Chapter 41

"Dear Canaan game producers, hello!
I am an ordinary game producer living in Los Angeles, North America, and I am also a representative elected by a circle of game enthusiasts. My name is Jameson William, and I would like to pay high tribute to you and your colleagues!

I can't accurately describe how excited I am at the moment.

Yes, I am an ordinary, mediocre game practitioner. Compared with the identity of a game producer, I care more about my friends in the geek circle and our common cause and beliefs! "

Forgive me for using the extremely serious and serious word faith. From the point of view of me and my friends, Canaan is our faith. It seems to suddenly appear in a beam of light. It is like a gift from God. It is perfect. It fits our vision of the future, and it's so... incredible!

This kind of inconceivable still can't calm down until now.


However, it is a pity that this beam of light only shines on Huaguo, while ignoring the rest of the world. Here I implore you, consider the sale of Canaan in other parts of the world, and provide some Equipment for those of us who cheered the advent of Canaan and got carried away.


Bei Gaoyang 'connected to the Internet', while designing the spell configuration of [Magic Net: [-]], he finally remembered that he needed to find some materials and inspiration from the Internet on the earth, only then noticed that not only the official website and the game discussion group were restored , and countless delayed messages and letters were sent to him, the game producer.

After reading a sincere letter from North America, he shook his head and opened another one.

This is a letter specially marked by the background system, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, aside from the information he thinks is useless, it seems to be looking for cooperation?

Cooperation is naturally impossible.

But he couldn't refuse immediately. After all, he still wanted to go back. The release of the game was still in Huaguo, so there were many needs and scruples.

"To the General Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the letter has been received. If there is a need, your organization will be our first choice for cooperation. Sincerely."

Then click on the letter from North America to reply.

"To Mr. Jameson William, the letter has been received. Regarding the game equipment, please pay attention to the next announcement on the official website, best regards."

There were so many emails in the back, it was impossible for him to read every one of them, only the ones that were marked at the top by the system.

The third letter is Aliyun, which is also a service provider of the official website and emails. Landlords always have to give face, so click on it to read.

Skipping respect, compliments, and seeking cooperation, Aliyun explained the downtime of the official website last time and expressed his sincere apology. In order to make up for it, he upgraded the hardware resources of the Canaan official website, and because The strong request of users and players” has loaded interactive modules for the official website for free...

"Are they all so enthusiastic?"

Bei Gaoyang chuckled, somewhat unable to understand.

He didn't care about Ahri's presumptuous claims, he didn't pay much attention to the official website, as for the would be nice to have a channel to understand players and collect first-hand feedback.

He logged into the forum with great interest, completely unaware of how much trouble Ahri had to deal with when he logged in with his ID.

After a quick look at the best posts and hot posts on the top, I found that most of them were focused on game helmets and internal test qualifications. There were also some players’ feedback and complaints. Some of them were very enlightening to him, and some of them were ignored by him. Thought-of.

The game content is too little, the game map is too small, there is nothing to do except for quests to spawn monsters and upgrades, and there is no online interaction function, it is anti-human. The game producer complains about the authenticity of madness and paranoia, and even backpacks are divided into A and B. class (system backpack) and so on.

Some strategy posts are also very popular. Most of the cloud players revolve around a few real players who like to break the news and show off. The interactions are extremely frequent, real and ridiculous. game".

Yes, games.

No one seems to suspect it.

This is good, this is good!

This is what worries him the most.

On the official website, the game helmet also has a pre-sale function. Hundreds of thousands of predetermined identity information have been registered in the background data, and the bank account opened with the earth's ID card has been registered, and a 9-digit advance payment has also been received.

He was a little embarrassed, there were too many monks, and how many helmets to release in the second batch was a problem.

Due to insufficient materials, only 229 [Magic Network Access Devices] were made in the first batch, and the remaining 271 were lying there without moving. I planned to use this batch of helmets to deal with the past during the second test. Now everyone is so enthusiastic... …

Only by random selection.

Immediately, he used the administrator's identity to modify the pre-sale instructions for the game helmet, and threw it aside, and went back to work, completely ignoring it.

Earth at the same time.

"Found him, found him!"

"Follow the plan and pay attention to discipline!"


In the largest vegetable wholesale market in East China, the market office suddenly received a notification from the superior management department that there was an epidemic prevention and control drill, and an inspection team was on the way.

Don't mention the chickens and dogs jumping up and down in the market management, just talk about the home of an ordinary merchant in the market who is engaged in wholesale fruit and vegetables.

Wu Xiaonan's parents are doing intensive counting work, and when the shop opens, the business will be busy for a day, but Wu Xiaonan is still sleeping soundly because of playing games.

Seeing that she was too busy, Wu Xiaonan's mother went upstairs in a rage to pick him up.

At this moment, the market staff brought the inspection team to the door.

"No target found!"

"what happened?"

"A player, he was still sleeping when we went, his computer was turned on, and the operation records were correct, but we didn't find any outsiders breaking in."

"Don't expose it, we'll talk about it when we get back with the team."


The Chinese Academy of Sciences has reached a dead end in the molecular analysis and restoration of game helmets. The more the analysis is done, the more "fuzzy" the data will be. Scientists seem to have discovered a brand new particle, but it is different from any known Since the molecular structure is different.

This discovery caused an uproar in the scientific community, and not any known, non-earth-existing matter seemed to get the stone hammer.

In this case, a light mail arrives, like a splash of cold water into a boiling pan of oil, you can imagine what kind of scene it is.

In just one line, scientists smashed it into pieces and invited experts in sociology, psychology, and behavioral cognition, as if they wanted to find out some big secrets and clues from a dozen words.

After a busy morning, everyone's eyes widened.

At noon, a secret department sent people to stop this useless "over-interpretation". Not long after, the superior sent a reply email, in the name of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, replying to other side.

Then came the anxious wait.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

At this time, I don't know how many people are waiting eagerly.

But that person still disappeared, and in a flash, he disappeared irresponsibly after leaving a ground of chicken feathers.

Ah, no, he also updated a message on the official website.

"Thank you for your enthusiastic support. The first test will end in two days, and the game equipment for the second test will be randomly selected from the pre-purchased catalog..."

Therefore, after returning home from get off work, many scientific researchers carefully opened the pre-sale page of the official website, paid happily, and added it to the pre-sale catalogue.

(End of this chapter)

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