This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 30 The NPC who holds vengeance

Chapter 30 The NPC who holds vengeance
There were 92 people online, 134 people in line, and a total of 226 magic net access devices activated. The difference between 3 can be ignored.

Bei Gaoyang was very satisfied.

The enthusiasm of the players was high, as if they had been separated for a long time, wave after wave came to say hello to him, the main thread NPC, and some people who logged in the game for the first time, all kinds of bluffs, excitement, disbelief, and even tears...

In a blink of an eye, a dead and silent hill became noisy and lively. There were groups of players everywhere, and everyone was calling for friends to form a team.

"Shooting skeleton soldiers, as long as they are above level 2, take turns to get experience, bastard!"

"Level 3, is there any master of level 3, let's go to the elite together..."

"Only level 3 can you get elites?"

"Elite team requires level 3 or above, full strength and stamina, a full set of leather armor, white weapons, and archers are preferred."

"Newcomers, please take me with you, kind-hearted big brothers and sisters..."

"It's only going online at this time. Is there a mine at home or a relationship?"

"Their helmets must be from our group, those unlucky bastards, haha."


Tie Jun was a little overwhelmed, the psychological quality of a special soldier was completely useless at this time, he was very panicked, he searched everywhere in the noisy market-like square, and finally found a player whose ID was "Old Nie".

Old Nie was crazy, running around like a headless chicken, Tie Jun managed to catch him, "Professor Li, you are Professor Li, right?"

Lao Nie turned back blankly, still muttering to himself: This is impossible, this is impossible...

It was he who was right.

Tie Jun knew that this expert in human cognition was because of that, but now was not the time to worry about it, so he dragged him to find two other companions.


Suddenly, I heard a voice hanging from the crowd, and then I heard an opera singing. I separated the crowd and went in, only to find that it was the third companion.

"My voice has been taken too, it's amazing, unbelievable!", ID Wang Sanjie's drama critic was a little carried away with excitement.

Tie Jun was so anxious that he couldn't find the fourth companion. Lao Nie and Wang Sanjie completely forgot that there was still a mission, one was stupid, and the other was like a little girl.

Wang Chaoyang also lost his composure.

This billionaire, who is well-known throughout the country, stared blankly at the setting sun that was half hidden in the mist.

As one of the few game manufacturers in the country and the world, he was stunned.

"These newcomers are so funny!"

"Don't laugh at them, have you forgotten what you did when you first logged in?"

"Haha, he found out that he wet his pants when he logged off the assembly line. We live in the same dormitory."

"Fart, Erbald, you're fucking courting death!"

"Ouch, ouch, I hit a sore spot... I'll wipe it, are you serious?"

The number of players on the square gradually decreased. After forming a team and taking the quests, they went to kill monsters one after another. Some people died, and the corpse-picking ghost floated past Wang Chaoyang, which shocked him just now.

"Well, hello..."

Wang Chaoyang hesitantly came to the NPC of the main thread, and talked hopelessly, not as rusty as an ordinary player.

"What's the matter with you, child?"

Bei Gaoyang didn't know the identity of the person in front of him, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He laughed so hard that his face froze, but he was still happy in his heart. Every player was his child, a thriving seedling.

One day, they will grow into towering trees.

Wang Chaoyang accepted the task smoothly, and went to the grocery store according to the procedure told to him by the guiding NPC, had a simple conversation with NPC Edward, and successfully received the free weapon—a stick with strength +1.

Walking out of the camp, a player was farming goblins in area A directly in front of him. He hesitated for a moment, picked up the wooden stick and walked down.

"Hi, hello!"

The two players were resting, and one of them raised his eyelids and glanced at him, saying, "One hundred yuan an hour."

Wang Chaoyang didn't know what it meant at first, but he quickly realized, "Yes."

How much is a hundred dollars?
It should be okay for ordinary people, right?

Wang Chaoyang has a deeper understanding of what kind of impact and changes this game can bring.

The three of them discussed adding VX to transfer money, and the two old players took him to brush up Goblin.

After half an hour.

"No, no, no!"

Wang Chaoyang sat down feebly, gasping for breath from exhaustion.

In reality, his body is very good, and he still maintains a young man's figure in his forties. A top rich man like him plays professional sports, and even dabbles in wrestling and fencing. It stands to reason that he won't be so weak .

But this body is not the real one.

"Okay, have you practiced!?", an old player said.

"Exercising regularly... is it okay?"

"That's great... When you level up, remember to increase your stamina first." Another old player also sat down to rest.

Anyway, it is calculated by time, and it is correct to bring people to upgrade.

The fly in the ointment is that experience cannot be shared, but this newcomer is not bad, and he didn't hold back much.

In the future, it is better to lead newcomers in the game than to go to work.

"Why isn't displayed?"

The two old players smiled and said, "You will know soon."

At this time, Xiao Ai reminded that the expenditure of the system had soared sharply, and Bei Gaoyang was holding his forehead with his hands after learning the details, and remained silent.

Why does this group of players like to die so much?

Since the server was opened, one fifth of the players have died once, how long has it been.

It's understandable for you to besiege the elites, but there are still people forming a group to fight the boss...

"It can't go on like this. The price of death and resurrection is too small. Even if the second test can change it, it can't let it go."

It just so happens that there are so many people queuing up now, since they like to play to death, they should be kicked off the assembly line to calm them down.

No more system announcements, just quietly notify Xiao Ai.

As a result, players were kicked offline one after another, and the speed of queuing up to enter the game suddenly accelerated.

When the players found out that they would be disconnected after death, he made a sinister announcement.

Due to the busy server, there is a bug that the player will be disconnected after death. We are working hard to troubleshoot the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Ignoring the complaints of the players and those clamoring for compensation, Bei Gaoyang looked at the greatly reduced system expenditure and nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, a newcomer who just went online came to him, and was about to deal with him programmatically, when he suddenly felt that this ID looked familiar.

Dynasty * Big Brother?
Bei Gaoyang remembered, isn't this the guy who wanted to rob him?
The narrow-minded, he always remembered it, and immediately summoned a bolt of lightning, which struck Wang Debiao who was in shock and excitement to death.

When the white light flashed, there were several stunned players around.

The main thread NPC coughed and said, "The weather is good today... What's the matter?"

As if nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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