19 Don Quixote
"Hi everyone, I'm your second brother, yes, it's me, how are you, handsome!?"

"I didn't expect that I became popular overnight, hehe, I didn't expect to shock so many experts in the industry, even the famous @猫哥说游戏 was shocked, I heard that he even posted an article The article that hates iron but not steel has sprayed all the domestic game manufacturers?"

"Sin, sin, so many manufacturers have been implicated because of the video released by the younger brother not long ago. Yes, it is the video of the shocking UC body. The original author is me."

"Tiezi may be thinking after seeing this, you liar, if you don't hide in a corner, you dare to jump out to find trouble, so you are not afraid of being sprayed to death by overwhelming saliva?"

"Hey, I'm not afraid, because I have confidence, I just didn't lie, don't believe me, come on, last time I was in a hurry, and the revelations lacked a little convincing, this time let the little brother start from the beginning, from contacting this Let’s start the game, let’s take a step-by-step look at what’s going on in this game.”

"...Looking at this hall, it's completely mental operation. This is a character creation selection interface. What you see is 3D, and the feeling is not so deep. At that time, the little brother was really numb from shock. Guess what, little two At that time, I really felt like I was in this hall, but I didn’t have a body.”

"...So here you can only choose the human race. You see, I have chosen well. I can't pinch my face. I can play around with my hair, eyebrows, and skin color. The bronze color is fine."

"Then you entered the game, the first perspective you see is exactly what the little brother saw at first sight in the game... Wow, so many mosaics... Haha, everyone pay attention, and then there is a bitch coming out ...Yes, yes, this guy, he actually played my dick, uncle can bear it, auntie can't bear it, look, I won't beat him to death!"

"Attention, the main thread NPC has appeared, Dangdang... Let's play this game...Everyone will play this game in the future, please remember, this is your father, listen to me, don't offend him, just lick him desperately Well, I heard that someone has triggered a hidden mission, damn it, when will it be my turn for such a good thing?"

"This is the first time I have come into contact with the outside game world, how is it, shocking!?"

"This is on the way to the first mission. Your picture, the sunset, the grass, these crazy players...Of course, I am not much better, and my knee was sacrificed at this time."

"The efficiency of cutting trees and moving stones is too low. I gave up twice. Brothers discussed and prepared to farm monsters and upgrade... By the way, the tasks must be completed."

"Okay, the first monster, the lame goblin... Oops, I made a mistake, this stick hit me, it hurt so much, my second brother almost peed at that time..."

"Excuse me, @猫哥说游戏, this kind of picture, this kind of rendering, this kind of scene, such an awesome physics engine, even the dust in the sun is doing super-simulation calculation of the movement trajectory, supercomputer can do it Is that right? My level of education is low, could it be said that this kind of awesome Klass has everything in foreign countries, is it the 3A big production, or the CG animation? Tell me, Brother Xiaoer, go to worship!"

"Hey, upgraded..."

"Wow, something exploded..."

"Damn, the body was picked up..."

"A list of black stores in the system, I won't talk about it, I will cry if I talk too much..."

"Level 2, level 2, oh yeah..."

"We are ready to challenge the kobolds. I heard that explosive weapons. Speaking of which, I strongly protest against the black shop of the system, strongly request the official to let go of the transactions between players, and strongly demand to increase the team formation system..."


"Wow, Xiao Yu, he's not talking about the game you're playing, is he!?"

In a female dormitory of a university, her roommate and buddy Xia Miaomiao hugged Du Shiyu excitedly and asked.

Du Shiyu was dizzy from being shaken by her, and kept saying, yes, yes, yes, and hurriedly broke away and turned around, wiping the corners of her eyes without a trace.

Damn, the window wasn't closed properly and I got sand in my eyes.

"Xiaoyu, last time you said you got me a gaming helmet? Where, where!?"

Du Shiyu resisted the buddy who rushed forward again, turned his head and frowned, "Drool, the saliva splashed on my face."

"Helmet, helmet!"

"It's on the way, we should be there tomorrow!"

"Xiao Yu, I love you so much, two sisters in the same world, let's go to the restaurant tonight, I invite you!"

"It's solved with one meal!?" Du Shiyu desperately pushed away his best friend, turned around and sat on his computer chair, and stroked his messy bangs.

"Little rain~~"

"Okay, okay, look at the courier information, it has arrived in this city, and it will arrive tomorrow!"

"Whoa, VR hologram, virtual reality, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Yesterday you didn't believe it, how can you believe it today?"

"This video, this person, although he is joking and joking, but my intuition tells me that what he said is true...Xiao Yu, look at him, I can hear his depression... Uh, grief, anger , like Don Quixote, not like you."

In fact, Du Shiyu was also moved.

Yes, she is more understanding and empathetic than her best friend.

"Tch, troublesome guy, even if he doesn't promote it, it will be a matter of time."

"Xiao Yu, do you recognize this person... Ah, by the way, he has a video, what about yours?"

"On the official website... why?"

"Let me see."

"I can't climb up now, it's overcrowded."


"So this guy has a lot of troubles. He could play quietly for a few days. If he does this, everyone can't think about being quiet."

After finally dealing with his best friend, Du Shiyu took a while to regain his composure.

Picking up the drawn blueprint, her delicate brows were tightly wrinkled again.

This damn mission.

"Xiao Yu, what are you painting?"

The best friend came over again, curiously looking at the ghost symbols on the blueprint.

"I received a task and asked me to sew a backpack. This pattern is on the backpack. I can't make any mistakes in the request."

"Wow, you actually took the blueprints in the game and made them in reality... Wait, this is the backpack you made?"

The best friend found her backpack under the pillow, shook it off, and looked at her suspiciously, "Why is this material so familiar?"

"Uh... I made it out of your pajamas." After finishing speaking, Du Shiyu grabbed the backpack and ran out.

"Du Shiyu!!"

"Anyway, you don't wear it anymore..."

"You stop for me!"

"Stop making trouble, oops... helmet, do you still need a helmet?"

"Dinner please!"

"You scratch me to death, scratch me to death!"

After arguing for a while, the two of them lay on the bed out of breath. After resting, Du Shiyu got up and sat in front of the computer again.

"What are you doing?"

"No reason, let's support that guy."

"Did you just say that people are busy?"

"You can't let him stand alone in the limelight."

"You, you, you are so good at your mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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