Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 925 Battle

Chapter 925 Battle
When Daoist Yunhao displayed his supernatural power of 'Fa Tianxiangdi' and manifested the golden giant, Venerable Hongzhao, Jian Yuanbo, Daojun Jinpeng and others also displayed their own methods.

Jian Yuanbo is not good at killing, he does not have the powerful physique of Taoist Yunhao, nor the speed of Jinpeng Taoist, nor the mysterious and strange ability of Venerable Hongzhao.

The 'Congenital Qi Southern Sect' is obviously difficult to deal with, and Jian Yuanbo is unwilling to go through the danger himself.

But other Taoists are making moves, if I stand on the sidelines, I am afraid that there will be a rift between the 'King Kong Sect' and the 'Sanxiu Alliance'.

So while guiding many casual cultivators to launch attacks, he probed his own special induction power into the void.

The secret method of Taishang Sensing Sect: Transcending the Space and Transcending the Boundary Sensing Technique

This method is similar to summoning secret methods such as 'summoning heavenly soldiers' and 'calling Ding Jia'.

Basically, it establishes contact with various void creatures with the power of special induction, and then establishes an anchor point between the two points, and summons some void creatures to fight in its own realm through space mapping.

However, different from general summoning methods, the induction secret method of the "Taishang Sensing Sect" is not to establish a contract with the void creatures to fight, but to send out signals to lure the void creatures to come through the world.

Therefore, this secret method is full of uncertainties. In the past, the disciples of his sect had entangled with a certain god's divine thoughts when they passed through the world.

In the end, he paid an extremely painful price to kill the infected disciple.

In view of this reason, the 'Through-Through-Through-Boundary Sensing Technique' has been improved a lot, and the power of sensing is limited, so that there will be no more situations where "wolves" are recruited and "tigers" appear.

But this time Jian Yuanbo decided to let go of the restriction of induction, and he wanted to call as powerful void creatures as possible to fight.

With his eyes slightly closed, he leveraged the power of the Dao rule with his own Taoist authority, and sent a trace of induction power through the divine sense to form waves out of the void.

At this time, Jian Yuanbo is like a fixed signal transmitter, sending out the overfrequency band again and again, wave after wave.

As for what kind of existence the induced power can attract, even he himself is not sure.

This kind of behavior is actually extremely dangerous, because it is very likely to attract some existences that cannot be directly seen or spoken.

It's like fishing. You bury the hook and bait, but it's completely unpredictable whether it's fish, turtle, shrimp, crab or shark.

But the "Taishang Sensing Sect" came from the fairy gate that left the world in the past. For them, the Azure World is just a resource harvesting point of the fairy gate, and they have no affection for this realm.

Even if it attracts the attention of some supreme beings and causes the realm to be coveted, it is not in his consideration.

Moreover, generally speaking, the induction from a Dao Lord will not attract existences beyond the realm of the Dao Lord.

Unfortunately, as 'Murphy's Law' says, if bad things happen, no matter how small their odds are, they will happen.

It was the same this time, when Jian Yuanbo released the anchor signal into the void, it was noticed and intercepted by some kind of existence.

But when this existence felt that the Azure Realm could not bear its own strength, it did not give up this realm.

Instead, he resolutely issued a call to his own race and marked the anchor point of the star field where the azure world is located.

After some mobilization, he personally led countless clansmen and pushed the hundreds of stars where he was located to attack across the void along the coordinates of the anchor point of the azure world.

Regarding this point, Jian Yuanbo was not clear at all, he just sensed that the induction band he released seemed to induce something.

However, after careful inspection, he found nothing. He dispelled distracting thoughts with a little doubt, and wholeheartedly lured other void creatures to come.

When Jian Yuanbo connected the void with a secret method, Venerable Hongzhao turned around and turned into a white light and flew over the island chain of the 'Tai Chi Circle'.

Venerable Hongzhao first observed the battle situation. At this time, Daojun Yunhao was receiving the lightning strikes of the "Lei Guang Punishing Evil Tower" of the "Northern Sect of Innate Qi Qi".

Daojun Jinpeng turned into a golden lightning around the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain looking for flaws in the island chain formation.

Numerous primordial gods and true monarchs of the "Sanxiu Alliance" are high above the five-colored clouds, each of them is ready to go, with various auras flashing all over their bodies, waiting for the time when the "Tai Chi Circle" island chain will turn from virtual to real.

Three hundred "King Kong Sect" Yuanshen Zhenjun manifested into two hundred tall golden giants, walking from the sea to the island chain step by step.

In addition, the thousands of warships of the 'King Kong Sect' also rushed towards the island chain forty miles away.

Except for the slight passiveness of Daoist Yun Hao, the other aspects of the "King Kong Sect" have shown the advantages of active combat.

Venerable Hongzhao had a bottom line in his mind, hung over the island chain of the 'Tai Chi Circle' with his hands clasped together, and whispered the secret mantra in his mouth.

"Om, pinch, spicy, na, 嚩, po, fine, ti, li, ti, li, hum!"

Mantra: Wisdom Torch Tathagata Breaks Hell Mantra Mantra

This mantra did not come from Tantra, but was learned by Venerable Hongzhao from the 'Yun Chan Temple'.

Reciting it with sincerity and righteousness can break the endless hell like dust. It is a powerful spell specially designed to break the taboo.

As Venerable Hongzhao put his hands together and recited the mantra in a deep voice, there seemed to be countless believers echoing in unison in the void, and there were countless bass echoes between heaven and earth.

Male, female, old, young, all sounds are available.

Rough, sharp, dull, clear, the sound is in the ear.

But no matter what kind of voice it is, there is a kind of extreme fanaticism and piety coming out of it.

At the same time, a circle of Buddha's light bloomed from the light wheel at the back of his head.

The brilliance as thick as golden ink shines for hundreds of miles, and a phantom of a big Buddha sitting in lotus pose appears faintly, while the phantoms of the two naked Buddha statues, a man and a woman, quickly disappear.

Venerable Hongzhao recited the secret mantra over and over again, and the phantom of the Buddha behind him became more and more solid.

A few minutes later, Venerable Hongzhao separated his joined hands from left to right, and raised his right palm, with endless golden Buddha lights gathered in his palms.

Then Venerable Hongzhao straightened his right palm and slapped it down far away, and shouted loudly:

"Buddha's Palm!"

Mantras and mantras can exert their greatest power only when the mind, deeds, and words are combined into one.

With one palm, the phantom of the big Buddha behind him also clapped himself.

The palms of the empty and the real are combined, and a huge golden hand with a hundred feet in size is manifested in the Buddha's light.

With the power of heaven and earth, it fell towards the small Penglai Island below in a mighty, brilliant and fierce way.

The big golden hand is still gathering the Buddha's light and the power of faith and vows is constantly growing in the process of patting down.

When it was tens of feet above the small Penglai Island, the big golden hand was nearly six hundred feet in size.

The 800-meter-long golden palm completely covers the sky above Little Penglai Island.

The huge wind pressure caused the air above the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain to show a trend of rapid downward pressure.

Not only did the clouds over the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain swell violently, but it also pushed down the sea surface hundreds of miles away to a depth of tens of feet.

When the cultivation base reaches the realm of Daojun, the grasp of timing is almost instinctive.

The moment a palm falls on the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain, the flexible defense of the 'cloud cover and fog cover' on the island chain is just at the turning point of virtual reality transformation.

The 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain has transformed from virtual to real on the sea surface, and millions of 'Hunyuanzi Umbrellas' are combined into countless flowers, spinning and blooming, clustered over the small Penglai Island.


An earth-shattering bang.

The umbrella array composed of millions of flowers above the island chain of the "Tai Chi Circle" presents a palm print hundreds of feet in size as if it was baked in by a soldering iron.

The array of countless flower umbrellas as gorgeous as a rainbow seems to be spinning and flying away as if they have been ravaged by a violent storm.

And no matter what color the flower array is, it turns red in an instant.

Then these countless red flowers gathered into a huge four-sided twelve-section red bamboo whip.

Although the umbrella array of flowers was broken, all the strength of Venerable Hongzhao was vented and diverted by the umbrella array, and did not cause any damage to the island chain.

At this time, the golden palm prints played by Venerable Hongzhao had disintegrated into streamers after hitting the flower umbrella array.

The 'Hunyuan Umbrella' has a characteristic, which is to transform into a 'Magic Whip' after receiving enough damage.

The hundred-foot-long red bamboo whip flicked slightly, and hit Venerable Hongzhao with his head covered.

The failure to break the protection of the island chain with one blow was also expected by Venerable Hongzhao.

Seeing a scarlet whip like Optimus Prime hitting him, he didn't dodge in the slightest.

The two nude Buddha statues of a man and a woman who disappeared behind them reappeared, and stretched their arms and legs from left to right to protect Venerable Hongzhao.

A halo of black and white envelops the two Buddha statues and Venerable Hongzhao.

Surrounded by two Buddha statues, one on the left and one on the right, Venerable Hongzhao became more and more majestic.

One is rigid and one is soft, one is yin and one is yang, and the cycle of yin and yang is Hunyuan.

At this moment, Venerable Hongzhao interpreted the Dao in his unique way.


The huge red bamboo whip directly hit the black and white halo on the head of Venerable Hongzhao.

Under the blow of the red bamboo whip, the black and white aura instantly reversed.

Black to white, white to black!
When the yin and yang were reversed, they removed all the blows of the red bamboo whip that contained the causal cycle.

Looking at the red bamboo whip that dissipated into the void, the corner of Venerable Hongzhao's mouth showed a vague smile.

Although there is the law of karma in this whip, it is obvious that the strength of the person who deployed it is still in the realm of primordial spirit.

In his opinion, the laws of the operation of some laws are as eye-catching as lines in the palm of his hand, which can be easily broken.

Although the attack just now didn't break through the defense of the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain, it destroyed more than half of the umbrella-shaped base where the umbrella array was placed.

Venerable Hongzhao didn't hesitate, since one blow couldn't break the formation, then he would hit a few more palms.

"Om, pinch, spicy, na, 嚩, po, fine, mention, li..."

'The Mantra of Wisdom Tathagata Breaking Hell' was recited again from Venerable Hongzhao.

At the same time, the hundreds of scattered cultivators in the air, the true masters of the primordial spirit, also saw the reality of the 'Innate Qi Southern Sect' formation.

One after another, they circulated their mana, leveraged the laws of the world, and produced streams of pure mana.

With the previous experience, this time the many primordial gods and true monarchs did not use their own magical powers, but only transferred their own mana.

The endless vitality between the heaven and the earth is gathering rapidly, everyone's mana is gathered together in the blink of an eye, and then gathered together and exploded by the law.

A five-color fire cloud, twice as large as the hundred-mile fire cloud just now, rushed towards the island chain below.


There was another loud bang that shook the sky.

The countless flower umbrella arrays gathered again in the island chain were disintegrated again, and one after another 'Hunyuanzi Umbrella' was destroyed.

The 'Hunyuan Umbrella' was shattered, and the 'Magic Whip' was born.

Countless red bamboo whips rose through the air and counterattacked upwards following the force of cause and effect.

Nearly four hundred cultivators of Yuanshen Zhenjun scattered in a hurry, turning into a sky full of streamers and flying in the air.

"Clap clap clap!!"

There was a sound of bamboo whip strikes, and the body of a Yuanshen Zhenjun who was relatively lacking in means was beaten into flying ash.

Every time a whip is scattered, another whip will definitely fly up, and there will be another whip on the bottom.

It's like the petals of a flower blooming rapidly, endlessly and endlessly.

There are 'three flowers' swirling out of the air everywhere, and many primordial gods who have been defeated reappear in the air.

Although this round of attack from the "Spiritual Whip" failed to kill a single person, those Yuanshen Zhenjun who had been cut off once and had the "Three Flowers" on their tops looked extremely ugly.

After these hundreds of casual cultivators gathered to attack the defense of the island chain'Hunyuan Umbrella', hundreds of figures also flew up from the island chain below.

The leader is True Monarch Jiuren, and the rest, including Baishi, Bi Luo, Yu Fengtong, Lu Jinhuan, Lang Tieying and other junior Yuanshen True Monarchs, are among them.

The "cloud cover and fog cover" system is a flexible defense, and the defense after the transformation from virtual to real is very fragile.

If you ignore the external attacks, you may not be able to last long.

Although the 'Hunyuan Umbrella' system has amazing defensive power, after all, the range that needs to be covered is too wide.

Under the attack of Daojun's unstoppable strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to support it for a long time.

After all, these two defenses were only set up by Zhang Ke himself when he was still the True Lord of Yuanshen.

Whether it is vision or strength comparison, there is a huge difference now.

Although Zhang Ke thought about re-arranging two defensive formations after he was promoted to Daojun.

But such a huge project cannot be completed in a short period of time, and secondly, Zhang Ke, the new defensive formation, has not yet been fully deduced.

And this also led to the precariousness of these two defense systems under the attacks of many Yuanshen Zhenjun and Daojun.

In desperation, the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong' could only rush out of the large formation to protect and entangle with the enemy under absolute disadvantage.

True Monarch Jiuren let out a whistling sound, and flew towards Venerable Hongzhao at the head of the horse.

Behind him are more than a dozen Yuanshen Zhenjun, including Yun Jie, Su Qin, and Li Jinhu, who look solemn.

And Zhenjun Baishi led the rest of more than a hundred Yuanshen Zhenjun to rush to the hundreds of scattered cultivators who were reuniting.

This is bound to be a disadvantaged battle where the weak fight against the strong, but everyone can only go all out at this time.

In this level of combat, unless you don't join in, joining is like rolling into the mire.

Don't try to evade and retain your strength, that will only make you a target of your opponent. Only by treating yourself as a dead person can you delay the time of death.

The speed of Zhenjun Yuanshen was so fast, with the distance of only tens of miles from each other, it was almost a breath time, Zhenjun Jiuren and other 12 people rushed to the front of Venerable Hongzhao for several miles.

Venerable Hongzhao turned his eyes slightly, and fixedly looked at everyone.

"Perhaps killing these people first can cause more psychological pressure on the people of the 'Xiantian Qi Nanzong'!" '

While Venerable Hongzhao was thinking, the big golden handprint that was about to be released in his hand turned around, overwhelmingly pressing towards Zhenjun Jiuren and others.

 I'm dizzy, I didn't find a small outline below, I made a mistake, it has been deleted
(End of this chapter)

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