Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 957 Giant Soldier

Chapter 957 Giant Soldier

No one could have imagined that Zhang Ke's sudden blow would be so spicy and vicious. Under this blow, at least [-]% of the monsters in the Hundred Thousand Mountains fell.

Among them, the ones who lost the most were the low-level Xiantian Realm monster clan.

Don't underestimate the low-level monster race, no matter in the practice world or among the monster race, low-level practitioners are the foundation, and every high-level practitioner grows from a low-level.

No one knows how many demon kings will appear in the future among these fallen low-level demon clans.

Zhang Ke's blow from the bottom of the pot directly cut off half of the Yaozu's future foundation.

The sudden outbreak of insect plague caused heavy losses to the Yaozu, but most of the endless bugs were ordinary bugs. When the Yaozu reacted, they immediately launched a frenzied counterattack.


The sound of the insects was like a sand mountain toppled, and the fine, continuous and endless neighing echoed between the heaven and the earth.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom."

Affected by the whistle of insects, some sleeping monsters in the Shiwan Dashan were enraged, and woke up from their sleeping places one after another, shaking their huge and incomparable bodies or breaking out of the ground, or crawling out of the water or the mountain forest.

There are giant tortoises with a dragon's head that are hundreds of miles large and walk in the mountains and forests, and there are also giant one-horned pythons that are thousands of feet long that come out from under the ground, winding their way on the peaks of thousands of feet.

In the big river, there are big fish with wings swaying in the water, making a sound like a mandarin duck, flapping its wings and swaying its tail, suddenly there are waves everywhere.

A gigantic beast jumped up from the forest, shaped like a red leopard, with five tails and one horn, and the sound was like hitting a stone. When the five tails flicked, cracks frequently appeared in the space.

In addition, there are a large number of firebirds hundreds of feet in size flying out of the volcano. With the flapping of their giant wings, endless sparks shoot out in all directions, igniting the forests one by one.

There are probably hundreds of such giant beasts and monsters.

These monsters just twisted their bodies one by one, the ground in the [-] mountains was cracked, the mountains and forests fell, and the ice and fire were all displayed.

There are continuous earthquakes everywhere, and volcanoes erupt.

The howling that shakes the sky, the mourning of hundreds of millions of creatures, the Hundred Thousand Mountains is like the doomsday at this moment.

On the 'Jiaomujiao', Zhang Ke looked down with some surprise.

Dragon head Golden Ao, Ba Snake, Ying Yu, Hide, Bi Fang.
Unexpectedly, there are so many ancient monsters in these [-] mountains.

Monsters are different from humans. Some are born with longevity, such as tree demons, turtle demons, etc., so it is not surprising that these monsters appear at this time.

If he hadn't launched an attack on the 'Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters' suddenly, the human race would have no idea that the power of the demon race has grown so terrifyingly for thousands of years.

After waking up, these monsters wreaked havoc around the surroundings, which can be regarded as venting their anger.

Then one by one looked up at the sky, looked at the floating flying boats the size of mountains in the sky, and let out a long howl.

Among them, the thousand-foot-long Ba snake closed and opened its eyes, and two blazing white lights with a diameter of several tens of feet shot out from its eyes, hitting the "Jiaomujiao" a hundred miles away with lightning speed.


The layer upon layer of 'Great Vajra Talisman Formation' defensive pattern on the floating airship lit up, Zhang Ke only felt a slight tremor under his feet, and Hong Huang Ba Snake's blow was blocked.

Zhang Ke raised his eyebrows, you dare to provoke me before I do anything.

'Hmph, it's rude to come and not go! '

Use the 'sound transmission bell' to send orders to each floating airship.

"All boats jointly choose the giant beast below as their target. Don't be greedy for too much. It's better to cut off one finger than hurt ten."

"Follow the decree of the sect master!"

If there is the biggest gap between the Four Elephants of the Wheel and the Southern Sect of the 'Innate One Qi', then it must be the flying boat.

Two thousand floating airships of different sizes slowly turned in the air, the bows of the boats tilted slightly, and a huge bow cannon quickly accumulated energy.

At this moment, the hundreds of giant beasts and monsters below have no idea of ​​the power of the giant cannon on the bow of the floating airship after they just woke up.

When these behemoths were locked by the giant cannons at the bow of the ship, a sense of life and death crisis suddenly appeared in the dark.

All the prehistoric beasts felt bad, and they swayed their bodies or burrowed into the ground, or tried to sink into the water.

At this time, the disadvantage of a large body is revealed, no matter how these giant beasts use their methods, how can they escape completely in a hurry.

After dozens of breaths, more than 2000 floating airships activated the bow cannons almost simultaneously.

More than 2000 blue and white particle beams with a diameter of one hundred feet are shot from a huge bow gun.

At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly became bright, like daytime.


After a thunderous roar, more than 2000 blue and white beams of light penetrated the dark clouds in the sky, causing ring-shaped cloud circles to appear in the clouds in the sky.

Due to the instructions issued by Zhang Ke, in order to cause huge damage to these behemoths, these bow cannons did not attack blindly and indiscriminately.

Instead, some extremely fast and smaller behemoths were abandoned, and they specifically attacked those huge behemoths.

"Boom boom boom!"

Giant monsters such as the Dragon Head Golden Ao and the Hong Huang Ba Snake were all attacked by more than ten bow cannons at this moment.

When the continuous blue and white light beams flashed violent particle rays and hit the giant beasts, the giant beasts let out a tragic wail.

Even with the powerful defense of the dragon head, golden claw and tortoise shell, under the impact of this particle beam, it melts away like snow meeting the scorching sun.

The skin was ripped apart, the stumps shot out, the blood from the wounds poured like a river, and giant beasts fell to the ground.

With just this blow, more than [-]% of the giant beasts were killed.

Clouds of spiritual energy soared from the ground into the sky, forming an overwhelming ocean of spiritual energy surging in the air.

outside the battlefield.

Seeing the earth-shattering blow from the two thousand floating flying boats, Daoist Disruption couldn't help but hold his breath.

'Unexpectedly, once the number of these floating airships increases, the power will be so powerful.

Which sect in the world can withstand this thunderous blow.

It seems that the Zongmen will also vigorously refine the floating flying boat, otherwise the Zongmen will be vulnerable when they encounter the same situation in the future.

It's just that the Southern Sect of 'Xiantian Yiqi' refuses to make a deal with the sect, what should be done. '

Daoist Disruption frowned, thinking about the way to break the situation.

And the hearts of many Yuanshen Zhenjun who watched the battle were also greatly shocked.

In the battlefield of Daojun Shangkong, dozens of demon kings were extremely angry when they saw the tragic situation in the Shiwanda Mountain.

These prehistoric monsters are the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of mountains and tens of thousands of years, and they were originally prepared to rely on these monsters to fight against the human race.

How could they have expected that most of them would be massacred at this moment by the "Nanzong of Xiantian Yiqi".

At the same time, the eyes of a famous demon king also showed fear and despair.

Due to Zhang Ke's order, dozens of demon kings were besieged by numerous Zerg leaders and Wanxiang and others at this time, plus the two sword immortals Qingmei and Qinqing who later intervened.

As a result, they couldn't fight at this moment, couldn't escape if they wanted to, so they could only stick to the air and watch their own people being slaughtered wantonly.

There is one thing that most demon kings can't figure out.

Relying on the strength of the "Nanzong of Xiantian Qi", if he is willing to pay some price, it is not too difficult to kill himself and others.

But why do these Taoist monarchs just besiege and not attack? What kind of conspiracy is there?
And some demon kings with keen minds guessed that the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong' might want to subdue himself and others, so they didn't kill them all the time.

This can be seen from the "Da Luo Chessboard" where only more than [-] Yaozu Primordial Spirits and True Monarchs have fallen.

Obviously Taoist Ruyi has regarded the Yaozu as his own, so he only killed so few Yaozu primordial spirits.

In the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

After being struck by the thunder of the two thousand bow cannons, the remaining giant beasts and monsters were scared out of their wits, and most of the giant beasts fled into the mountains and water regardless.

Only a very small number of people are still roaring in the mountains relying on speed or special magical powers.

On board the 'Jiaomujiao'.

The 28 Zerg leaders stopped neighing, each showing signs of exhaustion.

It is by no means an easy task to mobilize the blood power of all the bugs within millions of miles. When the blood is activated, countless bugs feed back various information to them every second.

The influx of information almost caused the heads of the 28 Zerg leaders to explode.

If it wasn't for Zhang Ke's order, they would rather fight to the death with the demon king in the sky.

Zhang Ke took out 28 merit jades with faint golden glow.

This is a kind of precious jade that is completely condensed by the power of merit, and Zhang Ke can only condense one piece every month now.

The reason why it was given to these Zerg leaders is to let them refine the cause and effect of the extinction of the creatures just now.

Of course, it is impossible to wash away the cause and effect of the extinction of so many creatures with only one merit jade. Zhang Ke plans to lead these 28 Zerg leaders to the Chakram Sect after the war, and use the power of the teaching to refine them.

"Let's take a rest first, and later enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains to entangle those giant beasts and monsters."

"Follow the master's decree!"

Zhang Ke looked at the Shiwan Dashan that was gradually calming down below, and continued to implement his plan.

"Jing Muyan, Kui Mulang, and Dou Muxie, let's drop the Giant God Soldiers!"

These three large floating airships are the flagships of the Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu star formations in the 28 Constellations.

'Giant God Soldier' ​​is a Taoist-level puppet refined by Fenghua Zhenjun.

Following Zhang Ke's order, the bottom hatches of the three large airships slowly opened, and three curled up huge metal puppets appeared from the bottom of the hatches.

Zhang Ke took out three seven-inch long and three-inch wide platinum imperial edict charms from his sleeve with his left hand.

【Ruyi Decree】

In the great battle that destroyed the "King Kong Sect", Zhang Ke inadvertently inspired a metal life. Although he escaped, he was inspired by it.

If the metal puppet can be made to produce intelligence, wouldn't it be able to greatly improve its combat ability, and also liberate the practitioners who control the 'Giant Soldier'.

In fact, there was no need to use the "Giant God Soldiers" in the battle against the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but in order to test his own ideas, Zhang Ke finally decided to use the "Giant God Soldiers" to fight.

In order to prevent the accident three years ago, this time Zhang Ke not only added various forbidden lock runes in the four [Ruyi Edicts], but also wrote the personality according to the characteristics of each 'giant soldier'.

Zhang Ke's left index finger flicked slightly, and three platinum charms stood upright in the air, and the golden lights bloomed for hundreds of miles, dazzling and dazzling.

Glancing at the three 'Giant Soldiers' with their heads hanging down like dead objects, Zhang Ke stretched out his fingers and placed a point between his eyebrows.

The three treasures of essence, qi, and spirit are as one, and a little spiritual light bursts out from between the eyebrows, divides into three, and merges into the three spells.

In an instant, the countless runes on the three talismans flowed and changed as if they were alive, and finally formed three different cloud seal patterns.

Zhang Ke flipped his wrist, and three edicts flew out of his hands, turning into three golden lights and falling into the eyebrows of the three 'giant soldiers'.

At the same time, Zhang Ke shouted in a deep voice:
"The chaos is vast, the first division of one qi, the three realms and ten directions, and the Tao is true.

The yin and yang are in harmony, the laws and regulations are nine chapters, and I have a spiritual opportunity to transform and cultivate Li Zhao.

Shelu is ordered, and the magic soldier wakes up! "

The sound of Zhang Ke's chanting pried the rules of the avenue, just like a stone thrown into the water, echoing endlessly between heaven and earth.

The [Ruyi Edict] between the eyebrows of the three 'Giant God Soldiers' flashed golden lights, first starting from the center of the eyebrows, thousands of golden rays of light shot out, and then golden runes spread from the center of the eyebrows to all parts of the body.

Wait until these golden rune lines travel through the whole body like blood vessels and then merge into the heart.

"Ka Ka Ka ~ Ka Ka Ka ~"

When the golden rune lines formed a closed loop, the three 'Giant Soldiers' burst out with dazzling light.

With the sound of fine and dense metal bearings and gears snapping together, the three 'Giant Soldiers' slowly raised their heads, and their originally dull eyes shone like jewels.

Zhang Ke carefully inspected the three 'Giant God Soldiers' with the 'Spiritual Mind Probe', and he was slightly relieved when everything was as he had deduced.

Can't help Zhang Ke being so nervous for the first time, being able to confer the title of "Giant God Soldier" is really very important for the future fight against Xianmen.

If there are sufficient resources, Zhang Ke can build a huge army of 'Giant Soldiers'.

You must know that every 'Giant God Soldier' ​​has the attack and defense of the Taoist level. Just thinking about it, Zhang Ke can't help but tremble.


The three 'Giant Soldiers' all turned their heads to look at Zhang Ke's position, but they heard the fine and intensive bite sounds of countless gear bearings, and finally the bite sounds became words.

"'Giant Soldier' ​​Yi, follow orders!"

"'Giant Soldier' ​​Gonggong, follow orders!"

"'Giant Soldier' ​​Zhu Rong, follow orders!"

With the sound of mechanical transmission, the three 'Giant Soldiers' stretched their bodies in the bottom cabin of the floating airship.

Yi, the 'giant soldier', is two hundred feet tall, with broad shoulders and a thick back. He holds a bow in his left hand, and nine hundred-foot-long arrows are exposed from his back.

'Giant Soldier' ​​Gong Gong, three hundred feet tall, with a python head and a human body, with numerous water marks on the surface of his body, covered in black metal scales, with black dragon feet on his feet, green python wrapped around his hands, and water vapor surging around his body.

'Giant Soldier' ​​Zhu Rong, three hundred feet tall, with a beast head and human body, wearing red copper scale armor, wearing fire snakes in his ears, and a fire dragon on his feet, with sparks splashing from his mouth and nose from time to time.

The three newly refined 'Giant Soldiers' are much shorter than 'Xing Tian', but this does not mean that their strength is inferior, it is only because the refining ability of Fenghua Zhenjun and others has improved.

While ensuring the strength of the 'Giant Soldier', they are also constantly reducing the height of the 'Giant Soldier'.

From the eyes of the three "giant warriors", Zhang Ke can see different personalities. Yi is persistent and firm, Gong Gong is stubborn and deep, and Zhu Rong is enthusiastic and unrestrained.

Obviously, the character elements that he integrated into the imperial edict played a role.

Zhang Ke nodded in satisfaction, and pointed at the Hundred Thousand Mountains below.

"'Giant God Soldier' ​​listens to the order and enters the mountain to kill the demon!"


In the rapid gear transmission, the three 'Giant Soldiers' obeyed orders generously.

As the three floating airships lifted the bilge control, the three 'Giant Soldiers' fell down like three meteorites.

After dozens of breaths.
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The place where the three 'giant soldiers' landed exploded three huge clouds of smoke and dust.

'Giant Soldier' ​​Yi straightened his steel body, looked up at the dozens of hundred-foot-high firebirds circling in the air, held a long arrow from behind with his right hand, and rested it on the bowstring of his left hand.

Draw the bow, let go the string.

A sharp sound piercing the air accompanied by a white light drew a white line in the air.

The speed of this arrow is indescribable, it seems to be connected to the target as soon as it is fired.


The firebirds circling tens of miles above had no power to resist and shot into the sky full of sparks in the arrows.

Then Yi continued to shoot arrows with his bow, white lines streaked across the sky, and the firebirds in the realm of primordial spirits were shot and killed one by one.

When the nine long arrows shot into the air, the metal spine behind Yi made a mechanical sound, and then another nine long arrows popped out from his back.


An extremely hasty call came from the mouths of the remaining firebirds, and they flew into the distance one by one with heartbroken hearts.

The 'Giant Soldier' ​​Yi did not pursue and kill, but climbed up a high mountain, looked down at the surroundings from a high position, and whenever he saw a giant beast appearing in his field of vision, he would shoot with his bow.

The 'Giant God Soldier' ​​Yi has been for long-range strikes since the beginning of refining, and may not be the opponent of the demon king, but he has the ability to sweep the field.

The other two "giant soldiers" Gong Gong, Zhu Rong and Yi are different, they are real existences that can confront the demon king head-on.

The two 'Giant Soldiers' each locked on a target, and controlled the power of water and fire to attack the two Daoist-level monsters.

Flames and waves of water spewed out from the mouths of the fire dragon and the black dragon. Driven by the power of law, the water and fire all had the ability to damage the island of giant beasts.


The two giant beasts were burned by flames and covered by frost. They couldn't help howling, and fought with two 'Giant Soldiers'.


The earth trembled, the trees fell, the flames shot up into the sky, and the frost froze everything.

Zhang Ke looked at the Hundred Thousand Mountains with a platinum gleam in his eyes, secretly calculating the number of monsters in the mountains.

After confirming that he was worthy of a battle, he immediately ordered:

"Everyone listen to my orders, and release all the 'Pedyssots'!
Jindan disciples drive the 'empty sailing boat' to break down the gathering points of the monsters, and the runners fight separately! "

"Follow the decree of the sect master!"

Following Zhang Ke's order, the countless bottom warehouses of more than 2000 floating airships were all opened, and millions of 'Pidi Shuttle' fell like raindrops.

At this moment, the accumulation of nearly a thousand years of "Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong" showed its power. It is hard to know how much resources and manpower it will consume just for these millions of "Pedishuo".

(End of this chapter)

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