Chapter 339 The finale is about to unfold
[Wanda: All surface creatures are extinct! 】

[Wanda: Delos, are you so cruel? 】

[Rocky Odinson: Sure enough, I said that there is no possibility of negotiation at all. The so-called peace is just a product born under the supervision of power! 】

[Loki Odinson: Is this method used to kill surface creatures?What a great idea! 】

Thanos has already boarded Temple No. [-]. Seeing this, he suddenly felt that his genetic virus could still be improved, such as changing the genetic virus that regulates reproductive rate to spread in the air, or like Delos Build a tower, use this tower to properly spread the genetic virus and then control the population base.

"No, isn't this going back again?!"

Director Mie sat on his favorite chair in Temple No. [-]. This Titan Throne was Thanos's most beloved object, and his status in Thanos' heart was no less than that of Gamora.

When conducting experiments on Gamora's home planet and watching the live broadcast, Thanos barely left the chair.

If it weren't for the soul gem not recognizing things without souls, Thanos would have thrown down this chair in the first place.

"Father, where are we going in our hearts?"

"Just find a remote planet!" Thanos said: "It is best if the level of technology has just come into contact with planetary civilization, with a large population, and the life on it is constantly fighting for resources."

"Yes, father."

Ebony Maw, who had changed back to his original clothes, came to the main control room and began to search for suitable targets in the star map
[Video continues]

[As for Professor Qiuzi's conjecture, everyone else has doubts, not only them, Ruixi who is underground also has such doubts. Seeing that Basaku spoke, she was relieved. As long as communication is possible, there is still hope. She immediately said: "We are all creatures living on the earth, why do you want war so much, do you want us to perish so much?"]

[Basaku still pinched Kaito by the neck and did not let him go. After hearing Ruixi's question, he explained: "Delos is not planning to exterminate human beings, but human beings have changed the environment of the earth. Ross is also about to become extinct, "]

【After hearing Basaku's words, Ruixi looked puzzled. 】

[In the UDF temporary base above the ground, because everyone did not understand what Professor Qiu Yoshinaga-ko said, Professor Qiu Yoshinaga-ko continued to explain to them, but her one-sided words certainly could not convince these people, So she asked the robot Ellie to decrypt the information inside the mechanical dolls from Delos. 】

[Soon Ellie deciphered the information in the mechanical doll, and said: "Delos is a race that is about to become extinct. Because of the continuous destruction of the environment by humans, the ozone layer has become thinner and thinner, and the harmful radiation from the sun It even passed into the ground.”]

【"Our Delos is suffering from the harmful radiation from the sun. If this situation is not changed, our Delos will become extinct, so Delos will order the Basaku system to protect itself. Now that the Basaku system has been activated, stop I can't come down anymore." The Basaku system in the ground continued. 】

【"How did this happen? Can't stop? Can human beings just perish?" Ruixi didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this. Can Delos be blamed?Originally, humans lived on the surface, and Delos lived in the underground space. The two races and civilizations developed together, and there would not even be any intersection. If it weren’t for human beings’ endless economic activities to destroy the environment, Delos would soon be wiped out. Los will not attack humans. In the final analysis, it is the fault of humans. 】

[Moreover, now that the Basaku system has been activated, even if she detonates the DASH No. 3 machine and destroys the underground space, it will not be able to stop the operation of the Basaku system, and human beings will also perish. 】

[Thinking of this, she couldn't stand anymore and collapsed to the ground. She was seriously injured when the No. [-] plane crashed just now. The reason she was able to stand up just now was entirely due to her perseverance and love for Kaito, but Now that she knows that human beings are going to be extinct, and she can't do anything, such a powerful blow makes her unable to hold on any longer. 】

【"Ruixi!" Kaito shouted anxiously when he saw Ruixi fell to the ground. 】

【Ruixi smiled wryly at Kaito and said: "I really have no future." After speaking, she couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground. 】

[There is nothing more sad than a dead heart, Ruixi's heart no longer has the confidence to survive at this moment. 】

【"Ruixi!!!|" Kaito yelled hoarsely, he didn't care about the pain in his neck, he hit Basaku's arm with all his strength, and finally broke free after hitting with all his strength, Kaito immediately ran to Ruixi He hugged her in his arms and called out anxiously: "Ruixi, wake up."]

【Ruixi wakes up Yoyo, sees Kaito, with tears streaming from her eyes, and said weakly: "I really didn't" and couldn't even speak. 】

【"Don't talk nonsense, you must persevere, Ruixi!" Kaito said anxiously, but Ruixi tilted her head and lost her breath. 】

【"Ruixi, Ruixi?" Kaito yelled twice, but there was no response at all, he burst into tears: "Why did this happen, why did this happen?" He started crying while hugging Ruixi. 】


[In the UDF temporary base, the robot Ellie has been paying attention to Ruixi's life status. At this time, the line representing Ruixi's heartbeat has become a red straight line. She said in a low voice with a blank face: "Ruixi, Team Ruixi Ruixi"]

【"Ellie! What happened to Ruixi!?"】

[Super performance, Ellie, who was able to clean up the mess in person when all DASH members were disconnected, is constantly jamming like an old-fashioned DVD that has been scratched. 】

【"The vital signs of Team Ruixi disappeared."】

[There is still no emotion in Ellie's words, but everyone can feel the deep sadness from Ellie's words. 】

[Who said robots have no emotions? 】

【Ground. 】


【Kaito holding Ruixi's 'corpse' in a daze, the tears kept streaming down his eyes, drawing streaks of tears on his face. 】

【"Please don't act rashly like this in the future. If there was a slight mistake at that time, you are dead now!"】

【"I want to protect others' heart and never lose to DASH!"】

【"Hello, senior! Let me introduce you formally, I am Kaito East Malaysia!"】

【"I know you, you are the brash kid who drove my plane to fight monsters."】


【"Then the first lesson of DASH entry, go and repair my plane!"】


【"Just kidding! There is a maintenance team here, but don't be so reckless next time."】



【"I believe that Ultraman Max is our partner, but we have to rely on our own strength to protect the earth. I don't want to fight side by side with Kaito in the future."】


【"I can walk by myself, I don't need your help!"】

【"What are you doing! You still have injuries!"】


【Fastest and Strongest Max·Earth Destruction Prelude·End】

[Play next: Fastest and Strongest Max Finale! 】

 Is this hint obvious enough?
(End of this chapter)

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