This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 144 A very scary dream

Chapter 144 A Very Scary Dream

It's so mean.

Sitting in the lobby on the first floor of the Public Security Bureau, Qiao Shan was still thinking that he should have moved to the player's apartment earlier, because he thought that there were not many people living in it, and it was empty like a ghost building, so he didn't move. Unexpectedly, at this time Something went wrong.

It's also fortunate that he didn't go out today, he just stayed in the room offline, if... the consequences would be disastrous.

The roommate calmed down a little after crying and making a fuss, and was checking the surveillance cameras around the dormitory building with the police, but unfortunately, nothing was found until now.

The thief must have climbed up the security window. The roommate's window was sawed open. It was quite difficult in such a short period of time without disturbing the people in the room. It can be seen that it was a premeditated action, and it was not just an ordinary kid. thief.

"You must solve the case within 24 hours, or I will expose you!", I don't know what the police said, the roommate became excited, and even took out his mobile phone to gesture, "I am an anchor with tens of millions of fans, many people Playing with the same account as me, don't try to fool me, if it doesn't work, I will expose it, if it doesn't work, I, I... I will..." His eyes turned red, he picked up the mineral water bucket next to him, and put the All the water was poured on him, "This time it's water, next time it's gasoline, I will do what I say!"

The policeman hurriedly tried to persuade him, and took the bucket down. Qiao Shan also hurried over, and half-forcibly pushed him onto a chair and sat down.

"I'm not kidding, really not, 24 hours, don't waste my game time, don't...", the roommate covered his face and sobbed.

The police saw that his spirit seemed abnormal, so they called Qiao Shan to a corner and asked his roommate's relatives.

Qiao Shan didn't know either, the two met in the game, and they happened to live together in the same city. Speaking of it, they lacked understanding of each other, and they didn't even know what he used to do.

In terms of the value of the game helmet alone, this theft is not a big case. In 1999 on the official website, the amount involved in the case is too large in terms of actual value.

The criminal's method was very professional, leaving no trace at the scene, evading all surveillance cameras, and not letting anyone see...

The social relations of the roommates were investigated, but nothing was found. The social interaction and whereabouts of the two were extremely simple. Qiao Shan hadn't been out of the house for 5 days.

How can this be done.

"Hello, Canaan Company, I'm a player of Canaan Games... My game helmet was stolen, can you replace it?"

"Look for your manager, look for your supervisor...Yu Qingdong, let Yu Qingdong answer the phone..."

"If I can fucking find a way, I will come to you again. If I lost my ID card, I can replace it. Why can't you, hey, hey..."

"Boom!", the phone fell to pieces.

The roommate's eyes were red, he was panting heavily, his face and neck were covered with veins, and the policemen were stunned by the appearance of choosing someone to eat, and there was no sound for a while.

"what happened!?"

A person who was obviously the leader came down the stairs, the roommate turned around and wanted to shout something, his expression suddenly stopped, and he fell straight down.

After half an hour.

"The patient can no longer be stimulated. We injected him with a sedative and let him sleep first, otherwise something will happen... Where are his relatives?"

Qiao Shan rushed home in a hurry, first put the inseparable box in the living room, thought about it, and broke into the roommate's room with her arms in her arms.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets... I found an old-style notepad. On the cover was a photo of my roommates, a group of people. The background was a certain orphanage. They took a group photo on a certain day in a certain year.

Looking at the photo, Qiao Shan was stunned, and it took a long time before she sat down on her roommate's bed.

With a very heavy heart, I opened my notebook, and the donation receipt slips fell out one by one. When I picked it up, the earliest one was 10 years ago, and the amount was pitifully small. After that, there were every year, until recently. After all, the amount still soared in a straight line. The biggest one was last week, 20.

Thinking back to the rhetoric that his roommate had said before, Qiao Shan never thought that he was this kind of person. Villas, luxury cars, yachts, and beauties in bikinis were so pale in front of these donation receipts.

The character of the roommate can't tell that he grew up in the orphanage, thick-skinned, heartless, entertaining the public, and entertaining himself, a natural optimist, who knows...

Qiao Shan sniffed sharply, closed his eyes for a while, and then looked at what was written in the notebook.

"You must help him find the helmet and solve the case!"

Qiao Shan put the notebook and a thick pile of donation receipts on the desk of the captain of the city's criminal police team, "This world is very mean to him, and it took so long for this turning point to happen, please, please don't let him... It's going to be unbearable, really!"

The captain of the criminal police read the receipt and the notebook with a solemn face, and assured Qiao Shan that he would do his best to solve the case.

we can only do this.

Leaving the police station, Qiao Shan looked at the gloomy sky and thought to himself, God is so fucking cruel, why should this kind of thing happen to my roommate...

What are you doing stealing a helmet?

They are all bound, and they cannot be used to log in to the game.

At the same time, a special department took action after receiving the case report from G city.

"Another helmet theft case, it's in City G, just happened, take a look"

The members of the team passed the fax sent by the Public Security Bureau of City G, and a man in military uniform said, "What time is this?"

"From the seventh"

"What about the other brother provinces?"

"Currently not found"

"It seems that there is a gang running around in our province to commit crimes. The methods are very professional and the anti-reconnaissance capabilities are strong. It doesn't look like an ordinary criminal theft case."

"I thought so too, question, what do they want these helmets for?"

"Yeah, it can't be bought or sold, it can't be used, is it selling scrap?"

"Do not make jokes."

"It should be related to the group of people we are looking for"

"Xiao Wu, have those people been found?"

"I found it, the captain will not let the grass startle the snake, and I am going to have a one-pot meal."

"But what about this batch of helmets?"

"Yeah, you see, this man is so pitiful. He is still so caring. He has been donating money to the orphanage where he was raised."

"Don't get sentimental..."

"Team leader, you can help him. I heard that this person can't stand such a blow and has already been hospitalized. Put yourself in his shoes and think about it. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to take it either. If he goes to extremes, it will be difficult to deal with it." gone."

"Yes, team leader, each player has a lot of social influence, if you wait any longer, you may be stabbed."

"Yeah yeah"

"...Okay, I'll report to the captain"

That night, hundreds of armed police raided a secret den located in the mountains near the border and arrested 17 domestic and foreign criminal suspects.

In the middle of the night, Qiao Shan was guarding in front of his roommate's hospital bed. As soon as he opened his eyes, he "dang dang dang..." and raised the game helmet in front of him.

"I... so I was dreaming!" the roommate said in a daze, "a terrible and hopeless dream"

Qiao Shan sniffed and said with a smile, "Now that I'm awake, how do you feel?"

(End of this chapter)

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