Chapter 156 The Whimsical Tony
[Seeing the black shadow outside the window, Constantine instantly realized that the other party was heading towards Angela. 】

[Konstantin rushed out, caught up with Angela and said: "Detective, if I told you that God made a bet with the devil, and the bet was the souls of all human beings in the world, what would you think?"]

【"I would say you should take your medicine."】

【"Listen to me first, even if the rules cannot be in direct contact with humans, they can only exert influence and see who can win."】

【"Okay, I believe it, why?"】

【"Who knows, maybe it's for fun, no one knows."】

【"It turned out to be for fun." Angela sneered at Constantine's words: "A husband beats his wife to death, and a mother drowns her son. You call such crimes the temptation of the devil."】

【"Human nature is evil, Mr. Constantine, this is human nature."】

【"You're right, but sometimes the appearance of other things will just bewitch us just right."】

【"What you said is very instructive, but I don't believe in the existence of the devil."】

[At this moment, the street lights on the road began to go out one by one. It was obvious that something was coming! 】

【"Power off?"】

【Angela, who doesn't believe in ghosts, looked at the extinguished street lights and came up with a very reasonable explanation. 】

【"Not quite like it."】

【"What sound?" Angela couldn't help asking after hearing the strange voices ringing in her ears. 】

【"Wings, and possibly claws."】

【"Are you kidding, what's the claw?"】

[Konstantin took out a piece of linen, wrapped it around his hand and said, "Things that shouldn't exist."]

[Dark shadows roared past, Angela subconsciously drew out her gun to defend herself. 】

[Looking at the small pistol in Angela's hand, Constantine complained: "The gun doesn't work at this time."]

【"Close your eyes."】

[Konstantin took out a lighter and said to Angela, "Close your eyes."]


【"Forget it if you don't close it."】

【Konstantin doesn't bother to explain to her, anyway, she won't believe it later. 】

[In front of the statue of the Virgin, Constantine lit the torn linen in his hand. 】

[The moment the linen cloth burned in the next second, an extremely dazzling light that seemed to be comparable to the sun burst out instantly, illuminating the surroundings, and under the strong light, countless demons from hell appeared. 】

[These demons look extremely ferocious, and they all have skeletons resembling wings on their backs. 】

[Although these demons look terrifying, under the light of the linen cloth in Constantine's hand, they all let out miserable howls, and their bodies gradually melted in the light of the sacred flame, and finally disappeared into ashes . 】

【"Where is the devil living in hell?" Constantine clapped his hands mockingly, and put away the little linen left. 】

【Looking at Angela who was coughing constantly behind him, everyone in Constantine calmly took a puff of cigarettes and said, "Don't worry, it's like this for the first time, it's just the sulfur smell on those demons."】

【"Sulphur?" Angela looked at the man in front of him who destroyed a large group of demons with a snap of his fingers, her face was full of disbelief. Just a few minutes ago, she was a staunch materialist, thinking that demons and everything are fake Yes, and the man in front of her is nothing but a psychopath. 】

[But in just a few minutes, the worldview she had built up over the years collapsed completely. 】

"How did you do it?" Strange looked at Constantine who killed a group of demons in one move on the screen, and asked curiously: "Is that piece of linen a magic weapon? If it were me, I would kill the group of demons." Demons are not difficult, but this is the first time I have seen you in this way."

"This." Constantine took out a piece of linen from his pocket and said, "This is the holy relic cloth, that is, the cloth used to wrap the burial of Catholic saints, because this cloth is stained with the blood of saints, so once Burning them releases an extremely powerful holy flame."

"This kind of flame is very powerful, even the light emitted can cause fatal damage to low-level demons."

"So, this is a means of exterminating demons, not magic, right?"


"Ah." Peter asked puzzledly, "Is there any difference between the two?"

"The difference is quite big." Strange thought for a while and said, "It's like the difference between a precision instrument that needs to be operated by a professional and a foolish machine that can be operated by any ordinary person with normal intelligence."

"Although it is immoral to take other people's shrouds, it is indeed a very effective means of exorcising demons. If you have the conditions, you can also look for things like holy relics in your own world , used to guard against demons."

"Oh my God."

"forget it."

[Wolverine: Using someone else's shroud as a weapon, I can't do it. 】

[Wanda: It's disgusting, I have Chaos Magic and that's enough. 】

[Captain America: Wait a minute, how did you get your holy skeletal cloth? ! 】

"Mr. Constantine, you won't go to rob graves, will you?"

"So there isn't a more civilized way?"

"Well, holy water is also fine, as well as salt. Silver weapons can also hurt some demons, such as vampires." Constantine said, "I have a friend who uses holy water to make shotgun bullets. This holy water bullet It may not be useful to fight high-level demons, but you can shoot a large number of low-level demons like inferior demons."

"Are all magicians so avant-garde now?" Tony said, "Since we have already used shotguns, why do we need more powerful weapons?"

"for example?"

"For example, replace the shotgun with a light machine gun, or simply replace it with a rocket launcher, and since the holy water bullets have come out, holy water grenades, ultraviolet bombs, why not consider such weapons with more powerful firepower?"

The more Tony talked, the more excited he became. Why didn't he think of combining magic and technology before?

Are magic and technology necessarily opposites?Why can't they be combined to achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than two?
He has already thought about it, and when this live broadcast is over, he will go to Karma Taj to learn from it and see if he can create some kind of supreme mage battle suit.

"Actually, I have another idea." Tony said: "The strongest part of modern industrialization lies in assembly line production, which makes modern productivity far exceed that of ancient times, so I wondered, can we mass-produce magic weapons? ?”

"Magic artifact assembly line? You are a genius."

 It's time for the third shot of the vaccine. Have you guys finished the vaccine yet?
(End of this chapter)

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