Chapter 43
"What else can I ask for, but I'm optimistic about it!"

There is only the last day left for the first test, and more than 60% of the players have reached level 5. There are more than a dozen land reclamation teams, but none of them succeeded.

The BOSS of Xinshou Village slashed his sword immediately, killing all the players crying and howling. No matter how good the offline and offline rehearsals are, when it comes to the real chapter, there will be many loopholes.

There are so many deaths, and finally someone sees the key, because the BOSS is too smart, you are trying to trick him, but he is trying to trick you, and he will fucking play hard to get...

How can this be done! ?

Can't do it!

The group was wiped out a few times, and the eldest cousin also gave up, and now sits far away from Zhang Miao, watching those who are still determined to compete with the boss.

"Look good!?" Zhang Miao didn't turn the corner for a moment.

"It's so stupid. Think about the shared bicycles in the past. The capitalists burned billions and tens of billions of money. They are free to use. They are open to use. They can't wait to give you change. The brains of the killing dogs have come out. How is it now?"

When he said this, Zhang Miao understood a little bit.

"What is this, the second world, do you understand the second world, a second home other than reality, petty profits now are nothing, there are only a few players in total, how much can it cost to raise it all? In contrast, what about the possible future benefits? It’s not proportional at all!”

"Whoever recruits more players will have an advantage. Do you understand the advantage? Not to mention anything else, the experience of the first test, the process of the task, the best way to farm monsters and upgrade, and life occupations, how to make money... …Think about it, if there is a public beta in the future, game helmets can be bought casually, and everyone has the qualification to play the game, what kind of scenario would that be?"

Zhang Miao imagined it for a while, and her heart suddenly became hot, "So, we are still at a loss?"

"You can't say that. After all, no matter how good this game is, it is still a new thing. The restrictions and door frames are too high. If it can be popularized, we will naturally release it. If there are always one or two hundred people, it will be hard to say."

"Uh... I hope it will be publicly tested soon."

"Pray, it depends on whether the brothers can counterattack, win Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life."

While talking, the land reclamation team in the distance suffered a disastrous defeat. The original stalemate with the boss collapsed. I don't know what went wrong. The white light flashed continuously, and the players ran away crying and howling.

"Haha, that chick died again!"

The big cousin looked at the movement over there and gloated.

"Still brushing?"

Zhang Miao asked, he couldn't complete the task, and lacked a magic melting pot. Although the store sold it, the price was as high as 5 gold coins.

5 gold coins!
Now add all the money in the player's system backpack together. I don't know if there are 5 gold coins.

I can't finish the task, and I don't have any experience to increase, so I have to help my cousin brush up the elites to see if he can get some quest supplies for him.

It's a pity that this matter depends on the face. After brushing all morning, except for a few copper coins and bandages, I didn't lose a single hair. I also had to fight with many level 5 players. An elite was surrounded when he walked out of the refresh point , Whether you can grab the final blow depends entirely on luck.

"Forget it, go try your luck with the kobolds." The eldest cousin knew that the hope was slim, so he didn't waste it here.

Kobolds explode ore, and the recovery price of iron ore system is 10 copper.

The two came to the kobold's monster spawning point, and saw that the sparse kobolds were surrounded by players, and they finally found a single one, which was robbed as soon as they passed by.

"Oh, it's you!"

Zhang Miao greeted Du Shiyu with a smile.

"I'll bring friends." Du Shiyu pointed to Xia Miaomiao, who was entangled with the Kobold, and said, "How about together!?"

"We are here to make money, experience is not required." The big cousin added.

"That's just right. My friend hasn't reached level 5 yet. As long as you have experience, the ore will belong to you. How about it!?"

"Okay!", the big cousin nodded.

"Xiao Yu, come quickly, I can't stand it anymore!" Xia Miaomiao yelled as she was being chased by the kobolds.


Two men and two women formed a temporary team, surrounded the kobolds, and cooperated skillfully.

Zhang Miao slashed at -17 damage, the kobold screamed in pain, and he dodged the counterattack. The big cousin took advantage of the situation and slashed at the kobold's vitals, hitting a double critical strike.

The monster fell down, leaving only a layer of blood skin dying. The three level 5 players stopped and showed Xia Miaomiao to eat experience.

"Does the level 3 kobold have experience punishment? Why don't you go to kill zombies?" asked the big cousin.

"There are so many people, it's so hard to beat..." Xia Miaomiao replied first after killing the kobold with a stick.

"There are not many people now..." Zhang Miao said.

"She is useless, afraid of this and that, and said that zombies are too disgusting." Du Shiyu pretended not to see the wink from his best friend, and betrayed her without hesitation.

"Light rain!"

"Don't call me by my real name, how many times have I said that?"

Zhang Miao and the big cousin looked at each other and laughed.

Xia Miaomiao pouted and said, "That's right. This game is so realistic that I have nightmares at night."

This soft voice and delicate demeanor, although he has a public face, also hit the big cousin's G-spot.

He rolled his eyeballs and nodded his head, "Yes, yes, the first time I brushed it, I was disgusted..."

Zhang Miao was a little strange when he heard this. The first time this guy brushed zombies, he looked like a hungry tiger rushing to eat. He wanted to hug the zombies and bite them. When did he feel sick?

"Nothing exploded!" Xia Miaomiao said disappointedly looking at the monster's corpse.

"It's about we go kill zombies!?", the eldest cousin said courteously: "There are too few kobolds, and there are experience penalties."

"You don't pay anymore!?" Du Shiyu was a little surprised.

"Let's take the saplings to level 5 first, don't worry about making money, don't worry." The big cousin said in a very familiar and close tone.

Xia Miaomiao's ID is a small sapling.

"But I still..." Xia Miaomiao hesitated.

"You don't need to do it, leave it to us!" said the big cousin.

Zhang Miao:……

"Then...well then, what do you think, Xiao Yu!?"

"It's Xue Wu, you..." Du Shiyu hated her and wanted to give her best friend a blow.

"Xuewu, Xuewu!" Xia Miaomiao hugged Du Shiyu's arm and shook it.

Du Shiyu's goosebumps were about to rise, only then did he realize that something was wrong with his buddy, and was about to ask, when he saw his eldest cousin leaning over attentively, he suddenly understood.

"Oh, then go brush the zombies!", she said eccentrically, while pinching Xia Miaomiao's soft waist.

As for Zhang Miao, the straight man of steel, he didn't know anything, so he said indifferently, "Then go kill zombies."

So the four of them switched positions and went to kill zombies.

On the way, I talked about being recruited by a game company.

"I didn't agree, Sapling and I are still in school." Du Shiyu said, "Are you planning to move in together?"

"That's right, there are girls, it's convenient and safe." The eldest cousin wanted to trick Du Shiyu and the two into living together, and talked about a lot of benefits of being "recruited".

"What about you!?" Du Shiyu asked Zhang Miao.

"I... haven't figured it out yet!" Zhang Miao scratched her head.

(End of this chapter)

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