Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 799 Discipline

Chapter 799 Discipline
Inside Lingxiao Palace.

".Yu Tingzhang thinks that Gong Shaocheng deliberately slandered Luo Jiujiang behind his back, intending to drive Luo Jiujiang out of the sect, so as to cover up his despicable behavior in the 'Fantasy Realm' trial."

Yuan Jinting told Zhang Ke about Yu Tingzhang's complaint.

Zhang Ke nodded thoughtfully, then asked:
"When Yu Tingzhang came to you, did he appeal directly, or did he take out this letter first?"

Yuan Jinting whispered:

"It was the letter tube that was taken out first. He told me that the person who left this letter tube was acquainted with the sect leader, and then he told me about it."

Zhang Ke let out an 'oh' and sighed softly:
"I want you to pay attention to this matter by taking out the letter first. It seems that the disciples in the sect still don't trust the sect's precepts!"

Then he said:

"How do you do it?"

Yuan Jinting said:

"After Yu Tingzhang appealed to me yesterday, I investigated the matter and cross-examined Yu Tingzhang, Luo Jiujiang, and Gong Shaocheng with the technique of interrogation.

What Yu Tingzhang said were all facts, and Gong Shaocheng was indeed deliberately spreading rumors to damage Luo Jiujiang's reputation, and wanted to take the opportunity to expel him from the sect.


Yuan Jinting paused slightly and continued:

"Furthermore, Gong Shaocheng intended to insult Luo Jiujiang the day before yesterday, but Luo Jiujiang escaped with the secret method passed down by his family."

Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows, and a trace of anger rose from his heart.

Recalling what Yuan Jinting said in his mind, his right hand was a little empty, and a little spiritual light burst out, manifesting a scene of pause in the air.

It is indeed the scene where Gong Shaocheng pushed Luo Jiujiang into the attack of giant insects in "Dreamland".

"Is this Gong Shaocheng?"

Yuan Jinting looked up and replied:


"Well, in two days, everyone who spread the rumors can be known, who is involved?

In addition, Luo Jiujiang will not be on guard against Gong Shaocheng, how did Gong Shaocheng have the opportunity to insult Luo Jiujiang? "

After Yuan Jinting was silent for a moment, she said dryly:
"Since there are a large number of new disciples entering the sect this time, in order to allow them to adapt to the sect as quickly as possible, each old disciple will bring three to five new disciples to familiarize themselves with the sect.

Gong Shaocheng incorporated Luo Jiujiang into his team.

Yes. It was Gong Shaoqian, the older brother of Gong Shaocheng, who made the connection. Gong Shaoqian was a disciple of 'Catching the Wind'. Because of his mediation, a total of eleven disciples of 'Catching the Wind' participated in it.

In addition, there are [-] disciples including 'Affairs Hall', 'Recording Pavilion', 'Discipline Academy' and two Dharma Protectors to help spread the rumors so quickly. "

Zhang Ke couldn't help laughing angrily when he heard the words,

"Hahaha! Good means, just one disciple can mobilize so many people to do one evil thing.

It seems that the number of people killed last time was still a little less! "

Then stop drinking:
"Come on!"

Hearing Zhang Ke's stern tone, both Xu Qingzhi and Yuan Jinting couldn't help but tremble.

A stone statue of Zhang Xu high against the wall in the hall instantly glowed with a platinum luster, and the eyes under the mask also flashed a platinum brilliance.

I saw that the Taoist soldier came to the bottom of the stone steps as soon as he took a step, and the distance of hundreds of feet seemed to be non-existent.

'Snapped! '

The Taoist soldier put his hands together and bowed in front of his chest to salute.

"What is the master's order?"

"Call Bi Luo to come see me!"

"Respect the decree of the law!"

The thunderous sound resounded throughout the hall.

This is the top Tiangang Taoist soldier among Zhang Ke's three Dao soldiers. Currently, there are only three who have broken through the Yuanshen realm, and this one is one of them.

Since Bi Luo got the token to enter and exit the 'Plain of White Bones' from Zhang Ke, she has been living in the 'Nether Realm' all year round and rarely appeared in the sect.

After the initiation ceremony of the sect disciples a few days ago, Biluo had rushed back to the 'Netherworld'.

It was established by Zhang Ke in the name of "King of the Wheel". If there is no "Ghost Patrol Order", only his personal preachers can enter.

Therefore, Zhang Kecai asked Tiangang Taoist soldiers to call for a pass.

After the Taoist soldiers left, Zhang Ke stared at Yuan Jinting and said:

"Among the sects, 'Catching the Wind Terrace' is what I value the most, it is not only my eyes in the sect, but also symbolizes the rules of the sect.

If even the 'Catching the Wind Terrace' is broken, then there is no hope for this sect.

Why did Yu Tingzhang distrust the sect and need to entrust my name to do this? Have you thought about the reason? "

Yuan Jinting lowered her head and said in a low voice:

"Disciple knows what's wrong!"

Zhang Ke continued:
"Yu Tingzhang joined the sect based on his own ability. Do you know what that piece of paper means?"

Xu Qingzhi and Yuan Jinting raised their heads to look at Zhang Ke at the same time.

They were all a little curious about the talisman paper.

Zhang Ke's eyes were in a daze.

"This piece of talisman paper was given to my sworn brother, his name is Yu Hualong.

My elder brother is a loyal man, and he likes fighting injustice the most in his life.

As long as you hear that there is a disaster, you will go all out to help.

I still remember that when I got acquainted with Brother Yu, he was preparing to go to Licheng thousands of miles away to hunt down a villain who serially raped and murdered women and stole Zihe chariot.

Alas, Brother Yu's strength of character is beyond my reach. "

After Zhang Ke sighed, he continued:
"Later, I killed Situ Qing from the 'Shenyimen' in Tuocheng. When I was beheaded by the 'Shenyimen' in public, Brother Yu called a group of casual practitioners to block me for a while, so I had a chance to live down.

It can be said that Brother Yu and I have the grace to save our lives.

After I formed the alchemy, I was conspired to be exiled to the void, and when I returned, Brother Yu had disappeared.

Since Yu Tingzhang's surname is Yu, and he is carrying this talisman paper, he is expected to be the descendant of Brother Yu. "

Only then did Yuan Jinting realize that Yu Tingzhang had such a relationship with Zhang Ke.

'It seems that this matter should be dealt with easily. '

Zhang Ke glanced at Yuan Jinting, who was in deep thought, and roughly guessed what she was thinking.

"Since Yu Tingzhang was able to find you here, it means that he has some understanding of the relationship between his ancestors and me.

But he didn't take out this talisman to find me, but exchanged it for a chance to be valued by you.

What does this mean?
It shows that he has no way to break this situation, and it shows that he realizes that if he doesn't express it clearly, the 'Catching the Wind Terrace' can't be the master for him.

Jin Ting, think about it!

If he wasn't Yu Tingzhang, didn't have this talisman paper, and was just an ordinary disciple in the sect, wouldn't he have the chance to clear Luo Jiujiang's grievances.

Seeing the big from the small, are there any other disciples in the sect who are facing the same problem? "

A fine layer of sweat appeared on Yuan Jinting's forehead, and said respectfully again:

"Disciple knows what's wrong!"


Zhang Ke sighed softly.

"Jin Ting, from today onwards, you will be relieved of your duties in the 'Fengfengtai', and Fengtong will take over your position.

For this entry trial, I invited many comrades to come to help out, and you send some thank you letters for me.

You are a sword cultivator, and a sword cultivator cannot grow in a sunny place.

Learn from your teacher's wife, go out and experience it! "

Yuan Jinting felt a little sad, bowed her head and saluted Zhang Keshen.

"Master, this disciple has let you down!"

Before the words fell, someone in the hall shouted loudly.

"Don't go!"

A cloud of pale mist rose in the hall, and Bi Luo, who was dressed in a black robe, walked out of the mist amidst a terrifying low laugh that echoed slightly.

His gaze was instantly attracted by the crane feather cloak on Xu Qingzhi's body, and then he gave Xu Qingzhi a hard look.

He turned his head and said loudly to Zhang Ke:

"Brother, why do you want to punish Jin Ting?
Even if someone in 'Catching the Wind Terrace' made a mistake, it would be fine if they stretched out their hands and chopped off their hands, stretched out their heads and chopped off their heads.

As you said, people's hearts are unpredictable!
No one can guarantee that others will not make mistakes. What does this have to do with Jin Ting?
What's more, you are in charge of one branch, and you can't even control yourself, so why should you control others? "

Bi Luo was talking, but her eyes were cruising back and forth between Zhang Ke and Xu Qingzhi.

The sharp words, every sentence went straight to Zhang Ke's weakness, and the irony in it was something that individuals could see.

At this moment, Zhang Ke had the urge to turn around and run away.

Too shameful!

Barely calming down, Zhang Ke said with a straight face:

"I'm also thinking about Jin Ting, she is a swordsman, when have you heard that swordsmanship is practiced.

Only in the crisis of life and death can the blade be sharpened enough.

Except for one experience in the secret realm in her life, she has never dealt with the outside world.

Obstacles have arisen in both vision and state of mind, and I need to see the outside world. "

Yuan Jinting raised her head, bowed to Zhang Ke and Bi Luo, and said firmly:

"Master's words are not bad. In recent years, disciples really feel that the road ahead is uncertain and they have no motivation.

The disciple decided to go out to travel around the mountain, and he would never return to the mountain unless he entered the Yuanshen! "

Bi Luo frowned, and was about to speak when Zhang Kezan said:

"Well done, this is Zhang Ke's disciple, how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain!

go!Master believes that you can do it, and when you come back, I will give you a gift for Master! "

The white-haired Yuan Jinting left with her head held high.

She didn't look back and didn't speak, she didn't want to lose face in front of Master.

After Yuan Jinting left, Bi Luo gave Xu Qingzhi a hard look.

Then he muttered angrily.

"I know you can't control yourself, bah!"

Zhang Ke's face darkened, and he said angrily:
"I haven't talked about you yet, why is the management of 'Catching the Wind Terrace' like this.

Although Jin Ting's strength is not weak, but she grew up in the sect since she was a child, and she has experienced too little, so it is easy to trust others.

In the past in the foggy secret realm, because he easily believed in Shi Zhongyu, he almost put himself in it.

There are thousands of disciples in 'Catching the Wind Terrace', how can she manage it alone? Not everyone has the means like Qingzhi. "

Because of Zhang Ke's trust in 'Catching the Wind Terrace', these disciples gradually became proud, and they lost a lot of scruples in their actions.

In addition, the objects under the management of 'Catching the Wind Terrace' are all the disciples under the primordial spirit of the sect, so she let Yuan Jinting manage it, and she herself practiced in the 'Netherworld' all year round.

Looking at it now, it was his own slack that caused the situation in the 'Catching the Wind Terrace'.

At this time, Zhang Ke made a rebuke, Biluo knew he was wrong, and said in a fit of anger:
"It's all my fault, okay!

Let someone else take over the command of the 'Catching the Wind Terrace', and I'll take the blame and resign! "

A trace of anger rose between Zhang Ke's eyebrows.

"The sect does not belong to me alone, it belongs to every disciple in the sect.

If there is a problem in the sect, then find a way to solve it.

You are the person closest to me in the sect, but even you are ready to challenge me?
What's the matter, if you make a mistake, you can't even talk about it, and if you encounter something, you will get angry with me.

If that's the case, that's fine, don't do it, I'll find Junior Brother Fenghua to be the commanding officer of the 'Catching the Wind Terrace'! "

Xu Qingzhi saw that the pair of senior brothers and sisters were arguing, and worried that there would be a estrangement between them.

Opened aside and said:

"Sect Leader, since Gong Shaoqian did something wrong, then deal with it according to the sect's rules.

If it is just because of this matter, revoking the order of the sect's dignified 'Catching the Wind Terrace' is not child's play, then who will dare to do the sect's affairs in the future. "

Then he said to Bi Luo:
"Senior Sister Biluo, the 'Fengfengtai' is the most important department of the sect. In the past, even if I wanted to reduce the size of the 'Fengfengtai', the head didn't agree.

Only senior sisters, who are the most trustworthy and fair in dealing with affairs, can be in charge.

If Senior Sister resigns and lets Junior Brother Fenghua take charge of 'Catching the Wind Terrace', then the leader will lose his arm.

Besides, it's not like you don't know how much painstaking effort the head has put in to grow the sect.

Is it possible that the 'Catching the Wind Terrace' is really going to be handed over because of such a trivial matter? "

In fact, Bi Luo regretted it as soon as she uttered the truth, but she didn't expect her senior brother to reprimand herself in front of Xu Qingzhi without consolation.

This can't help but make her feel that she has lost face, and in a fit of anger, she really doesn't care about the crap about 'Catching the Wind Terrace'.

But when Xu Qingzhi said it, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he thought of how his senior brother had worked so hard all these years to develop the sect to what it is today.


He muttered in his mouth:
"If the upper beam is not upright and the lower beam is crooked, what you do is messy, and the disciples in the sect don't have to follow suit."

Zhang Ke's momentum suddenly faltered, and he no longer had the confidence to scold his junior sister.

"Cough cough!"

He coughed twice, and said in a moderate voice:
"Junior Sister, it was the senior brother who spoke recklessly, and the junior sister is magnanimous, so don't bother with the senior brother, okay?
By the way, how is the junior sister going to deal with this matter? "

With the steps, Bi Luo went down the slope and eased his tone.

"Since it's about the 'Catching the Wind Terrace', I don't need to worry about it, I will take care of it myself."

'Damn guy, I was scolded by my brother for causing me, I will not let you off lightly. '

Zhang Ke nodded and said:
"Then leave this matter to the junior sister."

After pondering for a while, he turned to Xu Qingzhi and said:

"Be careful with Yu Tingzhang in the future, don't let him be bullied."

Xu Qingzhi responded and asked casually:

"You should pay more attention to it."

Zhang Ke shook his head and said:

"No, if it is treated differently, it will not be conducive to his association with other disciples in the sect, and if he loses his temper, he will be sorry for my sworn brother."

Zhang Ke wants to see if Yu Tingzhang can stand out from the crowd.

Even if he disappears from the public in the future, as long as there is no problem with his temperament and he has the foundation of 'Zhi Lan Xing', he will definitely have a bright future as a Yuanshen Zhenjun.

Xu Qingzhi said again:
"Then does the head want to see Yu Tingzhang?"

Zhang Ke thought for a moment, shook his head again and said:
"Forget it, what he is asking for is just justice, and he has no intention of contacting me.

It is enough for the sect to deal with this matter according to the rules and regulations of the sect, so as to give other disciples a warning. "

Seeing that Bi Luo and Xu Qingzhi had nothing else to do, Zhang Ke fled into the void in an instant.

Xu Qingzhi tightened the crane feather cloak on his body, and couldn't help gritting his teeth secretly.

'It's so easy to run away after eating and wiping it off, wait for me to settle accounts with you slowly in the future! '

In fact, Xu Qingzhi wronged Zhang Ke.

At this time, Zhang Ke was eager to rush back to the 'Immortal Finger', because he wanted to ask Ding Xiaoxiao what was going on.

When he returned to 'Xianrenzhi', Qingmei had long disappeared, only Ding Xiaoxiao was playing with the flowers that bloomed from time to time in his palm.

Zhang Ke glanced left and right, moved to Ding Xiaoxiao's side, and asked quietly:
"Senior sister, what's the matter with the crane feather cloak on Xu Qingzhi's body?"

Ding Xiaoxiao stared at him with her charming eyes, and lazily said:

"You guessed it all, why are you still asking me, besides, isn't this what you want?"

Zhang Ke walked around beside Ding Xiaoxiao anxiously.

"Hey, my good senior sister, don't tease me, if you don't know this one, it will kill you."

The figure of Qingmei appeared in his mind, and his body couldn't help shaking.

Ding Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw that he was a little terrified.

"In the past few days, I don't believe that you haven't noticed something strange, but now you know that you are afraid."

Zhang Ke blushed, but when he was drunk, he also noticed many changes in Ding Xiaoxiao, and he had a completely different feeling.

But he thought that Ding Xiaoxiao became bold because of the strength of wine, which excited him a lot at that time.

Thinking about it now, I can taste more differences. "

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Ke asked:

"That Qingzhi, um, did True Monarch Wushuang change into your appearance by relying on [Phaseless Mask]?"

Although it was a question, the tone was very affirmative.

Even if he is drunk, it is impossible to recognize the wrong person. Only [No Phase Mask] has the ability to change ever-changingly.

Ding Xiaoxin felt sore, and he reached out and twisted Zhang Ke's waist bitterly.

"Tell me, did you already have this idea, otherwise why did you give this treasure to Xu Qingzhi?"

Zhang Ke didn't dare to dodge, endured the pain and yelled for injustice.

"Zhenjun Wushuang has an outstanding appearance. I was worried that it would be inconvenient for her to go out, so I gave it to her as a cover. Who would have thought that she would change into your appearance."

Ding Xiaoxiao aired:
"What's wrong with changing into my appearance, do you want to change into the appearance of little junior sister?"

Zhang Ke's heart skipped a beat.

'Hey, this is a good idea, if so, isn't it.'

Then he shook his head violently, shaking away the dirty thoughts in his head in shame.

Sternly enduring the pain, he grabbed Ding Xiaoxiao's little hand that was constantly twisting around his waist without showing any trace.

Some puzzled and asked:
"Why do you want to do this?
and also"

quietly said:

"Is Qingmei involved in this matter?"

Ding Xiaoxiao took his hand out of Zhang Ke's hand and glanced at him.

"Where did the 'immortal drunk' come from?
Now that you have already guessed it, why bother to ask. "

Zhang Ke laughed awkwardly, and put down a huge stone in his heart.

Seeing Zhang Ke's appearance as if he was under a heavy burden, Ding Xiaoxiao was furious, and said with a sneer:

"It seems that junior brother, you are only afraid of sister Qingmei being angry, but you are not afraid of me being angry?"

"Hahaha, how can it be, senior sister is so good-tempered, how can she be willing to be with me?"

While speaking, he suddenly felt a murderous aura locking himself behind him, and immediately swallowed the remaining witty words into his stomach.

Zhang Ke turned around slowly, tried to squeeze out a smile, and said dryly:
"That. Qingmei, woke up!"


Ding Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing out loud.

Qingmei walked up to Zhang Ke slowly, looking up and down, like a butcher wondering where to cut the knife, and Zhang Ke's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat in fright.

"Senior sister has a good temper, so that means I have a bad temper?"

At this moment, Zhang Ke really wanted to slap himself on the mouth.

If you can't speak, don't say it, how can you offend both of them as soon as you speak.

'Ugh!The blessings of Qi people are not easy to enjoy! '

The two girls sat one on the left and one on the right, and Zhang Ke obediently stood in front of him with his hands folded, not daring to take a breath.

Qingmei looked at Zhang Ke, who was as well-behaved as a child, knowing that he did it on purpose, but still couldn't help but soften his heart.

"Sit down, what's the matter, are you still waiting for me to invite you?"

Just as Zhang Ke was about to sit down, he looked at Ding Xiaoxiao out of the corner of his eye, and quickly shook his head and said:
"It's fine if you just stand there, please reprimand the two ladies!"

Ding Xiaoxiao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, this guy is really exquisite.



This time, Zhang Ke resolutely sat in front of the two, feeling that he was taller than the second daughter, and he became a little shorter with a bow.

Qingmei raised her eyebrows, she had never seen Zhang Ke look so cautious.

With a sigh, he reached out to hold Zhang Ke's hand.

"Husband, you told Xu Qingzhi about rebuilding the Heavenly Court before, and it may bring disaster to the sect at any time.

You are unwilling to kill her to eliminate hidden dangers, and after thinking about it with Xiaoxiaosi, this is the only way to lock her firmly with you. "

Zhang Ke lowered his head and said in shame:

"This is my fault, if not my day."

I felt my hand tighten, and I didn't say the following words.

Qingmei calmly said:

"Your words are actually not wrong, Xu Qingzhi has outstanding abilities, even if you don't say it for now, she will see the clues as your plan develops in the future.

Instead of being suspicious of each other when the time comes, it's better to put this matter on the surface and make it clear. "

Having said that, she couldn't help pinching Zhang Ke's finger.

"It's just that I didn't expect Xu Qingzhi to agree so easily.

The matter of 'Immortal Drunk' and [No Phase Mask] were all brought up by her.

snort!I doubt that she had this idea long ago, so well prepared in advance. "

Zhang Ke's heart skipped a beat, he thought it was Qingmei and Ding Xiaoxiao who persuaded Xu Qingzhi through hard and soft tactics, but it seems that he guessed wrong.

For some reason, Zhang Ke was secretly proud at this time.

How could he hide the change in his expression from the two who get along day and night, Qingmei couldn't help cursing secretly.

'This guy's nature is too lustful, and he must be watched in the future. '

"Husband, looking at your appearance, you are very proud?"

Zhang Ke quickly dismissed the smile from the corner of his mouth, shaking his head like a rattle drum.


Qingmei gave him a sideways look, and regarded him as farting.

"I have three chapters with Xu Qingzhi, you must strictly abide by it, understand?"

Zhang Ke kowtowed and nodded again and again.


Then he asked curiously:
"What agreements are there?"

"First, Xu Qingzhi is just your private Taoist companion, so don't express it!"

Zhang Ke was taken aback. Wouldn't it be unfair to Xu Qingzhi to do this? Wouldn't this mean that he had a lover?
No woman wants to live without a name or distinction like this, right?
Zhang Ke's mouth moved slightly, he didn't speak, but just listened quietly.

Qingmei glanced at him and explained:
"I also don't want Xu Qingzhi to be renounced, I told her that it's up to you to disclose your relationship with her.

But she was rejected by Xu Qingzhi, she said that she was independent and did not want to be attached to anyone. "

Zhang Ke nodded silently, which was in line with Xu Qingzhi's temperament.

Then Qingmei continued:
"Secondly, you are not allowed to take the initiative to find Xu Qingzhi, only she has the right to take the initiative to find you."

"Is this one inappropriate?"

Zhang Ke asked cautiously,
Ding Xiaoxiao was sour and jealous, and said angrily:
"Does Junior Brother really want to take the initiative to find Xu Qingzhi?"

Zhang Ke shook his head quickly, and said seriously:

"I think this one is pretty good."


Ding Xiaoxiao hummed, not wanting to argue with him.

"Third, public and private are clearly distinguished. Don't treat her with special care because of this relationship."

After Qingmei finished speaking, she continued to explain:
"This point was also brought up by Xu Qingzhi."

Zhang Ke was silent for a moment and sighed softly.

"This is a smart man!"

Qingmei and Ding Xiaoxiao also nodded.

Xu Qingzhi didn't make any demands, and kept his public and private matters clear.

Apparently she wasn't just trying to cling to anyone.

This is a misunderstanding among the three of them.

In fact, after Xu Qingzhi knew Zhang Ke's idea, why didn't he always worry about it.

Qingmei was decisive in killing, and she was always worried that one day Qingmei would raise her sword and kill herself after she knew about it.

She was not sure that she could escape from Qingmei's sword.

In the past few years, she has been thinking about how to solve this situation.

After thinking about it, she only thought of such a way to make Zhang Ke and others completely accept herself.

But this is also because she secretly fell in love with Zhang Ke, so she would not reject this approach.

'Immortal Drunk' is indeed what she prepared in advance for this plan.

Originally, according to her idea, she would invite Zhang Ke to drink one day when he was in a good mood, and wait for his drunkenness to kick in, and take the opportunity to make good things come true.

But before this opportunity came, Qingmei and Ding Xiaoxiao secretly came to the door.

After understanding the thoughts of the second daughter with green eyebrows, Xu Qingzhi found a better way.

So I decided to use [Phaseless Mask] to change Ding's small appearance to accomplish this.

Things went smoothly as expected, and everything happened with the cooperation of both parties.

The reason why she asked Ding Xiaoxiao to ask for the crane feather cloak was also to clarify the matter.

Otherwise, Zhang Ke would not understand what he had done.

When Qingmei explained the matter clearly, Zhang Ke could only bear it helplessly and happily.

This matter is ignored.

In the next seven days, another major event happened in the "Nanzong of Xiantian Qiqi".

Gong Shaoqian, Gong Shaocheng brothers, and 21 other Penglai disciples were locked up by Yu Fengtong, the "Fengfengtai" because they maliciously slandered their fellow disciples and spread rumors.

After the public trial by the Third Court of Zongmen, Gong Shaoqian and other six disciples of "Catching the Wind Terrace" were executed by beheading.

The actions of a few people should not have been punished so severely.

But Bi Luo thinks that 'Chufengtai' is the person who enforces the law of the sect, but he knows how to break the law. Such behavior makes the sect's precepts seem to be empty, and must be severely punished, so as to serve as a warning for the latecomers.

With Zhang Ke's acquiescence, Gong Shaoqian and other six people were all publicly beheaded.

This incident had a great impact on many new disciples who joined the sect.

They never imagined that the sect would ruthlessly punish the Penglai disciples just because they assisted in doing evil.

Since the sect is merciless against the disciples of its most direct line, let alone others.

While feeling extremely fearful in my heart, I also gained trust in the sect's precepts.

Among the other 15 people, Gong Shaocheng was also beheaded in public.

When Gong Shaocheng was beheaded, he was very dissatisfied, and shouted loudly that the sect clearly stated that it would not care about the disciple's performance in the "Dreamland", so why did he kill himself.

The explanation given by Yu Fengtong is that the sect naturally doesn't care about the performance of the disciples in the "Fantasy Realm".

But Gong Shaocheng committed an unforgivable crime in the sect by bullying his fellow sect, he should follow the sect's precepts.

As for the other 14 people, 12 were given different amounts of whipping and confinement according to the seriousness of the crimes they committed.

And those two "Dharma Protectors" were stripped of their priesthood, punished and expelled from the mountain gate.

When Yu Tingzhang accompanied Luo Jiujiang to see Gong Shaocheng's head cut off, he was greatly shocked.

His original intention was just to restore Luo Jiujiang's reputation, and he didn't want the sect to do such a thing for his disciples.

From this moment on, Yu Tingzhang really recognized the 'Congenital One Qi Southern Sect'.

There are also many new disciples who have the same idea as him.

(End of this chapter)

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