I collect gold fingers in the heavens

Chapter 778 The Culprit of Timeline Fluctuations

Chapter 778 The Culprit of Timeline Fluctuations
Tony Stark gave Wu Siyuan a big house with floor-to-ceiling windows and luxurious toilets.

Of course, what Wu Siyuan was most satisfied with was that Tony Stark sent him the [Regeneration Cradle] equipment he wanted.

Along with [Cradle of Regeneration], there is also Zhao Hailun's research materials in [Nanotechnology].

Really sweet.

Wu Siyuan didn't know how he persuaded Zhao Hailun to give these things.

But, for Wu Siyuan, it's not bad.

The only thing that makes him regret is that Tony Stark did not send the [nanoparticle technology] he got from Wakanda.

I don't know that Tony Stark still has scruples about Wu Siyuan, or other reasons.


Even the Zhao Hailun research materials sent by Tony Stark only contained research materials on the application of nanotechnology in medical treatment, and did not contain the nanoparticle production process materials that Wu Siyuan was thinking about.

Although these materials on the application of nanoparticles are precious and useful to Wu Siyuan, for Wu Siyuan at this time, the most important thing is the lowest-level nanoparticle production technology.

It's pretty obvious what Tony Stark meant.

He gave the [Regeneration Cradle] equipment.

[Regeneration Cradle] He can also provide the required nanoparticles.

But it just didn't give Wu Siyuan the nanoparticle production technology he really wanted.

Give him a fish, don't teach him how to fish!

Wu Siyuan could only make one copy of these materials.

Take a look when you have nothing to do.

The other copy was thrown into [Shennongjiao Space] for [Four Armed King Kong] and He Youman to study.


Without the troublesome days of [Ultron] in the movie, the earth has lived peacefully.

The siblings, Pietro and Wanda, did not mess around at will.

And Tony Stark combined the ability of [Ao Chuang] and began to manufacture steel armor on a large scale to expand his Iron Legion.

At present, his Iron Legion already has hundreds of Iron Armors, which were sent to all corners of the world by Tony Stark.

These steel armors will accept the command of [Ultra] in real time, and respond to the actions of Tony Stark or the Avengers around the world at any time.

Hundreds of steel battle armors seem like a lot, but scattered all over the world, they are very few.

Tony Stark still has a long way to go to complete his goal of "putting on an armor" on the earth.

He is now obsessed with the manufacture and research of steel armor, and even Bruce Banner is left by him in the laboratory to study together.

other people.

Black Widow stayed in Avengers Tower.

Hawkeye went home.

Captain America has no home in this day and age.

And Thor, holding the [Spiritual Scepter], is preparing to return to Asgard.

The plot of this world has changed a lot because of Wu Siyuan's agitation. The [Ultra] that was about to riot was transformed and did not cause any harm to the world, which led to [Vision] not being born.

[Vision] occupies a large share in the follow-up world line, especially the [Soul Gem] on his forehead, and the relationship with Wanda.

The impact of this on the fluctuations of the world can be described as turbulent waves.

Far away in the Himalayas, Karma Taj.

Gu Yi, who was still a supreme mage, felt the throbbing of [Time Gem], looked at the white snow in the sky, and remained silent for a long time.

"The gear of fate is turning again!"

Gu Yi looked serious.

As early as five years ago, Ancient One discovered a slight fluctuation in the timeline.

But because of the small fluctuations.

Plus volatility gets back on track pretty quickly.

So Gu Yi also put this matter down.

But unexpectedly, the timeline fluctuated again this time.

The fluctuations this time were much more violent than before.

He sank his body and mind into the [Time Gem], and felt that the origin of the fluctuation happened in New York.

"Is it fate, or are there other factors? Or, is it a larger time loop?"

Gu Yi has always taken protecting the earth as his duty, and has been guarding 【Time Gem】!
He has used [Time Gem] to prevent many terrible futures.

But if the timeline changes unexpectedly, the whole world may become very bad, no, it may be worse than bad.

This was something Gu Yi didn't want to see.

It must be stopped!
Find the origin that makes the timeline fluctuate so much!
Then destroy it!
Gu Yi quickly made a decision.

With a thought in her mind, a magic portal appeared out of nowhere in front of her eyes.

As soon as Gu stepped in, he came to the Avengers Building in New York.

The artificial intelligence butlers [Jarvis] and [Ultron] in the Avengers Building discovered the unexpected visitor Gu Yi in the first place.

[Ultra] mobilized the six steel armors in the Avengers Building, and surrounded Gu Yi heavily.

[Jarvis] informed Tony Stark, and said to Gu Yi, "Madam, please stop your steps and remain unmoved."

"You are now in Mr. Tony Stark's private territory."

Unmoved, Gu Yi went straight to the room where Wu Siyuan was, which was the place where the world line fluctuated the most.

"Ma'am, if you continue to move forward, we will take the necessary actions." [Jarvis] said again.

But how could Gu Yi, the supreme sorcerer who has been fighting against the Dimensional Demon God all the year round, take [Jarvis]'s warning seriously.

She was unimpressed.

[Ao Chuang] started, and the six steel armor jets rushed towards Gu Yi.

But Gu Yi just waved his hand, and portals appeared in multiple directions in the air, which happened to be in the direction where the six steel armors were flying.

These steel armors flew directly into the portal.

The next moment, the portal was closed.

These six steel armors appeared thousands of miles away.

With the flying speed of the Iron Armor, it will take a while to fly back.

Gu Yi's calm move immediately made [Ultra] and [Jarvis] understand that they had met a strong opponent.

At this time, Tony Stark and other Avengers who were still in the Avengers Building also rushed over after receiving the reminder from [Jarvis], all of them with solemn faces.

Especially Tony Stark, it is not an exaggeration to describe his face as sinking as water.

The [Ultra+Steel Armor] system that he was proud of had no effect at all in front of this woman who appeared mysteriously.

Tony Stark has already put on the steel armor, and he asked [Ultron] to mobilize the steel armor he sent to the world before returning. He felt that it needed to delay a little time, so he took the initiative to speak to Gu Yiyi.

"Although I welcome all kinds of friends here, but this uninvited friend, why don't you tell me the purpose of your visit?"

The bald-headed Gu glanced at Tony Stark, his eyes moved, and he said calmly, "I will solve the culprit that caused the timeline to fluctuate."

"What do you mean?" Tony Stark froze for a moment.

Ancient One did not answer Tony Stark.

She just walked firmly to the room where Wu Siyuan was.

Tony Stark immediately thought of this matter, which was related to Wu Siyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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