Chapter 118

When Hu Xinmin received Xia Miaomiao's private message asking for help, he had already been promoted to level 3.

He was already far away from Chenxi Town, in the wilderness, in the boundless darkness and unknown.

There are so many monsters here, it can be said that they are everywhere. To the east is the [Magic Giant Fly], there are thousands of them, some of which are like a combination of flies and mosquitoes on the earth, huge, extremely ugly and disgusting.

This monster exudes a pungent stench, which will be poisoned if smelled for a long time, causing continuous blood loss and a series of negative states.

Levels 3-5 are not difficult to fight, this kind of monsters can fly neither high nor fast, just be careful of their needle-like mouthparts, it is actually not difficult to deal with, and experience can also be used.

To the south is [Magic Scarecrow], level 4-6, which can shoot a range of group damage, that is, shoot out the hard and sharp grass stalks on the body.

To the north is the demonized goblin, level 3-4. After being demonized, the goblin becomes very violent and brave. Once it finds an intruder, it will die endlessly. The aggressiveness has increased, but the IQ has plummeted. If you cooperate well, it is the most ideal leveling monsters.

I have a lot of experience, but the explosion rate is not high. It has been three or four hours since I brushed it. Except for a whiteboard dagger that exploded and was taken by Ruoran, the rest are bandages and tatters that were sold to the system grocery store. Even collecting Neither split value.

And finally the west side.

It is also the most dangerous direction.

A group of demonized cows are looking for food in the dense grass seemingly docilely. They are not looking for fresh aquatic plants, but insects in the grass. A big hole was dug out, and the place where Hu Xinmin hid was dug out by these hooves.

The level of demonized oxen is above 6, and their huge body and powerful aura make them dare not provoke them. Once they spawned monsters, a oxen discovered it, and with a groan, dozens of oxen were alarmed and rushed forward together. , the scene was like an earthquake, the five of them were almost wiped out.

Hsieh Changting, who was about to become a professional shooter, was skillful and successfully attracted two demonized goblins. Brother Ruoran and Hu Xinmin entangled one of them, while Hsieh Changting, Zhang Miao and Er Niu entangled the other one, not daring to make a noise. It was too big, so he could only grit his teeth and fight in the pit.

The demonized goblins are even uglier, their green skin is covered with black stripes, their eyes turn red, they are extremely bloodthirsty, they will not run away or beg for mercy, after killing these two, everyone is exhausted , Hsieh Changting was slapped hard, only a quarter of his blood was left, and he lay there rolling his eyes.

The five of them seldom talk, and they all know that time is precious. Not long ago, they saw a team of old players go deeper. The level is not lower than them, and they already have some eye-catching equipment.

Xie Changting used the [Bandage] very reluctantly, gritted his teeth and survived the bleeding time, and his blood volume began to recover.

The physical strength of the others had bottomed out, and they lay there like dead dogs, gasping for breath.

"What's wrong!?"

"It's a sapling. Her team is trapped by a ghost. They are looking for someone to help."

"Ghost?" Brother Ruoran sat up.

"Well, I heard it's an adventure mission"

As soon as the adventure mission was mentioned, everyone in the team was shocked and hurriedly asked for details.

Hu Xinmin told about Xia Miaomiao's experience, Xie Changting pondered for a while, and said, "I think we can go back and clear the tasks, what do you think?"

The five of them didn't do any missions when they went online, but they knew that the city would definitely be congested. By this time, the peak had passed, so they could go back and get the mission experience, and see if they could get the benefits of the adventure mission.

"I'm still 30% short, how about you?" Brother Ruoran asked.



"Okay, I guess it's enough to reach level 4, so I'll go back...Old Cousin, coordinates"

The eldest cousin chatted privately with Xia Miaomiao and asked about her location.

With the coordinates, Brother Ruoran clicked on the small map in the upper right corner, entered the coordinates, marked it on a dark (unexplored) map, and immediately had a virtual arrow in front of him to guide the direction.

This is an example of making the third test more friendly to players, and it is also a feedback after the system resources are abundant.

"Let's go!"

Brother Ruoran was the first to get out of the big hole, carefully avoiding the monster's warning distance, and led the team around, leaving the monster spawn point that had been fighting for several hours.

There is no lighting, everyone's game field of vision is very close, just don't know the cold light from there, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and arrive at a teleportation point five minutes later.

This is the A1 teleportation point, which is a dirt enclosure. The safe area is very small. There are shops in Chenxi Town here, but they are very simple, and the items sold are not complete, and the prices are also [-]% more expensive.

The five of them have already recorded their online and resurrection points here. Anyway, if they want to go back, there is no need to endure the [-]% price difference. They simply take a break and start on the road again.

The direction of Chenxi Town is full of low-level monsters, grass spirits are the most, and one pops out from the grass from time to time, chirping and attacking the team.

This kind of little thing is quite cute when you look closely, unlike the demonized scarecrow, which is too unfriendly to players, just like the ghost baby in horror movies.

Killing level 1 monsters is also experienced, but compared to the experience bar for level 4, it is very small, but no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. The five of them cleaned up the grass spirits along the way and went straight to the place where Xia Miaomiao was trapped. .

Unexpectedly, surprises often happen when they least expect it.

A grass spirit fell down and exploded.

The five stopped and did not rush to touch the corpse.

"I'm coming!?" Zhang Miao asked

"You have the fairest face, come on," Ruoran said.

Zhang Miao's luck is good, which is recognized. He was the one who touched the corpses a few times, but unfortunately he never found anything good.

【Copper coin 10】

【Bandage 1】

[Grass Essence's one-handed fork, quality white, weight 4, strength +1, physical attack: 2-5, with exorcism effect (general attack is effective against dead souls, ghosts, and conscious monsters), durability 10/10]

"Not bad, not bad", Brother Ruoran looked at the fork with one hand and couldn't help but be happy.

"Exorcism? Looks like it's a must for killing monsters at night, just to get rid of that ghost." Er Niu rubbed his hands together excitedly.

"It's a coincidence", Xie Changting was also happy.

"It should be sold at a good price," Zhang Miao said happily.

With this surprise, the following journey will be much faster.

When they arrived at the place, they saw two teams, one team was Xia Miaomiao and the others, and the other team didn't know each other. A player suspected of being possessed by a ghost was chasing and chopping a player whose head was swollen into a pig's head...

"Come quickly, they want to grab the task!" Xia Miaomiao shouted angrily.

Zhang Miao: "How do you get the task?"

"The mission is on Brother Chun. They intentionally let the ghost possess him. Killing Brother Chun will take away the mission."

(End of this chapter)

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