Chapter 217

[Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, the fundraising performance was carried out on time and smoothly. 】

[A couple of couples performed on stage. Although the level is average, the audience in the audience are very happy. 】

[However, Wanda in the background seemed extremely anxious, because Vision was late. 】

[An extremely sophisticated robot will be late!This is so unusual! 】

[Just when Wanda was extremely anxious, the vision finally came, that is, there was a little problem with the walking posture. 】

[Twisted seven or eight, as if drunk. 】

[Not only does he walk like he's drunk, but he also talks like a drunk. 】

[But Wanda knows that Vision, as a robot, has no reason to get drunk even if it drank water until it crashed. 】

[Wanda wanted to figure out what happened, but it was the turn of the two to perform on stage. 】

【Wanda has no choice but to bite the bullet and go on. 】

[Sure enough, Vision was funny on the stage, first walked and bumped into the wall, and then called out the names of himself and Wanda, slurring his words, like a drunk. 】

[However, Vision's performance was quite successful. 】

[Vision first used superpowers to directly fly himself up. This scene obviously shocked the residents of Westview Town. 】

【Wanda was dumbfounded when she saw this scene. What if she agreed not to use superpowers? 】

[But the hole my husband dug for me, I have to fill it up even when I cry. 】

【So Wanda had an idea, and created a piece of rope directly in the void, and intentionally exposed the flaws for everyone to see. 】

【Next, Wanda went to shake the mechanism to move Vision up and down. Vision was so frightened that he screamed: "Wanda, what's going on, no no no, Wanda, please!"】

【"Honey, put me down, I'm going to throw up!"】

[Seeing this funny scene, everyone thought it was deliberately designed by the show, and they were immediately amused and laughed. 】

【Then, Mirage staggered to the piano and lifted the piano. 】

[Looking at the stunned expression of the audience below, Wanda walked over to the piano in a hurry, took the piano, quietly turned the piano into a piece of cardboard, and then showed it to the audience, while watching, said : "The secret of our juggling can't be seen by the audience."]

[The owner of the piano, Dotty's husband, said: "That's my grandmother's piano."]

[Only one person and the world where the piano is injured have been achieved. 】

【Next, Vision also performed a trick of putting the hat through the body. Wanda was about to collapse, so she could only turn into a mirror in the background. 】

[Although I don't know the function of the mirror, at least I have fooled it. 】

[The finale was the big change, and Wanda's neighbor Agnes asked Vision if he wanted volunteers, such as her husband Raff. 】

[There was no accident during the performance. Before Wanda entered the closet, Vision closed the closet door. 】

[Wanda really has no choice but to change Geraldine from the background. 】

[Although the performance was very chaotic, the audience enjoyed watching it very much. 】

[The performance was a big success! 】

[Wanda and Vision won the Best Comedy of the Year Award! 】

【Great! 】


The audience on the screen can be very happy watching, but the audience in the auditorium is not so happy.

It is impossible for anyone to watch a comedy performance indifferently after watching the weird and extremely bloody scene before.

"That Agnes!" Constantine suddenly thought of something, stood up and said, "There is something wrong with Agnes!"

"What's wrong!?"

"Didn't you notice that she has a lot of shots?"

"But this doesn't prove that there is something wrong with Agnes, does it! Which detective is like this!"

"Son, you have to know that the answer left after eliminating all the impossible is the correct answer no matter how bizarre it is." Strange said: "The current situation is that the world is not right, Dotty's performance, Colored planes, and Agnes from the beginning."

"None of this makes sense!"

"I now think it is very possible that this black and white world may actually be Wanda's dream. For some reason, Wanda fell into a coma and had a wonderful dream. Dotty, the radio, Agnes, and the toy plane are actually It is a way for the outside world to try to wake up Wanda who is deeply comatose."

"Then why did Wanda go into a coma? Why did she have such a black and white dream after coma?"

"I think it might be related to someone."

A Titan star who did not want to be named: "@#!#"

[Video continues]

[Amidst the applause, today's event has finally come to a successful conclusion. 】

[In the background, Wanda helped Vision find out the cause of his illness. 】

【It was the piece of chewing gum that was swallowed. 】

[After the talent show, the two returned home. 】

【"It seems that it's not so difficult to build a good relationship with the neighbors." Wanda said happily holding the trophy: "I don't even know what we were worried about before."】

【"We just have to be ourselves."】

【"But some changes need to be made."】

【"It's all for the children."】

【Wanda and Vision both said this sentence at the same time. This sentence seemed to have magic power. After saying this sentence, Wanda's stomach started to fight as if she was pregnant in October. 】

【"Vision, is this real?"】

【"It's true, dear, it's true."】

【Wanda and Vision excitedly wanted to express their current mood, and then the bang of agreement sounded again. 】

【Phantom walked out angrily, and at the same time said that if it was still that damned tree this time, he would uproot it, saw it in two, and burn it clean! 】

"Oh my god..."

"Is the reproductive system of people on Earth so random?"

"Now is not the time to be funny! This is definitely not a funny soap opera like "Wanda Vision's Happy Married Life"!"

"We can all see it, Tony, we can all see it."

"Hi! Everyone! What's going on here?" Wanda was also stunned, and Vision's brain, which was stronger than a supercomputer at the moment, couldn't turn around.

"Okay! Don't panic, Wanda, don't panic."

Everyone rushed to Wanda and Vision's side. This kind of completely illogical thing had a great impact on a person's three views.

"I thought I had seen enough strange things, but I didn't expect to find out today that it was just the tip of the iceberg." Wanda took a deep breath, and holding Vision's hand tightly, she asked, "What the hell is that?" What’s the matter, even blowing up a balloon isn’t that fast.”

(End of this chapter)

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