Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 332 Can Bionic Buddha Overcome Electronic Ghosts?

Chapter 332 Can Bionic Buddha Overcome Electronic Ghosts?

"What is that three-faced monster?"

"I don't know, invading aliens?"

[Bruce Wayne: Investigate Basaku, you can tell from its name that this is a reconnaissance device.Therefore, the detection of Basaku should be a pawn used by aliens to collect data on Ultraman Max and develop weapons against Max. 】

[Bruce Wayne: This time, DASH and Max Ultraman have met a strong enemy. 】

[Peter Parker: I think this time it might not be that simple. The miracle of Yefu and the third planet corresponds to Kieron Star Beast and Super Weapon R1, the street that was sniped and the street that is no longer sniped, the monster messenger and the The boy and the Metz star and the distant friend Hekov, and the Baltan tragedy that happened in Mr. Hikari's world and Welcome to the Dark Baltan on Earth have different endings. 】

[Peter Parker: Max's story echoes the story of the Kingdom of Light! 】

[Peter Parker: Prelude to Earth Destruction, there may be a corresponding place. 】

[Wanda: What is left.? 】

[Strange: My hometown is Earth, the messenger of Nongmart. 】

[Peter Parker: If this is the case, combined with the previous story, they should also get a relatively better ending! 】

【Rocky Odinson: My distant friend Rickoff is dead, is this also a happy ending? 】

【Peter Parker: Kofu's sacrifice was not in vain. I believe that on that earth, Kofu's efforts and sacrifices will definitely be effective! 】

[Wanda: So, the three-faced iron armor monster is very likely to be a seaman or an abandoned astronaut? 】

[Rocky Odinson: I think it's an astronaut, isn't this what you humans often do? 】

[Video continues]

[After defeating the mechanical monster Detective Basaku, the night of the city quickly returned to peace and tranquility. Ruixi, Ellie and Kaito looked at the peaceful city, and came out to enjoy the beautiful night view rarely. 】

【Ruixi and Ellie were chatting happily while enjoying the night view, but Kaito didn't have such an interest. He looked at the stars in the sky, especially the place where the M78 nebula was, with a hint of worry in his eyes. 】

[Because Ultraman Max told him when he transformed before that he was about to go back to Nebula M78, and now he mainly relies on the power of Ultraman Max to fight against monsters and aliens, just like the one just now That mechanical monster, the attack ships organized by DASH can't do anything to the opponent at all. In the end, it depends on the power of Ultraman Max to defeat the opponent. If Ultraman Max leaves the earth, only these few ships are left Can attack ships protect the safety of the earth? 】

【It is precisely because of such worries that the worry in his eyes cannot be dispelled. 】

[Humans, can they really protect the earth with their own strength? 】

"It seems that Max really needs to leave."

Hikari looked at Kaito on the screen, and rarely said a word.

Everyone felt very strange that Hikari didn't talk much, especially when they were discussing things on the earth, they couldn't speak without speaking. Hikari was more like an observer of planetary civilization who silently observed.


"Kaito, or in other words, people on Earth have become dependent on Max."

Hikari’s words hit the nail on the head: “This won’t work. If a civilization wants to thrive and truly enter the interstellar civilization, it must rely on its own strength. Max has helped the earth for too long. Can't live without Max."

"This idea is just a seedling now, but no matter how small the seed is, it may grow into a towering tree in the end."

"This is also the reason why the Ultra fighters we sent to Earth will return every once in a while, and they will only be sent there after a long period of time."

"Go every once in a while, to help the people on earth solve the troubles they can't solve, it's okay."

"But protecting human beings all the time on the earth will cause human beings to be born. No matter how big the trouble is, there will always be a taller one, and Ultraman is the tallest one, so don't worry, and don't have to work hard to develop technology. dangerous thinking."

"For a long time, the earthlings have been abolished on the earth."

"It's time to remove Max's departure. It may also be because Kaito, who is a human on Earth, has become more and more dependent on Max."

"Ultraman has never been protecting humans, but fighting side by side with humans!"

"This order can't be wrong."

"Absolutely not!"

[Video continues]

【"Kaito, what are you thinking?" Kaito's silence caught Ruixi's attention. As a member of the field CP duo, the strange behavior of his companion (maybe) immediately caught Ruixi's attention. 】

【"Ah? It's nothing." It's enough for himself to know that Ultraman Max is leaving. There is no need to make everyone worry about it publicly, so Kaito didn't tell Ruixi the truth, but smiled and pretended to be relaxed talking. 】

【Ruixi is a very simple person. Hearing Kaito's words, she didn't have any doubts. Looking at the peaceful and beautiful city night scene in front of her, she said happily: "It would be great if the peace can be kept forever." After finishing speaking After that, she seemed to think of something, looked at Ellie and said, "By the way, Ellie, don't you have the ability to predict?"]

【"It's not a prediction, it's a prediction." Ellie corrected her words. 】

[Ruixi felt that there was no difference between these two statements, so she continued to ask: "The earth will return to peace one day, right? In our lifetime, the war between monsters, invaders, and humans will end. Humans should Welcome to peace, right!" She asked expectantly, her eyes sparkling. 】

【Ellie said calmly: "Fifty years later, the probability of human beings living in a peaceful and prosperous world is 62%."】

【After hearing Ellie's words, both Mizuki and Kaito fell silent for a while, and Kaito said with emotion: "The odds are so low!"】

【Ai Li continued to say, "The chance of Ruixi team members still alive after 50 years is only 28%."】

【"Ah?" Ruixi immediately became very nervous when she heard the words, because this is a matter related to her own life, and she must figure it out. She asked anxiously: "Why? Will I die early? Why did I die? what?"】

【"Don't ask Ruixi, it shouldn't be asked." Kaito stopped. 】

【"But I want to know, I often have nightmares recently." She took Ellie's hand and asked sincerely: "Tell me Ellie."]

【Seeing that Ruixi is so persistent in wanting to know, Kaito didn’t stop him. Otherwise, Ruixi would definitely have been worrying about this issue all the time, and couldn’t wholeheartedly deal with the next dangerous task, which would be even more dangerous. 】

[Ellie said: "Based on the injury rate of Ruixi's team members every time they perform missions, the mortality rate of Ruixi's team members in the next year is 48%."]

[As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. 】

"This electronic tarot card?"

"What are electronic tarot cards?"

"Some of the girls in our class like to use tarot cards to predict the future. Ellie is very similar to the electronic version of tarot cards."

 The school is closed, it's annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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