Chapter 122 The Light Inside Peter
Ultra Universe.

K76 king star.

"Oh? That guy?" King Ultra teased Bogaru in the cage while watching the live broadcast.

Although he couldn't do anything about the screening room, but the other party didn't set up any privacy protection for the people in the screening room, the King of Ultra could see the incompletely fused light on Peter's body.

It was the light of my old friend.

After thinking about it, Ao Wang still shook his head.

"Forget it, that guy is tired enough, don't bother him with such trivial matters."

in the theater.

Peter slowly opened his eyes.

"Gwen... Where's Gwen?"

Peter asked confusedly.

"Peter, this is Strange, this is the screening room! What's going on?"

"Uh... Mr. Strange, why are you?"

Peter opened his eyes in a daze, only to realize that he had come to the screening hall.

"Don't people go to heaven after death, but come to the theater?"


"Child! What the hell happened?!"

"Not good! Gwen!"

"Who is Gwen!"

Seeing the anxious crowd, Peter quickly explained to them.

"That is to say, a man-eating monster appeared in your world, and that monster attacked you and your friends at school. At that time, it was about two days before you came to the screening hall, and then you erupted A force hit the monster, and I also fainted."

Bruce Wayne asked, "Is that how it happened?"


"Then at least you don't have to worry about your friend's safety. You had two days before you could come to the screening hall when you were unconscious, and seeing the hospital gown you were wearing, it was obvious that you were sent to the hospital."

"That is to say, even if you failed to kill the monster, at least you were seriously injured and expelled it. You and your friends must be safe."

"As for your little friend, she can smash spider monsters into the wall by some means, and can run wildly with two eighteen-year-old men in her arms. One of them is the mainstay of the school football team, and her quality is definitely far beyond that of ordinary girls. It must be an extraordinary human being, and it may be injured, but it should not be life-threatening."

After hearing Bruce Wayne's analysis, Peter was relieved. He believed in Bruce Wayne's analysis. This is the big guy who can buy purple cards. He must be much smarter than himself.

"But if you get hurt."

"Then there is nothing we can do. My healing potion is also used up. If it's really not possible, you can draw cards and try your luck after this time."

"By the way, this kid is very concerned about that girl named Gwen, and he never leaves Gwen in his words."

Someone who looked at the problem rather trickyly laughed out of nowhere, and several other middle-aged men in the screening room also showed a relieved smile that their pigs had grown up and could bow other people's cabbages.

"Me, Gwen and I are just ordinary friends..." The voice became smaller and smaller, and Peter couldn't believe what he said.

"Peter." Hikari asked suddenly: "Have you encountered any strange things recently? Such as dreaming, or picking up some strange things? Such as bottles and jars, rings and bracelets, or things that look like short sticks? "

"Ah? No, I've been practicing the magic kung fu that Mr. Strange gave me. If it wasn't for this kung fu, I wouldn't be able to use those magic skills, and I would die straight away!"

"Thank you, Mr. Strange."

"Uh, you're welcome, Peter, the magic you mentioned should have nothing to do with me." Strange said hastily: "I only taught you the most basic Karma Taj body training, even if you are better than me It doesn't make sense for a genius who needs a genius to develop so much magical power in just one week."

"Unless..." Strange's face suddenly became ugly: "What you borrowed is not the magic power of Visandi, but the power of other demon gods."


"White magic is safe, but the progress is slow, so there are always some people who are blinded by power and want to use other shortcuts to obtain power beyond their control. Those powers are dangerous and have great side effects, such as absorbing the dark dimension Your soul will be taken away by Dormammu." Strange said solemnly: "But there are still people who choose to take the risk because those powers are powerful and convenient."

"An ordinary person who practices the white magic of Karma Taj may be able to sense the magic power in a month, but there will be no progress in a year or two. But if you take the initiative to accept the dark power, you may be able to do it without practicing. Gain great power."

"If it's really a dark force, then you're in trouble, Peter, do you hear any sounds from time to time?"

"I had a strange dream. It seemed that someone was calling my name in the dream."

Thinking of this, Peter's face turned pale, he couldn't really be haunted by some demon.

[Altman Ace: It's light. 】

【Altman Ace: Peter, there is light in your body. 】

[Altman Ace: This is what Wang told me just now. 】


Everyone was taken aback, but Hikari grabbed Peter's hand and said, "Peter, don't be afraid, relax."

A pure particle of light flew into Peter's body, which is the carrier of Hikari's spiritual power.


Hikari backed out soon after.

"What a dazzling light, even more dazzling than the plasma spark tower."

"This light is very similar to the light on the Ultra warrior of our kingdom of light, but it's just like. His purity and level far exceed our light, but this light is not completely integrated with you."

"So I personally speculate that Peter should have borrowed the power of a certain Ultraman."


"It's not only in my universe that Ultraman exists. It's really possible, Peter, that you accidentally borrowed the power of a certain Ultraman."

"The universe is endless. There are different Ultraman in other universes, and it is not surprising that there is even another Kingdom of Light. Peter, you are practicing Karma Taj Military Boxing while exercising your body. It should also have the energy to communicate with powerful creatures in other worlds."

"If I remember correctly, Weishandi is a benevolent and kind god, and is the source of power for all magicians who use white magic, right?"

"To be precise, Emperor Weishan is a trinity composed of three powerful ancient gods. To put it simply, it is an alliance formed by three powerful gods. However, compared with other demon gods, they are indeed benevolent and kind. The effect of Karma Taj Military Fist is to sense the existence of Emperor Weishan in the dark, and then borrow mana from him."

"That's simple. It's like picking fruit. The mystics of Karma Taj picked the red apples from the Visandi tree, and Peter also went to pick apples, but for some reason they picked some red apples. An Ultraman's green apple."

"Although Ultraman is not Weissandi, the power of Weissandi you want to borrow from Peter is safe white magic, and Ultraman's power is somewhat similar to white magic, so by mistake, Peter You borrowed the power of a certain Ultraman."

"Although they are different, at least they are all apples, not bananas, watermelons, oranges, grapes, and mushrooms, which have nothing to do with red apples."

"In other words, at least it's not evil gods."

Hikari said, "I'll ask Ace to bring some equipment over in a moment, so that you can have a good physical examination."

"Thank you, Mr. Hikari."

"Um...everyone." Constantine couldn't help asking, "Didn't you notice a demon came into the live broadcast room?"

 Today is the winter solstice, don't forget to eat dumplings

(End of this chapter)

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