Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 27 1 Drawer's Infinity Stones?

Chapter 27 A Drawer of Infinity Stones?
[Looking at Loki sitting on the ground with a gray face, Mobius stepped up and stretched out his right hand. 】

【Loki hesitated for a moment, then suddenly grabbed Mobius' hand and stood up from the ground. 】

[At this moment, the door opens and the black female guard walks in. 】

[I heard that something happened again, Mobius sighed with regret. 】

【He said to Loki: "Don't go anywhere."】

【Then followed the female guard and left the room. 】

[A few minutes later, Mobius returns to the room. 】

[But Loki has disappeared before his eyes. 】

[He instinctively reaches into his suit pocket to find the time controller, but the expression on his face immediately freezes. 】

[The pocket is empty. 】

【Just now, while being pulled up from the ground by her, Loki took the opportunity to steal the controller from him. 】


Seeing this scene, Parker cheered happily.

Seeing Parker's appearance, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Loki's mouth.

Ever since he came to this screening hall, all Loki saw was his own bad future, which made his mentality explode on the spot.

But... no matter what kind of blow he encountered, Loki is still the god of tricks!

If you want to talk about intrigue and intrigue, few people in the world can compare with him!

[Video continues. 】

[After successfully escaping, Loki rushed to an office-like place, his eyes lit up and he found an acquaintance]

[At the beginning, after the black female guard came to the TVA headquarters, she handed over the Rubik's Cube in her hand to a front desk. 】

[Loki walks up to the Asian and pulls him behind the table. 】

【"What's your name?"】

[The Asian man replied with a question mark on his face: "Casey."]

["Cathy! Give me the universe cube, or I'll cut you out like killing a fish!"]

【"What is fish?"】

[Kathy asks shrunkenly. 】

【"You don't even know anything about fish."】

【Locky looked stunned, and then immediately threatened fiercely: "Fish is death, violence... Painful death!"】

【"Alright alright"】

[Casey raises her hands, stands up and opens a drawer.Take out the cosmic cube from it. 】

【"Is this what you mean?"】

[Taking over the Rubik's Cube, Loki let out a long breath. 】

[But when he glanced in the drawer, his expression suddenly froze, as if he had been slammed with a blow, and he froze on the spot. 】

【Red, green, blue, orange...】

[It's just such an ordinary drawer, and there are more than a dozen Infinity Stones in it! 】

【“You, how can you have these?”】

[Due to excessive shock, even Loki's voice changed a bit. 】

【Kathy glanced at the drawer, then shook her head nonchalantly:】

【"Ah, we actually have a lot of these things here, and some people even use them as paperweights."】




This is the current situation of everyone in the live broadcast room and screening hall.

"Is that the Infinity Stone?"

Mengxin Parker looked at the stunned crowd, and asked weakly: "Didn't you say that there are only six infinite gems? Why are there so many?"

Tony Stark swallowed, then took a deep breath and said: "Boy, as far as we know, there are indeed only six Infinity Stones. As for this..."

Looking at the drawers full of infinite gems, the auditorium even gave them a close-up.

"Well, I don't know either."

"This... how could such a thing happen."

Odin's one-eyed pupil shrank, and shocking emotions swept through his heart.

A whole drawer of infinite gems!
Each Infinity Gem taken out alone is a terrifying power enough to change a planet.

Power gems can directly destroy all living things on the surface of a planet.

Reality gems can modify reality, and the dark elves use the power of reality gems to modify reality to match the entire Asgard.

The time gem has the power to manipulate time, and even Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, cannot resist this power.

The remaining three gems also have their own horrors.

But what about now?
There are now a dozen Infinity Stones in a single drawer!

How can this be?

You must know that when his father "Bor" was fighting against the dark elves, he finally defeated them after years of bloody battles.

The main reason why the fight is so difficult is because the dark elves control the ether particles, which is the power of reality gems!

And Odin could see clearly that in that drawer, there were two red reality gems alone!

At this moment, Odin suddenly had the urge to reach out and rub his eyes!

It can be seen from this that what happened in front of him is so horrifying to the world. Even with the city and experience of God King Odin, he feels unbelievable and seriously doubts whether he has hallucinations.

"As a paperweight?"

Gu subconsciously looked at the Eye of Agamotto on his chest.

This treasure of Kama Taj, the ultimate magic weapon that only the supreme mage can use, is essentially the time gem.

As a result, you told me that there are more than a dozen in the drawer at the front desk of a Time Administration.

I can not accept.

[Wolverine: Could it be fake? 】

Logan watched that in the last video, it was inlaid on the body of Infinity Ultron, making Infinity Ultron a terrifying demon god who destroyed the world. Now it is actually used as a paperweight in a drawer.

He can't accept it either.

[Captain America: Master Gu Yi said that this is very likely to be true. 】

As soon as Captain America's words came out, the temperature in the audience plummeted.

Especially Rocky.

"No, I think this is very likely to prove another thing in reverse."

Strange said: "That is, if the Infinity Stone is not in its own universe, it cannot function."

Avengers Building.

Seeing Strange's speech, Ancient One nodded.

"Strange is right. If I wasn't sure before, I'm sure now."

"The Infinity Gems in the normal state radiate this special light, and these Infinity Gems are dim, which excludes the possibility of the opponent's deliberate bluffing, so at least one thing can be guaranteed, that is, even if the Infinity Ultron is killed Other earths will not have the original single universe level strength."

"If it was our world."

Gu Yi frowned, but still said: "His Majesty Odin and I will work together to solve it."

' If it was the heyday. '

Gu Yi silently added in his heart.

She didn't tell everyone the truth. Everyone has experienced enough blows in the past few days. Appropriate pressure is the driving force for progress, but excessive pressure will only make people collapse in place and explode.

When Gu Yi's words were sent to the live broadcast room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

[Wolverine: Anyway, at least we can guarantee that we won't be drinking well, and suddenly a crazy robot pops up and blows up the earth. 】

[Wanda: But. . .Even without infinite gems, Ultron's strength is not weak. 】

[Wanda: In our world, the Age of Ultron was also ended by killing Ultron's data ontology in the data network by Vision. 】

[Wanda: Although I don't know what the infinite Ultron you are talking about, the original Ultron's strength is also terrifying. 】

[Wanda: If I face Ultron, maybe I can tear his body apart, but I can't do anything about his data. If he invades the world's network, he will really launch all the nuclear bombs! 】

[Wolverine: Damn!Can robots still play like this? ! 】

[Magneto King: I thought that as long as I use my magnetic power to turn him into a pile of scrap iron, it will be fine. . . 】

 Brothers, when I see parents asking me how my students are doing in the test, I feel anxious and panic. Now some parents start to ask me if I have improved. His son scored 35 points in the test and made great progress!

(End of this chapter)

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