Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 345 This sword runs through the galaxy and shatters the stars!

Chapter 345 This sword penetrates the galaxy and shatters the stars! (Max finale)

[Max Galaxy, which has been replenished with sufficient energy, starts up again, bursting with dazzling light. Kaito and Kiba drive fighters to drag Max Galaxy and fly towards Ultraman Max. 】

[The Max Galaxy at this moment is like an undead phoenix reborn in the fire, carrying the hope of mankind, carrying the future of mankind, and marching towards the future. 】

[When the gods fell into the world and turned into stone statues, while the devils were laughing wildly, people with firm beliefs were not afraid of the temptation and terror of the devils, and reshaped the wings of hope for the angels who guarded them. 】

[When the wings bloom again, the angel will draw out his flaming sword again to sweep away the filth in the world! 】

[Millions of Basaku have already discovered the actions of human beings, and the metal behemoth started up again, a huge torrent of energy hit the brave man who rescued the hero like a storm, and a blast of energy hit Muting's fighter plane, not only hurt his fighter plane The damage also interrupted the steel cable he was dragging Max Galaxy, and he had to make an emergency landing, leaving Kaito alone. 】

[Energy attacks like raindrops came towards him, but Kaito still flew towards Ultraman Max. Seeing this, the captain of the soil team immediately said, "Kaito, don't mess around, cut the steel cable. Come back quickly."]

【"Go back? Where to go? We have no spare nanotubes. This is our last chance, our last hope!"】

【"It's already this time, how can I give up!"】

【"I am, I am——Ultraman Max!"】

[Kaito jumped down from the fighter plane and flew towards the phoenix Max Galaxy, which carries the hope and future of mankind. 】

【"Quick fight!"】

[The moment Kaito touched Max Galaxy, Max Galaxy seemed to come alive, releasing a dazzling light, Max Galaxy sucked Kaito into his body, and moved towards Ultraman Max with a faster speed The speed flew over. 】

【Fly, Max Galaxy!Fly, Phoenix! 】

【Fly to the future of mankind! 】


[At this moment, Phoenix is ​​Kaito, and Kaito is Phoenix! 】

[At this moment, it is the fastest and strongest awakening time! ! ! 】

(It is suggested to play Max's theme song here)

[When the sky and the earth are connected by light, nothing can stop us from moving forward. 】

[And the love between people is the light that connects the heaven and the earth! 】


[The chains that blocked the angels are falling apart at this moment, no matter how dark the night is, it will eventually pass, and the angels will return to the world with light. 】

[The day the phoenix returns is the time when the fastest and strongest wakes up! 】

【"My body is engraved with the immortal bird!"】

[The crimson giant broke free from the seal of the metal behemoth, and he will stand on the ground again in an invincible posture! 】


【"Quick fight!"】

【"So Kaito is."】

【"Ultraman Max!"】


[Max falls, picks up a large amount of dust, a dazzling white light lights up, and the next second——Gigamax Kilometer Ultraman Max! 】

【"Look straight at me, bastard!"】

[Millions Basaku even needs to look up to see Max's face at this moment. Under the control of the combat system, Millions Basaku once again released a purple energy bomb. 】

[The same move will not work the second time for the fastest and strongest! 】

[Max holds Max Galaxy with sparks and lightning all the way, from the place where he transformed all the way to the front of the million Basaku, raising his hand is a sword. Max Galaxy lightsaber slashes and cuts the million Basaku on the spot. spark. 】

[Throw out the Max head dart tens of meters long, in mid-air the Max head dart is divided into two, two into four, four into eight.]

[The sound of crackling and crashing is endless, besides the blue electric sparks, there are also red real sparks coming out of Million Basaku. 】

[Max Galaxy sparks flashed in Max's hand, and with a wave of his hand, a crimson lightsaber grew in the wind. 】

【Max Galaxy Maximum Power! 】





















【Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth】

【This sword pierces through the galaxy and shatters the stars! ! ! 】

【Max Galactic Lightsaber · 40 Light Years · Participate! 】

[Sweeping with a sword, under the trembling of the eight planets plus a sun, it is invincible, known as the world's invincible, the fastest and strongest metal behemoth, the million Basaku, turned into the smallest particle and dissipated between the sky and the earth . 】

【"Basaku system stopped"】

[40 seconds, massacre! 】

[With the elimination of millions of Basaku, the Basaku system immediately stopped operating, and the Basaku energy tower slowly sank to the ground, and a voice came from the three-faced mechanical doll: "Delos has high hopes for humans , before the earth returns to its original appearance, Delos will fall into a deep sleep again."]

[Low EQ: I can't beat it, I'm scared.High emotional intelligence: Delos has high hopes for humans. 】

【"The Basaku system around the world has been disarmed."】

[The crisis was resolved again. In a sea of ​​light, the huge Ultraman Max looked at Kaito in front of him, and said with a complicated mood: "Kaito, thank you."]

【"Me too, thank you for your help all the time." Kaito said gratefully, if it wasn't for the help of Ultraman Max, he wouldn't have been able to defeat so many monsters and aliens, as well as this million basaku. 】

[Max recalled the scene when he saw Kaito for the first time. At that time, Kaito was just a reckless fool who dared to hit monsters while driving an airplane. Later, he deliberately let his The plane was shot down in an attempt to transform, but he refused him, only to help again when Kaito understood what it meant to be a warrior. 】

【Then we beat Jayton, Golden Ancient Bridge, Yefu and then were rubbed on the ground by Yefu, lost memory together, OMO together, faced our once powerful enemy together, and bid farewell to the Metronians together.】

【"You have to grasp the future of the earth by yourself, it's time to say goodbye!" After Ultraman Max finished speaking, he separated from Kaito completely, and the scene changed, this time it was the sunset of the earth. 】

【Max and Kaito have completely separated. Max took a deep look at Kaito for the last time. He knew that for him, human life is fleeting. This separation is likely to be a farewell. 】

【Max feels sad, but knows that he should go. 】

【"Goodbye, Max!" Under the setting sun, the fastest and strongest Ultra fighter left this planet that he will never forget in his long life in the future with an indelible memory. 】

【He will never forget that on this planet called Earth, there is a human named Toma Kaito who has a respectable comrade in arms. 】

【"Goodbye, Kaito, goodbye, my partner."】

【"Wash socks!"】

【During the night, Kaito and his team reunited. 】

【"Quick fight!"】

【"Samurai boy." Kiba and Xiao En hugged Kaito excitedly, venting their excitement. 】

【"Well done, Kaito." Captain Hijikata praised Kaito. 】

【"Thank you Captain, this is what I should do." Kaito said modestly, and then everyone pushed Ruixi in front of Kaito. 】

[A group of people celebrated at night, looking at the peaceful and beautiful starry sky, where there is the hometown of Max Ultraman. 】

【Kaito said: "Max has returned to his hometown."】

【"Goodbye, Max."】

【"He's gone back, he's a little lonely."】

【"Max, leave the future to us."】

【"Yes, the future of the earth must be grasped by us humans."】

[Everyone spoke in admiration. 】

【"By the way, let's take a photo together." They said, let the robot COCO come out to take a photo of them, and several people immediately gathered together to record this moment. 】

【Fastest and Strongest · Max · End】

 I always thought the galactic lightsaber was a bit crooked.

  Punctuation marks count as one word. I tried it. There are 2541 words in this chapter, and you still have some money to make.

(End of this chapter)

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