This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 529 Rose's Messenger

Chapter 529 Rose's Messenger

In the early morning, a beam of light falling from the sky collided head-on with the matrix defense circle of the new magic capital. Polar night, polar day, and aurora appeared alternately.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, everything seemed to stand still, only the confrontation of these two forces.

A head-to-head confrontation between the power of the system and the divine power of the gods took place in such an important town as New Demon City, and its significance is extremely far-reaching.

In the end, after the protective matrix persisted for a few minutes, it melted due to the overload of the magic pattern line, and the beam of light pierced straight down, razing the City Lord's Mansion, the Mage Tower and several system temples to the ground.

However, the city was protected, and there were no major casualties of the system's aborigines and intelligent NPC population.

On the surface, the system is at a disadvantage, and the indigenous gods can attack the hinterland of the game area at any time, but in the eyes of indigenous people like Xiao Moyuan and Nicholas, this is precisely the proof of the magic net's great resilience and potential.

When was the last time the gods treated a person or organization so seriously?
I'm afraid no one will remember. Even Moloch Egger, who has acquired the representativeness and uniqueness of death, and was just one step away from resurrecting the ancient god of death Jaeger, can't make any noise like the magic net with only 7 layers. compared to.

In terms of magic level, in terms of the pyramidal ranking of power and authority, Moloch Egg is undoubtedly much higher than the magic net, far higher than Bei Gaoyang's, but with hundreds of millions of anchors, it is far better than the hundreds of millions of consciousness of the indigenous population. During the convergence, the magic net is still resisting.

Although it is extremely embarrassing in the eyes of the players.

The huge bronze crime was also created out of thin air. The structural diagram from the first layer of the magic net to the seventh layer of the magic net is vivid on the paper. Because the paper is two-dimensional, it can only show a cross section of the magic net. Because of this , and the drawing is dynamic, just like the ever-evolving starry sky of the universe, or a nebula that is circling around a larger galaxy...

"The system has a prompt, mission story mode."

"It's Mr. Ross, the mind flayer... Really, there's no manners at all"

The Angel of Fallen Light is merging the representatives of happiness, Moloch Egger is taking up his new post at the 'garbage disposal station', everyone under him has their own place in the system, and Bei Gaoyang can only stay with Xiao Ai's avatar projection Together, sit in the lounge on the top floor of the Mage Tower, watching the crowd like ants moving outside.

At this time, Bei Gaoyang suddenly sensed something, and after concentrating for a moment, he said with a smile: "This guy..."

It should be a good thing that the iconic building of the magic net in the material world was destroyed. From then on, the magic net is like air, like magic power, like the wind, everywhere. Where there is no force, the gods can only Use your strength on players and visitors.

"What should I do offline? The fog...does it really matter?"

Children don't understand the world of adults. At the west gate, around the carriages waiting to depart, groups of children are playing and chasing wildly. They only regard this helpless migration as a grand festival.

"Are they bothering you again?"

The little adult scolded angrily when he heard the words: "You dropped Claude..."

"Do you still have this idea?" Bei Gaoyang smiled, "In the future, we will take the route of encircling the city from the countryside. Don't you stay here and wait for others to clean it up?"

"Monster, monster!!"

"You can't say that. If you can cooperate, you still have to cooperate. Confrontation will only aggravate internal friction."

"of course."

Why do you say that.

"What should I do? Such a big experience gift bag is gone?"

The dark elf priest sitting behind him slammed the giant dragon under him with his scepter, and said sarcastically, "I don't think you should call yourself the Flame Destroyer, but a goblin coward... Fly over, sir lizard!"

"The abyss has collapsed, will the material world be the same?"

The red dragon had no choice but to fly to the distant city in humiliation.

"There really are monsters!"

If the online and offline channels are unblocked for a day, it is impossible for players to 'evolve' as thoroughly as a mind flayer, and they cannot be [-]% immersed.

"That mind flayer is back!" Xiao Ai also felt the big guy breaking into the magic net.

One of the leaders, Ross, knew him, and he called out from afar: "Isn't this little Bob, haha, long time no see, how is your master? I'm Ross, remember..."

"Impossible, they have no other choice, even if they want to, they can't do it."

The new magic capital.

It is so beautiful and so vast.

"Why, do you want to deepen your memory again?"

The struggle is bound to be long-term, and may last for hundreds or thousands of years.

Canaan is a world of idealism, and people are the first element. Whoever controls people, especially people's thoughts, controls the supreme power and authority.

But it doesn't matter anymore, immersion is just a means, not an end. At the current level, the eighth floor and the magic net from the ninth floor are enough.

"It's your turn, freak!", Dark Elf Drow poked another passenger sitting in front.

"Mr. Ross, two distinguished ladies!" Bob responded politely on the Griffin: "The situation is tense recently, sorry, I don't know what is the purpose of your visit?"

There are no other rules in the demiplane, and all the rules are from the magic net. Therefore, it already has 70% of the functions of the kingdom of God, and what is lacking is nothing more than the divine power of divine fire conversion. In terms of resource utilization, it cannot be compared with the real kingdom of God. compared to.

"Depend on!"

Creating things out of thin air, modifying the laws at will, this demiplane is a blank sheet of paper for Bei Gaoyang to smear at will.

Suddenly, a child pointed to the sky and shouted, "Monster, monster!"

In fact, the structural diagram on paper is just a screenshot of Bei Gaoyang's consciousness. Even if he wants to design the eighth layer of magic net, there is no need to take such trouble, he is just used to it.

The original mind flayers were definitely not what they are now. From the point of view of the way they reproduce, they are actually similar to the magic net-player mode.

Before they could get close, groups of griffins soared into the sky, forming a formidable attacking formation, and greeted them here.

"There are no monsters in the sky, only minions of evil gods!"

The reason why Bei Gaoyang opened the door for convenience is also out of the consideration of enriching the population in the system.

The mind flayer on the back shrank its neck, looking away.

"If it wasn't, if it weren't for... those guys on Long Island are too... I wouldn't..."

Mind flayer: ...

"Bring him here, it's the most suitable place in the new magic city"

"What the hell, mind flayers and giant dragons came all of a sudden... Plot? Damn, can't you kill monsters?"

The collapsed Mage Tower was restored with a snap of Bei Gaoyang's fingers, including the huge hole formed by God's punishment penetrating through the half-plane. Floating in the current, because of the existence of the anchor, this bubble looks fragile and thin, but in fact it is as stable as a giant ship sailing through the waves.

In fact, as the magic net is about to advance to the 8th floor, the aura of undead on the players has become weaker and weaker, gradually forming their own ethnic group temperament, the reason why they are still a bit out of place is nothing more than the fact that the mind flayer has no way out. have.

I understand the relationship between pressure and pressure. No matter how great the pressure is, it is the foundation for the magic net to persist.

"You... you only..."

The system aborigines and intelligent NPCs dragged their families and had to leave their homes and go to scattered settlements to start from scratch.

"So don't worry too much about what they think, right?"

From the very beginning, Bei Gaoyang knew that head-to-head confrontation would not work. He had expected the situation today.

"And brought back a dragon... I hope it's good news."

"They are going crazy, and they don't care about the actual situation online. The 20 round table meetings are arguing every day."

"Waste my feelings"

There is also a death plan involved.

"Your god is..."

"Let them quarrel, some quarrel, it shows that the most serious time has not yet come."

"Can this city be kept, my lord?"

Human beings come first, and with a strong convergence of consciousness, even Gaia consciousness can be transformed.

At this point, the compatibility of the magic net itself has shown a huge effect. It can be said that without such a high degree of compatibility, the magic net would not be able to achieve such a high degree of compatibility with the mysterious rules, and would not be able to achieve the calmness it is doing now. the point.

"Break away, disperse!"

It is also an invasive species in foreign lands, and the mind flayers are worthy of reference in all aspects of integrating into Canaan.

The mind flayers also took the flesh and blood of Canaanites, implanted them with brain worms, and eventually replaced them after they developed and grown.

Therefore, it is impossible to expect a battle to be won on the frontal battlefield and to solve the problem once and for all... that is impossible.

"Have you seen him?"

It's nothing more than changing from one bubble to another.

Except for the system and Bei Gaoyang, no one knows who is the visitor from another world, except for the first batch of deceased who still retain the memory of the earth, and the people whose plans mature later are all sealed, a piece of blank paper, of course not Remember all kinds of 'past lives'.

"Sooner or later, our opponents haven't really exerted their strength yet."

Mind flayers were originally classified as a type of undead, so similar to current players.

The Dark Elf Drow Mistress said happily.

On the frontal battlefield, the great counteroffensive also suffered from the difficult process of implementing strategic goals, and gradually fell into a see-saw quagmire.

One of the two or three-year-old boys was particularly eye-catching.

Strictly speaking, Moloch Egg is also one of the collections, and one can imagine the background of the Holy See and the gods.

The real core of the magic net, there already exists a mobile half-plane space like Xiaomoyuan that constantly changes IP addresses. Although it is not difficult to locate the position of this half-plane according to the connection between the player and the magic net, it does not eliminate or cut it. What's the point of breaking the support and fixation of these hundreds of millions of anchors, just to attack this demiplane.

The dark elf drow threatened with his scepter.

Players are made with active substances.

Such a state, such a level of life, is already an inhuman existence. At the same time, there are countless "Bei Gaoyang" scattered around the game area.

"We follow the will of our Lord and come here with good intentions, human beings!" The Dark Elf Drow Mother shouted loudly.


More children screamed, and the little adults hurriedly looked back, only to see a giant dragon appearing in the low sky in the distance, its huge body shone like a halo of magma red fire, as if surging a giant body of energy, Very visually stunning and oppressive.

"It really is a chaotic species, a bad ruffian from Outland!"

Looking at the frightened city in the distance, the red dragon said to himself: "Maybe I shouldn't come, really, it's too presumptuous to visit like this."

Like other main cities in the system, evacuations are also taking place here.

The golden color represents its divinity, and the deepest symbol hidden in the center is Bei Gaoyang's current real name.

The mind flayer complained, but didn't dare to stand up from the dragon's back in a hurry, and sent a message to this side with psychic powers.

Bei Gaoyang is familiar with every magical circuit, even the tiny ones like cells and molecules. He is calm and pondering, and his brain checks calculations like a supercomputer, processing countless processes at the same time.

Back then when he abducted the mind flayer, he wanted to contact the tribe of mind flayers and ask for reinforcements.

It doesn't matter if the players and tourists can be resurrected anyway, but the aborigines and intelligent NPCs don't have such benefits, so they have to evacuate to avoid being centered together and being dumped.

This place is located in the rear of the great rear, and now there is no guarantee of absolute safety.

The enemy's high-level troops emerge in endlessly, and the collections of the gods are endless. The appearance of a certain sealed item is enough to change the outcome of the battle. However, just behind the wall of the Holy See, I don't know how many books like the Book of Canaan collect.

Ross wanted to say something, but he endured it again. He saw a few more griffins rising into the air and came to meet them.

Xiao Ai said sadly, "I watched it grow up little by little, and I just couldn't bear to watch it like this."

Punk City, because of the possibility of being hit by God's punishment at any time, the personnel have already begun to evacuate.

"We're going to win, right?"

"I see."

These dead are more thorough than players and tourists, and almost every one of them has extraordinary aptitude. Even in childhood, they were more 'smart' than the natives.

He is the cleanest. Although he is the youngest, he looks the most stable. He directs his friends to do this and that like a little adult. It is vaguely a formation step for players to spawn monsters in the wild...

Lower efficiency and more waste are irrelevant to the current magic net.

"I'm really afraid that they will cut off contact with us, and then..."

A large group of Griffin Knights came aggressively and scattered away in a rush. In the blink of an eye, they were all gone.

"Rose, the mistress of all the dark elves drow, the supreme queen of the gods."

Rose, Queen of the Spider God, is well known in Canaan, but it's not a good reputation.

Bob discussed in a low voice with the people around him, then nodded, "Several distinguished guests, please wait a moment, and the officiant will be here later."

So I waited for a few more minutes until the top priests of the system temple arrived, and the red dragon and his party were welcomed into the city.

(End of this chapter)

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