Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 44 The broadcast starts, 3 bodies!The tyrant joins the group!

Chapter 44 Begin the broadcast, three-body!The tyrant joins the group!
Avengers Building.

"It's about to start broadcasting again."

Captain America, whose face is still a little pale, and Tony, whose nose is still a little red, don't seem to be in a good state at the moment.

Let’s not talk about Captain America, he has had diarrhea for seven days, and at the same time he has to face the torture of the Five Tigers Trial once a day.

In the first trial of honor, after he easily defeated [-] strong men, he rushed into the toilet at the fastest speed and began to spew.

It was the first time he'd ever had diarrhea after getting the serum fortified.

After obtaining the super soldier serum, his physical functions have been strengthened to the peak, and it can be said that he is invulnerable to all diseases.

Unexpectedly, he actually felt the old days again during these seven days.

What's more terrible is that not only will he have diarrhea, but he will also face the extremely difficult Five Tigers Trial.

The success of the first trial of honor left a great psychological shadow on him.

Fighting, running, and even running [-] meters are nothing to the US team. The main reason is that after adding a debuff called diarrhea, this matter has deteriorated.

Thankfully, Tony was pretty good at clearing the streets ahead of time, otherwise the captain would probably die.

In the second tiger shovel trial, the problem was not too big.

It's just that the tiger's size is outrageous, it's a full three meters high!
This is quite a monster.

Fortunately, as long as the mind does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties. After a long discussion, Tony overnight helped the captain build a set of anti-five tiger armor, which can easily kill the tiger with a shovel.

With the help of the anti-five tiger armor, the captain easily completed the remaining four trials.

Congrats, congratulations, congratulations.

Finally, the time has come.

【Welcome to Infinity Screening Hall】

[Here, the system will randomly play an important event in a certain universe. 】

[During the screening, the system will randomly ask questions to people in the screening hall, and those who answer correctly will get points. 】

[Live points can be used to order the past and future related to oneself. 】

[For this screening, the screening hall has been updated, and everyone is welcome to actively participate in the answer. 】

[This update has repaired bugs in the auditorium: 1. Fixed the bug that group members can exchange items with each other. 2. Fixed the bug that the power of the penalty card was constant. 】

[At the same time, this screening will increase the number of questions. 】

[This screening will add a new feature: preview]

[This screening has added a fate-on-demand function, and each time a viewer will be randomly selected for fate-on-demand]

[This screening has added special guest features]

[Rewards for the number of Q&A cancellations in the screening hall]

[For this screening, the personnel in the live broadcast room and the screening hall will be transferred. 】

[Rocky Odinson enters the live broadcast room]

[Magneto King Eric Lanshere enters the live broadcast room]

[Special guest John Constantine enters the screening room]

[Thanos Thanos enters the live broadcast room]

[The ability restriction function of the projection hall has been strengthened. 】

A handsome young man appeared in the screening room, as if he had taken Loki's place.

The cigarettes in the young man's mouth were shocked.

"What is this? Black magic?! Who are you?"

Constantine looked vigilant.

He got lung cancer from smoking and was about to die.

What's worse is that I can't go to heaven because of suicide, but can only go to hell, and I just happened to offend all the demons in hell.

If he falls into the hands of those guys after he dies, he will definitely not be able to escape the eternal torture.

"Which gentleman, you can recall your mind, that guy has put everything in your mind."

Enthusiastic young Peter Parker took the initiative to explain.


Constantine couldn't believe it. The information revealed in his mind was actually a bit too much.

[Thanos Thanos: What is this? 】

Marvel Universe.

On Temple No. [-], Thanos sat on his beloved throne and looked at the screen in front of him, a terrifying coercion erupted from his whole body.

General Black Yao Wu in front of him felt the terrifying coercion in front of him, and he suffocated briefly.

[Captain America: Thanos? ! 】

[Tony Stark: Thanos?Isn't that the name of the madman who tried to kill half the life in the universe with a snap of his fingers? ! 】

[Konstantin: What the hell?A snap of the fingers half the universe? 】

[Wanda: This is a lunatic!His homeland was destroyed due to resource problems, so in order not to let the universe repeat the same mistakes, he decided to solve the resource problem by eliminating half of the life in the universe! 】

[Thanos Thanos: Oh?It seems that you lowly creatures seem to know my plan. 】

[Thanos Thanos: That's right, my plan is to wipe out half of the population, and then relieve the pressure on the universe's resources! 】

[Thanos Thanos: Now I just send troops to clean up planet by planet. After I get six infinity gems, I just want to snap my fingers to complete the great cause of saving the universe. 】

[Wolverine: You crazy!You call killing half the people in the universe called salvation? ! 】

[Thanos Thanos: Inferior creatures, it's normal that you can't understand my thoughts. 】

[Altman Ace: That means we are not in the same universe, otherwise, we will find your spaceship within three days and saw off your head with an Ultra guillotine!All the ashes will be thrown into the black hole for you! 】

[Thanos Thanos: Multiverse?Unfortunately, it seems that your world cannot be saved by me. 】

[Thanos Thanos: You can't understand my actions, I don't care about that, anyway, the planets that have been redeemed by me are very beautiful now. 】

[Ultraman Ace: Hikari!Find a way to research the props that span the universe!I'm going to go to that universe of theirs and chop the damn bastard up! 】

Even if Ace came back from the earth, his soul would still be that irritable Big Dipper. If he was in the same universe as Thanos now, he would have killed him with an eight-point light wheel.


Thanos sits firmly on the throne and doesn't care about Ace's threat.

As an existence known as the emperor of the universe, Thanos' body strength is also extremely terrifying. Even without the infinite gems, he can beat the Hulk violently with his bare hands.

Thanos' racial physical strength is at the peak level below the Marvel Cosmic God level.

(Marvel’s settings don’t need to be understood too much. It’s probably because Thanos’s own quality is very good, but you still have to break down when the good screenwriter makes you down. So there is a [-]-[-] battle for the captain’s fame.)
[Playing will start in three minutes - "Three-Body Problem: Dark Forest"]

"Three-body? What a strange name."

"Does anyone know what this means?"

"If I remember correctly, this is an astronomical term."

"Let me explain." Bruce Wayne came out and said: "The three-body is a term of celestial mechanics, which refers to the mechanical relationship composed of three particles and their mutual gravitational interaction. It mainly refers to the three bodies with similar masses. stars."

Bruce Wayne was also embarrassed when he saw the expression on everyone's face that you said who understands this. He was trying to come up with a word that everyone could understand to explain this noun.

"To put it simply, there are three stars near a planet. Isn't that easy to understand?"

Hikari offers a simple explanation.

[Wolverine: So this is it?Could it be that this screening is going to explain astronomy to us or show us the lives of three suns? 】

【Alfred: Could it have something to do with planets? This is a story about aliens? 】

【Altman Ace: I don't think so. 】

[Ace Altman: I don’t really agree that a planet in a trisomy can give birth to life. 】

【Loki: How are you sure?have you seen? 】

[Altman Ace: How do you know I've seen it? 】

In the Asgard dungeon, Loki looked a little embarrassed.

Forget that this is a boss who can physically cross the galaxy.

I always feel that my IQ has become lower after returning to Asgard.

【Altman Ace: Stars have a huge gravitational force. We have been too close to the sun and almost got sucked into the sun by the gravitational force of the sun.You can imagine a planet surrounded by three stars. These three stars are still moving irregularly. The planet is either pulled to one side or to the other. 】

[Altman Ace: This is not the worst, the worst is being pulled by two or even three stars at the same time! 】

[Bruce Wayne: If that's the case! 】

[Tony Stark: Then that planet will be torn into pieces! 】

[Altman Hikari: In other words, if there are really living things on that planet, then the uninterrupted illumination from the three stars is only a small problem. The real big problem is that the planet under their feet may be destroyed at any time. The gravity of the three stars is completely torn apart! 】

[Wolverine: I rely on it. . . 】

Wolverine Logan, who had finally slept comfortably for two days, was stunned at the moment.

He opened his mouth in shock, and even dropped the cigar from his mouth.

Mr. Logan, who knows nothing about celestial mechanics and astronomy, is now a professor of physical education, and occasionally goes to history. After all, someone himself is a living history.

That's why he was so shocked that the cigar lit his pants and didn't even react.

"Logan, your pants are on."

Logan extinguished the flames on his pants with his hands indifferently, and then asked, "You read a lot of books, is what they said true?"

"I don't read too many books, so don't lie to me."

"I'm not very clear about this either." Professor X said with a wry smile.

"Aren't you a professor? Why don't you even know this." Wolverine asked suspiciously, "Could it be that you bought your doctorate?"

"No." Professor X explained helplessly: "I studied psychology, genetics, and biology. I also have some understanding of physics, but I really don't know much about celestial mechanics."

"Isn't celestial mechanics a part of physics?" Wolverine had an expression that smart people like to deceive: "Sure enough, you are still lying to me."

"No, you listen to my explanation..."

At this moment, Professor X suddenly understood the old Eastern saying: When a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain.After all, it is the meaning of a god and a demon.

 I’m so tired all of a sudden. After the Three-Body Problem is Constantine’s "Hell Detective". The other video has not been finalized yet. You can mention it in the book circle or here. Try not to mention anime. I don’t watch anime very much. Special wry smile.jpg) If there is no one, I will choose to play the second paragraph of Avengers III

(End of this chapter)

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