Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 558 Particle Emitter?Mmmm, chestnut launcher!

Chapter 558 Particle Emitter?Mmmm, chestnut launcher!
【? 】

Seeing the reply from the screening room, Tony hurriedly asked, "Why is the river god a two-dimensional creature?"

[Why are you a three-dimensional creature?What happened to two-dimensional creatures?Do you despise two-dimensional creatures?The air is shaking and cold, when will the two-dimensional creature stand up (forget the rest)]

"No, no, that's not what I meant." Tony was a little stunned by what the auditorium said, and when he was clearing his mind, Bruce Wayne picked up his words.

"What we mean is, why didn't we notice the river god's strangeness before this?"

[When a person sees something that he can't understand at all, his brain will forcibly interfere with it, either directly ignoring it, or rationalizing it, or going crazy. 】

[The existence of the original river god is close to this category, but the protection program of the brain is activated, and the protection filter of the projection hall is added, so you will subconsciously ignore the unreasonable things. 】

[As for the rest you don’t understand, you will understand after reading it. 】

[Video continues]

[The river god summoned the crowd, there was a table there, a button on the table, and a note saying don't press it. 】

【"Hey! What are you doing!"】

【He Shen's outstretched hand is held down by Little King Kong. 】

【"Press it down."】

【"It says don't press it, what if it's a trap?"】

【"Are you saying this red button is a trap or this note is a trap?"】

【"I don't think I can press it."】

【"Okay, let's vote." Athena said: "I choose."】

【"I choose not to press!"】

【"I want to press."】


【"Okay, choose one of three, press!"】

【Thor: "Wow woof???"】

[At this moment, Thor felt the sorrow of not being able to speak Chinese. 】

[Athena pressed the red button with lightning speed, before floating in mid-air as thin as a piece of paper, the self-proclaimed different-dimensional space things quickly fell and overlapped, and after a perfect close fit, they were quickly eliminated! 】

【Peter Parker: It really is Tetris.】

[The moment the button was pressed, the entire room, no, the entire ruins, the entire planet began to vibrate violently! 】

[The corridor in the room began to crack inch by inch, everyone desperately wanted to escape from here but it was too late. 】

【Lightning bolts fell on the surface of the planet. Looking from space, a perfect circular crack appeared on the entire planet, and then slowly sank. 】

[The entire planet is divided into two from the middle, like a huge space capsule. If you look closely, you will find that the entire planet has been hollowed out and artificially modified mechanically. 】

【"Ah ah ah ah ah!"】

【Little King Kong's constant screaming was finally interrupted by Athena. 】

【At this time, he realized that he was already floating in the universe. 】

Everyone in the auditorium is no longer thinking about why sound can be transmitted in the universe. Since it is a two-dimensional world, it is very reasonable to think that there is air in the universe.

When everyone discovers that as long as they let go of their previous concepts and view a brand new world from a new perspective, everything in this world is so reasonable and interesting.

[Little King Kong looked around and saw the sun gradually emerging. 】

[At this moment, he understood that that thing is the start button of the particle launcher. 】

[He figured it out, and Athena and Thor also figured it out, and the spaceship was not far away. The two of them looked at each other, and they both understood what the other was thinking. 】

【"Come on!"】

[Little King Kong pushed Athena away, and was kicked in the crotch by Athena.Friendly reminder, the boots worn by Athena, um, the kind with heels on the soles of the feet, according to the principle that the smaller the force area, the greater the pressure, this kick gave Little King Kong a whole summer. 】

[Thor rushed out while the two were fighting, Athena grabbed Thor's tail and flicked it back, then Little King Kong pushed Athena away, but was bitten on the arm by Thor again. 】

[At this moment, the wise man appeared. 】

【The wise man River God said: "Don't fight any more, because the effect of force is mutual. If you don't give in to the other, then you can only go around in circles."】

【He Shen's words were unanimously approved by the two and one dog. 】

[No one can get ahead if the fight continues. 】

【"Let's cooperate, how about letting one person board the spaceship first."】

【"Let me go first!"】

【"Can you fly a spaceship?! I'll do it!"】

【"Wow woof!"】

【"Thor! You were the one who ran away first!"】

【"I don't believe any of what you gods say!"】

【He Shen stretched out his little finger and said: "Why don't we pull the hook, and don't lie to others."】

[The words of the wise man have been recognized by the mortals. When Athena and Thor were still arguing without hindrance, Little King Kong took the lead in hooking up with the river god. 】

[Logan: This kid agreed so suddenly and so readily?fraudulent? 】

【Wanda: No, it's Xiaoqing. 】

[Logan: Who? 】

[Wanda: Xiaoqing, that girl with green hair, Xiaojingang's childhood sweetheart, the hook is the agreement between Xiaojingang and Xiaoqing, and it is also the most sacred agreement that Xiaojingang considers, so Xiaojingang will renege on all kinds of promises, But the hook won't. 】

[Wanda: At least I think so. 】

[Ah Guang: Will a person who cannot even be bound by the law be bound by a verbal agreement? 】

[Wanda: In people's hearts, there are always some things that are sacred and inviolable. Although these may be a joke in the eyes of others, they have an unshakable position in that person's heart. Such things are only as important as A person understands. 】

[Janata: So that's the case. 】

[Strange: From a scientific point of view, it is because each person's life trajectory is different, and the influences they receive when they grow up are also completely different. 】

【Wanda: Sir, it always makes me feel weird that you, a magician, talk about science. 】

[Strange: What's strange, science is another kind of magic, science is not bound by value, and has nothing to do with value.Science is knowledge that has been coefficientized and formulated.I regard magic spells as instructions, runes are circuit boards, and magic power is power supply. When I recite the spell, I give orders to the machine, and then the magic power is the power supply that enters the machine to provide energy, and finally enters under the guidance of the runes. In the correct position, a spell is used. 】

[Video continues]

[Little King Kong did not hesitate to choose to hook up with the River God, because in his heart, this is the most sacred and inviolable agreement. 】

【"Okay, come back and pick me up!"】

【Hearing Little King Kong's words, Athena and Thor looked at each other, and suddenly felt that there was no point in fighting. 】

[The quarrel was meaningless, but now that King Kong was the first to make a choice, Athena and Thor were discouraged and followed the hook. 】

[Little King Kong took the initiative to act as the bottom of the human launcher, and hugged the two and the dog in his arms. 】

【"Squad of three, cannons on earth, first-level preparation!"】

[Little King Kong threw the two and one dog towards the spaceship, while he flew further away because of the mutual force. 】


[The second contributor is Thor. 】

[In the end, only Athena and the river god are left. 】

【"Human cannon, launch."】

【Following the soft voice of the river god, Athena flew to the spaceship in the distance with everyone's hope. 】

[Athena entered the spaceship after a near-miss operation. 】

[Then, touch! 】

[The spaceship crashes into fragments of the ruins. 】

[Little King Kong: "Why did you let her get on the spaceship! She hasn't figured out the brakes, accelerator and clutch until now!"]

【"Give her a little confidence."】

【"Confidence is a ghost! The sun is about to dry your ass! The particle launcher is already activated!"】

[Little King Kong is a little crazy, the particle emitter underground has already lit up with blue light. 】

【"Hey, where are you going!"】

【Watching Athena fly away in the spaceship, Little King Kong was greatly traumatized. 】

【"You gods are all liars!"】

[Little King Kong looked at the particle emitter below, whose blue light was getting brighter and brighter, with a look of despair on his face. 】

【"Hey! Get in the car!"】

【Little King Kong turned his head abruptly, and saw Athena coming to pick him up in a devastated spaceship. 】

[After a while. 】

【"You stepped on the wrong foot again! Steering wheel! Turn the steering wheel to the left!!"】

【"Shut up, you!"】

[Perhaps, the spaceship of the Celestial God is stronger and more durable. In short, Comrade Spaceship successfully brought the three-person team out of the safe zone. 】

[From a safe distance, the three-person team watches the activation of the particle emitter. 】

[With the sound of a touch, a huge chestnut was released! 】

【"What a chestnut!"】

Peter looked at the large chestnut on the screen, and his first reaction was not that the particle emitter was indeed a chestnut emitter, but that the chestnut looked delicious.

Janata was even more curious about whether her Tongtian Sushi was as big as the chestnuts in the chestnut launcher. If it was as big as that chestnut, it would definitely be enough for her to eat for a long time.

Tony always felt tainted mentally, but given that it was a two-dimensional world, it seemed to make sense.

'That's a cartoon, that's a cartoon, that's a cartoon, it all makes perfect sense in a cartoon.'

Strange stared blankly at the chestnut. It seemed that something in his body was being awakened gradually. Under the interference of the channel in the auditorium, the missing part was being supplemented little by little.

[Chestnut flew over the surrounding planets and hit the star, making a booing sound like a drop of water falling into water. 】

Thanos sat on Temple Two, looking at the passing star outside, thinking whether the chestnut was too big or the star was too small.

Think for a long time, give up thinking.

Let it go.

 Originally, there would be a little more explanation in front, but a female classmate kept complaining to me about the school she supported for half an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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