This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 1 The Book of Canaan

Chapter 1 The Book of Canaan

"Bei, Bei Gaoyang"


"...Can't you see it?"

"I asked you to say, what nonsense?"


The two policemen stared sternly at the man who claimed to be Bei Gaoyang sitting in the interrogation chair.

The thing happened like this, around [-]:[-] p.m., the police station received a call, and the caller said that a "lunatic" had broken into his house, and he couldn't be driven away.

I thought it was just a trivial matter, but who knew that this matter was very strange. After hearing the preliminary description of the caller, the identity and origin of this "lunatic" were very suspicious.

"Madman" claimed to be from this family, said that he went to work in a faraway place [-] years ago, and came back recently, and asked him where he worked, and he said he went to Africa, and asked about the country in Africa, the entry and exit records Wait, it's dumb.

The caller was a retired worker from the city's cotton mill. He was widowed and lived alone. He had a son and a daughter. The daughter was working abroad, and the son was still studying in Yanjing. He didn't know him at all.

This person looks very young in appearance, in his twenties, but his eyes and demeanor look like a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties, giving people a particularly stable feeling, and there is an indescribable weirdness.

"You said your name is Bei Gaoyang, your ID number is 423***, and you live in the cotton spinning district, right!?" Ning Daxia, the auxiliary policeman, asked.

The man with his hands cuffed nodded.

"Then take a look, do you recognize him?" The policeman Wang Dong handed over an A4 paper and said, "He is also called Bei Gaoyang, is he your twin brother?"

"Crazy" glanced at the photo on the paper, and was shocked, stunned.

Wang Dong waited for a while, knocked on the table, and reprimanded impatiently: "Speak!"

"Crazy" looked down at the photo.

"Be honest, who are you!?"

"Madman" sighed, put down the A4 paper and looked up, "When can I go?"

"Let's go!?" Wang Dong sneered, "You want to go there?"

"Sorry, it was a misunderstanding."

Wang Dong: "Who told you to get up, sit down!"

With a slight sound, "Madman" took off the handcuffs, put them on the table together with the A4 paper, and said very calmly: "I am causing you trouble."

Ning Daxia went to touch the baton behind him, Wang Dong stood up and shouted: "What do you want to do, I solemnly warn you..."

At this time, a mysterious and short incantation sounded, and "Madman" made a strange gesture, and Wang Dong and Ning Daxia's bodies froze, and their eyes became confused and dull.

"Madman" left the interrogation room, closed the door, and a female policewoman walked up to her, and bumped into her as if she didn't see him.

"Madman" dodged sideways and walked towards the lobby on the first floor.

In the hall, an old man in his sixties was taking notes, and the "lunatic" stared at him for a while with complicated eyes.

After half an hour.

The "lunatic" is Bei Gaoyang standing outside a mobile phone store, watching the bustling street with people and cars passing by. No one stopped for him, and no one gave him a second look.

High-rise buildings, busy traffic, and neon lights adorn a completely unfamiliar city that never sleeps.

He feels out of place with everything here, and the hometown he has longed for does not seem to welcome him very much.

Twenty years, he thought.

Twenty years ago... oh no, time was not in sync.

Ten years ago on Earth, he traveled to a mysterious world called Canaan, where he spent 10 years, growing from a precarious abandoned boy to a great magician who is well-known throughout Canaan.

After 20 years of hard work, how many times I have escaped from death, isn't it just to find the way home?
Now, what should I say?
Wrong, all wrong, wrong outrageously.

This is not his hometown, but a highly similar place, maybe the earth in parallel time and space, so there is another Bei Gaoyang?

In the specialty store, a female salesperson saw such a strange person standing at the door of the store, and came out and asked, "You...what's the matter with you?"

Bei Gaoyang came back to his senses, smiled and said politely: "Uh...I want to borrow the toilet, can I?"

His tone and smile, especially his distinctive temperament, moved the female clerk: "Oh, the, let me take you there."

"Thank you."

In the bathroom, Bei Gaoyang washed his face with cold water and looked at himself in the mirror.

In order to recognize his relatives, he cut off his hair and specially changed into the clothes he wore when he left home, which seemed awkward no matter how he looked at it.

He took off his modern clothes, put on his own magic robe, looked in the mirror, and immediately felt much more pleasing to the eye.

When he came out, the saleswoman was surprised to see him, Bei Gaoyang nodded, and popped out a silver coin on the counter in front of her.

——It seems to be just a parallel world.

Walking on the lively street, he gradually came out of negative emotions.

Maybe, it's time to let go.

"Look, someone is cosplaying."

"That's right, wait a minute, I'll take a picture."

"What is he playing? The temperament is so special."

"I don't know, go ask."

"Why don't you go..."

He looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw two fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls in high school uniforms who didn't expect to be heard by him, turned around in a hurry, and couldn't help but sneak a peek.

He smiled and felt much better.

After hours of wandering around, I finally sat down on a park bench.

People dancing in the square are leaving in twos and threes, and the vendors in the night market are still entertaining the last few customers. A girl in a bunny hat is pointing here with her boyfriend on her arm...

How cruel Canaan is, there is happiness here, just like heaven.

It's a pity that heaven has no magic power, and it is not a place where he can stay for a long time.

"Dude, where did you buy your outfit? It looks very special!?"

The young lovers sat on the other side of the bench, the man struck up a conversation, and the woman looked at him curiously.

"Uh... this is made to order."

"It's expensive, right?" The man touched the material of the mage's robe, "Is this a mage's robe? The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?"

"It looks like a monster to me," said the woman.

"It seems... not at all!" Bei Gaoyang scratched his head, a little unaccustomed to get along with people like this, "I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Bei Gaoyang found a remote and deserted place, sat down cross-legged, and began to meditate.

A few minutes later, he sighed, and smoothly drew a spell-casting gesture in the void with his right hand, which only affected his own magic power.

The magic will always run out.

Without the supplement from the outside world, the great magician can't last long.

About 3 days.

A demon-free environment is harmful to him, and it may damage the source after a long time.

Bei Gaoyang took out a blank book with a black leather cover from the space ring.

This is the [key] that he traveled back to, and it is also the "artifact" that he snatched at a huge price.

In the taboo catalog of the Holy See of Light, it is called "The Book of Curses", code-named 001.

In the [Twilight Meeting] jointly held by the three Holy Sees, it was identified as "The Whisper of the Blasphemer", code-named 004.

It's really just a spellbook, a blank spellbook.

It has only one characteristic - all spells recorded by it will definitely succeed, and will definitely be recognized by the rules and essence.

Whether it is an existing spell or a self-created spell.

For mages, this is a heaven-defying artifact, but every one of its masters will end badly.

Turning to the first page of the cover, there is a seven-ring spell invented by Bei Gaoyang: wish to travel.

"I'll call you The Book of Canaan from now on!"

Bei Gaoyang closed the "Book of Canaan" and put it into the space ring.

(End of this chapter)

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