This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 142 Blackmail the Abyss

Chapter 142 Blackmail the Abyss
Whenever there is a major breakthrough in technology, the first change brought about is a substantial reduction in cost.

With the [Magic Smart Workshop], it is natural to vigorously promote it, but the efficiency is still too low for such a one, and it will take a year of the monkey to complete the general change.

Expand the workshop and integrate ten, hundred, and thousand units together to form an automated, intelligent, assembly line, and mass-manufactured workshop.

But this involves a huge amount of material.

Where do you come from?

The self-sufficiency rate of materials within the coverage area of ​​the magic net is less than 5%, and they are still some low-level materials. Bei Gaoyang asked Xiao Ai to increase the system purchase price of these materials, not double or double, but ten times. Anyway, Now that there is another "liquidity" tension, it is simply another big irrigation.

The high prices and the exaggerated exchange rate of copper coins have actually hurt the game's economy. Players have become stingy and stingy, relying on the system for everything, causing unnecessary resource consumption, which was solved incidentally this time.

Even if the purchase price of the system is increased by more than 10 times, the remaining 95% of the materials are still unavailable. This is not one or two types, but hundreds of types, and the quantity is still so huge.

Therefore, we can only rely on the abyss.

The accumulation of thousands of years of demons, just showing a little bit through the cracks of the fingers, is enough to feed oneself.

But it is not easy to gather wool from the devil.

In less than half a day, Bei Gaoyang produced 6 magic cores with all the remaining materials, and collected two sets of other parts. It took more than two hours to complete the assembly of the two war golems.

Summon Bane, open the gate of the abyss, and swing the two golems there.

"This kind of progress..." After taking away the golem, Bain really had doubts about the rapid delivery.

Bei Gaoyang began to flicker, "You are in a hurry, I used the Book of Canaan to improve the production process, but there is a small problem"

"I guess this little problem is the main purpose of your summoning me today, isn't it?"

" guessed right. Simply put, the cost has increased several times, but there is no way..."

"So, the materials are not enough?"

"Hehe...the cost will decrease in the future, I promise!"

"Tell me, how much does it cost to produce a golem with this speed of delivery?"

Bei Gaoyang reported a number cheekily.

Even Bahn was startled by his lion's big mouth. He didn't speak for a while, but stared at him strangely with two magma-like eyes.

"What?" He was a little guilty.

"I thought you changed your job and became a vampire..."

Bei Gaoyang pretended not to understand the sarcasm, and insisted on this number without wavering.

"Damn it, don't challenge my patience!" Bane raged.

"Maybe I can find someone else to make a deal, you know!" Bei Gaoyang said threateningly.

Bahn shook his huge goat head, his lava-like eyes flickered a few times, and finally said: "Wait!", and then retracted to the abyss door, presumably to discuss with the boss behind it.

When the gate of the abyss was closed, Bei Gaoyang lost the confidence he had just now. This kind of quotation is too exaggerated. If he angers the demon lord behind Baan, although he is not afraid, there will always be trouble.

Among other things, as long as my whereabouts are revealed... Sigh, isn't it too greedy, ten times the price, or the price has been increased several times during the war...

After waiting for a long time, Abyss responded.

"Get ready for a bigger place!"

This time Bain didn't come over, he only vented his dissatisfaction with a thunderous roar, Bei Gaoyang was overjoyed, and then remembered that there was no suitable storage place.

The more precious the material, the more stringent the storage method. It cannot be used by digging a cave or emptying a house. He hurriedly asked Xiao Ai to use system resources at all costs, and closed the Santo's Mansion in Buck City.

The gate of the abyss was opened, and countless slave soldiers, little demons, and low-level demons came out carrying large and small boxes. The City Lord's Mansion has been divided into grid-like spaces by the magic net, like a huge beehive. These precious materials are preserved by cutting the space and sealing it completely.

The transfer lasted a full day.

"20 war golems, when will they be delivered!" Barn didn't even show his face.

This time, he offended the high-ranking demon badly.

But not necessarily, everyone knows the cunning of the devil, maybe he did this on purpose to paralyze himself?
"A month?"

In fact, it can be delivered within a week, and the delay is mainly due to dwarf craftsmen, but if they are all transferred to systematic blacksmiths, with the blessing of the magic net, the efficiency should be improved.

"Up to 10 days, 10 days, I will see 10 golems in 20 days!"


When the gate of the abyss was closed, the entire castle trembled, all the demons and monsters left, and the afterglow of the summoning magic circle dimmed after being continuously highlighted.

Looking at the filled City Lord's Mansion, Bei Gaoyang was stunned at first, then laughed.

"I don't know what price I will pay for robbing the abyss"

"It doesn't matter, if the magic net doesn't grow, everything is useless!"

Without the magic net, he wouldn't have gone too far. Now it's a race against time. Anyway, he won't be able to hide his whereabouts for long, and he's not afraid of Bahn's tricks.

Go all out, damn it!
"Xiao Ai, make an announcement"

"It will take time to build the factory?"

"Let's implement the trial version first."

When it comes to reducing power consumption and increasing system surplus, Bei Gaoyang is unwilling to wait for a moment.

"Alright... the players are about to rebel"


"See for yourself!"

Kobold Mine dungeon safe area, most of the players gather here, the system shops are blocked, inside and outside are blocked, players don’t go to missions, don’t go to spawn monsters, don’t go to move bricks, they are all yelling The dog planner and the GM came out to give an explanation.

"what happened!?"

The past few days are too busy, and there are demiplanes, magic workshops, war golems, and blackmail abysses, and they are a little out of touch with the masses. Seeing such a "rebellion" scene suddenly, I can't help being a little surprised.

"The job transfer task is still too difficult for most people. After the first transfer players appear, it aggravates their anxiety... Hehe, this is what humans often say, not worrying about the few but the unevenness?"

"Oh, you can even use such allusions..."

"My database is very complete..."

"Okay, let's make an announcement now, the game team has heard the voices of the players, the task of job transfer is too difficult, and now we have launched a [Equipment Refining] trial version patch, an update to shut down the server, let them go offline calm down!"

"……All right"


Player rebellion?

This is not a good sign.

(End of this chapter)

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