Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 805 Subcontracting

Chapter 805 Subcontracting
Xu Qingzhi turned a blind eye to the change in everyone's expressions, and only after everyone calmed down did he continue to speak:

"Now everyone can put forward their own suggestions, our door has never liked to force others.

If anyone is unwilling to establish a [sound wave diffusion base station] in their own sect, this sect will not force it. "

'I fucking believe you bastard! '

Many Yuanshen Zhenjun secretly cursed in their hearts.

But no one dared to ignore Xu Qingzhi's threat just now.

In the past 200 years, many sects have made a lot of money because of the endless emergence of various items closely related to the practice world and the secular world.

No matter in any market, there is a new product developed by the "Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong", which will immediately attract the pursuit of many practitioners.

The income of each sect has more than doubled on average compared to the past.

If the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong' is really offended now, I'm afraid the future will not be easy.

The Nanzong even dared to fight against the largest sect in Laizhou, 'Yunxiao 33 Tiangong', and it was not defeated.

My own sects are no match for top-rank sects, and if they really want to be targeted in the future, there will be no good fruit to eat.

The representatives of many middle and low-rank sects thought over and over again, and each of them stopped clamoring and arguing.

Master Yunmu's eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately got up and said:

"I think what Fellow Daoist Feng said is very reasonable, since the noble sect needs help from various schools and factions, the interests involved must be clearly calculated.

In my opinion, [-]% of the continuous income of this magic weapon can be surrendered every year. After all, without the help of various sects, the noble sect may not even get any. "

'Acacia Sect' is a newly promoted top-rank sect in the past few hundred years, but there are not many Taoist monarchs in the sect.

Perhaps other sects will be afraid of the threat from the 'Xiantian Qi Nanzong', but the 'Acacia Sect' will not be afraid.

This matter is of great interest, and he does not believe that Yunxiao Tiangong and other high-rank sects will give up willingly.

In addition, 200 years ago, Wushan Zhenjun was turned into a toad by Zhang Ke in public, which was regarded as a great shame by the Zongmen.

Seeing an opportunity now, True Monarch Yunmu would naturally not let it go.

Xu Qingzhi sneered and said:

"Fellow Daoist Yunmu's words are really ridiculous, [Shunfeng Er] magic weapon was developed by our sect with painstaking efforts.

The construction method of [Sound Wave Diffusion Base Station] is also provided by this door, and each [Sound Wave Diffusion Base Station] will have an additional income of [-] gold amulets every year.

He Lai did not make compensation to many sects.

It's just that such a high income still can't satisfy the appetite of the 'Acacia Sect'. Is it really easy to bully this sect? "

As he said that, there was a paper contract silently in his hand.

With a flick of the backhand, the deed flew to Master Yunmu.

"Hundreds of years ago, Master Shenxiu of the noble sect owed a sum of money to the head of our sect, Zhenjun Ruyi, in Qianxi City.

This is the deed written by Shenxiu himself, with his imprint and aura on it.

This matter is guaranteed by Wen Jiuyin, the "Da Zizai Tiangong" of Momen and Jizhou's second-rank sect. If Master Yunmu doesn't believe it, our sect still has the photo pearls that were recorded back then as proof.

It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Since I met Master Yunmu today, shouldn't this account be settled? "

The contract flew lightly into the hands of True Monarch Yunmu.

He only glanced at the signature and knew that it was true, and it was voluntary. It contained information that only the sect's own people could understand.

The amount of 100 million gold talismans pierced Zhenjun Yunmu's eyes like a needle.

'Shenxiu real person!damn thing! '

Daoist Shenxiu is still in the Golden Core realm, and has no hope of breaking the mirror. He has long been abandoned by the sect, and he is left to fend for himself.

The content of the deed is clearly written, the money for this talisman is to be repaid by the 'Acacia Sect'.

The amount of 100 million gold talismans is not small, but it is not in the eyes of the 'Acacia Sect'. He is angry at this time that Shenxiu has never reported this matter to the sect.

At this moment, under the eyes of everyone, he has fallen into a passive position. If he can, he really wants to tear this unsightly contract to pieces.

After a moment of silence, Master Yunmu sneered.

"Isn't it just 100 million gold talismans, I'll pay it back right away."

Before he stretched out his hand from the space wrist, Xu Qingzhi said with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist, what you said is wrong, the secular world still has to pay interest on borrowed money.

What Guizong owed was 100 million gold talismans, shouldn't the interest of these 400 years be counted?

Well, this sect is not doing too much for itself, so it is not good for you to accumulate interest. Master Yunmu will follow the rules of the practice world and borrow money for three percent of the interest to calculate it! "

Zhang Ke had handed over this contract to Xu Qingzhi hundreds of years ago, but he didn't expect it to be suitable at this time.

True Monarch Yunmu's hand seemed to grow inside the space wrist wheel, and he could no longer stick it out.

Is this "innately united with Nanzong" doing too much?

Not too much!
In the world of practice, there is a rule of borrowing money to earn interest, otherwise, no one would lend money to others for no reason.

Back then when Zhang Ke was in the Dingzhou sect, even his younger brother Liu Zhilao had to figure it out when he borrowed money from Zhang Ke for his friend.

Zhenjun Yunmu took out 100 million gold talismans, so what is the interest for these 400 years?

True Monarch Yunmu's momentum was slightly depressed, and he didn't know whether he should continue to be tough.

Xu Qingzhi said lightly:
"The deed can be brought back by Fellow Daoist Yunmu to discuss with the sect before making a decision. For now, Fellow Daoist please watch over it."

Master Yunmu heard the meaning of Xu Qingzhi's words, obviously as long as he didn't open his mouth, then he could understand the matter of this contract.

Sighing secretly and sitting down silently, I have completely lost my face today.

Feng Zhaohai saw that Master Yunmu was not good enough to speak again, while the other high-rank sects sat idly by and said nothing, so he stood up helplessly and said:

"Feng feels that the words of Fellow Daoist Yunmu are very reasonable, no matter what, the noble sect needs the assistance of other sects to accomplish this matter.

If it weren't for the [Shunfeng Er] magic weapon from the noble sect, we would never agree to this distribution method, and [-]% of the income is really not too much. "

Xu Qingzhi looked at the changes in the expressions of the other people in the building, and said decisively:

"Since this is the case, then this sect gives you two choices.

First, it is still the previous reward, every time a [Sonic Diffusion Base Station] is built, [-] gold talismans will be given every year.

If you are unwilling to accept this allocation, choose another option.

Cancel the annual reward of [-] gold runes for a [Sonic Diffusion Base Station]. "

Xu Qingzhi stretched out his light-white index finger.

"One percent!"

Then explained:
"Our sect will set up stations in each sect, and sell the [Shunfeng ear] magical artifacts separately, and determine the [-]% income based on the number of magical artifacts sold.

In addition, there is one thing I want to explain in advance, the continuous income of [Shunfeng Ear] magic weapon will be determined by the selling point.

That is to say, if a practitioner decides to continue using this magic weapon after one year, and which sect pays the fee, the benefit will belong to that sect.

The sects you belong to can supervise and review the accounts, but no interference is allowed.

Otherwise, the sect will cancel the transaction with the sect that provoked the incident.

If there are sects who feel that it is not cost-effective and are unwilling to establish a [Sonic Diffusion Base Station], our sect will never force it.

Those who are interested can apply to our department within three days, and we will not wait after the deadline.

This matter has been agreed upon, and no further changes will be made. "

Afterwards, Xu Qingzhi didn't give anyone a chance to ask questions, and said again:
"Let's proceed to the last topic of this meeting, the transaction related to [Empty Boat]!"

Xu Qingzhi's somewhat tough words dissatisfied many Yuanshen Zhenjun present.

Several Yuanshen Zhenjun opened their mouths to speak, but Xu Qingzhi continued:
"I think you all are very curious about why our sect is able to refine [Kongxingzhou] in large quantities. Today, I will solve the mystery for you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the building looked terrified, and those Yuanshen Zhenjun who were about to speak swallowed back the words they were about to say.

They suddenly reacted to something.

If I wait for others to hate the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong', I am afraid that I will really be stuck in many ways.

For example, what Xu Qingzhi was about to say.

Feng Zhaohai felt extremely uncomfortable at this moment.

It doesn't feel good to be ignored, and [-]% of the income has been reduced to [-]%, and the associated benefits have been greatly increased.

For Yunxiao Tiangong, even if he can't get a single copper talisman, he doesn't want the Nanzong to get resources from it to develop rapidly.

This has nothing to do with interests, but lies in the division of the power structure.

Just as he was about to make trouble regardless, he heard a clear voice suddenly coming from his ear.

"Be careful!"

Feng Zhaohai's heart skipped a beat, and he stopped what he was about to say.

Just listen to Xu Qingzhi say:

"The head of our sect, Zhenjun Ruyi, derived a secret technique called 'one-element rune algorithm'.

This method can indeed refine magical instruments in batches, but."

She looked at the many Yuanshen Zhenjun in the building and said:
"However, this method involves massive resources and extremely complicated Taoism. Even if it is made public, middle and low-level sects will not be able to build it."

Zhenjun Jiangyun couldn't help asking:
"May I ask Master Wushuang to elaborate?"

Xu Qingzhi said slowly:
Let me tell fellow Daoists about the simplest link.

That is, this algorithm involves a first-grade Houtian Lingbao [Vientiane Hammer].

In order to construct this algorithm, 360 [Vientiane Hammers] with different functions must first be refined.

And this week's [Vientiane Hammer] can only refine one magic weapon.

That is to say, if you want to refine two magic weapons at the same time, you need two sets of [Vientiane Hammer] with the number of heavens.

If you want to refine more instruments at the same time, and so on.

Everyone must be familiar with the difficulty of refining the first-grade Houtian Lingbao, right?
The reason why our sect announced [Shunfeng Ear] and other magic tools at this time is because the resources were exhausted by this set of algorithms. "

Xu Qingzhi's words are true or false, although they are exaggerated, but this 'unary rune algorithm' did consume at least [-]% of the sect's resources.

[Vientiane Hammer] is no stranger to many sects.

Because this unique Acquired Spirit Treasure is too important to a refiner.

Almost every refining master has a hammer like this in his hand.

However, refining this item is extremely difficult and consumes a lot of resources, and the entire Azure World may not be able to make up 360 handles.

And with the scale of the "Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect" refining the magic weapon, I really don't know how many handles the sect has refined.

At this moment, many sects finally had a clearer concept of the wealth of the 'Innate Qi Southern Sect'.

The representatives of many middle and low-rank sects, such as Zhenjun Jiangyun, couldn't help but feel sad.

As long as [-]% of Xu Qingzhi's words are true, then the low-rank sect should not expect extravagant expectations.

As for the middle-grade sect, maybe it takes a hundred years to grind your teeth to refine a set of [Vientiane Hammer].

However, if it is impossible to form a large-scale batch refining of magic weapons, the [Vientiane Hammer] alone will not be of much use.

What's more, this is only a part of the 'unary rune algorithm', presumably the requirements in other aspects will not be too low.

No wonder Xu Qingzhi asked the middle and lower rank sects to give up, they really couldn't afford this.

On the contrary, all the top-rank sects in the building showed interest one by one.

It is a good thing that it cannot be popularized!
Only in this way can the few top-rank sects obtain the greatest benefits.

Master Baoshu of the 'Tiandaozong' opened his mouth and said:

"Master Wushuang, can the construction method of this 'unary rune algorithm' be traded?"

Xu Qingzhi smiled lightly and said:

"Yes, but I don't know what your lord is going to use to trade this method?"


Master Baoshu couldn't help being speechless.

This algorithm is absolutely invaluable, but the more it is like this, the people here do not have this authority.

Even if such an important matter is the head of the sect, it must be discussed with the high-level members of the sect before making a decision.

Xu Qingzhi looked at the many middle and low-rank Zongmen Yuanshen Zhenjun who looked a little depressed, and changed his voice.

"However, since everyone is invited to come here, it is impossible not to let all the sects make a trip in vain.

After deliberation, our sect came up with another compromise method to benefit your sect. "

Xu Qingzhi popped out a light curtain from his palm with his backhand.

【Mirror world】

This is a map constructed by Zhenjun Baishi himself.

Just above everyone's heads, an illusory light curtain unfolded, manifesting the appearance of a nine-foot-long [Kong Xing Zhou].

Fusiform hull, single sail, round rudder, lookout, cabin, and muzzle are all available.

Xu Qingzhi looked at the illusory [Empty Sailing Boat] model in the air, and slowly said:

"This is the smallest [Empty Sailing Boat], nine feet long and seven feet high, and it can carry ten people. It is exactly the same size as the real boat."

As he spoke, a light flashed across his fingertips.

In an instant, the entire [Empty Sailing Boat] was scattered like a jigsaw puzzle, broken down into more than 6000 parts.

Everyone in the building couldn't help being startled, not understanding what Xu Qingzhi meant.

Xu Qingzhi said softly:

"Everyone must know that our sect has now undertaken a large number of [Empty Sailing] missions.

This is another deal prepared by our sect and all sects.

The ship is composed of six thousand and 140 three parts and a magic circle.

All sects can undertake the refining work of these parts separately if they wish, and the specific refining methods and equipment can be provided by our sect.

For each part refined, one point of income can be obtained.

This is an attempt. If the cooperation in this transaction is good, our sect is willing to conduct further transactions with your sects in the future.

I don't know what you guys think? "

All the Yuanshen Zhenjun were dumbfounded.

The move of 'Congenital Qi Nanzong' has once again refreshed everyone's perception.

(End of this chapter)

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