Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 931 Nine Yin Ghost Claws

Chapter 931 Nine Yin Ghost Claws
However, what Zhang Ke can think of, others can think of too.

Daojun, as the highest existence in the chain of practitioners in the azure world, would never want to see anything threatening him.

In particular, it is a puppet that can be mass-produced, so unless it is a last resort, the "Innate One Qi Southern Sect" will not expose the puppet of gods and demons.

This is also the reason why Fenghua Zhenjun confirmed again after receiving the order to ecstasy.

But now Daoist Yunhao is invincible, and Daoist Jinpeng hangs in the air to guard the gap. Apart from activating the 'Xingtian' puppet, he can't think of other ways to seduce the soul.

Sure enough, as soon as the 'Xing Tian' puppet Fang appeared, he attracted everyone's attention.

Duan Mi, Tuo Hai, Chong He, Qin Qing and other Taoist monarchs all shrouded their spiritual thoughts on the giant, and carried out investigations inside and out.

However, Fenghua Zhenjun and others thought of this as early as when refining this puppet.

After all, the gods and demon puppets were refined with Daojun as their imaginary enemy. With Daojun's spiritual power, if the protection is not in place, it will be easy to break through from the inside.

Therefore, the entire puppet has set up countless protections, blocking formations and enchantments from the inside to the outside, and it is difficult for even many Taoist monarchs to detect it.

At this moment, the 'Xing Tian' puppet strode towards the east side of the island chain. As the power of the puppet's internal magic circle was stimulated little by little, the frequency of its steps became faster and faster.

In the end, his body, which can be measured by the weight of a mountain, was able to walk on air.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the 'Xing Tian' puppet rushed to the east side of the 'Tai Chi Circle' island chain like a tornado, stepped into the air, and raised the trembling sky-lifting giant ax in his right hand above his head, aiming at Yun Hao Daojun rushed down and slashed heavily.

It's hard to describe how powerful this chop is, I can only see that the space is torn apart like paper when the ax blade strikes.

A space crack hundreds of feet long appeared in midair like a scar, and it has not healed for a long time.

And Daoist Yunhao would not be afraid of any creature's close combat, even if the injury has not fully healed now.

The arms of both hands flashed with dazzling golden light and crossed the top of the head to form a 'cross lock' upward.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and thousands of surrounding islands trembled slightly.

With Daoist Yunhao as the core, a huge depression appeared, and his body was forcibly chopped by a huge axe and sank hundreds of feet into the sea, only the waist above was still above the sea surface.

The nearby seawater reversed and recoiled in all directions, setting off huge waves of nearly a hundred feet.


The arms of Daoist Yunhao's support were cut off by this axe, and he let out a cry of pain, and blood from the broken arms poured out like a big river.

Immediately afterwards, Daojun Yunhao's body shook a few times, two heads protruded from the back of his neck, and four arms protruded from his ribs.

Daojun Yunhao also displayed the supernatural power of 'three heads and six arms'. The granulation surged from the broken arm, and a pair of new arms slowly grew out again.


Daojun Yunhao turned his head up to the sky and let out a howl at the same time. With four arms, he flipped the 'Xingtian' puppet from the top of his head into the sea beside him, and rushed forward to fight with him.

One punch after another fell on the puppet of 'Xing Tian', shooting out thousands of sparks, and from time to time a back throw threw it heavily into the sea, splashing endless waves.

Daoist Yunhao has fought countless close combats in his life, and how can a monk like Fenghua Zhenjun be able to fight against him.

After a few rounds, the 'Xing Tian' puppet could only passively withstand the blows of Taoist Yunhao with its giant shield and giant axe.

However, the material of the 'Xing Tian' puppet is made of countless times of punching by the 'Vientiane Hammer Group', and its defense power is astonishingly high, plus the blessings of countless 'Great King Kong Pan Talisman Arrays'.

Even though Daoist Yunhao frequently pried the rules of the avenue and continuously impacted with infinite gravity and strength, he still couldn't cause much damage to the 'Xingtian' puppet, only a few formation patterns burst.

Looking at the entanglement between the two in Lingxiao Palace, Hooking the soul was slightly relieved.

Then he turned his gaze to the area where Yan Feier was.

There, Yan Fei'er had already opened the fifth-grade innate spirit treasure [Seven Fiends Mysterious Yin Tian Luo Barrier], and the cloudy air filled the sky gathered into clouds, and the thick and dense cloudy sky covered the east side of the island chain for [-] people like dark clouds. Caspian Sea.

Speaking of which, this treasure was snatched by the "King Kong School" from the "Impermanence School of Life and Death", and was later taken away by Zhang Kesuo.

It's just that this object was damaged at that time, and it was downgraded by one grade. However, this treasure has been cultivated in the Plain of White Bones for hundreds of years. Not only has the damaged part been restored, but it has also been upgraded by one grade.

What the 'King Kong Sect' used in the past, was turned against by Yan Fei'er today. It has to be said that things in the world are really amazing.

With the cloudy sky curtain formed by [Seven evil spirits Xuanyin Tianluo Barrier], ghosts of the underworld can come in and out without being burned by the sun even when the sky is blue and white.

I saw countless black ghosts screaming and flying scattered in the sea area with a radius of dozens of miles.

Ghosts come from the 'Mist World', they are strange ghosts, all ghosts can appear in a shadow at the same time.

Later, due to the superposition of countless ghosts, they mutated and condensed their bodies into a strange existence.

After being tamed by Yan Fei'er, after hundreds of years of training and cultivation in the "Netherworld", the ghost has now advanced to the realm of primordial spirit.

After he attained the realm of primordial spirit, an ordinary supernatural power 'Ghost Claw' had a mutation,

'Nine Yin Nether Ghost Claws! '

The difference between this technique and the general "Ghost Claw" is that when it gathers countless ghosts in the body, once this supernatural power is displayed, all the ghosts possessed will also perform this supernatural power at the same time.

Perhaps the general 'Ghost Claw' is nothing, after all, all ghost creatures can comprehend this supernatural power.

But if one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, or even more equivalent supernatural powers are superimposed on this blow, it will be extremely terrifying.

Due to limited strength, the current master of ghosts, 'Little Ghost Head', can only condense nine soul-level ghosts possessed by him to perform this technique together, but when more and more ghosts of the primordial realm under his command in the future, he may not be able to do so. People dare to resist the blow of its ghost claws.

The ghost ghost has two major characteristics, one is overlapping and merging, and the other is shadow walking, as long as there is a shadow, it can travel seamlessly.

At this moment, hundreds of 'King Kong Sect' warships were instantly invaded by countless ghosts.

Countless screams then filled hundreds of warships, faintly visible various colors of Daoist auras and magic weapons radiating from all over the warships.

The underworld ghost 'Little Ghost Head' wears a five-blessing bellyband and hides behind Yan Feier's heavenly ghost. Double images of his small body appear from time to time, and the screams of countless ghosts can be heard from his body.

Yan Fei'er hovered in the air, very satisfied with the performance of 'Little Ghost Head', but at the same time, there was a trace of regret in her heart.

If it weren't for my 99 'Heavenly Ghosts' ghost girls who were fighting in all directions with the ecstasy body in the realm near the blue sky, I would be able to entangle all these 300-odd god-level golden giants by myself.

If there is enough time, it is not a problem to wipe them all out.

Perhaps ordinary ghosts would be melted by the sun-like energy of the body repairer, but the 'Heavenly Ghost' restrained the body repairer the most.

After flying in the air for a while, seeing that more than 300 golden giants had already rushed to the coastline of the island chain, Yan Fei'er let out a shrill scream, and with a sway of her body, a cyan ghost instantly disappeared on the spot.

When it reappeared, it was already behind a giant with a golden body in the primordial spirit state, and its ten fingers flashed with blue light, and it thrust towards the giant's back.

The ghostly figure about [-] meters high was behind the [-]-meter-high giant, just like a bird flying behind an ordinary person.

But when his hands were inserted into the giant's back, the shining golden glow of the golden giant dissipated like foam, and at the same time, the two ghost claws broke through the body as easily as if inserting tofu.


In fact, when Yan Fei'er got close to the back of the golden giant, this primordial god of the 'King Kong Sect' noticed something.

After all, the cold air of the 'Sky Ghost' can freeze everything, and the frost flowers that suddenly appeared in front of him also showed its whereabouts.

But even so, Yan Feier's lightning-fast movements still made it too late for him to make any moves.

As Yan Fei'er's ten fingers inserted into the back of the giant, traces of gray and cold lines followed the blood and quickly rushed to the whole body.

After a few breaths, the whole body of the golden giant was frozen by the evil spirit, and he fell forward silently.

A moment later, a pillar of spirit energy surged out from where it fell.

The other "King Kong Sect" Yuanshen Zhenjun were very angry when they saw this. Most of the golden giants still remembered their mission. After a roar, they rushed into the island chain against the attack of the "Rock Fleet" and the defense tower array on the coast.

In addition, dozens of golden giants turned around, pumping their energy one by one, like two hundred-foot-high human-shaped torches being lit one by one, radiating endless pure yang power to the outside.

In the burning of this pure yang power, countless ghosts in the sea area with a radius of more than ten miles were like snowflakes meeting the scorching sun, and they all let out a scream and were vaporized.

Even the thick and dense yin qi sky above the head was burned with several holes by the soaring pure yang qi.

Feeling the pain of countless ghosts falling, the Lord of ghosts behind Yan Feier suddenly let out a soul-shattering scream, rolled away, and disappeared from behind Yan Feier.

A "King Kong Sect" Yuanshen giant suddenly felt that something stung the sole of his left foot.

Knowing that something was wrong, he quickly mobilized his 'vajra power' to rush towards his left foot, unexpectedly, as soon as his thoughts moved, he felt a heavy yin and cold air condensed into needles, following the blood and rushing up to the heart like lightning.

Physical training is different from other practitioners, all strength comes from the heart.

At this moment, the cold air suddenly rushed into the heart, and the vitality of the whole body was instantly drawn away by the cold air.

From the outside, this "King Kong Sect" Yuanshen Zhenjun is like a balloon being pricked by a needle, and the vitality in his body is continuously flowing out of his heart.

The whole person also shrunk to its original size within a few seconds, and turned into a mummy three seconds later, then disintegrated into ashes.

The 'Nine Yin Nether Ghost Claw' of the Lord of Ghosts is so domineering.

Like an illusory shadow, the little ghost head quickly shuttled under the feet of many "King Kong Sect" primordial spirit giants. In just a few minutes, eleven pillars of energy shot up into the sky.

Jian Yuanbo in the air frowned slightly. He was currently controlling the two-world space mapping array to summon countless flying apes to enter the world, and he could not move his position without authorization.

He observed the surroundings with his spiritual thoughts, and found that Yunhao, Yunfeng, Hongzhao and others were all entangled, only Daoist Jinpeng kept flying up and down and pulling down the 'Thunder Light Punishing Evil Towers' one after another.

Jian Yuanbo gritted his teeth secretly.

'Those who are not of our race must have different hearts', this sentence is true.

With Daoist Jinpeng's ability, he can directly attack the big and small Penglai Islands that are being invaded by the power of water and fire.

But he was obviously frightened by the metal puppet summoned by the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong', which could compete with the Taoist Lord. He was afraid that the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong' would have a backhand, so he deliberately found some unimportant places to attack.

Jian Yuanbo suppressed the anger in his heart, and Jin Pengdao said through sound transmission:

"Jin Peng, if you're being perfunctory like this, don't blame me for offering [Bloodline Soul Chaser Needle]."

Daoist Jinpeng's thousand-foot-large body shook violently, and he said in an angry voice:
"Jian Yuanbo, I have tried my best, can't you see the millions of birds?

No matter in terms of quantity or strength, they are far stronger than the monkeys you summoned. "

Jian Yuanbo was almost driven mad by Daoist Jinpeng's shamelessness.

The 'Taishang Sensing Sect' is not good at fighting, and the golden-winged roc is known for its strong fighting power even among the monster clan.

Now you have the audacity to compare this with yourself.

Jian Yuanbo didn't say much, and took out an antique three-inch long needle case from his bosom with his left hand, and with a slight movement of his fingers, he was about to open the needle case.

Daoist Jinpeng saw that something was wrong, and quickly sent a voice transmission:

"Why does Fellow Daoist Jane do this? Tell me, how do you want me to do it?"

Jian Yuanbo suppressed the anger in his heart, swept his eyes around, and decided to attack the weakest Shan Qianhui first.

"First kill the 'Jade Guanyin' who prevented the flying ape and Jin Peng from falling, and then cooperate with Venerable Hongzhao to kill Zhenjun Jiuren, together with Xu Qingzhi and those disciples of the 'Xiantian Qi Nanzong' who control the flying magic weapon beheaded.

Afterwards, it will attack Little Penglai and destroy the gate of the "Nanzong of Xiantian Yiqi". "

Jian Yuanbo could see clearly that the three giants and the metal puppets were rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

Although Daoist Jinpeng is powerful, he may not be able to kill these two opponents in a short while.

On the contrary, it was Shan Qianhui who used the magic soldiers summoned by the blue cloud to interfere with his planned plan to invade the island chain from the sea of ​​monsters.

Secondly, if Xu Qingzhi can be killed, one can cause the greatest psychological damage to the disciples of the 'Xiantian Qi Nanzong'; attack on the island chain.

Three birds with one stone!
That's why Jian Yuanbo decided to ask Daoist Jin Peng to kill Shan Qianhui and Xu Qingzhi first.

But what he didn't expect was that his attack sequence was wrong.

Never, never should have put Shan Qianhui in the first attack sequence.

Then Jian Yuanbo reached out and grabbed a handful of Lei Ze Shen sand from his waist pouch, and sprinkled it towards the area where the Ghost of the Underworld was, and a cloud of azure blue gravel with lightning flashed poured down.

Thunder God Sand is a kind of treasure that only occasionally appears in the void Thunder Lake.

It is the treasure of pure yang that contains the qi of yang, bingding, and dingzhen, and it is the nemesis of all ghosts in the world.

This Penglei Ze Shensha condensed into a thundercloud with the size of a hundred miles along with Jian Yuanbo's intention when it approached the sky above the sea area below.

Countless azure blue lightning turned into whips of thunder and poured down from the thunder cloud, and the surrounding hundred miles suddenly became an ocean of lightning.

Whether it's the 'Sky Ghost' Yan Fei'er or the 'Lord of the Underworld Ghost' the little ghost, they all wailed fiercely amidst the endless thunder.

As for the countless ordinary ghosts scattered around, they were instantly annihilated into ashes in this sea of ​​thunder.

If it wasn't for the fact that the 'Sky Ghost' and the 'Underworld Ghost' were almost immortal, this thundercloud alone would have wiped them out.

As soon as the thunder light fell, the crisis of thousands of warships of the 'King Kong Sect' below was resolved immediately.

At the same time, Daoist Jinpeng did not hesitate, the pain caused by the [Bloodline Soul Chaser Needle] went straight to the soul, and he did not want to bear it again in this life.

With a slight sway of its body, it returned to normal from a thousand feet in size in an instant.

Then he turned his gaze to Shan Qianhui in the 'Taiyin Shaking Soul Formation', murderous intent flashed away from his eyes.

Immediately after the wings fluttered, it turned into a golden light and rushed across a hundred miles to Shan Qianhui at a lightning speed.

The head retracted and stretched, and the sharp beak blooming with awe-inspiring golden light pecked at Shan Qianhui's head like lightning.

At this time, Shan Qianhui also noticed the arrival of Daoist Jinpeng, but the perception of Yuanshen Realm and Daojun Realm was too great.

He clearly reacted in his mind, but his body didn't even have time to move a finger, so he could only watch helplessly as a little golden glow pierced his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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