This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 4 Magic Clone

Chapter 4 Magic Clone
Five days later.

Rows of simple wooden boxes stood neatly in the hall, and each mouthful was filled with red, blue, and green solutions, on which Bei Gaoyang was describing the spell configuration of the newly invented four-ring spell: [Magic Cloning].

Inject the [Active Substance], and then activate and connect the [Magic Network Access Device] to the magic circle on the wooden box according to the serial number.

"start up!"

The magic circles were all lit up, and amidst a buzzing beep, the tremors began.

During the trembling, the material and texture of the box changed, melting like metal, and then becoming one.

Inside, the solution boils, chugs, chugs...

Mycelium-like down grows on the skeleton placed inside.

"It smells like undead!"

"It seems that it is still an undead, but it is a brand new undead."

"That's right, only undead can fulfill the 'design requirements'."

"The undead are the undead, anyway, the player can't notice it."

The reaction ended after one day.

Bei Gaoyang sat down in front of a "coffin", picked up the [Magic Network Access Device] and put it on his head.

"Log in to the game!"

Immediately, a cold magic power invaded the brain, and all the senses of the body were "cut off" by this energy. The visual signal created by the magic power turned into a beam of light in the field of vision, and a strong gravitational force hit, pulling Bei Gao Yang's soul entered a high-speed passage.

At this time, I could no longer feel the physical body, and followed the beam of light lightly, and came to a door that opened slowly.

In the next second, the field of vision appeared inside the door, and a three-dimensional interface for creating game characters appeared in front of him.

It was a circular revolving platform. On each stage stood an initial racial character, focusing on one, and a default human male character took a step forward, staring straight ahead.

Gender selection, character name creation, face pinching, height, body shape, skin color... everything you need is available.

"Not bad!" Bei Gaoyang thought to himself.

Only humans can be selected, and most functions cannot be used.

The current [Magic Net] can only do so much.

Take a character name of "Number Zero", and the others are default, confirm the character creation, and start the game.

As soon as the field of vision went dark, he sensed his body again, "connected" various senses of the body, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Number Zero" stepped out of the coffin and saw a guy wearing a "game helmet" sleeping on the ground.

Zero sees the world differently.

Limited by "hardware", everything I see at the moment is gray, as if I have become "short-sighted" all of a sudden.

Is this a "game view"?

Bei Gaoyang adjusted the "resolution and color saturation" in his field of vision. Under the control of [Magic Net], all senses are controllable.

"Xiao Ai, the blood bar and blue bar are placed in the upper left corner of the field of vision, with 50% transparency!"

"The skill bar and item bar are smaller, and the ideas are stimulated, without considering the practicality."

"Let's use the previous version for the character bar. It's more comfortable to imitate the legendary interface. I've only played this game before."

"Call out [Photograph] and [Video Recording], place them in the lower right corner of the field of view, and arrange them up and down with the [System] button."

"Is the 'resolution' the highest? Brighter, with a more vibrant looks a lot better."


After some adjustments, the "game field of view" was extended to 65 meters, and the scenery in the field of view was somewhat distorted, as if the "beauty camera" was turned on, and there were some ultra-high-definition CG scenes.

Golden sunshine, emerald green branches and leaves, natural swaying grass blown by the wind, vast to infinite world, undulating skyline - "holographic immersive virtual reality" is without any exaggeration, enough to make anyone in The players are shocked by this.

There is nothing visible in the field of vision, and there is a thin mist outside the field of vision. It is this just right mist that makes all of this extremely visually impactful, achieving a perfect balance between game CG and reality.

This is a necessary step, otherwise if you tell players that this is a game, they will believe it foolishly?

Then tone down the feelings such as "cold", "tired", "pain", etc., and the initial effect finally satisfied him.

The next step is to record promotional materials.

Facing the rising sun, "Number Zero" took a photo.

"Xiao Ai, add a camera sound effect."

"The photo stays for a short time, 0.5 seconds is fine."

"You help the player to shoot from the third-person perspective, and a gyroscope is added to the shooting interface to change the direction, angle, and distance, so that the player can control it with his mind."

Details, these are details!
With dizzying adjustments in the field of vision, Xiao Ai continuously extracted materials from the database, and then connected them into the window interface he wanted.


Let's start recording battle videos.

Five minutes later, Zero found a lone goblin and approached him quietly. The goblin also found him and lay down on the ground, pretending to be dead.

[Weak goblin, level 1]

The logo on its head is white, and it looks like it has been hungry for several days. Zero picked up a stone, and [Magic Net] immediately gave it the corresponding attribute.

[An ordinary stone can be thrown, the throwing distance is 6 meters, physical damage +2, weight +5.]


Zero "locked" on the goblin, threw a stone, and under the "correction" of the [Magic Net], it hit the target accurately.
The red damage value floats up.

The goblin got up with a groan, held a wooden stick, and stared at Zero hesitantly.

【Enter the combat state】

Perhaps seeing that the human being who attacked him was just a weakling, the goblin rushed over wielding a stick.

Zero pulled out a handful of rusty iron bars from his waist.

[Rusted inferior short knife, quality: gray, score 5, strength +1, physical attack +2, attack range 1 meter, load +2.]

The attributes of the equipment come from the definition and blessing of [Magic Net], power +1, [Magic Net] immediately injects a warm heat, No. [-] feels that the limbs become "solid and powerful", and with a whistling sound, he slashes out.
Two weak chickens pecked at each other, and the goblin hit No. [-]'s thigh with a stick. There was a dull pain, and a long cut was made on the goblin's right shoulder. , the bones are seen.

"Chirp, quack, quack..."

Don't expect the goblin to have any courage. It knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. Zero slashed it down. After a red "-14", the goblin howled and struggled, and fled a few steps desperately. Zero caught up After a few brutal stabs, the words "Experience +5" floated in the field of vision, and the experience bar below also increased a little.

A second goblin appeared at the edge of vision.

Number Zero panted heavily and approached quietly.


As the fourth goblin died with a scream, the experience bar reached 80%, and No. [-] was no longer stable.

The physical strength has bottomed out, and there is only one third of the blood bar left. The body of [Magic Clone] is still too weak. If the weapon has not added a little attribute, it can't even beat the goblin.

"Xiao Ai, the recovery speed of physical strength has been increased by 20%."

"The relevant value can be adjusted."

Zero took out the [Bandage] and wrapped it around his body. This [Bandage] is virtual and is a "prop" that only the player can see. rose up.

The future [Blue Bottle] and [Red Bottle] have the same principle, but now it is impossible, and the [Magic Net] of the first ring can achieve very few functions.

[Magic Net] has limitations, one of which is the distance, players cannot leave the 1.5km diameter range, otherwise they will be "dropped".

Most of the stamina and blood bars had recovered, Zero stood up and started collecting goblin corpses.

The collection process is also "virtual". With the virtual action of the player, [Magic Net] can extract [Active Substance] from the corpse. [Active Substance] is the raw material of [Magic Cloning], which is related to the death and resurrection of the player.

[Acquired Equipment: Goblin's Stick]

[Get 2 Copper Coins]

[Acquired item: Goblin's scalp (debris)]

[Goblin's stick, quality gray, score: 1, physical attack power +1, attack range 1.5 meters, load +2]

(End of this chapter)

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