Chapter 877
Time moves forward two days.

When Zhao He was temporarily pardoned for his crimes in the sky prison, Vientiane, who was leading his army back from the eastern front of the kingdom, suddenly felt a palpitation.

'? '

When she has practiced to her level, once she has a whim, either she is about to face a life-and-death crisis, or people with the same blood as her are in danger.

Wanxiang turned into a flame and soared into the sky. After searching the area thousands of miles away, he found nothing abnormal before returning to the army.

The war on the Eastern Front has been settled, and it seems that the crisis is not on his side.

That being the case, the warning sign in my heart can only come from the only mother who is related to him by blood.

Thinking of the vicissitudes here, my heart suddenly rose, and I immediately told Feng Xinglu, the deputy battalion commander of the 'Suzaku Camp' who was accompanying me:

"Feng Xinglu, just now I felt a sudden whim, fearing that there will be changes in the country, I need to return immediately.

You are in charge of the East Tenth Battalion for the time being. From now on, we will speed up the march and wait for my return at 'East Millet City'.

In addition, I will hand over the Tiger Talisman to you, and anyone who disobeys orders can be dealt with by military law! "

Feng Xinglu clasped his fists in salute, sonorously and forcefully said:

"Don't worry, the battalion commander. In the end, he will take good care of the East Ten Battalion and wait for the battalion commander to return!"

Feng Xinglu is 170 years old this year. He was captured during the war with the "Red Maple Kingdom". He was rescued after the kingdom defeated the "Red Maple Kingdom".

However, it was tainted by being captured once, and has not been reused since then.

However, Feng Xinglu did not complain about himself, but devoted himself to practicing at home.

His qualifications are good, and he has no other distractions. After hundreds of years of practice, he has cultivated the idea of ​​"Three Meridians and Seven Wheels" to the seventh level, becoming the third person in the Feng family to achieve the same level as the Yuanshen Realm.

The 'Three Meridians and Seven Wheels Contemplation Thoughts' technique has great disadvantages. Even after reaching the seventh level, which is equivalent to the Yuanshen Realm, the lifespan will only increase to six hundred years old, but no matter what, there is still a qualitative change.

After the rise of Vientiane, Feng Xinglu also awakened 'Nanming Lihuo' due to an accident, and joined the 'Suzaku Camp' following the induction in his heart.

In the following decades, Feng Xinglu gained the recognition of Vientiane by virtue of his ability. Although he was only a general in name, he was actually the deputy commander of the 'Suzaku Battalion'.

After these years of honing, there are no less than two hundred masters in the East Ten Battalion who have cultivated the "Three Meridians and Seven Wheels Contemplation Thought" to the seventh level.

The East Ten Battalion is not considered everything, and there are still nine battalion commanders, plus nearly a hundred masters who are equivalent to the primordial spirit realm who joined the 'Luo Kingdom'.

If Wanxiang is not there, a general with Feng Xinglu may not be able to suppress these generals.

But Feng Xinglu dared to take over the next one, relying on the combat power of the 'Suzaku Battalion' to crush the other battalions.

After hearing Feng Xinglu's promise, Wanxiang gave an 'hmm', and greeted the other nine commanders by sound transmission.

After that, he stopped hesitating, his body swayed, and he turned into a golden-red streamer and flew south.

When she came to the gate of the Suzaku hall following the bloodline induction, she saw hundreds of inner court guards frantically attacking the stone wall blocking the gate.

Vientiane burst into flames all over his body, and with just a pounce, he pierced a hole in the stone wall blocking the gate of the temple and entered it.

And the first thing she saw when she entered the main hall was Zhao He's 'Blade of Space' shot after breaking through the golden circle under Shan Yin's cloth.

Without a trace of hesitation, Wanxiang directly urged 'Nanming Lihuo' with all his strength, manifesting the wings of the Vermilion Bird, smashing through Zhao He's bodyguard, Gangfeng, and beheading his head.

But after she greeted her mother Wansa, she discovered that Zhao He's 'blade of space' had pierced through Shan Yin's chest before he died.

Without Zhao He's magical interference, the commander of the inner court guard loosened his hands, and the dark golden defensive light curtain immediately dissipated.

But when he saw the tragic situation of the monarch Shan Yin, the commander of the inner court guards was stunned.

It can be seen that the heart of Shan Yin has been completely pierced, and the throne behind it can be seen from the hole in the chest.

Wansa leaned close to Shan Yin's side, his expression was full of grief and despair.

Wan Xiang knelt down slowly and held his mother's cold hand, but didn't know how to comfort her.

Shan Yin collapsed on the ground, without a trace of blood on his pale face, although he did not die immediately, he has already entered the dying state without even a heart.

He turned his eyes, first glanced at Zhao He, who was two inches away from his body, then looked at Vientiane, smiled wryly and sighed softly:
"Hey, after all, there should be a calamity in one's lonely life!"

Even if Vientiane returned to the time of one breath earlier, he would not fall to the present situation.

Taking a breath, Shan Yin said softly:


Vientiane responded, "Father!"

At this time, all the surviving courtiers endured their pain and rushed to the front, seeing the tragic situation of Shan Yin, they all bowed to the ground one by one.

Shan Yin turned his eyes to look around, took a breath and said:

"Vientiane, you can't do it alone.

But a country cannot live without a king for a day!
Now I will pass on the throne to you in the name of the Suzaku Kingdom's monarch. I hope you can drive out the thieves, so that hundreds of millions of people in the kingdom can get out of this war as soon as possible and live a stable life. "

Shan Yin's words surprised all the courtiers present.

Shan Yin was so severely injured that it was obvious that he could no longer live. He would entrust him on his deathbed, which was not unexpected.

But he didn't pass on the throne to his descendants, but let Vientiane inherit it, so everyone couldn't help being surprised.

Zuo Prime Minister Yuan Jiang had been killed by Zhao He, and the highest status in the court was Taiwei Jinsu.

He immediately knelt forward and said:

"Your Majesty!"

Then he didn't care that Wanxiang was beside him, and said quickly:
"Your Majesty still has descendants by his side, how can he pass on the throne to Princess Suzaku.

First, although Princess Suzaku is called the princess, she is not of the Shan clan's bloodline, so she is not qualified to inherit the throne.

Second, the owner of Suzaku Princess is a woman, and the rooster Sichen is an ominous omen. Hundreds of millions of people in the kingdom will never accept that their monarch is a woman.

Third, Princess Suzaku is proficient in military affairs but not in internal affairs, so she has no ability to manage such a huge kingdom.

May Your Majesty think twice! "

After all, Jin Su kowtowed.

The other ministers also echoed one by one.

"Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

Vientiane ignored Jin Su's accusation.

She just held her mother's hand lightly at the side, watching Wansa's eyes gradually see the death, and she had a bad premonition in her heart.

At this time, many inner court guards outside the hall had already entered the hall, but under the signal of the commander of the inner court guards, they were distributed all over the hall without approaching.

At the same time, two royal family 'doctors' were also summoned, but looking at Shan Yin's injury, they all showed sadness.

However, the two still took a life-saving elixir for Shan Yin and used several healing techniques to barely maintain Shan Yin's vitality.

Shan Yin already felt that his body was not good at this moment, but he knew that he had to make arrangements for his funeral before he died, so he could only struggle and say:
"Although Vientiane is not my own, but he is also a child of the royal family, so of course he is qualified to inherit the throne.

The first king of the kingdom was a woman, so there is a saying that women cannot inherit the throne.

Now that the kingdom is facing internal and external troubles, a capable person is needed to lead the kingdom out of the predicament.

Except for Vientiane, no one from the Shan family has the ability to rule this country.

Therefore, Gu decided that Vientiane would inherit the throne. This is Gu's will, and all the ministers only need to obey! "

Shan Yin was worried that he would die on the spot at any time, so he said a lot in one breath, which was not only an explanation of Jin Su's words, but also expressed his own heart.

Jin Su wanted to speak again, but Wan Xiang waved his hand impatiently.

A burst of flames flashed by, and Jin Su was wrapped in a ball of flames and flew out of the hall.

Wanxiang turned to look at the courtiers in the hall and said:
"I have no interest in the throne, you don't have to worry about it."

Just as he was talking, his hands tightened suddenly, and he couldn't help but look down at his mother.

Wansa said lightly:
"Your father is running out of time, let him finish his sentence!"

Wanxiang pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Shan Yin smiled wryly and said:

"Guzhi, since you were young, you didn't like to be restrained, and you were forced to take on the task of being the battalion commander.

But the kingdom needs you now"

Vientiane interjected softly:
"Father, the third brother is still serving in front of you. You can let the third brother be the king, and I will assist him with all my heart."

Shan Yin took a breath, reluctantly opened his mouth and said:

"'Leaving Soul Mountain' and 'Wan Ling Tribe' may break through the western and northern fronts at any time, and the situation of the kingdom has reached its critical point.|"

Speaking of this, Shan Yin suddenly thought of something, and asked again:

"How was the war on the Eastern Front?"

Vientiane replied:

"Father, there is no need to worry, the 'Kingdom of Luo' has bowed his head and proclaimed himself a vassal, and here is the letter of surrender."

Wan Xiang said, and handed a scroll of jade-like emerald leaves to Shan Yin.

Shan Yin was shocked when he heard the words, he wanted to raise his hand to pick it up and watch it, but he couldn't move a single bit.

Wansa stretched out his hand to pick up the letter of credence and unfolded it, and moved it in front of Shan.

Shan Yin looked at the contents of the national letter and the golden-red national seal imprint, a blush appeared on his face, and he applauded again and again.

The other courtiers next to each other looked at each other, and they all saw horror in each other's eyes.

Only ten battalions of soldiers and horses have defeated a large power of the same level with hundreds of millions of people in a few years, which undoubtedly further demonstrates the strength of Vientiane.

Hearing the good news, Shan Yin's spirit improved a lot, he looked at Vientiane and said:
"When you fought abroad, you were repeatedly restrained by the courtiers, so you were restrained everywhere, and you were still unable to show your strengths.

Now the situation of the country is critical, if you are held hostage again when you are fighting abroad, you may be in danger of subjugating the country.

If you are the king of a country, all the power of a country can be used by you, and no one can restrain you.

For the sake of the life and death of hundreds of millions of people in the kingdom, I only hope that you can inherit the position of the monarch, calm down the evil atmosphere, and restore a stable living environment for the creatures in this world. "

At this moment, Shan Yin returned to light, his mind regained his daily clarity, and even his spirit became much stronger.

He stared at Vientiane with a pair of shining eyes.


I mean, if, if you really don't want to be the king of this country, after the war is settled, you can find a promising person from the descendants of the Shan clan to inherit the throne, and let the blood of the Shan clan take over the kingdom again. "

As soon as this remark came out, the hearts of many courtiers who originally resisted Vientiane becoming the king moved slightly.

'I see! '

Shan Yin currently only has his third son serving in front of him, but his third son is mentally deficient, and his IQ is equivalent to that of a child.

If he is ordered to ascend the throne forcibly, the consequences will be evacuated or abolished by the courtiers, just like when the mountain forced the flame red silkworm to abdicate.

Similarly, in the generation of Shan Yin's grandsons, there is no outstanding person who has the ability to turn the tide when the country is in crisis.

Instead of the kingdom being destroyed or the Shan clan being abolished in the future, it is better to pass on the throne of the king to Vientiane temporarily.

After all, Wanxiang can be regarded as Shan Yin's daughter anyway, and she doesn't seem to have any ambitions yet.

In the future, if Vientiane can plow the court and sweep the caves to defeat the two major forces of 'Lihun Mountain' and 'Wanling Tribe', then 'Suzaku Kingdom' will also become the master of this world.

Even if he is unwilling to return the throne to the Shan clan in the future, he will treat the descendants of the Shan clan kindly.

The flame red silkworm lineage is the best example. After Shan Yao conspired to seize the throne, this family was one of the six major families, but they could only guard the ancestral temple and never see their future.

In addition, if Wanxiang really has no intention of taking the throne, and then pass the throne back to the Shan clan, wouldn't it be a profit.

In addition to the above two points, the thoughtful courtier even thought more.

Shan Qiao, the first founder of the Shan Clan, is still alive now, and when Vientiane wipes out the other two major forces in the future, Shan Qiao may take back the throne with a single shout.

All the courtiers couldn't help being shocked by Shan Yin's many schemes.

Shan Yin's words moved Vientiane.

When she was fighting abroad, she was indeed extremely unhappy by the repeated behavior of the rear.

Thinking that after becoming a king, he could mobilize national power and resources at will, Wanxiang couldn't help but feel a little excited.

After thinking for a moment, Vientiane said:

"Since that's the case, then I will inherit the position of monarch, but..."

Vientiane paused for a moment and continued:
"Father, my daughter has something to say first.

Now that the daughter inherits the position of the monarch, it is unknown whether it will be passed on to the Shan clan in the future.

Therefore, it is still too late for the father to establish a new king, and the daughter will help her wholeheartedly, and she will never break her promise! "

At this moment, a moment of hesitation flashed in Shan Yin's heart, but after thinking about it, he became firmer in his belief.

Zu Jun Shan Qiao's life and death are unknown now, and the Shan clan has no one to carry the tripod.

Forcing the descendants to inherit the position of the monarch will definitely lead to death.

In any case, Wanxiang was raised by himself, and he has a deep understanding of his nature, and knows that he is not an ungrateful person.

Even if he doesn't want to return to the Shan clan in the future, he will definitely treat him kindly.

Thinking of this, Shan Yin signaled Wansa to help him sit back on the throne.

At this time, his face was extremely excited, his eyes were shining brightly, and he said in a deep voice on the throne:

"Today, I will pass on the title of the king of the 'Suzaku Kingdom' to Vientiane.

In the future, all the ministers will regard Vientiane as the king as if they were orphans!

Where is the ceremonial officer? "

Although the ritual officer was injured in the previous battle, he has recovered a lot under the treatment of 'Lang Zhong'.

Hearing Shan Yin's call, he immediately took a step forward and said:

"Chen is here!"

Shan Yin swept his eyes across all the officials in the hall, and said loudly:

"Ceremony officer, you will preside over the new king's enthronement ceremony."

"The minister obeys the order!"

The ceremonial officer knew that Shan Yin didn't have much time, so he didn't refuse, not to mention that this was a good opportunity to show his loyalty to Wanxiang.

After responding, he immediately turned to face all the officials in the hall and shouted solemnly:
"Hundred officials return to their positions, and the new king's enthronement ceremony will be held immediately!"

After looking at each other for a few times, all the officials in the hall stood up one by one and returned to the hall to stand in civil and military positions.

The ceremonial officer quickly drew up an imperial edict for Shan Yin to read, and after Shan Yin signed the edict with trembling hands, he stamped the seal of the national seal on his name.

The ceremonial officer stood beside the throne, unfolded the imperial decree and read aloud:
"On the ninth day of the sixth lunar month in the third year of the lunar calendar, the monarch Shan Yin ordered:

Guzi felt unwell and was unable to continue to govern the government.

The lonely daughter Wanxiang is kind-hearted by nature, with unparalleled literary and military strategies, and she is the mainstay of the country.

When the state of the kingdom is at a critical moment, only those who can turn the tide can turn the tide.

Because of this, Gu decided to abdicate the title of monarch of the "Suzaku Kingdom" to his daughter Vientiane!
This edict will take effect from the time of promulgation, hereby! "

Since Shan Yin might die at any time, the ritual officer abandoned all red tape and simply explained the matter of enthronement clearly.

After he finished reading the edict, Shan Yin handed over the scepter and seal that symbolized the monarch to Vientiane.

Then he left the throne with Wansa's support.

Wan Xiang took off the hideous ghost mask on his face, and slowly sat upright on the throne.

The ceremonial officer shouted loudly:
"All ministers, please pay homage to the king!"

All the ministers in the hall adjusted their robes a little, and all bowed in salute.

"Meet my king!"

(End of this chapter)

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