Zhang Ke slowly twisted his body, and finally broke free from the shackles, his heart was very excited.

This time being trapped has gained a lot.

Not only has his cultivation recovered as before, but he has also made great progress, and even the newly derived "three-dimensional Hunyuan Chakra Method" has given him a lot of surprises.

Do not break or stand!

Under the attack of the 'Zixiao Shenlei', not only his physical body was almost wiped out, but his powerful spirit was also almost shattered.

But at the same time, after being sharpened by Shenlei day and night, at this time, he is like a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron that has been tempered through thousands of hammers, pure and pure.

For more than 100 years, Zhang Ke has been refined by the "Zixiao Shenlei" every moment, no matter his soul or body, which has brought him endless pain.

At the same time, it also brought him unprecedented benefits.

"Zixiao Shenlei" The world's three most powerful thunder techniques were successfully cultivated by him.

This extremely powerful thunder method consists of eight different types: "Yimu Zhenglei, Binghuoyang Lei, Guishui Yinlei, Wutu Minglei, Gengjin Jielei, Execution of Evil Gods, Slaughtering Gods and Demons, and Birth and Extinction Zilei" Rafa gathered together.

Zhang Ke has already mastered seven of them, and condensed the [Tiandu Yuangang Central Thunder Mansion], only missing the 'Slaying God and Demon Thunder'.

But this time by coincidence, he was honed day and night by the "Zixiao Shenlei", and finally comprehended the "Slaying God and Demon Thunder" from it.

However, it was precisely because of being sharpened by the "Zixiao Shenlei" that Zhang Kefang realized how lucky he was to be able to practice this method.

'Zixiao Shenlei' does require the convergence of eight thunders, but it does not mean that you can practice 'Zixiao Shenlei' after learning these eight types of thunder.

After mastering the eight types of divine lightning, it is still necessary to perfectly fit these eight types of lightning together, and this is the most difficult step.

Leifa is the most rigid and powerful, with extremely strong exclusivity. The difficulty of their mutual integration is like putting a burning fuse into gunpowder without causing it to explode.

If there is a slight mistake, the whole person will be blown into fly ash.

Therefore, if you want to practice this lightning technique, each of the eight series of lightning techniques has a strict order and requirements.

Otherwise, the world of practice will not only have legends about this thunder method, but no one has successfully practiced it.

Zhang Ke's luck is that he accidentally practiced the "Tianxin Five Thunders" first, which made the five elements of thunders grow together and formed a whole.

Later, he obtained the "One Thought Birth and Extinction Lightning Method" from Zhenjun Chongxiao, and under the impetus of this thunder method, he accidentally cultivated the "Tiandu Yuangang Central Thunder Mansion".

Zhang Ke has been practicing all the way to this point, Zhang Ke is considered lucky and did not make any mistakes, but the last "Slaying the Evil God Thunder" and "Slaying God and Demon Thunder" actually need to be practiced at the same time.

These two thunder methods, one yin and one yang, one righteous and one evil, only by practicing at the same time can the thunder method prevent the imbalance of yin and yang.

But Zhang Ke had no one to point him out, and only deprived Mrs. Mishen of the 'Evil God Thunder' through the [Battle Arena].

According to the normal situation, he would definitely not be able to master the 'Zixiao Shenlei' in his life.

But it happened that Zhang Ke was attacked by the "Purple Cloud God Thunder" at this time. More than 100 years of thunder training had already made him too familiar with the "Purple Cloud God Thunder".

And because of the 'Zixiao Shenlei' thunder light shrouded in his body, when he reshaped his body, he also naturally recorded this thunder method in his body.

It can be said that now the 'Zixiao Shenlei' has become a part of its body, and it is as easy as breathing to perform it.

And the benefits he got this time didn't stop there.

First of all, Zhang Ke's physical body has finally undergone a qualitative change. His current body already possesses the characteristic of being indestructible with 'emery'.

When he reshaped his body, the ashes of his own blood were fused with immeasurable "emery", and the two were perfectly blended in the operation of the "three-dimensional mixed chakra method".

Although the cells in his body are still being replaced, they are not dying and being born, but are always in a state of circulation.

Also because of this, in the eyes of Shan Ke and others, he feels like a mountain, standing tall, and like a ray of wind, unrestrained, and seems to be able to rise with the wind at any time.

Secondly, it is his soul.

"Zixiao Shenlei" is said to be formed by the rules of heaven. For more than 100 years, his soul has suffered thunder disasters day and night.

One can imagine how his soul was tempered.

In the past, he relied on his powerful soul power to manifest his divine sense into a blade of nothingness.

At this moment, when the thoughts are together, the blade transformed by the spiritual thoughts is already like a real thing. Not only can it easily kill the soul, but it can also break gold and jade.

What Zhang Ke was most worried about before was whether the destruction of his natal talisman would cause the cave in it to disintegrate.

Therefore, when he broke free from the shackles of the outer cage, he didn't even bother to put on his clothes, the first thing he did was to open the natal talisman [Ruyi Talisman Rubik's Cube].

Spreading out his left hand, a dark golden Rubik's Cube appeared in the palm of his hand spinning.

With a thought, the mind has penetrated into the Rubik's Cube.

After some investigation, Zhang Ke heaved a long sigh of relief.

No matter which side of the secret cave, or the countless creatures in it, they seem to have not been affected by the shattering of the natal talisman at all.

Even the 88 Zerg leaders are still sleeping in the illusion enhanced by the 【Reincarnation Staff】.

With a backhand slap on his body, a platinum robe covered his whole body, and he took out the ninth-grade innate spirit treasure [Sun God Needle] as a hairpin and tied his hair.

Slightly turned his head to look to one side, chuckled lightly and said:

"Who is spying here?"

The sound is like the sound of a piano, gurgling, and like a jade chime, clear and melodious, with a faint lingering sound rippling through the void.

For a while, Shan Ke felt as if he was in an empty fairyland.

After a while, his mind returned to his body, pushed away the people around him, and quickly came to the hill in front of Zhang Ke to bow down.

"Samurai, the grandson of King Suzaku, has met and met senior!"

Zhang Ke looked at the young man in front of him, thought for a while, and asked:

"Who are you, Shan Qiao?"

Hearing this, Shan Ke secretly affirmed the conjecture in his heart, and said more respectfully:

"Kun Heshan is the great-grandfather of Qi."

Zhang Ke was slightly startled. He had devoted himself to practicing the 'Three-Dimensional Hunyuan Chakra Method' all these years, and he knew nothing about things outside his body.

"Mountain? Uh~~, let me ask you, what year is today?"

"Senior learned that today is the seventh day of the second lunar month in [-] in the lunar calendar."

Zhang Ke couldn't help but feel some toothache, how suddenly more than 140 years passed.

It seems that this "battle between dao and demons" is a waste of time.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Ke asked:

"Do you know who I am?"

Shan Ke raised his head and glanced at Zhang Ke.

But his eyes are as bright as stars, his facial features are three-dimensional like knives and axes, his eyebrows are like two long narrow-edged knives, and a platinum pagoda pattern appears and disappears between his brows, which is no different from the face of the stone statue.

Hesitantly said:
"Senior, is the ancestor god Ruyi layman?"

"Ancestral God?"

Zhang Ke was taken aback for a moment, wondering when he had gained such a title.

At this time, dozens of people including Lin Shuanghe also came to the hill where Zhang Ke was.

Looking at Zhang Ke's short figure, Lin Shuanghe couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, bent down to pay respects, and tremblingly said:

"Lin Shuanghe, the official historian of the Suzaku Kingdom, pays a [-]-year visit to Lay Ruyi!"

Back then, Lin Shi had left a portrait of Zhang Ke, so he recognized him at a glance.

He never expected that one day he would be able to meet the legendary ancestor god, and he was still alive.

Zhang Ke muttered to himself:
"Suzaku Kingdom Suzaku Kingdom"

Hearing this name, Zhang Ke was silent for a moment, then got up and turned his back.

A two-hundred-foot-tall flamingo statue stands quietly with its wings spread.


Zhang Ke felt sore in his heart, he raised his foot and took a step forward.

This step is no different from ordinary people's steps, and there is no magic in the slightest, but this step directly comes to the Vermillion Bird transformed by Vientiane.

Supernatural powers: so close
This is a spatial supernatural power derived from his practice of the 'Three-dimensional Hunyuan Chakra Method'.

In the past, if Zhang Ke wanted to go from one place to another, apart from using the magical power of 'no distance' to travel through space, he had no choice but to use the 'thunderbolt golden light escape' method.

But although the supernatural power derived today may not be as good as the "no-distance" supernatural power to travel through the folding space, it has other mysteries when facing the enemy.

Zhang Ke stretched out his hand to caress Vientiane, which had become a statue, and sighed softly:

"Wanxiang, Master misses you!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Ke suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a slight fluctuation on the head of the statue.

'Um? ? ? '

Zhang Ke's heart moved, a ray of light burst out between his brows, and three thousand 'spiritual probes' merged into the statue like phantoms.

Through the induction of the 'Spiritual Mind Probe', Zhang Ke found that the inner vitality of the statue was basically cut off, only there seemed to be a ray of vitality in the center of its eyebrows.

Under careful induction, it seems that there is a ray of faith that has been sending energy from the outside.

After a while, Zhang Ke dispersed the 'Spiritual Mind Probe', with a look of joy on his face.

Vientiane has not completely fallen, there is still a breath left.

It's just that this aura is extremely weak, if it weren't for the fact that the power of his soul is several times purer and stronger than before, it would be really difficult to discover this.

As long as he is still alive, he can always find a way to wake her up.

Strange, where did the power of faith come from?

Zhang Ke pondered, turned his head to look at Shan Yu and the others, and saw a sergeant behind him carrying a large black square flag, on which was painted a flaming Suzaku flying into the air.

'Could it be that the power of belief in the Suzaku Kingdom comes from the fate of the country, if so, it can't be left to fend for itself. '

Zhang Ke thought for a moment, then stomped his right foot lightly on the ground.


As he stomped his feet, the ground began to tremble, the ground was cracked, and countless cracks appeared within a radius of hundreds of feet.

Immediately afterwards, 42 golden boulders flew out from under the ground. These boulders shining with golden light were all formed by the gathering of spiritual energy from the nodes of the earth veins.

Afterwards, these boulders were seen flying out of thin air, hanging over the body of the Suzaku statue.

After a few breaths, two light golden boulders flew out amidst the tremor of the ground and surrounded the twelve golden boulders.

These 510 two light golden round stones and 42 golden round stones are drawn by each other, and they are clothed into "Jing Muyan, Ghost Golden Goat, Willow Soil Deer, Xingri Horse, Zhang Yuelu, Winged Fire Snake, and Zhenshui Worm". The shape of the place.

Four-element sequence array: Suzaku
Once the formation was completed, hundreds of boulders began to rotate along a certain star trajectory, and immediately aroused the power of the four phenomena in the starry sky and the seven constellations in the south, and the power of the fire element slowly merged into the statue of Suzaku.

Zhang Ke nodded in satisfaction, and now he can no longer describe his control over the vitality of heaven and earth in words.

When the mind changes, the vitality moves with the heart.

He who has mastered the mystery of vitality transformation is like a mathematician who is proficient in various mathematical formulas, he can solve problems at will.

The more than 100 years of painstaking practice brought him more than just mastering the "Zixiao Shenlei" or transforming and refining the soul of the body.

The bigger and more good thing is that he broke through the barriers and walked out of his own way.

The 'Innate Hunyuan Yiqi method' he practiced before has been perfected countless times, but its foundation is ultimately derived from the supernatant qing lineage.

No matter how easy the path others walk, it belongs to others after all.

Just like shoes, no matter how good the shoes worn by others are, they are not as comfortable as the ones worn by oneself.

Now Zhang Ke uses the "Innate Hunyuan One Qi Method" to integrate the "Three Vessels and Seven Chakra Concepts" to derive the "Three-dimensional Hunyuan Chakra Method", which is finally his own path.

If he wants to go further in the future, he must take this step.

Generally speaking, practitioners will only consider this when they reach the realm of Daoist, but Zhang Ke completed this step in the realm of Yuanshen by chance.

After handling the matter here in Vientiane for the time being, Zhang Ke took a step forward and came to Shan Ke and the others.

"Shankuo, tell me about the changes in the kingdom over the past 100 years!"


Shankaku responded respectfully, sorted out his thoughts a little, and opened his mouth to talk about the changes in the Suzaku Kingdom over the past 100 years.

Lin Shuanghe and others on the side also made supplements from time to time.

Hearing the narration of Shan Yu and others in his ears, Zhang Ke was slightly surprised.

Originally, he thought that without his own guidance, the development of the Xiawan tribe would slow down, and there might even be a problem of deviating from the direction of development.

Unexpectedly, the new Suzaku Kingdom developed even better than I imagined.

At this moment, Zhang Ke suddenly had a kind of enlightenment.

Never imagine how important you are. The development of civilization is like a clockwork machine. After the preconditions are met, nothing can stop it from turning.

In the Suzaku Kingdom, education for all is a booster for the development of civilization, which is attributed to Zhang Ke's 30-year education popularization.

In addition to the normal development of national power, Suzaku Kingdom also developed something that Zhang Ke did not expect.


After listening to Shan Xue's narration, Zhang Ke closed his eyes and thought for a moment, sorting out the things he heard in his mind.

"Shanyu, tell me about the 'Langzhong'."

Shan Ke was stunned for a moment, then said:

After a short pause, Santoku opened his mouth and said:

"The term 'Langzhong' originally originated from a function in this dynasty.

The country's administrative system is based on Sangong, Jiuqing, 27 doctors, and 81 Yuanshi to assist the monarch to correct.

Among them, the three princes are Taishi, Taifu, and Taibao, and the nine ministers are Fengchang, Langzhongling, Weiwei, Taipu, Tingwei, Dianke, Zongzheng, and Shaofu."

Just now, Zhang Ke interrupted with a wave of his hand:
"I don't need to go into details about this. I told Yan Hongcan and others about this system at the beginning. Let's talk about the 'Doctor'."

Shan Ke's heart trembled, and he hurriedly responded.


"The 'Lang Zhongling', one of the Nine Ministers of this Dynasty, was in charge of the palace guards.

About 120 years ago, one of these palace guards had a doctor who liked poetry and was good at composing poems with the names and effects of various medicines.

Later, after these poems of his were spread, the common people would seek medicine and cure diseases according to his poems when they encountered corresponding diseases.

The monarch at that time was the great-grandfather. After he heard about this incident, he immediately called on the people in the country who were good at medicine to gather in the capital and compiled a book called "Baicao Fang".

Therefore, the matter was presided over by the doctor who likes poetry. Later, all the people who are good at treating various diseases are called doctors. "

Zhang Ke couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

Shan Qiao's move can be said to be of great merit, but he had neglected the training of doctors before.

"Shan Qiao's move is very good. In the long-term war that is about to begin, the profession of 'medical doctor' will definitely play a vital role.

How is the development of 'Doctor' nowadays? "

Shan Ke glanced at Zhang Ke with admiration. He just knew that the doctor could save lives and heal the wounded, but he didn't think of how to use it in war.

"Lady, from the time of my great-grandfather, the middle school has attached great importance to the cultivation of 'doctors', and now there are about 40 'doctors' at all levels.

It is roughly divided into six directions, herbal medicine, acupuncture, Zhuyou, Bianstone, Daoyin, dissection, etc. "

As for "Langzhong", Shanxue doesn't know much, so I can only give a general idea.

Zhang Ke closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes and said:
"In a few years, there will be a big war in this world, and 'Lang Zhong' can play a big role in this war.

I have some healing techniques and systems, and after I deduce and sort them out, I will hand them over to you to bring to the current monarch. "

Zhang Ke didn't explain in detail, but he thought he could become the king of a country, and he should understand the meaning of "Lang Zhong" to war.

It's just that most of the healing techniques I'm good at need to induce the power of vitality, which doesn't quite fit with the practice system of "Three Channels and Seven Wheels Contemplation Thought".

It seems that it still needs to be transformed into a spell that the human race in this world can cast.

Shan Ke glanced at Zhang Ke, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said:


Zhang Ke responded and looked at Shan Ke.

Shankaku bit the bullet and said:
"Layman, now that you have come to your senses, could you please move to the capital and have the king preside over the courtiers to visit you.

In addition, for this coming war, I wonder how lay Buddhists are going to deal with it? "

Zhang Ke smiled softly, and said inexplicably:

"Although the development of the Suzaku Kingdom has my help, in the end it depends on your own efforts to grow to where it is today.

There are no two days in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country!
The monarch is the lord of a country, if I go to the capital, where should I put the monarch.

I am used to being king, so how can I like someone pressing down on my head.

Just like a cripple, crutches are very important when his legs can't move, but as soon as his legs recover, the first thing he does is to throw away the crutches.

As for this war, you must first understand what this war means to you.

This is a life-and-death battle where the winner is king!

Winners have everything, losers have nothing. "

Shan Yu, Lin Shuanghe and others all had their hearts skipped a beat.

Zhang Ke continued:
"You have to understand one thing.

This realm belongs to you, and when the war comes, I will set off with the army, but since I cannot directly participate in the battle, I can only give some suggestions.

Afterwards, regardless of the outcome of this war, we will eventually leave this realm.

So, you are not just fighting for me, but more for yourself, for your family, and for survival! "

Shan Yu and the others all took a deep breath, and they heard a hint of terror from Zhang Kelue's somewhat plain words.


It turns out that this is the most important thing!

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