Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 816 Attack

Chapter 816 Attack
Zhang Ke grandiosely borrowed the tactics that a great figure once implemented in the dream.

This method of fighting is very much in line with the wishes of many True Lords, and the ability to advance and retreat freely without restriction can fully exert the strength of the True Lord Dongtian.

Although this move can't bring everyone's strength together, it is the best way at this moment.

And Zhang Ke himself didn't want to be restricted by anyone.

Master Mingxin hesitated for a moment, and asked:

"If we launch an attack, I'm afraid those human races in the mountains will be hard to save!"

This battle is extremely dangerous, and when it is really a matter of life and death, who cares about those enslaved human races.

Zhang Ke pondered for a moment and said:
"When attacking later, fellow daoists can attack the top of 'Wuxiang Peak' first. As for those human races, I will try my best to find a way to take away as many as possible."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all Dongtian Zhenjun shrank rapidly.

That is no less than hundreds of thousands of human races, even if they can only take away [-]%, it is an extremely extraordinary means.

The only way they can think of is to temporarily bring these human races into the 'Cave Heaven'.

But the 'Cave Heaven' is extremely harmful to outsiders, except for a very small number of special 'Cave Heaven', very few Yuanshen Realm can do this.

This alone shows that Zhang Ke's strength is far above everyone else.

All present are practitioners who have practiced for thousands of years, so they naturally know the importance of timing.

Now that he has made up his mind, there will be no hesitation.

There was no need for anyone to issue orders, when No. 1 rose into the sky, nearly a thousand lights of various colors burst into the sky like bursting fireworks.

The place where everyone lives is only a hundred miles away from 'Wuxiang Peak'.

The speed of Dongtian Zhenjun is so fast, after only tens of breaths, thousands of rays of light have already swooped down from the high altitude from south to north to the 'Wuxiang Peak'.

At this time, among the dozens of teleportation circles in the 'Wuxiang Peak', nine-foot human figures with purple eyes appeared from time to time.

Just as Zhang Ke expected, the 'Heavenly Demon' in 'Wuxiang Peak' is rapidly gathering.

After discovering that thousands of practitioners had come to this world two months ago, the 'Heavenly Demon' issued an order to kill them in the name of 'Heavenly Sent'.

The first purpose is to make the cultivator have hatred with the human race in this world, and the second is to delay time.

The human race in the 'Mountain and Sea Realm' has no practice inheritance, but only relies on learning the means of survival from various creatures in the natural world.

When the 'Heavenly Demon' seized these human races, they were also restricted by the possessed body itself.

Just like a chip is burned in a computer, it cannot attack like a weapon.

Therefore, the "phase demon" can only suppress the human race, and if you want to deploy various formations, you need the "non-phase demon" to restore the body.

However, if the 'Phaseless Demon' wants to achieve this step, it also needs to perform a 'blood sacrifice', and activate the formation through the strong negative emotions when countless creatures die.

However, even if the 'Heavenly Demon' controls the human race, it cannot kill without a bottom line, which will cause resistance and resistance from all races.

Therefore, although more than two months have passed, only a part of the 'Heavenly Demons' completed the 'Blood Sacrifice' and returned to the 'Phaseless Peak' with the help of the teleportation circle.

At this moment, in the 'Moluo Palace' where the huge face of 'Wuxiangfeng' was located between the brows, many high-ranking 'Tianmo' saw the approaching streamer all over the sky, Qiqi couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

The 'Moro Palace' has nine floors in total. This palace is the residence of the 'Heavenly Demon', and only the 'Shadowless Demon' is eligible to live there.

At this time, the 'Phenomenon Demons' returning from various places are all standing separately in this nine-story palace.

"Hey! It seems that there are some masters among these practitioners!"

The talking 'Heavenly Demon' has a strange face, and it is difficult to distinguish between male and female. He is also a human race in this world, but his face is very different from that of the ape-man-like human race in this world.

The leader of the 'Tianmo' who came to this realm this time was bestowed by the 'Demon Lord' with a third-grade innate spirit treasure [Tianmo Concentric Gong] before departure.

By virtue of this treasure, many "celestial demons" can communicate with each other with "magic thoughts" at the same time.

Although the talking 'Tianmo' only talks to a few people on the ninth floor, his words can reach the hearts of every 'Tianmo' connected with [Tianmo Concentric Gong].

This treasure is extremely powerful, even if countless 'heavenly demons' speak at the same time, it can be delivered to the ear of the person who wants to deliver it with incomparable accuracy.

A female 'Omen' next to her let out a piercing laugh.

"Jie Jie~! Being able to delay these practitioners for two months is already the best effect that the influence of the region on the divine sense can produce.

Since these practitioners came to die, I might as well fulfill them! "

As she spoke, the female 'Tianmo' couldn't help licking her lips with her bright red tongue.

Against the backdrop of his equally alluring face, this action actually had a unique charm.

The other 'demons' did not speak, but looked at the leader of the many 'demons'.

This is a "demon" possessed by the elderly people, whose name is Shili Ke.

The body is very thin, less than eight feet, but the purple in his eyes is the most intense, and the sea of ​​purple clouds can be seen when the eyes turn.

He smiled sullenly, and there was a hint of madness in his dark eyes.

"Hey! These practitioners are all disciples of demon slayer, and their 'power of killing demons' is extremely restrained against us.

But practitioners are talking about transcending themselves and not trusting others easily.

We don't want to fight alone with them, we should communicate with each other with "magic thoughts" and try to form a situation where more fights less.

As long as you resist its first wave of sharpness and kill a few, the loose sand will be defeated.

It is better to cut off one finger than to injure his nine fingers. When the time comes, he would rather kill than injure him, inflict as many serious injuries as possible on him, and beat him so painfully that he will not dare to return.

As long as we survive this wave, when the 'Phaseless Peak' is established, we will be able to continuously call me and my kindred.

At that time, the 'devil master' will also reward me for my achievements.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is impossible to say that the position of Taoist monarch is in this battle, I hope you can do it yourself. "

After some encouragement, all the nearly seven thousand 'phaseless demons' gave out strange smirks, and they all broke away from the human race they possessed.

Numerous purple phantoms flew out of each layer of the 'Moluo Palace' like ghosts, like a piece of purple cloud covering the sky, rushing towards the thousands of streamers of various colors that have come close.

Shili Ke and some high-level "Tianmo" did not go out to fight, but lived in the "Moro Palace" to observe the battle situation so as to make tactical adjustments.

Thousands of human bodies stand upright in the nine-story 'Moro Palace' respectively.

The human body in this world is powerful, but they don't have the inheritance of practice, so they don't have the ability to fly.

If the 'Phaseless Demon' wants to fight the many practitioners flying in the air, it must break away from this shackles and fight with its own body.

However, the 'Heavenly Demon' is formed by the contamination of negative emotions, and is never afraid of death.

On the contrary, once the 'ghost demon' possesses the human race, it cannot escape. They are destined to become spectators in this aerial battle.

This is also the main reason why the status of 'non-phase demon' is far above that of 'phase demon'.

High in the sky, Zhang Ke turned into a golden thread and took the lead in the forefront of all the true kings.

There is no way, if he wants to rescue the hundreds of thousands of enslaved humans below, he must act before the battle starts.

Seeing that there will be hundreds of feet to reach the 'Wuxiang Peak', many true monarchs are preparing to attack by using their Taoism.

In an instant, the clouds within a radius of a hundred miles rolled and clouded, and the countless law lines between the heaven and the earth were manifested outside by the invocation of nearly a thousand caves.

At the same time, the vitality between the heaven and the earth is like a landslide, like a tsunami, showing an endless turbulent state.

Looking from a distance, the paint in the sky, like being overturned in the water, was violently stirred up.

As soon as he made a move, the hearts of many Dongtian Zhenjun shuddered, and they cried out that it was not good.

No matter where in the realm, Dongtian Zhenjun is definitely a top figure in the practice world.

This means that there will not be too many Dongtian Zhenjuns in any realm, and there will not be a large number of Dongtian Zhenjuns with large-scale combat experience.

At this time, when each side made a move, the influence on each other's laws and vitality immediately affected everyone.

At the flick of a finger, the vitality of heaven and earth manifests countless rays of light, intertwined and intertwined with each other.

Not only did many true kings not be able to make the Dao dharma perform as they wished, but they restricted each other under the interference of each other.

Fortunately, the Azure Realm where Zhang Ke is located has experienced the invasion of the Void Zerg, and such a situation has been expected for a long time.

Many Dongtian Zhenjun saw the Ziyun wind approaching in front of them quickly, and when hesitation arose in their hearts, Zhang Ke shook his body slightly.

Five beams of brilliance suddenly rose from the back of the head, arranged in five rows and five colors, and spread out in a gorgeous fan shape.

Countless runes and seal characters merge together, shaped like a peacock spreading its tail.

A long and crisp sound sounded, like a wind chime, and also like the first sound of the birth of a creature.

In an instant, the five-color brilliance suddenly burst into five-color light, and the brilliance shines. Wherever the light goes, the power of the five elements between heaven and earth is manifested, and the five colors reflect the sky separately.

Then the five-color rays of light spun and scattered as desired, and turned into a dark golden palm-sized peacock with five elements and came out.

I saw its body swaying, and the five feathers of blue, red, yellow, white, and black behind its tail spread out like a screen, and endless five-color rays of light shot up into the sky, like a rainbow reflected in the sky after rain.

Millions of shocks instantly pacified the vitality of the world, and the countless intertwined and colorful rays of light were as soft and smooth as a girl's hair.

In an instant, the laws of the five elements of heaven, earth and earth within a radius of a hundred miles gathered their strengths.

At this moment, the five-element peacock, the size of a palm, leveraged the vitality of Baili Tiandi.

Peerless Divine Ability: Five-Color Divine Light
Nothing is not brushed, nothing is not broken!
In the 'Moro Palace', Shili Ke couldn't help showing a trace of mockery at the moment when he saw the chaos of the laws of heaven and earth.

He knew it would be like this, maybe his own family could teach these practitioners who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth a profound lesson.

The purple clouds all over the sky advanced extremely fast, and at the moment when the vitality of the world lost control, they also clearly felt the opportunity.

They rushed forward almost instinctively, but when they were three hundred feet away from the cultivator, the five-color divine light rippling in mid-air, instantly smoothed out the chaotic laws of heaven and earth and vitality.

Which one of the Dongtian Zhenjun present was not killed out of thousands of troops, how exquisite his control of timing is.

So the 'Ocean Demon' who rushed to the forefront was in bad luck.

In an instant, endless brilliance burst out within a radius of a hundred miles. The brilliance of this radiance even made Shili Ke, who was five hundred meters away, feel burning pain in his eyes.


An earth-shattering roar erupted like hundreds of thunderbolts at the same time, and a black hole hundreds of feet in size suddenly appeared in the sky.

Numerous chapped, cracked, cracked, and torn messy lines manifested in midair.

The rippling vitality caused endless folds and ripples in the space within a radius of a hundred miles, like a boulder being violently thrown into the water.

This layered vibration does not only exist in a certain layer of air within a hundred miles, but also in all spaces within a hundred miles, but the intensity of these vibrations varies from mild to severe.


At this moment, the restraint of the "magic demon" by the disciple's "power of exterminating demons" is undoubtedly revealed.

The front of the Ziyun covering the sky and the sun is like a biscuit that has been bitten off by a big man. I don't know how many "heavenly demons" have fallen at this moment. I can only hear layers of screams forming echoes and waves.

Zhang Ke did not directly face the 'Heavenly Demon' who had rushed within two hundred feet after calming down the vitality of heaven and earth.

Instead, he used his divine sense to target the last 'Omen' in the queue of 'Omen' all over the sky.

Along with his feet and that 'day demon' body place manifested the same runes.

With a thought in Zhang Ke's mind, he disappeared in place, replaced by a ferocious 'Heavenly Demon' with a bewildered face.

Mystery: The Change of King's Chariot

'who I am? '

'where am I? '

'How is this going? '

Accompanied by the three questions of the soul, an extremely pure golden light crushed his entire soul into dust and mist.

With the help of the miraculous means of 'Wang Che's Change of Position', Zhang Ke directly passed through the array of thousands of original gods 'Tianmo'.

In the same way that the demon was discovered and annihilated by many Dongtian Zhenjun at the first time, Zhang Ke's trace was also discovered by the 'celestial demon' who turned into a purple cloud at the same time.


Following several sharp screams, dozens of 'Heavenly Demons' turned around and turned towards Zhang Ke and rushed towards Zhang Ke.

At this moment, Zhang Ke was less than a hundred feet away from the 'Wuxiang Peak', and he didn't pay any attention to the 'Heavenly Demon' who was rushing towards him, and waved his right hand outward very gracefully.

The wide sleeves are windless and automatic.

The fluttering cuffs expand silently.

A huge and deep vortex suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, emitting endless traction power.

The laws of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles are completely controlled by Zhang Ke at this moment.

Peerless magical powers: [Sleeve Universe]

The countless "Mountain and Sea Realm" human races who were working hard in despair in the "Wuxiang Peak" were extremely surprised when they saw the sudden appearance of all kinds of streamers in the sky high in the sky.

When the golden light that was about to blind countless people's eyes was transmitted to the 'Wuxiang Peak' along with the earth-shattering sound.

At this moment, the eardrums of tens of thousands of people were temporarily deaf due to the violent noise, and countless people even lost their balance and fell to the ground.

But even lying on the ground, you can still feel the shock from the ground as if countless people stepped on the ground.

Looking at the light exploding in the sky and the cracked sky, as well as the endless black wind blowing from the deep black hole and the wind, frost, rain and snow caused by the four seasons around.

All have a sense of the end of the world.

For a time, endless fear and despair filled everyone's heart.

With shrill, desperate cries, and running wildly without sanity, many people rushed directly into the abyss, leaving only the extremely shrill and desperate cries faintly echoing in the abyss from heavy to light.

At the moment when everyone was about to collapse, everyone suddenly felt dark above their heads, as if the sun was covered.

Countless people looked up, but saw a dark cloud several kilometers in size appearing in the sky, and an extremely huge purple vortex was rotating rapidly in the dark cloud.

Affected by that vortex, a huge translucent rotating traction force fell to every corner of the 'Phaseless Peak'.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark, flying sand and stones.

Before the many human races could react, a strong suction force rolled countless people, as well as the wood and stones beside them, and threw them into the vortex above their heads.

Under the twirling, the bodies of the countless human races are constantly shrinking, like small fish in the deep sea vortex, spinning uncontrollably and being sucked into the vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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