If the government agrees to allow [Redikumab] to enter the [clinical social testing period] in advance, it will give cancer patients hope for life.

The [Xuanhu Technology], or the [Superior Group] announced the free measures to make the domestic cancer patients and their families feel excited.

They originally thought that after this [miracle medicine] was approved for marketing, the price would only be very high.

Like before, there is an injection called [Aquilun Sai].

This is an immunotherapy drug that belongs to CAR-T cell therapy and is mainly used to treat lymphoma.

There is a patient with lymphoma in Lucheng. After the injection of this anticancer drug, after 24 days of drug action, the cancer cells in the patient's body were cleared.

This anticancer drug can clear the cancer cells in the patient's body in a short period of time, mainly relying on the body's immune system.

Under normal circumstances, due to cell division in the human body, mutations will inevitably occur, and uncontrolled cells that can divide indefinitely continue to appear—cancer cells.

Under normal circumstances, the body's immune tissue will release immune cells to kill cancer cells that appear.

However, if the patient's own immunity is low, weak and sick, the efficiency of the immune system is insufficient, or other reasons, then some cancer cells will become "fish that slipped through the net" and mutate in the process of continuous division, so that the immune cells of the human body cannot function normally. If it is recognized, it will naturally not attack it.

These cancer cells continue to divide and form cancerous tissue.

And the principle of this anti-cancer drug is like a pair of [little scissors]. First cut off the patient's immune system fragments, and then transform them. After the transformation, they are injected back into the patient's body, and then achieve targeted elimination of cancer cells. , for the purpose of curing cancer.

In other words, it is to [strengthen] the cancer patient's own immune system through advanced genetic medical technology, and have a certain ability to fight against a certain type of cancer, and then use the self-purification function of the immune system to thoroughly clear the cancer patient's body. cancer cell.

It is also because of this that each drug needs to be modified according to the patient's condition, that is, [private customization], the cost of research and development is soaring, and the price of a CART anticancer drug can easily cost millions.

While the price is high, its drug effect is not effective for all cancers.

Because this kind of anticancer drug is mostly aimed at hematological tumors rather than solid tumors, it also has a good effect on some cancers that have spread into the blood, such as thyroid cancer and lymphoma, and has a good effect on some melanomas. Patients also have a certain effect, which can inhibit the proliferation of some melanoma cancer cells. Through subsequent steady treatment, the goal of cure can be achieved, but the effective rate only accounts for 50.00% of melanoma patients, and it is easy to develop very serious drug resistance.

On the battlefield against cancer, the main opponent has always been solid tumors, which are often referred to as tumors. However, the therapeutic effect of CART anticancer drugs on solid tumors is not as ideal as imagined, and the off-target rate is very high. clinical value.

But even so, few people can afford the price of one million injections.

After all, the incidence of poor diseases is high, the cure rate is difficult, and the prognosis is also difficult to predict.

[Xuanhu Technology] produced this [Redikumumab], although the clinical trial period is short, its efficacy is astonishing.

If it were not so prominent, [Redikumab] would not be approved for marketing urgently, skipping the previous clinical stages.

Compared with CART anti-cancer drugs, [Redikumab] is effective for almost all kinds of tumors, not limited to blood tumors.

This means it has greater potential and clinical space.

This kind of medicinal effect, selling for a hundred thousand is a conscience price, and selling for a million yuan, a few million yuan, those who are threatened with death will buy it.

But [Super Group] actually announced that [Redikumumab] is free.

Although this is free, it is only in the stage of social clinical testing.

Once the large-scale trial is successful, [Redikimab] will inevitably be charged.

And in order to recover the previous losses, the charges must be high.

But even so, it is enough for these cancer patients and their families to be grateful.

For a while, the society was full of praises for [Chaoqun Group] and Wu Siyuan.

Although Wu Siyuan didn't feel anything about this kind of words.

But this also means that his influence has been further improved.

Depth improvement!
Wu Siyuan sneered, if it was in ancient times, he might be someone like Wang Mang who has not usurped the throne.

Of course, it is impossible for modern times to usurp the throne.

Wu Siyuan didn't like these either.


Although Wu Siyuan announced that [Redikumumab] will conduct social clinical trials for cancer patients free of charge.

In theory, all cancer patients can get free [Redikumab].

But in actual operation, this is not the case.

Only patients with advanced and end-stage cancer are eligible for [Randikumab] for treatment.

However, early and mid-stage cancer patients can only undergo traditional treatment first.

Among them is the problem of [Redikumab] production.

After all, if it is fully rolled out, there will be 450 million copies in China alone.

[Regeneration Cradle] Even the donkeys of the production team cannot produce so many in a short period of time.

Of course, Wu Siyuan is not worried about the final output.

Because the essence of [Redirimab] is [nano medical robots], these [nano medical robots] will quietly leave the patient's body after attacking and killing the cancer cells in the patient's body, and finally [return to the team].

The [Nano Medical Robot] produced by [Regeneration Cradle] is not a consumable, but will continue to accumulate.

Of course, it would be different if the [nano medical robot] was used to treat injuries.

These [Nano Medical Robots] cannot return casually.

In addition to production issues.

In fact, there is another problem is security.

Wu Siyuan knew that his own products had no safety issues.

After all, [Redirimab] is essentially a [nano-medical robot], not a drug. Taking [Redirimab] is equivalent to performing a nano-level surgical operation. How can there be safety issues.

But no one else knows!
Although [Redikumab] has not found any obvious side effects so far... Well, to be precise, no side effects have been found.

But medicine is hard to say.

After all, the human body is complex.

Some drugs often take more than ten years or decades before the side effects appear.

The people above are also worried that if [Redikumab] has fatal side effects and erupts in the later stage, it will be a disaster.

Whether it is for a company or a country.

and so.

On the bright side, [Chaoqun Group] opened [Redikumab] to all cancer patients.

But in fact, only patients with advanced and end-stage cancer have the opportunity to get [Redikimab].

Because, patients with advanced and end-stage cancer are really hopeless.

[Redikumab] No matter how bad the side effects are, it is not important for these patients.

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