Infinite Screening Room: Play Ultron Destroyer at the beginning

Chapter 593 The Collection of Unique 1 and 2

Chapter 593: A Unique Collection

Everyone cheered up now. Who would have thought that there would be such a hidden story behind a story that seemed to be a planet destroyed due to resource problems?
[Ace: @爆霸·Thanos, Thanos, does your planet have something similar? 】

[Thanos Thanos: Titans breed naturally, there is no such thing, and I have a clear understanding of the origin of our race. 】

[Thanos Thanos: Our Titans are all genetic creations of the Celestial Group, so I once called the Titans the strongest race under the Celestial Gods, because the Celestial Group created our Titans towards this goal. 】

[Thanos Thanos: After creating us, they put the Titans on the Titan star to reproduce themselves. Before the resource crisis, the Titan star was the holy land of the entire universe. 】

[Thanos Thanos: Of course, this is all in the past. 】

【Wanda: Then, why did the man behind the scenes take away a city? 】

Yes, it is a city.

The spaceship directly shrinks a city into the spaceship.

[Rocky Odinson: It must be the mastermind behind the scenes who took away the Kryptonian city and the Kryptonians in the city as trophies. Sol did this when he was fighting in the Nine Realms, my father He also brought the defeated king of the flame giants, the source of Surtur's power-the eternal flame, back to the royal treasury of Asgard for preservation. 】

[Clark Kent: I see, what should I do if I meet them? 】

[Rocky Odinson: My suggestion is to run away quickly, although I think the chances of you running away are not high. 】

[Jonathan Osterman (Dr. Manhattan): There is a high probability that the other party will not make a special trip to Earth just for Clark alone. The collection of Krypton should be to study the genes of Kryptonians. 】

[Rocky Odinson: No!It's entirely possible!In my world there is a cosmic god who calls himself a collector and likes to collect rare treasures from all over the universe. Even the standard weapons used by Asgardian warriors are not comparable to ordinary items. His collection room is a space transformed by him with divine power. The interior is so large that I even doubt that it is a dimensional space. 】

[Rocky Odinson: I had a pretty good chat with him. He collects various items because his heart anchor is collection. 】

[Rocky Odinson: In a long life, if there is no one thing that can make them concentrate, it is easy to go crazy, because they are all old antiques that have survived from the birth of the universe. 】

[Ace: I understand what Loki means. The King of Otto once told me that in a long life, you need an anchor, that is, what you want to do, otherwise you will be forced to turn into a beast in a long time , into a chaotic desolate beast like the Chaos Demon God Grimd. 】

[Rocky Odinson: That's right, the collector and Gao Tianzun are brothers, one of them likes to collect all kinds of rare treasures, the other is addicted to gambling, and he is willing to lose his life for his hobby. Hobby has become a kind of obsession, and it is firmly bound to everything with my own life. 】

【Rocky Odinson: And the black hand behind the scenes, if he likes to collect various civilizations like collectors, maybe he will also focus on the earth in the future. 】

[Wanda: Turning free lives into collectibles is already extremely abominable, why would he destroy that planet! 】

[Tony Stark: Because orphans are the most precious. 】

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the screening hall felt like they were in the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the biting cold wind raged.

Tony's light words revealed a fact to everyone.

What else can be more precious and unique than an ethnic group, a descendant of civilization?

[Video continues]

[General Zod is telling Clark about his experience. 】

【"We found the old colonial outpost, looking for signs of life."】

【"But all I found was death."】

【"These outposts were abandoned a long time ago after breaking away from Krypton, and we recovered all useful equipment, ammunition, and weapons."】

【"Even as small as an engine."】

【"We prepared for thirty-three years until we detected a signal."】

【"That was triggered by you, you entered that ancient scout spaceship." Zod walked into Clark and said to him, "You brought us here, Karl."】

【"Now you have the ability to save our race."】

【"On Krypton, the genetic template of every conceived life is encrypted in the civil registry. Your father stole the code for registration and stored it in the spaceship that sent you here." 】


【"Then Kryptonians can be reborn on Earth."】

[In the environment, General Zod directly demolished Clark's house in the environment in order to show his strength. 】

[In the sandstorm, Clark put on his battle suit again and asked, "What will happen to the earth?"]

【"There must be a cornerstone, even your father has realized this."】

[As General Zod's words fell, Clark noticed that his feet were covered with skulls! 】

[The corpses everywhere and the words of General Zod have revealed Zod's heart without a doubt. 】

【"No, Zod!" Clark looked at the skeleton under his feet in panic, took a deep breath, then continued to look at Zod and said, "I won't help you!"]

【"Then who will you help?"】

【"Do not!"】

[Clark's body in the illusion kept sinking, and the endless bones swallowed him, and his figure finally disappeared in the bones. 】

[When Clark woke up, he found himself tied to a chair with his hands and feet bound. If this kind of metal ring were on the earth, it would be a joke to Clark, but on the Kryptonian spacecraft, in Krypton Under the influence of other starships, Clark is no different from an ordinary earthling! 】

[Clark wants to struggle, but even Zod can't get rid of this thing, let alone him who hasn't fully adapted to the environment of Krypton? 】

【"Your father honorably paid off his sins, Karl."】

【General Zod was standing beside Clark. Facing Clark's questioning, General Zod admitted one thing without any concealment. 】

["That's right, I killed Joe, and I killed your father with my own hands." General Zod told Clark the truth with great sincerity, and he had no intention of hiding the fact that he killed Clark's father: "Since then , I live in pain every day.”]

【"But if I do it again, I will still do it."】

Looking at Zod who admitted what he did without hesitation and without concealment, everyone only felt that they saw the shadow of a certain guy in the projection hall.

 How do you plan for General Zod's ending in this book?

(End of this chapter)

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