Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 929 Battle

Chapter 929 War (After)
Yu Fengtong's talent is very good, and he awakened the three supernatural powers of "vigorous soldiers", "hand of nothingness", and "big cloak" before he started.

After achieving Yuanshen, these three supernatural powers have undergone earth-shaking changes.

If it wasn't for Yu Fengtong being Xu Qingzhi's disciple, Zhang Ke even wanted to accept him as his personal disciple back then, even so, he still regarded this disciple with special respect.

In view of the similarities between "Vital Qi Transformation Soldiers" and his own "Wishful Changes", Zhang Ke passed on the method of "Shenluo Wanxiang Ruyi Rune Soldiers" to Yu Fengtong.

And Yu Fengtong integrated this Taoism into his own supernatural powers, deriving the most suitable Taoism for him.

Before the soul-hunting sensed that Zhenjun Jiuren was about to break through, and after he gave the combat order for the combat disciples to attack, Yu Fengtong rushed out of Little Penglai Island in a hurry.

Before rushing to the sky above the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain, Yu Fengtong's figure flickered in the middle of the flight.

The vitality of the world behind it is turbulent, and various vitality forces are tumbling like a tide, and 99 translucent vitality arms are manifested in a circle behind it.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Fengtong shouted the mantra:

"Heaven and earth vitality, listen to my orders!"

At this moment, he is wearing a golden illusory cloak. Every time the cloak flashes, Yu Fengtong's figure jumps from one void to another.

Endless vitality rolls behind it like ocean waves, the laws of heaven and earth are activated, and various lines of patterns are formed, behind Yu Fengtong, 99 phantoms of shuttles with hundreds of holes are manifested.

While speaking, he flicked his shoulders, wearing a golden dress, and an illusory cloak covered with magic patterns appeared behind him.

Therefore, although Yuan Jinting created little momentum, she killed many more opponents than Yu Fengtong.

When it attacks, no matter how much damage it receives, it will never take half a step back.

Inspired by the 'Qingkongjie', Zhang Ke deduced [Ruyi Shuttle] for the incomparably powerful attack and battlefield suppressing power of this magic weapon, which was perfectly interpreted by Yu Fengtong.

With a shout, the vitality of the world within a hundred miles around immediately gathered behind Yu Fengtong like a thousand streams into the sea.

Many people who watched the battle suddenly had a strange feeling after seeing the performance of the disciples of the 'Congenital Qi Southern Sect'.

Shan Qianhui cursed someone secretly in her heart, her will was made.

Qin Qing looked at the three of them and said:
"Laizhou is so big, how can it accommodate three high-rank sects standing side by side.

The leaden gray flowers withered in the air, and these casual cultivators were cut off with a 'three flowers' on top.

And Yuan Jinting also lived up to her trust, when she rushed into the numerous loose cultivators with a ray of sword light, she immediately reversed the unfavorable situation on her side.

With Yu Fengtong as the core, the sky is full of golden light like a waterfall, and a golden glow spreads across the sky.

So a ridiculous scene appeared in the air.

Lang Tieying, a disciple who resolutely blew himself up in the illusion trial, has an upright temper, cold-blooded and tough.

For the many primordial gods who were present at the scene, whether they were bright or dark, it was meaningless to cover their faces with light veils.

Suddenly, a cloud of dark golden light burst out from Yu Fengtong's body, and nine thousand nine hundred three-inch long golden threads shot towards the group of scattered cultivators tens of miles away like a torrential rain.

A few breaths have allowed Yu Fengtong to fly over the island chain of the 'Tai Chi Circle'.

Each wishful shuttle has one hundred sheds, and these hundreds of sheds can rotate at least once per second, which means that Yu Fengtong can at least send nearly ten thousand attacks per second at this moment.

With the shout of two of them, the 99 wishful shuttles behind them started to rotate at the same time, and the [-] shuttles suddenly burst into dazzling light.

Countless golden threads passed through the air, making the sound of rainstorm pouring down the water.

Shan Qianhui, Bian Yuhong, and Nie Yin couldn't help turning their gazes.

What Qin Qing didn't mention was that if the "Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong" and the "Yunxiao 33 Tiangong" were to lose both sides in the future, Bixiao Palace might still have a chance to replace it.

Endless golden threads shot out endlessly from where Yu Fengtong was standing, and the three-inch golden light shot out faster than the speed of sound to ensure its powerful power.

Moreover, Yuan Jinting also showed the sword cultivator's indomitable momentum at this moment, even though he was surrounded by many casual cultivators, he was still actively attacking.

Yuan Jinting had been protecting Xu Qingzhi, but Xu Qingzhi sent Yuan Jinting over when he saw that it was difficult for the Zongmen Yuanshen Zhenjun to fight against the hundreds of casual cultivators.

Every time a person is torn apart, Lang Tieying's momentum will increase a lot, and he doesn't even have time to take into account the injuries on his body. He hastily turned to attack another person, as if he was afraid that his opponent would run away.

In the end, hundreds of primordial gods and true monarchs of the 'Southern Sect' insisted on relying on these amazingly talented leaders and hundreds of casual cultivators.

Shan Qianhui rolled her eyes and said angrily:
"There seemed to be someone back then."

As a result, there are only two results, either the enemy dies, or oneself dies.

At this moment, Lang Tieying was fighting like this. Lightning flew in front of a Sanxiu Yuanshen, and his claws and teeth came out. No matter what Taoism or spiritual treasures the opponent used to fight back, they just kept tearing.

In just a few tens of seconds, the Sanxiu Yuanshen in front of him fell with a scream. Since Lang Tieying's attack contained the power of the original source, once the opponent was torn apart, he would only fall.

But seeing the golden glow all over the sky formed by the aggregation of countless golden threads, it seems to sweep across the sky like a golden cloud.

Under the sway of the sword light, from time to time, you can see the spiritual cloud of vitality revealed by Sanxiu Yuanshen after being beheaded.

I saw a flash of inspiration behind Yu Fengtong's cloak, and the whole person, together with the hill-like formation of wishful shuttles behind him, jumped dozens of miles in an instant like a flash of knife light in the night, and came to the vicinity of dozens of casual cultivators.

Nie Yin suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Master was standing on the sidelines and refused to make a move.

Because of this, any action will be interpreted specially, so I don't want to get involved unless it is absolutely necessary."

But who would have thought that in just a few hundred years, it would be able to compete with such a high-grade sect as the 'Diamond Sect'.

Yu Fengtong's feat of cutting 13 people on the top of the "Three Flowers" within a few breaths made countless people watching the battle in secret take a breath of air.

This is the method of mantra. After the law of heaven and earth is activated, it can bless the Taoism performed.

"Why, are you worried that your old lover will settle accounts with you when he comes back?"

"Hey! Hey! Hey—"

The million seven-foot Jinpeng summoned by Daoist Jinpeng's supernatural power of "feathering" also rushed from the air to the "Tai Chi Circle" island chain like arrows.

Yu Fengtong didn't yell out those blushing fighting words anymore, but burst out with all his strength in wild laughter.

At this moment, a sword light leaped towards Xu Qingzhi's combat area, drawing a straight line in the air.

He raised his head and laughed wildly, the cloak flashed behind him, and the whole person turned into a little gold star and jumped into the air to disappear.

Bian Yuhong saw the anxiety in Shan Qianhui's eyes, covered her mouth with a 'giggle' chuckle and said:

After taking a deep breath, he turned to Tan Qing and the others and said:
"Elder Sister, Second Sister, that guy is very domineering, if he knows that Younger Sister is on the sidelines and doesn't make a move, I'm afraid he won't talk to me again in the future.

Because he is good at swordsmanship and is Tan Qing's disciple, he also got the title of "Little Sword Immortal".

A large part of Yu Fengtong's title of "Lord of Ten Thousand Soldiers" is due to the gate shuttle array he created.

There are three people beside her, 'Flying Sword Fairy' Qin Qing, 'Flying Witch' Bian Yuhong, and 'Little Sword Fairy' Nie Yin.

But since everyone's attention was on the battlefield on the east side, no one noticed this tiny change.

Lang Tieying's attack method is very extreme. With the supernatural power of "turning into an eagle", he can transform into a flying eagle with powder wings, iron claws and iron beak.

After he manifested his figure again, he rushed to a group of 30 loose cultivators.

It was obvious that the combined strength of the more than [-] scattered cultivators was far superior to Yu Fengtong, but he could only be chased by him like a chicken chasing chickens all over the sky.

Lang Tieying is good at catching with eagle claws. Zhang Ke specially gave advice on catching according to his characteristics, and praised him that he may not even be an opponent in catching in the future.

In addition to Yu Fengtong and Yuan Jinting, many other people from the "Nanzong of Xiantian Yiqi" entered the public eye in this battle.

In the Golden Core Realm, he was a frequent visitor to the three fantasy realms of 'Practice', 'Yanwu' and 'School Army' in the dreamland of the sect.

Lang Tieying didn't kill many people, but almost no one dared to appear in front of him. Without him, it was because his attack methods were too bloody.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh"

Shan Qianhui didn't think that the 'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect' would be able to block enemies as many as the Ganges River's sands after the sect's protective array was shattered.

Cooperating with Yu Fengtong's bold and unrestrained laughter, Mao Yuan's heart trembled uncontrollably, and he praised:

"Eldest sister, you have become a Taoist monarch, even if there is no 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong', how can 'Yunxiao 33 Tiangong' let Bixiao Palace go."

At this moment, Yu Fengtong completely dominated the surrounding tens of miles of sky, and he became the focus of attention of many people watching the battle.

It's not that they can't defeat Lang Tieying together, but that no one is willing to pay the price of their lives to entangle him.

"What a titan!"

The moment he manifested his figure, Yu Fengtong shouted loudly:

Today, little girl is one step ahead, if unfortunately you fall here, help me pass a message to that guy, just say it."

The iron claw is good at fighting, and it can capture Wushuang in the world. The iron mouth is so sharp that it can seal the throat with blood when it hits.

What is 'Rainstorm Pear Blossom Shuttle'?
This is the scene in front of me.

Despite the invasion and entanglement of the power of various laws, it can always escape in the sky amidst the flying rays of light, quite a feeling of passing through thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching the body.

When Tan Qing was only in the realm of Yuanshen, she would never have such thoughts, but after being promoted to Taoist monarch, a certain desire in her heart seemed to inflate.

There were obviously more than a dozen casual cultivators on the opposite side, but they couldn't even dodge or counterattack under the powerful impact of the golden light, and could only use various protective methods and spirit treasures to resist.

Bian Yuhong hurriedly interrupted:
"There's still Xiaoyin here, so don't hold back your mouth!"

The reason why I am unwilling to make a move is also because I am worried that "Yunxiao 33 Tiangong" will think that my palace is joining forces with "Nanzong of Xiantian Qi", which will arouse their fear and suppress my sect.

In addition, my advancement to Daoist Monarch also gave me the background to become a top-rank sect. "

At this time, the millions of flying apes summoned by Jian Yuanbo through the power of induction and space mapping are falling like raindrops on thousands of islands in the island chain.

As soon as this phantom appeared, the tumbling and vibrating vitality in the surroundings quickly filled into the illusory wishful shuttle like a bird returning to its nest.

Shan Qianhui said 'just say' twice in a row, but she didn't know what she wanted to tell Zhang Ke.

In addition, there are many Yuanshen Zhenjun who are extremely brilliant in the "Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong", Baishi, Biluo, Lu Jinhuan, Ding Yuansheng, Mai Guanzhong, Ban Ling, Xie Xinqiao, Sui Yuankun, Lou Zhilin, Yan Liangyi, Yu Tingzhang, Nangong Huifeng and so on.

But after all, the 'Xiantian One Qi Southern Sect' only has more than a hundred Yuanshen Zhenjun, and against several times the enemy, even with the formation and cooperation, the overall situation is still developing in an unfavorable direction.

Then Yu Fengtong shouted loudly again:
"Soldier of Vitality: Rainstorm Pear Blossom Shuttle!"

There was a slight pause between the words, and continued:
"The 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong' was established after the sect, and there were only three or two Yuanshen Zhenjun in the sect.

In just a few seconds, the protective Taoism on the dozens of casual cultivators was scattered under the endless golden thread.

Nie Yin couldn't help but touch his forehead with his hands, he was so old, and calling him "Xiaoyin, Xiaoyin" really made people feel a little ashamed.

The reason why I didn't make a move for so long was because I wanted to see how the 'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect' could break the situation. "

Zhenjun Jiangyun was also attracted by Yu Fengtong's demeanor, and was about to speak, when he saw Zhenjun Yutai next to him say 'huh':

As long as you hear which disciple in the sect is strong, you will definitely do everything possible to pester them for a sparring session.


Rumor has it that Skywing Eagle is the assistant of Qingyuan Miaodao Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun. It is as famous as Xiaotian Dog. Its blood has special power, and its attacks are directed at the source.

The most frightening thing about sword cultivators lies here. With the blessing of sword intent, every beheaded person will be shattered even from the source, and there is no chance for 'Sanhua' to replace his life.

After a few breaths, Yu Fengtong seemed to be carrying a mountain of hundreds of wishful shuttles on his back, and the countless dark golden shuttles flickered, like countless cold eyes looking forward.

Zhenjun Jiangyun turned his eyes and looked in another direction, then nodded and said:
"It was Yuan Jinting, the True Monarch who kept the oath. I heard that she was proficient in the art of talismans. Later, after taking the oath, she switched to swordsmanship.

Just like gambling with cards, one slap and two stares are either life or death.

'You heartless guy, I'm afraid my aunt will send her life here today. '

Although these casual cultivators were not completely killed by a single blow, it did not affect Yu Fengtong's super combat power in the slightest.

Today, he could finally let go of his hands and feet and really fight. He felt that every nerve in him was trembling.

It has been many years since the Azure Realm has had such a large-scale battle. Normally, Lang Tieying can only fight the enemy in the "Dreamland".

In the line of sight of everyone, one can clearly see a sword light as sharp as a flying dragon, shuttling among the numerous loose cultivator spirits like lightning.

Hey, the overall strength of Bixiao Palace is not comparable to that of the 'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect', if it is really going to be suppressed by it, Bixiao Palace may have no choice but to join the 'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect'. "

One of the characteristics of this magical power is that the more injured he is, the greater the power of his own Taoism, and every time he uses the 'bloody battle' magical power, his strength can increase a little.

"Could it be that the sword cultivator is Zhenjun Ruyi's disciple Shoushi Zhenjun, the strength of this person should not be underestimated!"

Yu Fengtong had never fought so recklessly in his life, his blood was boiling in his chest, and his mind was filled with fighting spirit.

It seemed that the dozens of Sanxiu Yuanshen looked like they were surrounded.

As you have seen just now, if not for the help of the "Sanxiu Alliance" today, and some people secretly attacking, the strength of the "Diamond Sect" alone may not be able to break through the "Southern Sect of Xiantian Yiqi".

When fighting Yu Fengtong in the "Fantasy Realm", with Yu Fengtong's combative temperament, when Lang Tieying pounced on him, he would use the magical power of the "big cloak" to back off.

Everyone came here for benefits, but few wanted to send their lives here.

Especially when all the elites of the 'Xiantian Yiqi Southern Sect' are fighting in the air.

There was even a pillar of vitality transpiring from the air. Obviously, the lifespan of this casual cultivator was no longer enough for him to replace his life with 'Three Flowers'.

Shaking her head, she didn't continue to speak, but covered her face with a veil, and with a flick of her figure, she turned into a cyan streamer and flew towards the sky above the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain.

Worried that Shan Qianhui was too worried, Tan Qing sighed:
"Third Sister, if it's really a critical moment, I will take action, but have you thought about one thing?"

The unorganized, undisciplined, and scattered characteristics of casual cultivators are once again undoubtedly revealed.

And the 99 vitality arms spread out like chrysanthemums, pressing on the 99 wishful shuttles that showed metallic light.

Even after being promoted to Yuanshen, this habit is still maintained, and Baishi, Yu Fengtong, Yuan Jinting and others are often entangled by him.

While the four were talking, there was a slight shock in the sea on the south side of the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain.

Nie Yin and Zhang Ke had known each other since the Battle of the Great Rift Valley, but she achieved Yuanshen 400 years ago, many years later than Zhang Ke.

"Third Sister, don't worry, Eldest Sister will do it when it's time to do it!"

Shan Qianhui frowned slightly, and said in a concentrated voice:
"The Taoist Master Yunhao is about to break through the defense line of the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong'. If you don't make a move, it may be too late!"

But this is not because Lang Tieying is warlike by nature, but because he has awakened a magical power called 'Blood War'.

The 'Congenital Qi Nanzong' seems to have really grown up!
Above a cloud of five colors in the sky, Shan Qianhui watched the battle below, turning her head to look beside her from time to time.

If the Jiuren Zhenjun can break through smoothly, there will be a Daoist ruler in this sect.

During this process, Lang Tieying and his opponent were spattering blood all the time, which looked extremely bloody.

Qin Qing smiled slightly, and said casually:
"So, when it comes to a critical moment, I will definitely make a move. Only by letting the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong' stand in the front can Bixiao Palace have a little chance to breathe!"

Even some protective spirit treasures disintegrated in the endless golden thread penetration.

Qin Qing said in a deep voice:
"Laizhou is the territory of the 'Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace in the Clouds', and now the rapid rise of the 'Congenital Oneness Southern Sect' is obviously comparable to it.

Looking at the hundreds of scattered cultivators in the distance, Yu Fengtong's eyes flickered with madness, and he said with a sinister smile:
"It's not rude to come and go, everyone, just accept my greetings!"

Qin Qing understood that Bian Yuhong's words were to help Shan Qianhui beg her to take action, so she glanced at the two of them, and said lightly:

Every battle must be the first, every battle must be injured, the more injured, the braver.

After all, there are countless Primordial Spirits and True Monarchs in the Azure Realm, as long as they show their own strength, they will naturally be recognized.

However, although she is a disciple of Zhenjun Ruyi in name, in fact it is Zhenjun Qingmei, the 'Dragon Sword' who gave her the most advice. "

After several screams, the defenses of a dozen or so Sanxiu Primordial Gods and True Monarchs were broken, and their bodies were shot into sieves by the golden thread in an instant.


Shan Qianhui was silent for a moment, then said softly:

The 99 wishful shuttles contain the laws Yu Fengtong has mastered, and they are condensed with a special formation, which is a hundred times more powerful than ordinary wishful shuttles.

Bian Yuhong laughed and said:

"Everyone, welcome my wrath!"

Ambition always grows with strength.

The numerous Sanxiu Primordial Spirits were like chickens, while Lang Tieying was like an eagle, flying around, chasing away the numerous Sanxiu Primordial Spirits.

After Lang Tieying turns into an eagle, he will quickly pounce on the target, and then use his iron claws and iron mouth to attack wildly.

Looking from a distance, one can only see a black cloud and a golden cloud covering the island chain below.

"Now that I have advanced to the rank of Taoist Lord, Bixiao Palace is quite different from before in the eyes of other sects.

It's like the three Dao Lords of 'Yunxiao 33 Tiangong' Tuohai, 'Bajing Palace' Chonghe, and 'Tiandaozong' shattered. Even if they are Dao Lords, everyone will still be able to see the clues after they make a move.

Some things are like this, you can see through, but you can't say.

Therefore, Shan Qianhui also painted gourds in the same way, covering her face with a light veil, which meant that she did not want to openly oppose the "Yunxiao 33 Tiangong" who had warned the "Bixiao Palace".

But since you broke the rules first, you can't blame me for following suit.

(End of this chapter)

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