Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 861 Nanming Suzaku, Vientiane Lihuo

Chapter 861 Nanming Suzaku, Vientiane Lihuo

Zhang Ke looked at the bloody aura surging in the distance, and with a single divine thought, it covered all four thousand miles in an instant.

After his divine sense came to this world, he could only explore for four hundred miles, but after meeting Yan Hongcan and others, he felt enlightened, and thus his spiritual transformation broke away from the restriction.

At this moment, through his divine sense, he saw 36 blood flame dragons flying towards each city at a glance.

When Jiuluo ordered these flood dragons to dispatch, in order to strive for the greatest results, their speed was carefully calculated.

Try to ensure that all the flood dragons attack at the same time node. In this case, even if Zhenjun Ruyi dares to attack, he cannot kill all the flood dragons at the same time.

Therefore, what Zhang Ke saw at this time was that every blood flame dragon would basically approach the target at the same time.

'Shua—! '

Zhang Ke stood up from the top of the Suzaku statue at once.

Although he has never seen the Blood Flame Flood Dragon, but at his level, he can find out its roots and methods just through the changes of laws and vitality.

'Trouble! '

Looking at the blood cloud rippling around the Blood Flame Flood Dragon, Zhang Ke frowned tightly.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to kill these 36 blood flame dragons, but
Zhang Ke looked up at the phantom of [Qi Ban] above his head.

It can be said that his own rules were wrong the last time he made a move, but even so, Zhang Ke's forceful move still caused his own "Golden Wheel of Merit" to disintegrate.

If he hadn't had a little bit of luck, he would have been killed by the 'Zixiao Shenlei' that time.

If I dare to make another move this time, I'm afraid it will be regarded as a real provocation to Sanqing Tianzun, even if Jiutiandangmo Tianzun is here, he can't save himself.

Therefore, the idea of ​​killing the Blood Flame Flood Dragon only passed Zhang Ke's mind for a while before he dispelled it.

But if you don't do anything, when the 'blood cloud and poisonous miasma' falls, there may not be many people alive in the dozens of cities attacked by the blood flame dragon.

Under the chain effect, the Suzaku Kingdom's 200-year-old foundation may also be wiped out.

It has to be said that the attack of the 'Heavenly Demon' this time can be regarded as hitting the seven inches of the Suzaku Kingdom.

'How to do? '

Zhang Ke couldn't help feeling very troubled.

It's impossible for him to sit back and watch so many of his own race die, but if he does, he doesn't know if his reshaped indestructible body can resist the anger of Sanqing Tianzun.

Seeing that the 36 blood flame dragons were approaching the city, Zhang Ke knew that there was no longer any delay.

Gritting his teeth secretly, he wanted to try to set up barriers over many cities.

Perhaps this can circumvent the war contract set by [Qi Ban].

But the current situation is that, regardless of whether the simple defense will be hit by the [Qi Ban] rule, it is not easy to build these protective barriers.

You must know that these 36 blood flame dragons are scattered in 28 cities in the east, west, north, south, and east of the Suzaku Kingdom.

The two ends farthest from each other have a straight-line distance of three thousand miles. With such a large area, it is difficult for even Zhang Ke to build protective barriers for 28 cities at the same time.

If it was just to kill the 36 blood flame dragons, it would be relatively simple. Zhang Ke had at least six ways to deal with these dragons in an instant, but he didn't dare to do it.

Zhang Ke decided to use the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' for protection, but he was trapped in this world due to injuries, so he didn't have time to deploy the 'Hunyuan Sub-Umbrella' in various cities in the early stage.

Later, although he escaped from the stone statue, he had a rift with the Suzaku Kingdom, and this plan was stillborn, which made it impossible to form the "Hunyuan Umbrella Formation".

Relying on his current strength, even if he tried his best, he would only be able to cover about a thousand miles with the 'Hunyuan Umbrella'.

It is impossible to protect all of these 28 cities. It seems that only part of the cities can be abandoned.

Zhang Ke sighed in his heart, without any further hesitation, he flipped his right hand, and a dark golden 'Rubik's Cube' appeared in the palm of his hand spinning.

At this moment, the keen soul suddenly noticed a pleading idea coming from the statue of Suzaku below him.

'Um? '

Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows, and contacted him with his spiritual sense.


'You want to save people? '


'Poor people have their own hatred, you are not the savior, you can't save everyone. '


'If you make a move, you will really die this time. '


Now there is only one true spirit left in Vientiane, unable to speak, but can vaguely express his wishes.

Zhang Ke felt Vientiane's simplicity, simplicity, and firm belief. After a moment of silence, he said softly:

"Since you have made a decision, I will help you!"

Everyone is an independent individual with independent thoughts and beliefs.

As the closest person, you can dissuade but not force. Respecting her choice is also a kind of love.

What's more, Zhang Ke also has more thinking.

One of the key reasons why Vientiane can reunite the true spirit that may disappear at any time is that by coincidence, the Xiaxiawan tribe was grateful for what Vientiane did. protection and nourishment.

There is a cause and effect!

If you receive incense, you will be bound. Since you have received the cause, you will have to pay back the fruit sooner or later.

Vientiane didn't know this, but he was infected by the fear of countless citizens of the Suzaku Kingdom. He was not only affected by his own heart, but also coerced by his heart, so he naturally wanted to help.

You must know that Wanxiang was a Taoist soldier in the past, and he couldn't let go of anyone except Zhang Kezai in his heart.

Even if a world of people died in front of her, she would not feel any emotion.

But this is not a good thing. As an intelligent life, without the seven emotions and six desires, it is just a shell, and its life is incomplete.

Just like the intelligent robot in the dream, it can imitate and perform supercomputing, but as long as no emotions are born, it is just a machine.

Now for the first time in Wanxiang's life, she has revealed her heart, which means that she has realized herself and become a truly independent individual.

This is a good thing, and Zhang Ke will naturally not kill this spirituality.

Moreover, although there is a certain risk in Vientiane's move, it may not be an opportunity.

After the Xiawan Tribe was selected as a supporting force, in Zhang Ke's conception, he planned to develop the 'Church of the Wheel' again.

But one was trapped in the stone statue due to injury, and second, he was also worried whether this move would be within the rules of [Qi Ban], after all, church believers can rely on their own strength.

In addition, there is another reason that caused him to eliminate this thought.

The best opportunity for the development of the "Church of the Wheel of the Wheel" was at the beginning of the founding of the Suzaku Kingdom. At that time, people were at peace and needed spiritual sustenance and strong power to protect themselves.

But at that time, Zhang Ke was impulsively hit by the [Qifan] rule. After he recovered, the situation in the kingdom had stabilized, and there was no soil for the church to develop.

And the Suzaku Kingdom would not want an uncontrolled group to appear in the country, and there was a rift with the kingdom's high-level officials, so Zhang Ke dismissed this idea.

Just because the 'Running Wheel Church' is not established doesn't mean that Zhang Ke has nothing else to do.

After Suzaku Kingdom felt the threat of forces supported by other outsiders, Zhang Ke's strategy of "building castles and fortresses and advancing steadily" was implemented.

Over the past few decades, the Suzaku Kingdom has chosen a suitable location to build a castle every time it moves outwards according to the map of the [Sumi Tianyan Formation].

Now the Suzaku Kingdom doesn't count the first [-] cities, and has built more than [-] large and small cities in the east and north directions.

A large part of these cities and fortresses are built on the nodes of the earth veins according to the map of the [Sumi Tianyan Formation].

The reason why Zhang Ke asked some cities to be built at the nodes of the earth's veins was not for himself, nor for the Suzaku Kingdom, but for Vientiane.

At this moment, feeling Vientiane's intentions, although he didn't know if Vientiane could survive under the [Qifan] rules, Zhang Ke suppressed his worries and decided to respect Vientiane's choice and do his best to help.

Zhang Ke's tall and straight body stands on top of the Suzaku statue, turning his head to face the west.

From his spiritual thoughts, he saw that the purple flames spewed out by 36 blood flame dragons were raging in various cities.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Ke said slowly:


The sound is like the clanging of a piano, gurgling, and like a jade chime hitting each other, the clearer and more melodious, with a faint lingering sound rippling through the void.

Zhang Ke didn't speak at random, he added the power of 'infrasonic' in his voice, so as soon as he uttered it, it was transmitted to the ears of the mountains thousands of miles away through the vibration of the sound waves.

At this time, many courtiers including Shan Rong were horrified outside the main hall of Suzaku, looking at the catastrophe that seemed to destroy the world below.

The huge Yanwan City is full of flames, and countless purple flames are igniting all parts of the capital. Even if you live on the mountainside, you can feel the heavy heat waves attacking you.

Countless black smoke billowed and rose, and these black smoke condensed into clouds in the air, rolling and rushing like sea waves in a storm, and there seemed to be countless demons hidden in it to manipulate the situation.

Countless human-shaped torches scattered and fled on the ground, and desperate and stern screams came from the mouths of these human-shaped torches.

Although some people used their magical powers to help the people put out the fire, the overall situation in the city was on the verge of collapse.

"How could this be?"

Shan Rong's heart throbbed, his whole body trembled like chaff, and he asked dryly.

He couldn't figure out how the flames spewed out by just two blood flame dragons could cause so much damage.

For the first time, the usual calm demeanor disappeared from Yuan Jiang's face, and he said solemnly:
"Many buildings in the city are made of wood, and it seems that the poisonous fire is not easy to extinguish. In addition, there are too many people in the city, and they fled in panic, spreading the poisonous fire."

Before he could finish speaking, Shan Rong suddenly turned his head to stare at him and said sharply:

"What's the use of saying that now?"

Shan Rong's face was grim, and he said in a loud voice:
"Let me ask you, what should I do now?"

Yuan Jiang was silent for a moment, and did not directly answer Shan Rong's question, but continued:
"It's just two flames that caused such a disaster. At this moment, I'm more worried about the blood cloud. Seeing these two flood dragons struggling to press the blood cloud into the city, I'm afraid it will bring even greater disasters!"

Shan Rong was shocked as if struck by lightning, he couldn't help but took two steps back, and looked up at the blood cloud above his head.

I saw that the blood cloud that spread all around like a veil was less than a hundred feet away from the ground. From his position, the height was less than thirty feet.

"How to do?"

"what should we do?"

Shan Rong's mind has gradually collapsed, looking at the blood cloud sinking above his head, his eyes straightened and he uttered words of panic.

Looking at Shan Rong's expression, Yuan Jiang frowned slightly.

As the king of a country, even if the mountain falls, he doesn't change his face in front of him. How could it be just a big fire that made him lose his sense of proportion.

How could such a mind lead the kingdom to the end in this war.

Although dissatisfied with Shan Rong's performance, as the head of the kingdom's officials, he still has to do his best to help the king through this catastrophe.

He reminded:
"Your Majesty! The situation is urgent now, do you want to wake up Mr. Qiao and others?"

Hearing this, Shan Rong was like a person from Luoshui, his eyes lit up when he saw a life-saving rope, and he hurriedly said:
"Yes, yes, yes! I will go to the ancestral temple to wake up the elders of the dynasty such as my ancestors, maybe they have a way to solve this matter."

Looking at the hell-like scene in the city, he was overwhelmed by too much and too much pressure, and Shan Yi just wanted to give up this hot potato at the moment.

Yuan Jiang and many other courtiers looked at Shan Ding who was beaming with joy, all of them showed disappointment.

Usually I can't see it, but this time I encountered something, it showed that I was unbearable.

'How can such a person be worthy of a great responsibility, how can he be worthy of being the lord of hundreds of millions of people! '

At this moment, many courtiers had the same thought in their hearts.

Just as Shan Rong was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard a clear and distant cry in his ears.


'? '

He turned his head, looked at the courtiers in front of him, and said doubtfully:

"Who are you waiting to call me?"

Seeing the faces of the people looking at each other, they suddenly came to their senses.

How could all the courtiers in front of him dare to call his name, and there is only one person in the world who dares to call him like this.

Shan Rong couldn't help turning his head to the east.

At this time, the distant sound like the sound of a chime beating a kite sounded again.


Shan Rong's heart trembled, he looked at Dongfang and said in a deep voice:
"But the national teacher called me?"

Only then did Yuan Jiang and the others wake up from their astonishment. It turned out that the national teacher was talking to the monarch, but why couldn't they hear anything.

But thinking of the mysterious and unpredictable means of the national teacher, I feel that this is no big deal.

Since the national teacher is willing to spread the word at this moment, does it mean that the national teacher will help out in the difficult situation? Yuan Jiang and the others cheered up and looked at Shan Rong together.

"Shan Yi, hurry back to the Suzaku Hall and take corn seedlings to activate the magic circle in the hall!"

In Zhang Ke's tone, there is a majestic majesty and a firmness that cannot be resisted.

Shan Ding suddenly had the feeling that the national teacher was on top of his head, staring at him, so he didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly returned to the Suzaku Hall.

Yuan Jiang and the others also saw a turning point from Shan Ding's actions, and immediately followed them into the hall.

After Shan Rong entered the palace, he came directly to the side of the throne.

Behind the throne, a rectangular sapphire stone platform stands on the ground, on which there is a gold plate, and in the gold plate is an ear of 'corn' enshrined.

This ear of 'corn' is the ear of 'corn' that came out of nothing when Zhang Ke's soul transformed.

Because this is a miracle, it has been enshrined on the sapphire stone platform to accept the worship of the subjects since the founding of the country.

Every "beginning of spring" day, the king of the kingdom will personally hold this ear of "corn" to worship to heaven, praying for a year of good weather.

In the early days of the Suzaku Kingdom, courtiers would not salute the monarch when discussing matters in the palace.

After Shan Qiao became the king, he felt that his subjects had no restraint when they talked with him, which damaged his prestige.

In order to let the subjects pay homage to him, Shan Qiao deliberately placed the throne in front of the "miracle", so that when the subjects worship the "miracle", they will pay homage to the monarch.

At that time, the courtiers were greatly disturbed by this move. Shi Xiong, Feng Jiushu and others were unwilling to bend down to the steep mountains. After the situation in the kingdom was stable, they resigned from their positions one after another, and went to retreat to practice the "Three Vessels and Seven Wheels Concept" .

When the monarch succeeds after the mountain, the etiquette of paying homage to the monarch will be inherited naturally.

At this moment, Shan Ding quickly came to the sapphire stone platform, first quickly bowed and gave a salute, then raised his hands to pick up an ear of 'cornet' in the gold plate, turned around and walked down the steps.

The pattern of the Suzaku Hall was designed by Zhang Ke in the early years, and its shape is roughly the same as the "Lingxiao Hall" of the "Congenital One Qi Southern Sect".

Similarly, the throne sits facing south and sits high on the top, with 33 stone steps below it, and the ground below it is flat and clean, with nine dragon stone pillars standing on the left and right.

In the center under the steps of the main hall, there is a gossip-shaped magic circle. The magic circle is six feet and six inches above the ground, and it is constructed of spiritual materials with different attributes and materials.

In the center of the magic circle, black and white yin and yang fish swim between black and white, which is very mysterious.

What is the use of this magic circle? In fact, Shan Rong didn't know about it, but when he succeeded to the position of monarch, the previous monarch, his father Cheng, warned him.

The magic circle is used to carry 'miracles', but it cannot be attempted without permission.

At that time, he still wondered why being the lord of the kingdom still needs permission from others, but he forgot about it later.

When I heard Zhang Ke's voice transmission at this time, I realized that the activation of this magic circle required the permission of the national teacher.

Shan Rong raised his hand to hold the 'corn millet', and slowly placed it in the middle of the yin and yang fish eyes of the magic circle.

As soon as the 'corn' was put away, the voice of the national teacher came again.

"Recite: Suzaku of the Southern Ming Dynasty, Vientiane Lihuo!"

Shan Rong was taken aback, took two steps back, and said loudly:
"Nanming Suzaku, Vientiane Lihuo!"

After chanting, a golden-red fire light appeared first from the 'Li Gua' of the magic circle, and then the fire light quickly smudged the entire Eight Diagrams magic circle.

ancestral land.

Zhang Keyao took a long breath after observing the changes in the magic circle in the Suzaku Hall with his divine sense.

Then he said word for word:
"Nanming Suzaku, Vientiane Lihuo!"

This time he drummed up all his mana and fully operated the magical power of 'infrasonic wave'.


In the dark, first, there was a pleasant bell ringing between heaven and earth.

Afterwards, the vibrating sound of "Nanming Suzaku, Vientiane Lihuo" resounded between heaven and earth, and these eight characters spread out through the void layer by layer through the "infratone bell".

Although this sound does not have a mighty sound resounding through heaven and earth, it is like a clear spring gurgling, as if someone is whispering in the ear.

With Zhang Ke's continuous comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth, the power of his supernatural powers has also increased day by day.

At this time, this supernatural power will be transmitted to the ears and hearts of every living being within thousands of miles nearby without hindrance.

At the same time, as the sound came in, another idea followed closely.

'Suzaku's Prayer, Dispel Misfortunes! '

Inspired by this idea, countless people immediately understood the meaning of the words after hearing the eight-character sound transmission.

In the cities that were ravaged by blood flames, dragons and poisonous fires, some people who were trapped in the buildings by the poisonous fires prayed helplessly in desperation.

"Nanming Suzaku, Vientiane Lihuo!"

"Nanming Suzaku, Vientiane Lihuo!"

"Nanming Suzaku"

The sound of recitation sounded from 28 cities.

(End of this chapter)

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