Chapter 904
When Daoist Yunxiu and others launched an attack, Daoist Sanding, who was constantly shrinking the "Daxumidu Tianluonet Formation", was not idle.

Daoist Sanding reached into his right sleeve with his left hand, and took out a red and blue ruler.

This ruler is one foot long and two inches wide, and its style is very similar to the wooden ruler used by tailors in the secular world. The scales on the upper and lower sides are red on the top and blue on the bottom.

In addition, there are two buckles on the ruler to lock the ruler, and in the middle of each buckle there is a silvery-white needle that shimmers shimmering vertically.

Third Grade Xiantian Lingbao: Timing Ruler

The third rank already belongs to the top rank. Among the six people, only the [Soul Beacon] possessed by Xuanming Taoist is of this rank.

[Timing Ruler] is a treasure that can slightly control time, and its function is similar to Zhang Ke's supernatural power 'first attack'.

This is why San Ding Taoist took out this treasure and did not directly attack after it was activated. Although this treasure is powerful, it also has harsh conditions for use.

It can only be used once every seven days, and the stronger the effect is, the shorter its effect time will be.

He used this treasure only to restrain Zhang Ke's special magical power of controlling time, 'first attack'.

Taoist Yunxiu and other six Taoist masters shot at the same moment, and Zhang Ke felt unprecedented pressure after feeling the existence of the six Taoist monarchs.

He has just advanced to the realm of Taoist Lord, and he still doesn't have a clear understanding of his own strength. Whether he can fight against the six Taoist Lords is uncertain.

He knew that the biggest crisis in his life was coming.

At this time, the only thought in Zhang Ke's mind was that the six people must not be allowed to act recklessly.

While the six were attacking, Zhang Ke first condensed the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' with the natal talisman, and then used the magical power of 'First Attack' to grab the upper hand.

As soon as his mind moved, a thin gray thread immediately rose from the top of his head. The thread trembled slightly, and like a spider web, six lightning bolts were connected to the heads of the six people including Taoist Yunxiu.

Immediately afterwards, a palm-sized clock appeared above each of the seven people's heads.

The clock above the heads of Daojun Yunxiu and others was black, and the hands were running three times slower than normal.

A white clock appeared above Zhang Ke's head, and the hands were running three times faster than normal.

The supernatural power of 'first attack' can actually be used on a large scale now, but since the opponent he is facing is the Taoist Lord, Zhang Ke dare not ignore it, so he decided to be conservative and divide his response.

Yuanshen Zhenjun cannot see the clock and watch manifested by supernatural powers, but when they reach the realm of Daojun, they can already see the essence of things clearly, so when the phantom of the clock and watch appears above the individual's head, they are noticed by the six people.

Sanding Daojun clearly sensed the law of time contained in the black clock above his head, and understood that Ruyi Zhenjun's 'first attack' supernatural power made a move.

He was waiting for this moment, and with a thought, the [Timing Ruler] in his left hand suddenly burst into blue light and enveloped it.

At this moment, the pointer of the black clock above Sanding Taoist's head suddenly froze.

The supernatural power of 'first attack' was broken, and the action of Taoist Sanding returned to normal.

Immediately afterwards, Taoist Sanding raised his hand and lifted the [Timing Ruler] over his head, and tapped it on the black clock.

The phantom clocks above the heads of the seven people were immediately covered by red and blue rays of different colors.

The clocks above the heads of the six Daojun Yunxiu were shrouded in blue rays, while the white clocks above Zhang Ke's head were covered with a layer of red rays.

At the same time, the upper and lower rows of scales on the [Timing Ruler] in Daoist Sanding's hands showed differences.

On the red scale above the ruler, the silver-white needle in the buckle quickly drags the upper buckle and quickly moves laterally from the left side of the ruler.

On the blue scale in the lower half, the needle in the other buckle moves slowly to the right at [-]% of the speed of the upper buckle.

Sanding Daojun pushes back on the red scale buckle above the [Timing Ruler] with his right hand, and it is juxtaposed with the blue scale buckle below.


A short crisp sound resounded from the bottom of seven people's hearts.

The upper and lower buckles are locked together, and they move to the right at a normal speed.

The phantom of the clock above the heads of Zhang Ke and the other seven also turned into a red and blue glow at this moment.

The effect of [Timing Ruler] is similar to Zhang Ke's 'First Attack' supernatural power, and it can also show acceleration and deceleration effects.

At first, Taoist Sanding planned to slow down Zhang Ke's speed, while the speed of the six people on his side was accelerated, so as to form a pattern of using the fast to beat the slow.

But when he just pushed the buckle on the [Timing Ruler], he felt great resistance from it, so he could only align the upper and lower buckles to keep them in sync.

You must know that even if you are facing the Taoist Lord of the same level, you can slow down your opponent's speed with this treasure.

Now facing a True Monarch of Primordial Spirit, he couldn't push it.

Apart from Zhang Ke possessing the supernatural power to control time, there is only one reason.

That is the Ruyi Zhenjun in front of him, and his cultivation is not only in the realm of Yuanshen.

Thinking of this, Daoist Sanding's heart jumped suddenly, and he was about to tell the truth through sound transmission with his spiritual thoughts.

But then he thought of Xuan Mi Daojun and others, and he dismissed this idea again.

Once Xuan Mi Daojun and others learn about Zhang Ke's background, I'm afraid these people's moods will be in chaos.

He didn't understand when Ruyi Zhenjun was promoted to Daojun, but at this moment, the matter was urgent, and it was not the time to think about it.

Daoist Sanding immediately transmitted sound to the other five people with his spiritual thoughts.

"Put all your strength to kill True Monarch Ruyi!"

Daoist Yunxiu keenly sensed something was wrong from the serious tone of Daoist Sanding, and immediately understood that there must be some mistakes.

He didn't dare to neglect, took out two golden beads again, and poured the power of 'breaking the ban' into them.

Then he raised his hand, and two golden lights fell on Zhang Ke's head like lightning.

It's a long story, but in fact, the first golden bead issued by Taoist Yunxiu has not yet landed on Zhang Ke's head.

In the deep void, three golden lights were seen flying towards Zhang Ke, one in front and two in the back.

At this moment, Zhang Ke also found that his 'first attack' magical power was broken, and at the same time, Taoist Xuanmu's [Bronze Bell of Scattering Thoughts] and the 'Thinking Through the Sky' were also applied to him.

Countless noises and phantoms disturbed him, making him unable to calm down, and he couldn't help shaking his head vigorously.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Yunxiu and the others showed a smile.

Ruyi Zhenjun was indeed deaf and blind.

But at this moment, the six people saw Zhang Ke opened his closed eyes, revealing a pair of eyes that were as clear as springs but as bright as stars.


How could such bright, light eyes be blind?
This person has really pretended to be blind for nearly a thousand years! ! !
Daoist Yunxiu and the others felt a chill, and before they could react, Zhang Ke turned his eyes to look at the six people, and then fixed on the face of Daoist Yunxiu.

A ray of light, a light that cannot be described in words, emerged from Zhang Ke's hands.

Like the dawn, like the scorching sun, like dusk, like the sun hanging in the sky, it shines on the world.

It is also like a rainbow, like a starlight, like a moonlight, like a bright star, shining through thousands of miles.

The brilliance dissipated, and a sword appeared in Zhang Ke's palm.

Three feet long and three inches wide, straight, double-edged, slightly higher in the middle of the sword spine on both sides, symmetrical to each other, impartial.

'Unyielding' inscribed on the side above the hilt.

Not bending, not bowing your head, and not being humble, is to be unyielding.

Engraved 'courage' on one side.

Having gone through hardships, unswervingly determined, not afraid of power, not afraid of death, this is called courage.

For the first time, the "Unconstrained" sword, which has been preserved for 400 years, is revealed in front of practitioners in the Azure Realm.

What is 'informal'?
No restrictions!

Four words can express the extraordinaryness of this sword.

Then Zhang Ke raised his hand and pointed at Taoist Yunxiu.

A sword light suddenly appeared in the void.

A white light suddenly appeared on the neck of Taoist Yunxiu.

This ray of light is not restricted by the banning void of the 'Great Sumeru Heavenly Net Formation' at all.

Zhang Ke's sword was as fast as lightning and flint, showing his powerful swordsmanship.

Even though Daoist Yunxiu was a Daoist, he was hit by the sword before he even had time to change his mind.

Daoist Yunxiu's eyes were loose, and the endless mana in his body was boiling, but it was out of control like a flood that broke a dam.


Taoist Yunxiu's head was lifted up by the vitality in his body, and then he saw a ripple in the void, his whole body instantly disappeared, and a pillar of spiritual light soaring into the sky emerged from the void.

A majestic and magnificent phantom of mountains and rivers quickly changed from virtual to real in the void, and then disintegrated into thousands of streamers of various colors and flew in all directions.

The cave is shattered, and all treasures are settled!
Daoist Yunxiu has fallen!

At the same time, the 'Unconstrained Sword' also dissipated after killing Taoist Yunxiu.

'Indiscriminate Sword' is a sword, but rather a sword technique that combines sword intent.

It has no substance, and it was created by Zhang Ke's fusion of many artistic conceptions back then with his own wisp of 'Taibaijin Jingqi' in his lungs.

The longer it is cultivated, the greater its power will be.

Killing Taoist Yunxiu has exhausted all the power contained in this sword, so it turned into nothingness.

In order to perform this sword technique again and generate such a powerful force, it will take an unknown number of years of training.

The inspiration for this sword technique comes from the 'Bai Lian Shen Feng' that Zhang Ke obtained in the past.

In the realm of Daojun, the pursuit of strength is introverted, cohesive, and precise.

Only in this way can the power be concentrated to the extreme to destroy the target.

Therefore, whether it is Taoist Xuan Mi and others or Zhang Ke, their shots are no longer as loud and mighty as they were in the Yuanshen state.

At this moment, Taoist Yunxiu, who was standing hundreds of miles away from Zhang Ke, was blocked by Zhang Ke's sword.

Zhang Ke's sword seems simple, but it is a manifestation of his cultivation base, and it incorporates the "uneven" sword intent and his understanding of the Dao.

The avenue is simplified!

However, even Zhang Ke did not expect to be able to kill a Taoist monarch on the spot with a single sword.

Ever since he broke through the Dao Monarch realm, he felt the huge gap between this realm and the Yuanshen realm.

But in fact, when Zhang Ke was in the realm of Yuanshen, he used this sword to cut through the [Qi Ban] made by Sanqing Tianzun himself.

When he first became a Daojun, he killed the white tiger in the realm of Daojun with only one 'light of the Great Five Elements Extinction God'.

Zhang Ke uses himself to measure the strength of other Taoist monarchs, but he does not know that he has become a "celestial being", and his strength is far beyond that of ordinary Taoist monarchs.

Therefore, Zhang Ke was slightly taken aback when he saw the pillar of spiritual light rising into the sky hundreds of miles away.

Taoist Xuanmi and the other five looked in disbelief at the pillar of spiritual light that soared up after the fall of Taoist Yunxiu.

'This is impossible! '

"Ruyi Zhenjun is just Yuanshen Zhenjun, how could he kill a Daoist Lord with one sword! '


Taoist Xuan Mi and the others were covered with hairs standing on end, and the same thought came to their minds.

'Could it be that Ruyi Zhenjun has advanced to the rank of Daojun? '

Otherwise, the scene in front of me cannot be explained.

Daojun is in a different realm from the one below him.

Since the birth of some practitioners, perhaps the innate can kill the golden core, and the golden core can kill the primordial spirit, but there has never been such a thing as the primordial spirit beheading the Taoist Lord.

Therefore, Taoist Xuanmu and the others immediately understood Zhenjun Ruyi's real trump card.

This person not only pretended to be blind for nearly a thousand years, but also hid his own cultivation.

At this moment, except for Daojun Qionglai, the others all had the heart to retreat.

From the attack of the six Daojun Yunxiu to Zhang Ke's counterattack with the sword, it only happened in a few short breaths.

At this time, the first 'Breaking the Ban' golden bead shot by Taoist Yunxiu hit the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' above Zhang Ke's head.


The void was silent, and the sound of the 'Breaking the Taboo' golden bead hitting the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' could not be heard, but there were ripples vibrating the void that vibrated outward like water waves.

Platinum aura burst out from the 'Hunyuan Umbrella', and the countless linked 'Great Vajra Talisman Array' disintegrated like sand under the impact of the 'Breaking Forbidden' golden beads.

But in the eight-turn 'Great Diamond Pan Talisman Array', each 'Great Diamond Pan Talisman Array' is composed of 36 eight-turn 'Little Diamond Pan Talisman' formations.

And each 'Little Vajra Talisman Array' needs 360 'solid' runes to form, and each of these 'solid' runes stacks it for eight revolutions.

In addition, it is necessary to superimpose each 'Little Vajra Formation' for another eight turns, and finally this 'Vajra Formation' must be superimposed for eight turns.

This 'Hunyuan Umbrella' was formed when the 81 'Great Vajra Pan Talisman Formation' was superimposed at eight turns to form a formation.

Zhang Ke tried it, and even he himself could not easily break through the defense of this umbrella.

Therefore, although the 'Great Diamond Array' inside the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' disintegrated layer by layer from the outside to the inside, the umbrella still firmly guarded Zhang Ke.

However, the 'breaking the ban' golden bead is not one, but three bursts.

Although Daoist Yunxiu has fallen at this moment, the 'Breaking the Forbidden' golden bead is a one-time treasure that has been infused with the law in advance, and its power has not weakened much.

Just as Zhang Ke couldn't resist or dodge Taoist Yunxiu's attack, Zhang Ke, who was limited by space magic and escape methods, couldn't dodge the attack of Taoist Yunxiu.

Before the first 'breaking the ban' golden bead dispersed, the other two 'breaking the ban' golden beads followed one after another.

This time, no matter how stable the defensive formation structure of the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' was, it couldn't hold on anymore. Under the blow of the three 'Breaking Forbidden' golden beads, the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' fell apart and turned into emery sand flying all over the sky.

Without the protection of the 'Hunyuan Umbrella', Zhang Ke suddenly appeared in front of the remaining five Taoist monarchs.

Daoist Sanding had a keen sense, and he grasped the minds of several people at the moment when Taoist Xuanmu and others felt like retreating.

He didn't have time to feel sad about the fall of Daoist Yunxiu, and he didn't care about continuing to shrink the "Great Sumeru Heavenly Net Formation". Once Zhenjun Ruyi escaped from this catastrophe, the roots of himself and others would definitely be exposed.

While his thoughts were turning, Daoist Sanding suddenly pierced into the formation, pumping up all his mana, pointed his right index finger at Zhang Ke, and shouted interruptedly:

This broken drink actually made a sound in the void, which shows that this technique is already the method of the great way.

As soon as he stopped drinking, Zhang Ke's figure that was about to move was immediately frozen and unable to move, and a strange force imprisoned him.

Sanding Dao Monarch's divine thoughts transmitted the voice:
"Xuanmu, Qionglai, Ao Shang, you have already killed Ding Xiaoxiao, how could True Monarch Ruyi reconcile with you!"

This time, the sound transmission of spiritual thoughts was not sent out by Sanding Daojun alone, but was transmitted within a thousand miles of the void.

Not only Taoist Xuanmu and others could hear it, but even Zhang Ke could hear it clearly.

At this moment, Daoist Xuan Mi finally understood why Daoist Yunxiu let him and others attack Ding Xiaoxiao, which was clearly cutting off their retreat.

But in fact, after seeing the platinum-gold light that suddenly burst out in Zhang Ke's eyes, Taoist Xuan Mi and the others could only calm down even if they knew they were in the trap.

Ao Shang saw that Zhang Ke was being held by the Daoist Sanding with the secret method. He was not far away and came down to Zhang Ke in a condescending manner.

The dragon in his body trembled, his body suddenly swelled three feet, and endless power was concentrated on his hands, and he suddenly let out a loud shout.


The octagonal engraved hammer in the right hand was raised high, and with a twist, the sledgehammer first made a circle from top to bottom, then swiped across the void and drew a circular arc, and landed heavily on the top of Zhang Ke's head.


Silently, the vitality of the void radiated outwards like the smoke and dust after the mountain was cracked by explosives.

Zhang Ke's head slammed down under the heavy blow of the hammer.

Because Ao Shang condensed and restrained the power of the hammer to the extreme, the power of the hammer completely rushed into Zhang Ke's head, and his body did not sink an inch.

From this we can see the wonderful power of Ao Shang's hammer.

Zhang Ke mobilized all his mana, and the sea-like mana rushed back and forth in his body. Finally, after being hit by Ao Shang's hammer, he borrowed his power to break the imprisonment.

Ao Shang didn't expect that Zhang Ke could not be beaten into ashes with his hammer with all his strength, and he suddenly had a new understanding of the strength of his physical body.

Now that you've made your move, let's go all out!

Ao Shang took a deep breath, and his body enlarged again.

It's not that he can't make his body as huge as a mountain, but that facing Zhang Ke of normal height, only his body shape at this time can maximize his strength.

Immediately afterwards, Ao Shang twisted his body again, and the hammer in his left hand drew a mysterious arc in the void, and fell to the top of Zhang Ke's head again.

Zhang Ke was only able to move his figure just now, and before his fingers trembled, he heard the sound of shaking the void for the second time in his ear.

"Set the soul!"

It was another special power of avenue rules that suddenly merged into the body, fixing Zhang Ke's spirit.


Ao Shang's second hammer fell heavily. Under the heavy blow of this hammer, countless cracks appeared on Zhang Ke's body, as if broken glass.

His face is no different from Qionglai Daojun at this moment.

Due to the powerful power of Zhang Ke's soul, he broke free of the soul imprisonment this time after Ao Shang fell with the hammer.

At this time, Zhang Ke heard the third reverberation sound.


This time, not only Zhang Ke's physical body and soul were imprisoned, but even the magic power in his body was frozen.

Long before killing Zhenjun Ruyi, Taoist Sanding introduced his abilities.

The reason why he is called 'San Ding' is because he possesses an incomparably powerful technique of fixing the body.

For the Taoist Lord who is within easy reach, this short period of confinement is enough to determine the life and death of the same rank.

Therefore, Ao Shang has always ignored Zhang Ke's actions, and just tried his best to display his abilities.

Seeing that Zhang Ke was immobilized for the third time, Ao Shang held up the [Leishan] heavy hammer with both hands, turned his body like a windmill, exerted strength with both hands, and hit Zhang Ke's ear door with the double hammer one left and one right

A muffled thunder resounded through the void.

Zhang Ke's head was turned into fly ash under the two hammer strikes.

Immediately afterwards, its body also scattered into dark golden emery, flying all over the sky.

At this moment, both Taoist Xuanmu and Taoist Sanding let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally, Zhenjun Ruyi was killed.

But after that, the five people did not see the spiritual light pillar of the fallen Taoist monarch appearing in front of them.

The five people's hearts trembled, and they raised their vigilance watching the emery floating in the void.

And in the hiding place of the first few people, there are hundreds of streamers rushing towards the battlefield quickly.

These one hundred imprisoned Yuanshen Zhenjun were actually unbanned by Taoist Yunxiu as early as when Taoist Sanding activated the "Great Sumeru Heavenly Network Formation".

But the battle on the battlefield sounds complicated, but in fact, it took less than a minute from the beginning to the end.

When the hundred primordial gods rushed into the battlefield quickly, the diamond sand flying in the sky also condensed together, manifesting Zhang Ke's unscathed figure.

"Hiss~~! My head hurts from the beating!"

Zhang Ke's spiritual transmission resounded through the void for thousands of miles, and then he touched his head, with a hint of ferocity at the corner of his mouth and said:

"Now, are you ready to meet my wrath?"

(End of this chapter)

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