Fulu Rubik's Cube

Chapter 970 Philosophy

Chapter 970 Philosophy
The sword-like shout immediately made the 'Yunhai Tiantai' quiet down.

Zhang Ke's face sank like water, and he looked around for a long time without saying a word.

The atmosphere on the 'Cloud Sea Rooftop' suddenly became tense, and after a while, Zhang Ke said in a deep voice:
"Everyone is in charge of the same sect, why are you so restless when things happen.

If there is a disagreement, wait until I have finished speaking before refuting. "

After a short pause, Zhang Ke continued:

"There are tens of thousands of worlds that need to be integrated into this world in the fusion plan, not only the practice world, but even the secular world needs to go all out to participate in it.

But without enough benefits, why should countless practitioners in the world obey orders willingly. "

Zhenjun Jiangyun, the fourth-rank sect in Laizhou, the 'Hide the Moon Sect', said:

"Ruyi is the head of the sect. To establish an entry-level sect, you need the 'money tree' to gather luck, and you also need the territory and the people.

Now due to the recovery of inspiration in this world, there are a large number of primordial gods and true monarchs. If a large number of entry-level sects are born, it will inevitably affect the interests of existing entry-level sects. How do you plan to coordinate this matter? "

Zhenjun Jiangyun has always been on good terms with the 'Nanzong of Xiantian Yiqi', and her questioning at this time is not to make things difficult, but to give Zhang Ke an opportunity to explain.

Zhang Ke nodded to Zhenjun Jiangyun, and explained:

"Everyone, there are tens of thousands of unqualified sects in this world, and besides that, there are also a large number of cultivating families and casual cultivators.

If we can fully mobilize the strength of this part of the practitioners, we can minimize the loss of our disciples when we break the boundary.

As for the 'cash cow', territory, and people needed to establish an entry-level sect, it is not a problem.

The 'money tree' can be cut from the 'money tree' of the entry-level sect, which will not damage the foundation of the sect's 'money tree', which is what our sect did back then.

Moreover, the 'money tree' cannot be given away for nothing, and the sect that wants to obtain it must pay a certain amount of remuneration.

This reward can be treasures, resources, or continuous income. You can discuss and decide on the specific plan.

Generally speaking, even non-advanced sects and families still have territories and people, and will not seize the benefits of existing sects that have entered the ranks.

Only casual cultivators have no territories and people. If there is such a true master of Yuanshen who wants to establish an entry-level sect, his territory and people can be obtained from other realms, which will not infringe the interests of the existing sects .

Since there are only advantages and no disadvantages, I don't understand why you are so resistant? "

The head teachers of many sects looked at each other in blank dismay. They always felt that there seemed to be something wrong, but they couldn't find any loopholes in Zhang Ke's words, and they gathered together to discuss in low voices.

Mao Yuan, the fourth-rank sect in the Southern Region, 'Yunyan Sect', looked around for a few moments, then cupped his hands and said to Zhang Ke:
"Sect Master Ruyi, what is the significance of establishing such a large-scale entry sect?"

Zhang Ke couldn't help turning his head to look at Mao Yuan, the man's questioning was quite level.

"In my opinion, there is no need for sects that are not good in the world.

As long as one can meet the entry requirements, it should be given the corresponding sect rank.

Everyone should be aware that the 'money tree' is able to condense the luck and merit of the sect, and it can also feed back the original power for the realm.

But the original power of this feedback is relative, the more you invest in the realm, the more feedback the realm will give.

It's like farming, the more seeds you plant in the spring, the more crops you can harvest in the fall.

But just [-] 'money trees' can gather much original power for the sect and the realm.

If all the sects in the world have 'money trees' to determine their pulse and gather luck, when these sects grow up, the speed of condensing their origins in this world will increase tens of thousands of times.

Moreover, the luck and merit fed back from the realm will also increase accordingly.

Now, is there any sect that opposes the establishment of an entry-level sect? "

Daoist Disruption stared at Zhang Ke dumbfounded. If the jealousy in his heart could be turned into flames, he would have turned himself into ashes at this moment.

Why did I never think of expanding the number of entry-level sects in the past?

Why is such an important key point pointed out by Taoist Ruyi?

In fact, this is a kind of blindness!

Master Shattered Daoist was born in the "Tao De Sect". Like all the sects in the world, the idea he accepted since childhood is to strengthen the sect.

One's own sect has struggled and grown up in the strife between each other's sects. When the sect gradually became stronger, in order to maintain the status of its own sect, it naturally began to suppress other sects.

After forming a habit of suppressing other sects, Daoist Shattering never thought of expanding the number of entering sects.

This is also the main reason why the number of entry-level sects in the Azure World is so small.

After being pointed out by Zhang Ke's words at this time, the remorse in Daojun's heart could not be washed away with the water of three rivers and five lakes.

After Zhang Ke said so, it is difficult for the head teachers of all sects to object.

Moreover, what Zhang Ke said before is also somewhat reasonable. If these newly established entry-level sects want to grow their sects, they must do their best in the boundary-breaking operation.

This can indeed reduce the losses of the disciples of various sects and sects. In comparison, the loss of some benefits can be completely ignored.

Zhang Ke waited for the discussion to subside before continuing to speak:

"The catastrophe of the 'Xianmen' may come at any time, and the fusion plan is urgent.

If there is no objection, first use the two things of 'integrating casual cultivators' and 'Zongmen entry' to integrate all the forces in this world.

Now, if there is nothing else, please return to the sect and wait for orders. After three days, all sects will issue an announcement.

Let it go! "

Following Zhang Ke's words to end the meeting, [-] representatives of the sect got up one after another, saluted Zhang Ke and then dispersed.

The content of today's meeting is actually not much, there are only three things: "Integration Plan", "Integration of Loose Cultivation" and "Zongmen Entrance".

But there are many feelings brought to everyone's hearts.

Through this Zongmen Conference, Zhang Ke has truly established his position in the practice world, and officially passed on the concept of 'innate qi of the Southern Sect' to the outside world.

'Go against the sky! '

This is the word that Zhang Ke mentioned the most in today's meeting.

In the Azure Realm, the Eastern Region is the region with the most practitioners and the strongest overall strength.

Due to the inheritance left by the "immortal cultivators", the philosophy that the practitioners have been adhering to is biased towards "Taoism".

'Tao follows nature! '

For countless years, every cultivator has been instilled with these four words since childhood, and basically practice around these four words all his life.

The ultimate goal of a practitioner is to transcend, especially after becoming a high-level practitioner, the understanding of the 'Tao' is also deepening step by step.

With the progress of the times and the accumulation of inheritance from generation to generation, practitioners are also constantly self-reflecting in their practice, and some people gradually have doubts about the words "Tao follows nature".

The core concept of "Tao follows nature" is to follow the law of the development of things themselves, man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows the nature.

It means that the "Tao" is endless, which not only generates all things in the universe, but also makes all things return to the "Tao".

Humans follow the laws and characteristics of the earth, the earth imitates the law of the sky, and the sky uses the Tao as the basis for its operation, and the Tao is natural, and the concept derived from it is "Tao always does nothing but does everything".

But is "Tao following nature" really the correct practice philosophy?
Thousands of years ago, someone asked an extremely poignant question.

The normal lifespan of a person is only a hundred years, but after practice, the lifespan will be extended almost unlimitedly. If one can achieve the 'Tianzun', the lifespan will be unlimited.

Then, since "Tao follows nature", does it violate the normal laws of nature if people's life span exceeds the limit?

This is not an isolated case, but a group, which includes all living beings that can practice, including humans, demons, spirits, monsters, etc., and has universal significance.

Once this point of view was thrown out, it caused an uproar at that time.

Are practitioners violating the laws of nature?

Because of this confusion, some high-level practitioners have doubts about themselves, and even destroy themselves or become demons.

There are also some practitioners who refute this view.

They believe that the "nature" in "Tao follows nature" does not simply refer to the laws of nature, but a higher-level concept, which can also be called "naturally".

"Tao follows nature" means that the laws of operation of all things are changed by the way of heaven in a "natural" situation.

Just when the two views were arguing, the "Tao De Sect" at that time suddenly exerted force and wiped out the sect that raised the question in one fell swoop, and countless practitioners who held the same view were killed.

After this incident, the concept of "Tao follows nature" has once again become the mainstream.

But some things will not disappear because they are eliminated. Once doubts arise, people will naturally study them.

The "Tao De Sect" eventually split into two sects, "Tian Dao and Ming De".

'Tiandao Sect' believes that the world should follow the natural laws of the way of heaven. Although it is a human sect, it respects the way of heaven and rejects all unnatural things.

Since the establishment of the 'Xiantian Yiqi Nanzong', basically all the measures have violated the laws of nature. In addition to fearing the rapid development of the Nanzong, this is also the reason why the 'Tiandaozong' has been targeting the Nanzong.

'Ming Dezong' has a different point of view. They believe that since they are human beings, they should be human-oriented, and 'morality' is more important than 'Tao'.

It was because of the different concepts of the two that eventually led to the split of the "Tao De Zong".

Among the heavens and myriad worlds, the word "morality" besides its own meaning, also refers to the "Tao Te Ching", which was written by Lao Tzu.

Laozi is also known as Taishang Laojun. According to legend, Laozi transformed the three Qings with one breath, and transformed into "Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun", "Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun" and "Taiqing Moral Tianzun" from himself.

Because "Taiqing Daodetianzun" is its body, in Taoism, "Taiqing Daodetianzun" is honored as the ancestor of Taoism.

The "Tao Te Ching" is all-encompassing. Although it talks about "Tao follows nature", the core is the word "inaction".

This 'inaction' does not refer to inaction, but non-dispute, compliance and tolerance.

Husbands who are empty, quiet, indifferent, lonely and do nothing are the foundation of all things.

It refers to the meaning of integrating oneself into the rules of the avenue and operating with the avenue.

If we fully understand the word "inaction", we can also get the artistic conception similar to seeing a mountain as a mountain, not a mountain, or a mountain.

Whether it is "Tiandaozong" or "Mingdezong", although it seems that their own ideas deviate from the true meaning of "morality", in fact these ideas are still contained by "morality".

And the core of the concept of "walking against the sky" is the four characters of "man will conquer the sky".

The birth of this idea is due to the influence of Zhang Ke's dreams.

In the magnificent world in the dream, the human race has been fighting against nature since its birth.

Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa mended the sky, Houyi shot the sun, Dayu controlled the floods, Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, Jingwei reclaimed the sea, Yugong moved mountains.
Regardless of whether the protagonists of these legends are human or not, their core meanings are inseparable from the meaning of "man will conquer nature".

Through the efforts of countless people from generation to generation, human beings continue to improve their living environment until they become the masters of the world.

In Zhang Ke's mind, whether 'Tao follows nature' or 'Man can conquer nature', they are all a kind of 'Tao', and there is no right or wrong.

The so-called Dao Sanqian can prove the Tao.

However, due to the influence of the dream world, although the 'Xiantian Qizong' came from the lineage of the Shangqing, what Zhang Ke believed in was the 'Nine Heavens Swaying Demons'.

Zhang Ke believes that in order to fight against the "Xianmen", it is impossible to rely on the Taoist concept of "inaction", because this concept is somewhat negative.

It is necessary to reverse the concept of practitioners into a state of striving, striving, and making progress.

And the concept of "man will conquer nature" perfectly fits this point, so Zhang Ke will focus on the implementation of "going against the sky" to stimulate the practitioner's proactive attitude.

Don't look at the three measures that Zhang Ke launched today, the 'Integration Plan', 'Integration of Casual Cultivators', and 'Zongmen Entry'. In fact, the implementation of the concept of 'Man will conquer nature' is what he thinks is the most important.

After Zhang Ke dominated the situation in the Zongmen Conference, Daojun Daoxiao and others did not deliberately target him.

Under the trend of the general trend, all resistance is futile, but this does not mean that Daojun Dao and others have died down.

Sometimes, standing back is to gather strength to launch a stronger counterattack.

Whether it's the 'Merging World Project' or 'Integration of Loose Cultivators' and 'Zongmen Entrance', it is not easy to complete.

The so-called 'doing more, making more mistakes' means that Mr. Shattering Dao does not believe that Zhang Ke will not make any mistakes in implementing these three measures.

Now he has communicated with some top-rank sects. When Zhang Ke implements the measures, they will collect all kinds of mistakes and defects of Ruyi Daojun and the "Innate Qi Southern Sect" from various aspects.

When these mistakes are enough to cause dissatisfaction in the hearts of practitioners in the world.

Shattered Daojun will choose the best time to deprive Zhang Ke of the leading authority in the "Convergence Plan", and he will lead the completion of the "Convergence Project" and promote the promotion of the realm, so that Ruyi Daojun and the "Xiantian Qi Nanzong" Everything you do becomes your own wedding dress.

Three days later.

The [-] entry-level sects in the five regions of the Azure World issued two announcements at the same time.

'In recent years, practitioners in the world have plundered all directions, causing huge damage to all parts of the world.

In view of this, [-] entry-level sects in the five major regions of the Azure World officially screened the casual cultivators from all over the world.

Practitioners who have looted around in the past ten years, who have committed the seven heinous crimes, will be arrested, and those who voluntarily surrender can reduce their crimes as appropriate.

In addition, all the entry-level sects in the world will open their gates, and all practitioners with good conduct can apply to join according to their own strengths and the conditions announced by the sect. '

Once this announcement was announced, countless casual cultivators were in panic all day long, especially those cultivators who had committed the seven evil crimes in the past few years.

In addition to this announcement, the second announcement about the establishment of entry-level sects at will also caused a huge sensation in the practice circle.

Although the requirements for establishing a sect are extremely strict, there are still countless Yuanshen Zhenjun running around, actively preparing for the establishment of a sect.

At the same time, almost all non-advanced sects were ecstatic after seeing this announcement.

Between the non-entry sect and the entry sect, except that there is no 'money tree' to determine the pulse and gather luck, in fact, it is not much worse than the entry sect in other places.

In the past, it was only because of the strict control of the number of entry-level sects under the control of the top-rank sects that the number of entry-level sects was scarce.

Now under Zhang Ke's promotion, the restrictions on the establishment of entry-level sects have been completely relaxed. How can the tens of thousands of non-advanced sects in the world not be overjoyed.

Because of this move, Zhang Ke received tens of thousands of gratitude from the unqualified sect.

But when these two measures were implemented bit by bit, countless sects in the world suddenly understood how far-reaching Zhang Ke's intentions were.

(End of this chapter)

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