter the belly of the worm together. When the sound of screaming is heard, everyone will take action immediately."

A female Nanzong disciple asked hesitantly:

"Insects digest very quickly in their bodies. What if they can't wait for the uncle's exhausting sound or if the uncle encounters an accident and can't make the exhausting sound?"

Master Zixiu interjected:
"There are five people carrying the chime in this operation, and you can act as long as you hear any chime."

After simply explaining the matter clearly, some powerful instruments were sent to everyone one by one.

Looking at the disciples who showed firmness in their eyes, Master Yugu felt very sad.

This is the future of the sect. If there were no accidents, how many pillars of the sect would appear among these people, but now they would fall here.

His eyes swept over the faces of the people in front of him one by one, the real Yugu let out a long breath, turned around resolutely and rushed forward first.

"set off!"

Two thousand and 22 people formed a "front arrow array" and quickly pierced forward.

On both sides of the 'Front Arrow Array', there are ten Jindan Daoist people leading two hundred disciples of the Southern Sect to continuously stimulate the 'Ruyi Shuttle' to shoot golden threads all over the sky to sweep away the obstacles ahead.

Yu Tingzhang and other 600 people lived in the array and moved forward quickly.

On the hill in the distance, Nangong Huifeng stared at the 2000 people rushing towards death without hesitation.

The blood boiled in his body, and the fiery emotions made it difficult for him to hold back.

At this time, he desperately longed to be one of these people.

It's a pity that when she discussed with Zixiu to go together, she refused.

Nangong Huifeng is good at group battles and can play a more important role in the camp.

In order to protect others, he finally stayed in the camp under the persuasion of Master Zixiu.

Luo Jiujiang looked at a member of the distant queue with red eyes.

'Why don't you say hello to yourself before leaving, can't he see that he is a woman? '

Countless people in the camp quietly watched the group of figures going away. It was unknown who was the first to sing the song of the sect of the "Southern sect with the innate energy".

"Don't you mean no clothes? I'm in the same robe as my son, the king Yu Xingshi, repairing my spear, and I have the same hatred as my son.

Do you say no clothes?With Zi Tongze, Wang Yuxing teacher, repairing my spear and halberd, and working together with Zi.

Do you say no clothes?Wear the same clothes as your son."

Immediately afterwards, other people sang along one after another.

In the end, the shout like a landslide and a crack in the earth spread and echoed far away to this world, and it lasted for a long time.

Yu Tingzhang and other 2000 people walked forward quickly, and the shouts that shook the sky resounded in their ears.

At this moment, they felt that they were not alone, and that their colleagues and people in the distance were also with them.

'Whoosh whoosh—! '

Endless golden threads shuttled across, all the swarms of insects standing in front of everyone fell apart one by one, countless insects were pierced by the golden threads and died.

The 2000 people approached the distant mountains quickly like the wind.

As the equidistant giant worms got closer and closer, everyone felt more and more pressure.

This is not only because the strength of the worms here has improved a lot, but also because the pressure brought by the giant worm's mountain-like body is too strong.

The three-hundred-foot-long body slowly squirmed forward, and the folds and folds on the body shone with a metallic luster.

The worm's mouthparts look like biological chrysanthemums, opening and closing continuously.

Two hundred feet.
one hundred feet
Fifty feet.
2000 people rushed all the way, and when they were fifty feet away from the giant worm, more than [-] disciples of the [-] cover stormtroopers from the Southern Sect had already been swallowed by the swarm.

With so many practitioners it was near impossible not to attract the attention of the giant worm.

I saw its front section lifted slightly, and the long worm body formed a reverse 'Z' shape in the air.

Although he couldn't see his eyes, he could feel that he was watching everyone from above.

Real Yugu frowned when he saw the action of the giant worm.

'The worm actually raised its head, um, let's just treat it as a head, but in this way, how can it get into its belly? '

In order to prevent accidents, this time he collected two hundred 'one-foot plates' and handed them over to the disciples of the Southern Sect.

But 200 people cannot cause damage to such a huge worm.

Just as he was about to discuss with Master Zixiu how to keep the giant worm lying on the ground, the chrysanthemum at the front of the giant worm suddenly opened in the direction of the 2000 people.

I saw it suddenly protruding and shrinking, and a huge suction instantly covered everyone.


The naked eye could see the formation of a gray-white column of wind, spinning and extending from the mouthparts of the giant worm to the front of everyone.

Master Yugu's heart skipped a beat, and he shouted loudly:

"Don't resist, let him suck it in!"

Yu Tingzhang, who was mobilizing mana to resist the suction, was shocked, and instantly understood the meaning of Yugu Daoist.

'Are you going to die like this? '

Suddenly, Yu Tingzhang felt a tinge of regret, he couldn't imagine that death would come so quickly.

After a while, Yu Tingzhang's complicated thoughts became calm.

He gave up struggling, closed his eyes, and let the white whirlwind roll him and throw him into the worm's mouthparts.

Under the whirlwind of gray and white, nearly two thousand practitioners spun and flew up to the mouth of the worm.

This scene was full of tragedy and helplessness, but unfortunately no one saw it.

Collision, knife cutting, corrosion, all kinds of painful feelings fed back to Yu Tingzhang's nerves, he remained unmoved, and all his attention was focused on his ears at this moment.

I don't know how long it took, but just when he couldn't even feel his body, a clear and crisp sound suddenly rang in his ears.


In an instant, Yu Tingzhang poured all his mana into the magic weapon on his body, and at the same time he directly destroyed his Dao foundation.


The endless roar was the last sound Yu Tingzhang heard before his sanity disappeared.

Yu Tingzhang felt that his soul seemed to be floating in the void without force, and there was no memory in his blank mind.

Can't see, hear, smell, touch, lose all five senses, and stagnate thinking.

Gradually, twinkling stars appeared in the lonely void.

Yu Tingzhang's attention was involuntarily attracted by these stars, so his scattered thoughts gradually condensed.

'who I am? '

'where am I? '

'What's wrong with me? '

Countless questions were born in his mind, and the concentration of thoughts made him gradually recover his memory.

'I'm Yu Tingzhang! '

'I am already dead! '

'Hey, how can a dead person still think? '

With this thought, Yu Tingzhang woke up suddenly, and he struggled desperately until he slowly opened his eyes, and a bright light came into his eyes.

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