Chapter 867
The generals in the army only saw Zhao He's great success, but they didn't know that Zhao He's suggestion was actually well thought out.

He made calculations and found that the position of the striker camp established by 'Lihun Mountain' on the windless plain is somewhat special.

It is not difficult to launch an attack on its camp, but the difficulty is that this area is not large enough for millions of people to attack at the same time.

Even if he was making a sneak attack, he could only send two battalions of soldiers and horses at most.

Therefore, he pretended to be generous and made this suggestion.

Moreover, he deliberately let the messenger inform the other party of the time of the attack he was about to launch, and he didn't just say it casually.

Zhao He looked at the problem from a different angle between himself and the other party.

If the 'Leaving Soul Mountain' tribe suddenly issued a letter of war to him, he would definitely suspect that there must be a conspiracy in it.

In this way, the generals of the 'Lihun Mountain' tribe will definitely rack their brains to guess their intentions, and they will also ask the sergeants to be on strict alert to prevent them from taking the opportunity to sneak attack.

Three days may seem inconspicuous, but it can exhaust the mental and physical strength of the opposing sergeant.

At that time, if one's own side recharges its energy and launches a thunderous strike, it will definitely be defeated in one fell swoop.

Zhao He believes that since it is a battle, it is necessary to weaken the opponent from all aspects and make him nervous and exhausted, which is also a kind of tactics.

In addition, he also wanted to take this opportunity to make the general of the 'Lihun Mountain' tribe on the opposite side think that he was a crazy person who was very happy with his achievements.

In this case, perhaps when the opponent arranges tactics, he will take his own personality into consideration, and he can also confuse his opponent, making him confused about his next strategy.

These two factors led Zhao He to make this seemingly incredible decision.

More importantly, he wanted to take this opportunity to prove himself.

What is the title of "Valkyrie"? This only shows that Vientiane is strong personally, and it does not prove that he is good at military affairs.

I will tell you when, where, and how many soldiers and horses I will send out to wage war on you, and finally crush you.

Zhao He is going to establish his title of 'Military God' with an upright battle.

That's right, before the battle started, he had already started fantasizing about the scene after the victory.

As long as he thought about it, Zhao He couldn't help being agitated and unable to hold himself.

In fact, Zhao He's tactics cannot be said to be wrong.

In fact, after seeing the letter of challenge sent by the envoy sent by Zhao He, many senior generals in the forward camp of 'Lihun Mountain' were indeed in a daze.

Just as Zhao He guessed, they fell into the extremely troubled conspiracy theory and couldn't extricate themselves.

At the same time, he ordered all the people in the camp to keep their vests on their bodies, their knives in their sheaths, and to be fully on guard against the enemy's situation.

The information that Zhao He brought 300 million soldiers and nearly 100 million princes' soldiers and horses had already been discovered by them.

During the half year of fighting, the tribe of 'Leaving Soul Mountain' found that the soldiers of the Suzaku Kingdom were not easy to deal with.

Although his individual ability is not as good as his own, but he is well-equipped and well-trained, and because he has basically practiced the 'Wrestler Practice Method', his overall strength is not bad.

Moreover, the Suzaku Kingdom also has the method of "combining troops and gathering power" and "medical doctor", a special unit that has a powerful auxiliary effect on warfare.

Once it can't be defeated at once, relying on the powerful healing ability of the opponent's doctor, it can always quickly treat the wounded to form a combat force, and drag its own side into a high-intensity continuous battle.

'Three Meridians and Seven Wheels Contemplation Thoughts' is the core exercise, its main function is to increase longevity and awaken the supernatural powers of blood vessels.

And the "Wisdom Practice Method" is a kind of body protection technique, and practicing this method will not benefit oneself.

Every time this method is activated, it will cause a huge load on the body. If this method is used multiple times in a short period of time, it may lead to the collapse of the physical body.

If you want to reduce the damage to the physical body, you must practice the "Three Vessels and Seven Wheels Contemplation Thoughts" to strengthen the physical strength, and the two complement each other.

Therefore, the tribe of 'Lihun Mountain' did not dare to underestimate the army of the Suzaku Kingdom.

But at this moment, Zhao He's letter of war made many descendants of the 'Lihun Mountain' striker camp completely confused.

Zhao He is the commander-in-chief of the Suzaku Kingdom's northern war. Would such a person think he is a fool?

Of course not, so many generals of 'Lihun Mountain' racked their brains to guess the intention behind Zhao He's move.

They deduced one guess after another, overturning their own guesses again and again.

Until someone suddenly said:

'Could this Zhao He be just a very happy person, in fact, there is no superfluous intention in this gauntlet? '

Many generals just woke up like a dream. Although they thought this idea was incredible, they found that it was really possible.

But at this time, they suddenly discovered that tomorrow is the day of the decisive battle proposed by the other party.

Three days were wasted in this way, and the morale and spirit of the soldiers in the army declined.

It can be said that Zhao He's war letter did achieve the best results as he expected.

However, there was one thing he didn't expect.

That is the strength of both sides.

The tenth day of the fourth lunar month.

early morning.

Millions of soldiers in red war robes in the Suzaku Kingdom spread like a sea of ​​red in the south of the windless plain.

Thirty miles away on the opposite side of them, a simple but huge camp stands, 60 soldiers from the 'Lihun Mountain' tribe half relying on the camp to guard it.

The vanguard camp is very crude, and this weak defense cannot withstand the charge of a million soldiers.

Therefore, the 'Lihun Mountain' tribe only hid half of the people in the camp, and the rest built a thick line of defense in front of the camp.

The chilling aura was brewing within a radius of hundreds of miles, and due to the concatenation and vibration of the aura, layers of clouds formed above each other's heads.

The south belongs to fire, and a cloud of fire gathers over the camp of Suzaku Kingdom.

The north belongs to water, and a group of black clouds surged over the tribal camp of 'Lihun Mountain'.

The front of the Suzaku Kingdom array.

Zhao He stood suspended in the air, with a pair of pale golden transparent wings shining with the sun's rays behind him. Under the light of the sun, streamers of light fluttered and danced behind him, majestic and resounding like a god.

When the great sun rises a tree high from the east.

In the camp of the Suzaku Kingdom, twelve trumpeters found a predetermined time, and each of them exhaled and blew the huge rhinoceros horn in their hands.


The sound of horns that were dull but full of wild meaning resounded through the sky.

The soldiers and horses of the two battalions of 'Panshan' and 'Fushan' had long been ready to go. When the horn sounded, millions of soldiers all tensed up.

'bass--! '

There was a clear and clear sword cry.

Zhao He pulled out the long sword from his waist, pointed the tip of the sword towards the opposite side, and shouted loudly:
"go ahead--!"


Millions of people agreed loudly at the same time, only to hear a loud bang shaking in a radius of hundreds of miles.


The two battalions of 'Panshan' and 'Fushan' marched forward in orderly steps and in accordance with their respective formations.

The shield bearers are in front, the infantry and archers are in the middle, and the light and heavy cavalry are in the rear.

Looking down from the sky, I saw a square of ten thousand people moving forward in parallel like a square of tofu.

The gap between each large formation of [-] people is mile wide, enough for two battalions of soldiers and horses to spread out.

Pulled by the breath, the red clouds above the two battalions also rolled and surged towards the position of the black clouds.

The earth was trembling, the air was exploding, and the vitality of the heaven and the earth was attracted by the air mechanism, constantly rolling out colorful rays of light in the middle of the two camps.


The rhythmic sound of heavy drums restrained the pace of millions of soldiers and calmed down the tense emotions.


Countless people breathed at the same time, and the huge breathing caused the sergeants to be surrounded by strong winds as they advanced.

With the movement of the body and the wind, the millions of troops of the Suzaku Kingdom were like boundless red sea waves rolling the storm forward, and their momentum became more and more prominent.


Hundreds of high-ranking members of the 'Lihun Mountain' tribe descended, one by one looking solemnly at the fire clouds surging in the sky like sea waves.

Through a series of secret techniques, they could easily see the enemy army that was sweeping towards them like waves from thirty miles away.

Since the start of this war, the tribe of 'Leaving Soul Mountain' has been invincible in the Northern Territory and has never encountered an opponent.

Even if he moved to the Southern Region, he had never encountered an opponent with more than 10 people when he pulled out many cities and fortresses.

At this moment, when the two battalions of "Panshan" and "Fushan" of the Suzaku Kingdom's millions of soldiers rushed towards their own side in neat steps, the momentum like a mountain falling or a sea collapse suddenly changed everyone's color.

"Sorcerer group's probing attack!"

In the army of the 'Lihun Mountain' tribe, a burly man with a height of one foot and six feet and a strange purple pattern on his face gave orders solemnly.

A snow-white fox tail hangs down from both sides of its neck, showing some peculiarities.

His name is Diao Ji, and he is the leader of the 60 soldiers and horses of this forward battalion.

Behind it, a three-foot-high flag was unfurled without wind. On the black flag, a huge white wolf raised its head and bared its teeth, as if it wanted to bite the sky into pieces.

Hearing Diao Ji's order, hundreds of shamans with loose hair in hemp robes and ghostly faces gathered together.

A series of murmurs sounded like bugs crawling across the ground, and hundreds of shamans rose up on their backs, beating strange steps and vibrating at the same frequency as the vitality of the heavens and the earth.

As the shaman danced more and more crazily, the whispering sound became more and more strange, as if countless bugs pierced through the skin and gnawed in the body, which made people feel creepy.

A gray whirlwind quietly appeared among many shamans.

After a while, the leader of the shaman who presided over the ceremony suddenly pointed the bent wooden staff at the gray whirlwind.


A circle of faint ripples swayed, and the gray whirlwind disappeared from the surrounding of many shamans.

next second.
On the windless plain where there is no wind and tide all year round, a slight breeze suddenly appeared on the north side. After a few breaths, the diameter of the whirlwind has become more than ten feet in the rapid rotation.

Up to the sky, tail to the ground!
Hundreds of shamans closed their eyes and chanted incantations softly, and the huge whirlwind that reached the sky and the earth rolled towards the camp of the Suzaku Kingdom, which was within ten miles.

Every minute of advance, the whirlwind will grow stronger, and when it hits the front of a million soldiers, the diameter of the whirlwind has expanded to about thirty feet.

Seeing that the whirlwind was about to rush to the front of the formation, Zhao He, who was hanging in the air, let out a loud shout:

A voice condensed with special power resounded like thunder.

Immediately afterwards, millions of soldiers shouted loudly:


This cry carries with it the firm will of millions of soldiers and the same mana from the same source.

The sound wave shaking the sky condensed a milky white air wave in front of the millions of soldiers.

This wave of air rushed forward overwhelmingly, and charged against the huge whirlwind with unstoppable force.


The impact area between the two seemed to have been ravaged by a twelfth-level gust of wind. Weeds and gravel rolled up, and some shrubs fell outwards with the wind.

But that's all, it didn't cause the slightest harm to the millions of soldiers in the Suzaku Kingdom.

'Ugh-! '

Diao Ji secretly sighed in his heart, the strong wind summoned by hundreds of shamans was blown away as expected, and the last trace of luck in his heart was expelled.

'It's such a powerful method of 'combining forces and gathering forces', it seems that it is impossible to use war tactics to hinder and limit the opponent's progress.

Hey~!That being the case, I will fight with you to see how strong you are! '

After thinking about it, Diao Ji issued an order loudly:
"Everyone will obey!"


Countless sergeants shouted loudly.

Diao Ji raised the three-headed flail, which was nine feet long, and pointed forward.

"All troops charge!"

Then he slammed his feet under Xunlong's waist and abdomen, and personally led [-] Xunlong cavalry to rush out from the position of the central army.

The densely packed sergeants in front of him spread out to the left and right like waves of water being cut, and [-] swift dragon cavalry swept past like a gust of wind.


The remaining [-] sergeants let out high-pitched shouts, followed by [-] cavalrymen and ran in an orderly manner like a rolling beast tide.

Xunlong is a terrifying creature unique to the Northern Territory. It is extremely ferocious and aggressive, and it is good at cooperating.

An ordinary Xunlong is one foot and two feet tall at the shoulders, and only uses two hind legs to move. The short forelimbs have sharp claws that can easily penetrate cowhide.

It looks similar to the swift and fierce dinosaur in Zhang Ke's dream, but it is much bigger.

It is not a monster, but after being in groups of three or four, even monsters dare to step forward and bite.

With the help of Aqiluo, the tribe of 'Leaving Soul Mountain' successfully domesticated this terrible creature into a mount.

The tribe of 'Lihunshan' respects Sirius, and its fighting method is similar to that of wolves.

Stay away from it and wait for the opportunity to move!

At this moment, countless people seem to be running without order, but they are constantly gathering and separating.

No one is guiding, but everyone seems to know what to do.

The two sides, one south and one north, simultaneously advanced towards the opposing camp.

One is slow and one is fast, one is anxious and one is slow, one is scattered like ten thousand beasts running wildly, and one gathers and advances like a forest.

Black clouds swirled in the sky, and fire clouds tumbling, quickly spread towards the opponent, approaching in the blink of an eye.

one thousand feet
Eight hundred feet.
Six hundred feet..
Looking at the chaotic charge from the opposite side, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao He's mouth.

With his body suspended in the air, he pointed forward with the sword in his right hand and issued an order:

"Ten rounds of rapid fire!"


Countless orderlies blew the attack command.

After hearing the order, the million-strong army did not stop, and the shield warriors in front of them, with their top helmets and full armor holding a full-length shield, stepped forward in neat steps like hundreds of metal walls.

The infantry behind them walked quickly, shooting with bows and arrows one by one.


It exploded like thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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