This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 87 Magic Tide

Chapter 87 Magic Tide
"Discovering the Centaur Tribe"

Xiao Ai's reminder surprised Bei Gaoyang. He put down the three-test plan in his hand, walked to the central hub of the magic net, and watched the big scene of galloping horses on the screen.

Centaurs are a different subspecies. They are a nomadic civilization with high spiritual intelligence and retain their own customs. Their pantheon is still relatively intact. They are the only ones that are hostile to human gods and are still alive and well. special case.

It is said that the gods of centaurs live in a very special plane. This plane "has no fixed place" and often changes its position and coordinates. , has never been compromised.

The centaur tribe is still a matriarchal society, mostly scattered in the depths of the wilderness. Every centaur is a powerful warrior, but they are also extremely barbaric and bloodthirsty. They live a bloodthirsty life. All creatures outside the race are regarded as food.

Most of the fortresses on the border between humans and the abandoned wasteland exist to defend against centaurs. Whenever the [Magic Tide] in the core area of ​​the wasteland shows signs of flooding, these centaur tribes living in the depths of the wasteland will migrate outward , Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of centaurs are mighty, enough to destroy all resistance encountered along the way.

Not to mention that Bei Gaoyang was alone, even a medium-sized human kingdom could not defend against these nomads alone. The three Holy Sees had to take action, combining the manpower and material resources of the human kingdoms to keep them out of the fortress.

The last centaur invasion was 15 years ago. Logically speaking, these centaur barbarians should be recuperating in the depths of the wasteland.

When he saw the number of centaurs that broke into the game area, he was slightly relieved.

There are only more than a hundred centaurs, and the rest are wild horses and wilderness cattle that they breed and graze. The number is extremely alarming, and there is a black cloud on the screen. It is impossible to count how many there are.

Bei Gaoyang quickly asked Xiao Ai to issue a system announcement to let players in the direction of the centaur tribe retreat to avoid unnecessary losses.

"Hope it's just a transit"

Bei Gaoyang thought distressedly, more than a hundred centaurs are not difficult to deal with, but the difficulty lies in how many more are left behind. If this is a tribe, no matter how small it is, there must be sacrifices. Once his whereabouts are exposed, the centaur We have no obligation to keep him secret, so there will be no peace.

Besides, he and the current magic net can't fight against the real masters of the wasteland. They are not like kobolds. They are civilized, organized, powerful, and backed by a true god.

I can't afford to provoke you, so you can always hide, right?

Unexpectedly, when the system announcement was sent out, the players were not only not afraid, but became excited. There was a lot of discussion on the World Channel. A large number of players who were not afraid of death rushed to join in the fun, wanting to see what the so-called "thousands of troops" were like.

Are you courting death?
Didn't you see that the NPCs in the main thread are all shrinking heads?
There was no other way but to ask Xiao Ai to issue another warning, so that those players who were too hotheaded to see the seriousness of the situation died down.

And the player team that encountered the centaur first had no choice.

"Have you picked up anything, have you picked it up?"

"You didn't pick it up? I'm so far away..."

"Damn it, I just picked up some B-class garbage..."

"What about the staff and ring?"

"Who picked it up!"

Five unlucky bastards who were trampled into meat paste by horseshoes gathered offline, all of them blushing anxiously, you ask me, I ask you, Zhang Miao raised her hand eagerly, "I picked up the staff, the ring made that guy picked it up"

"It's okay, it's okay..." Brother Ruoran said, patting his chest, then he became angry again, and asked through gritted teeth: "Who is that guy, did he do it on purpose?"

"The ID is hidden, and the face is covered, it must be", Xie Changting threw away the towel depressed.

"Despicable, shameless villain!" Brother Ruoran kicked his foot on the table angrily, making a loud bang.

"He must have been in ambush for a long time. Seeing our success, he wanted to lure monsters to fish in troubled waters, but he just overplayed it... By the way, what are those half-human, half-horse monsters? The bright red logos are full of question marks."

"Take a look at the forum"

A few unlucky ones couldn't go online, so they could only go to the forum to find comfort.

Sure enough, the forum synchronizes what is happening in the game.


The homepage of the official website also updated the introduction of the centaur tribe. It was very detailed. Bei Gaoyang was afraid that the players would treat them as ordinary monsters, and used the "neutral camp" to tell the seriousness of the situation.

"Subject wisdom civilization on the wasteland?"

"Tough, savage nomads?"

"Still... still eating people?"

A few people were dumbfounded, a stone fell from the sky, why did it hit Lao Tzu on the head, is it wrong?

It's not a big deal on the forum. As soon as the news of the third test was announced, the real owner of the wasteland popped up. Are you a player or a disadvantaged group?

On the one hand, they lamented the vastness of the game background, and on the other hand, they were very excited. There are so many ways to play the game, and they might be able to catch a centaur as a mount in the future.

"Consider yourself as unlucky!" Ruoran said dejectedly.

"Try to see if you can go online, first identify the staff first."

"It can only be this way"

"Damn, let me know who the grandson is, kill him until he can't go online"

"It's useless, that guy is smarter than a monkey"

Several people went back to each room, trying to see if they could log in to the game.

Maybe there were too many people who died and were kicked off the line, so Zhang Miao, Hu Xinmin, and Ruoran got on line one after another.

The place where it went online was the resurrection point of Chenxi Town. The square was full of people, and there was a lot of talk about the centaur crossing the border on the World Channel.

Zhang Miao didn't know these things, and immediately went to the firm NPC to firm up the staff.

[Wand of water element, one-handed staff, quality: green, load: 3, equipment level 5...]

Seeing this, Zhang Miao was taken aback for a moment. She didn't ask for a job change. The equipment requirement is really can't be a piece of rubbish, right?

[Intelligence +3, Constitution +2, magic attack power: 6-12, physical attack power 2-4, with 3-5 points of water elemental damage, special effect: assist, the attack target has a 5% chance of summoning a water elemental help Fight by yourself, the duration of the water element is 5 minutes, and the cooling time is 6 minutes.Special skill: rejuvenation, restores the HP of self and the designated target by 2 points per second, lasts for 30 seconds, cools down for 2 minutes. 】

Zhang Miao looked dumbfounded. This was the first time he had seen a green costume with special effects and stunts. No, he had never even heard of it.

What is the best, this is the best.

The passive summoning of the special effects, and the active restoration of the blood volume of the special effects are all top-quality attributes that have never been released before. The basic attack is a little lower, but the flaws are not concealed. There must be a group of people fighting for it.


The third test is to delete the file.

Alas, even if it is the best quality, keeping it is not very useful.

"How about it, how about the attributes?"

Zhang Miao showed the attributes of the wand to the two of them. Hu Xinmin and Ruoran were stunned when they saw it, but they were dumbfounded at the thought of deleting files.

"Sell it, there are still seven or eight days left, and a rich man will take it," said Ruoran.

"That's the only way to go," Zhang Miao said regretfully.

It would be great to have such a top-quality staff during the third test.


[System Announcement: Dear players, in view of the new situation and changes brought about by the centaur tribe, after careful consideration, the senior NPC Yaris Ottersdiman has produced a game item that can be designated as a game item and inherited to the third test treasure. , each person is limited to one, and all first-rank players can use faction reputation and game gold coins to purchase...]

As soon as the announcement came out, the eyes of the three people lit up immediately, and their eyes fell on the superb staff in Zhang Miao's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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