Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 893 What to Do with Me

Chapter 893 What to Do with Me
Daoist Frost, who was wearing a blue Taoist robe, followed Tai Geng into the 'Lingxiao Temple'.

Since the "Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong" was officially established 600 years ago, the Taoist names of the male disciples under the sect are arranged according to the eight characters of "Xuanyuan Zhizhen, Chongxiao Taisu".

This dao name is a generation every 60 years, and the latest generation of disciple dao names has been ranked in the second round of the 'Yuan' generation.

Tai Geng, formerly known as Mu Zhigeng, is 280 years old this year, and his cultivation has reached the completion of the Golden Core "Tiangang Realm", and he may advance to the "Dragon Tiger Realm" at any time.

Among the new generation of 'Baixiu', it ranks No.70 and No. [-].

The so-called 'Baixiu' is actually a ranking on the Nanzong's 'Tongtian Pagoda'.

Only Jindan disciples whose personal authority reaches No. 12 or above and whose age is no more than [-] years old, the top [-] disciples with the fastest time to climb the tower can win this honor.

And once the age exceeds [-] years old, it will automatically be removed from the list.

This "Hundred Show List" is not just an honor, but also has many benefits.

Once on the list, you will automatically become a true disciple, and you will also be able to receive a magical practice method in the Zongmen's "Jiage Library" and customize a magic weapon in the "Dharma Artifact Department".

In addition, two levels of personal authority levels and daily life standards can be increased.

The most important thing is that only the disciples of the 'Baixiu Bang' are eligible to be on duty in the 'Lingxiao Temple'.

Don't think that this is a hard job. Once you can be on duty in the palace, not only will there be a special mark on your personal resume, but you can also get in touch with the senior management of the sect.

Cultivation is not behind closed doors, it also needs the support of the "law, wealth and land", and interpersonal relationship is also an important part.

At this time, Master Frost looked at Tai Geng's tall and straight body in front of him and his vigorous temperament, and then looked at his old age, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced sideways.

Beside him, followed by a delicate young girl.

At this moment, the girl looked around in amazement, making admiration sounds from time to time.

Lingxiao Hall has nine floors in tower shape. Each floor is 33 feet long, 33 feet wide and 33 feet high.

It was also the first time for Daoist Frost to come to Little Penglai, looking at the towering "Lingxiao Temple", he couldn't help but secretly shocked.

However, seeing that the nine-storey hall is paved with gold bricks and jade tiles, under the sunlight, the entire 'Lingxiao Temple' shines with dazzling golden light that scorches people's eyes.

All kinds of auspicious beasts, with golden scales and armor, are carved on the arched corners of the cornices, which are so vivid that they seem to want to fly into the sky.

'Oh, the weather in Nanzong is really impressive! '

Master Frost recalled what he had seen and heard along the way, and entered the nine-story hall of the 'Lingxiao Temple' with complicated emotions.

At this time, Zhang Ke had been waiting in the hall for a long time, but he did not sit on the main seat of the sect master, but waited at the gate of the hall. Beside him stood the magnificent Xu Qingzhi.

Tai Geng came to Zhang Ke and bowed his hands in salute.

"Master, the disciple has invited Daoist Frost!"

Zhang Ke waved his hand, Tai Geng stepped back in response.

Zhang Ke opened his eyes covered with a layer of white mist, glanced at Master Frost and the girl beside him, and bowed his hands politely.

"If you've met the real Frost!"

A smile appeared on the face of Master Frost, and he also politely replied:

"Master Ruyi, long time no see."

The young female cultivator next to him bowed her body gracefully, and her clear voice was like the chirping of an oriole.

"Junior Qi Guan Xinyu pays homage to Sect Master Ruyi!"

Zhang Ke's heart skipped a beat.

The surname 'Qi Guan' is very rare, it seems that this is the lay surname of Daoist Frost.

Daoist Frost explained on the side:

"Sect Leader Ruyi, Xinyu is a junior in my family. He has heard of the name of the Sect Leader since he was a child. This time, when he learned that I was coming to see you, he insisted on seeing the Sect Leader.

Hehe, usually, I also like this junior quite a lot, so it's rather rude to bring him here hastily. "

Zhang Ke smiled lightly.

"It's okay, it's just that this woman doesn't seem to be a disciple of this sect?"

Master Frost nodded and said:

"The master's eyes are as bright as a torch, and Xinyu does have another teacher."

He didn't explain more about Qi Guan Xinyu's origin, so Zhang Ke didn't ask in detail.

At this moment, Xu Qingzhi felt a little vigilant in his heart.

Qi Guan Xinyu has a lovely appearance, innocent and charming, just the type that the head of the sect likes, and Master Frost suddenly brought such a junior here, no matter how you look at it, it seems that he has other intentions.

Zhang Ke briefly exchanged greetings with Master Frost, and asked:
"I don't know if Master Frost came here this time for business or private business?"

Master Frost understood the meaning of Zhang Ke's words.

If it was a business matter, Zhang Kezi would meet each other with solemn courtesy, and it was for this reason that he waited for Master Frost in the 'Lingxiao Palace'.

If Daoist Frost came here for a private matter, naturally he wouldn't receive it with such great fanfare.

However, Zhang Ke's behavior seemed polite, but it was actually a kind of alienation.

As far as Master Frost knew, when other people from the Dingzhou sect came to the Nanzong, most of them were received by Zhang Ke at his residence, 'Xianrenzhi' Peak.

'Oh, after all, there is a grudge in his heart! '

Master Frost knows why Zhang Ke has a gap with him, isn't the reason the incident that year?

However, if it wasn't because of the events of the past that led to a lack of regret in my heart, why did I never find the opportunity to break through the primordial spirit!
"Hehe, head of Ruyi, Hanshuang's visit this time, except for a few business matters, is actually mainly for personal matters."

Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows and said with a light 'oh':

"Since that's the case, please talk to the side hall."

Zhang Ke was talking in his mouth, and turned to ask Daoist Hanshuang to move forward.

In the side hall.

Zhang Ke, Xu Qingzhi and Master Frost sat down separately, while Qi Guan Xinyu served tea for the three of them.

Qi Guan Xinyu had obviously learned this kind of tea art, she moved her slender hands, the cup was full of breath, and the movements of flowing water and clouds were pleasing to the eye, and there was a lot of kung fu in the space.

Several people did not speak, they watched Qi Guan Xinyu cook tea quietly.

After a while, Qi Guan Xinyu presented two cups of spiritual tea to Master Frost and Xu Qingzhi respectively, and finally presented a cup to Zhang Ke with both hands.

"Master Ruyi, please use tea!"

Zhang Ke took the teacup with a smile, seeing Qi Guan Xinyu secretly looking at him, he couldn't help laughing and said:
"Does Xinyu have something to say?"

Qi Guan Xinyu blurted out and asked:

"Master Ruyi, have your eyes really been hurt?"

At this point, Master Frost's face darkened, and he scolded:
"Xinyu, don't be rude!"

Qi Guan Xinyu hastily stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, with a look of panic.

Zhang Ke waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Master Frost doesn't have to be like this, it's just a junior's curiosity!"

Then he turned his head to look at Qi Guan Xinyu, and asked:
"Why is Xinyu curious about this?"

Qi Guan Xinyu secretly glanced at Master Frost, and said softly:
"The junior grew up listening to the countless experiences of the head of the sect, and you are the person I admire the most in my heart.

However, I heard that you injured your eyes in order to save others. I wonder if it has improved now? "

Zhang Ke smiled softly, opened his eyes, revealing a pair of pupils filled with white mist.

"It wasn't to save people back then, it was just trapped in a spirit treasure by a snake demon.

Hehe, in fact, I was not only blind at the time, but even my ears were broken.

But fortunately, I have practiced a technique of 'Heavenly Vision, Earth Hearing', which can replace the eyes and ears.

As for the eyes, now"

Zhang Ke wanted to elaborate, but Xu Qingzhi interrupted:

"Don't mention these old things, it's not something glorious.

Daoist Frost must have something important to come here this time, let's get down to business! "

Zhang Ke and Master Frost looked at each other, and couldn't help chuckling a few times.

Zhang Ke stretched out his hand to signal Master Frost to drink tea, and then asked:

"Master Frost, why did you come here this time?"

Master Frost hesitated, as if some words were not easy to say, and after a long time, he sighed and said:

"Oh, that's all, that's what happened."

Daoist Frost has actually had a hard time for hundreds of years.

He also became famous at a young age, and he formed a golden core before the age of 60. He was also a leader of the younger generation in the "Xiantian Yizong" at that time.

Daoist Frost is extremely talented, and he practiced smoothly all the way, and he didn't encounter any bottlenecks when he advanced to the Golden Core Realm, which inevitably led to his character being a little arrogant.

His position in "Catching the Wind Terrace" is second only to Chong Xiao, and it is precisely because of his proud personality and mission that he is quite self-righteous and self-willed.

Back then, because of Tu Shan's 'Nine Nether Dispersing Soul Wind', many Taoist disciples suffered casualties, and the Wuzi Academy where Zhang Ke was at that time was one of them.

Bewitched by some people, Master Frost sentenced Zhang Ke to be expelled from the school.

Although Zhang Ke later recovered his innocence with the help of Ye Zhengqing, Liu Zhisong and others, the handling of this matter by Immortal Frost at first caused many people in the sect to question his ability.

Originally, Daoist Frost didn't pay much attention to this matter, after all, a Taoist disciple was nothing to him.

But as Zhang Ke gradually emerged in the sect and implemented a series of measures to make the sect grow rapidly, his influence in the sect is also increasing day by day.

When he served as the deacon of 'Catching the Wind', he had a fierce reputation, and his prestige was still above the sky in the palm of the 'Catching the Wind'.

In private, the disciples of the sect often talked about the fact that Zhang Ke was almost expelled from the sect.

Who in the sect doesn't know that Zhang Ke will take revenge, so he is very cautious.

Especially after Zhang Ke became Yuanshen Zhenjun, the situation of Daoist Frost became even more delicate.

Countless disciples are asserting that Zhang Ke will definitely find trouble with Master Frost, and even Master Frost himself is very anxious.

But to the surprise of all the disciples, even before Zhang Ke went to sea to establish a branch of the sect, he never took revenge on Master Frost.

After Zhang Ke went out of the South China Sea to establish the "Nanzong of Xiantian Qi", Daoist Frost finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But how could he expect that it was precisely because Zhang Ke left the sect that his life became more and more difficult.

After all, the world of practice is a world that pays attention to strength. Daoist Frost failed to break through the primordial spirit, so he lost the attention of the sect.

With the passage of time, Zhang Ke's classmates and disciples, including the "Dharma Protector God" system established by him, have gradually grown up.

Zhang Ke is outgoing by nature and likes to make friends everywhere. Although he acts ruthlessly, he also has many friends and supporters in the Dingzhou sect.

These people gradually grew up, especially after some of their brothers and sisters became primordial spirits, they had a huge influence in the sect.

At that time, Zhang Ke accepted hundreds of disciples in the Dingzhou sect. These disciples were originally not very talented, and they were all eliminated outer disciples.

Zhang Ke deduced an independent practice system for these disciples, which is the "Nine-Rank Dharma Protector God" system.

Because the "Dharma Guardian" system is restricted by the region and cannot leave, when Zhang Ke left the sect, these disciples could only stay in the sect and could not follow.

It can be said that the fate of these disciples practicing the Shinto system was completely changed through Zhang Ke. Therefore, each of them has a special feeling for Zhang Ke.

Zhang Ke went to sea to establish a branch of the sect. These disciples watched helplessly but couldn't help, so they naturally felt guilty.

At the same time, Zhang Ke's reputation in the practice world is also growing, and he has established a sect that is even stronger than the Dingzhou sect.

While admiring Zhang Ke, countless disciples of the Dingzhou sect gradually developed some thoughts.

The gap between Zhang Ke and Daoist Frost is no secret in the sect.

Ever since, although no one intentionally made things difficult for Master Frost, there were always some disciples trying to figure out what their elders wanted, and intentionally or unintentionally interfered with Master Frost in all aspects.

In fact, there is nothing out of the ordinary about these interferences. At best, they are some restrictions and embarrassments in various systems and daily life.

The tasks assigned by the Zongmen are always the worst, the monthly payment will always be delayed or deducted a little, and the resources applied to the Zongmen are always defective or not at all.

Things like this are countless and long-standing.

But even though it's just a small matter, after a long time, anyone will be suffocated.

At the same time, many of Zhang Ke's Shinto disciples have achieved primordial spirits, and they are different from other sect disciples.

After the 'Guardian God' system was integrated into the sect, they have now fully penetrated into every corner of the sect.

Therefore, when these disciples deliberately created obstacles to Daoist Frost, they immediately showed extraordinary effects.

For a certain period of time, Daoist Frost couldn't even do daily practice.

Whenever he practiced, there was always a "Guardian God" who blocked his practice for various reasons.

When Daoist Frost rushed to the Zongmen to declare these things angrily, he found that there was no precept to pursue them based on these trivial matters.

Due to the fruitless appeal, the last fig leaf of Daoist Frost was also ripped off.

Zongmen is actually a small world, and there is also the existence of praising the high and stepping down the low.

Gradually, the disciples of the sect began to isolate the lineage of Master Frost, and intentionally or unintentionally seek the interests that originally belonged to Master Frost.

Daoist Frost also understood that he was isolated and targeted.

This kind of targeting and isolation is terrible, just like the "community death disease" in Zhang Kemeng. Although everyone in the sect is from the same sect, everyone has malice towards him.

Every day, I can hear countless unfavorable rumors about myself. Whether these rumors are true or false, they have caused great trouble to Daoist Frost.

It is precisely because of this that there is an extra thorn in the heart of Daoist Frost.

An invisible but real thorn, a thorn in his heart that makes him feel like a thorn in his back all the time.

And the source of this thorn was Zhang Ke.

Daoist Frost has struggled with one thing in his heart countless times.

If he had insisted on his own opinion back then, would he have been able to expel Zhang Ke from the school?

In that case, wouldn't Zhang Ke have the chance to practice, and would be completely sunk, let alone achieve such a great cause today.

Perhaps, even Daoist Frost himself didn't know that, in his heart, he was extremely envious and jealous towards Zhang Ke.

It is precisely because of such a thorn in his heart that Master Frost's heart has never been perfect, and therefore he has never been able to find an opportunity to break through the soul.

Daoist Frost is 120 years old this year.

If he hadn't exchanged a secret message from someone for a life-prolonging treasure 'Qingling Vine Fruit' hundreds of years ago, he would have died as early as 400 years ago.

But the life extension effect of 'Qingling Vine Fruit' is only 400 years, and now he is facing the limit of life and death again.

Master Frost didn't want to die, so even though he didn't want to, he could only come to beg Zhang Ke.

Because he learned from Master Mingxiao that Zhang Ke has a treasure 'Zhilan Xing' that breaks through the realm of Yuanshen.

At this moment, Master Frost told Zhang Ke about his experience bit by bit.

As for how to get the life-prolonging treasure 'Qingling Vine Fruit', he only briefly mentioned one sentence, mainly talking about his own embarrassment and difficulties in these years.

His intentions are straightforward and obvious.

It was because of Zhang Ke you that I was unable to break through the Yuanshen, and was bullied in the sect.

Now that I am complaining to you, you should give me an explanation.

Xu Qingzhi quietly listened to Master Frost's narration, feeling extremely disdainful of him.

'Hmph, it deserves it! '

These words have been held in the heart of Daoist Frost for hundreds of years, and when the narration began, it was out of control.

His expression was agitated, his voice was passionate and aggrieved, and even the muscles on his face were trembling uncontrollably.

Zhang Ke didn't speak all the time, and after the real Frost had finished speaking, he asked:

"What does Master Frost mean?"

Daoist Frost gritted his teeth secretly. He didn't believe that Zhang Ke couldn't hear his own thoughts, so he forced a smile and said:

"I heard that the head of Ruyi has a kind of spiritual fruit that can break through the realm of the primordial spirit. It's called 'Zhilan Xing'. I don't know if it's true."

He didn't go on, but his meaning was clearly expressed.

Qi Guan Xinyu, who was at the side, heard the words of Master Frost, and her heart beat violently.

Although she looks like a girl on the outside, she is actually 160 years old, but because of an adventure in her childhood, her appearance was permanently fixed in her girlhood.

And how could she not understand the meaning of a spiritual fruit that can break through the realm of the primordial spirit when she has a cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm.

And if Zhang Ke, the spiritual fruit called 'Zhilan Xing', can be provided for a long time, then the meaning contained in it will be completely different.

No wonder the number of practitioners in the Yuanshen Realm of "Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong" grew so fast. It turned out that it was the one who controlled such a heaven-defying treasure. '

After listening to Master Frost's request, Zhang Ke lightly laughed twice, and after a while, he said lightly:

"Master Frost, I don't know why you mentioned this to me.


Zhang Ke looked at Master Frost, and said word by word:
"It was you who misjudged my punishment back then, and you made mistakes first, but I never had the slightest revenge on you.

I'm just curious about one thing now.

What does all this you say have anything to do with me? "

(End of this chapter)

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