Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 347 Oz's Battle

Chapter 347 Oz's Battle

Naturally, Natasha couldn't easily give up such an opportunity, so she readily agreed to Anku's conditions, and then contacted Nick Fury to report the process.

"Natasha, based on your experience, what is your assessment of Anku? Will he become a threat?" Nick Fury asked in a slightly deliberate tone.

Natasha frowned, and after a moment of hesitation: "To be honest, I can't see this person clearly, and the contact time is too short, so it's hard to make an evaluation.

But for now, he doesn't feel any dangerous malice. "

"Then, in the subsequent contacts, find a way to find out the secrets hidden in Anku." Nick Fury nodded slightly, not disappointed, and gave Natasha an order.

"About the birth system that Anku gave me, shouldn't it?......" Natasha opened the box containing the birth drive, and said with some hesitation.

It's that simple, you just hand things over to yourself directly, without any worries or doubts at all?

As an experienced ace agent who often carried out various secret missions to steal information, Natasha felt unreal about Anku's actions.

Nick Fury was silent for a while, and then said: "Try the situation of this birth system first for the time being, continue to cooperate with Anku, and after you have a better understanding of the relevant situation, consider whether to take further actions."

Natasha nodded indifferently: "Okay."

After hanging up the communication, Natasha picked up a thick book with some surprise.

""Birth Drive Instruction Manual"? There are also manuals?"

"The content of this manual is quite rich and complicated. I think it will take a while to study it." Natasha flipped through the manual, her eyes twitching slightly.


"The Devourer appears, you should take action." Frowning, Natasha flipped through the instruction manual when she was notified by Anku, and the animal canning machine projected a picture of the scene.

Natasha read half of the instruction manual, nodded slightly, picked up the birth belt and the small box containing the cell coins, and stood up vigorously.

The scene where the Devourer appeared.

Yin Qi who had arrived immediately turned into Oz, looked at the wanton devourer in front of him, and stepped forward, the Holy Emblem Slashing Sword slashed and wounded the chaotic devourer, where the devourer was cut, scattered everywhere Earth's Cell Coins.

The Devourer was suddenly attacked and lost a lot of cell coins, and immediately roared angrily and rushed towards Yin Qi.

Yin Qi is slightly relaxed. As long as it is not a special type of devourer, there is nothing to be concerned about. Oz's power can definitely defeat monsters.

The Devourer that appeared last time was a type that was directly integrated with the host, which made Yin Qi tied up in the battle and unable to exert his full strength. In the end, because he did not dare to let go of the attack, the Devourer seized the opportunity to defeat him.

"If it hadn't been for the sudden disappearance of the Desire Monster in the end, I'm afraid..." Thinking of this, Yin Qi was still slightly puzzled and palpited.

This Desire Monster is not very strong, and it was severely injured by Yin Qi just after meeting, losing a lot of cell coins, and its strength was greatly reduced.

Naturally, he didn't last long after that, and those who hated Ozzy fell under the sword.

"Is it over so easily?!" Although he defeated the Devourer, Yin Qi felt inexplicably uneasy in his heart. It was too easy, and the process was completely different from before.

Even if the Devourer was defeated by himself before, there would be a mysterious power to use the core coins to revive the Devourer and make it gigantic, and a second battle would be fought.

So, it's definitely not that simple! !
While Yin Qi was thinking, he didn't relax at all, and he was on guard.

Sure enough, not long after, a Seafood Devourer that looked exactly like the previous Devourer jumped out of the building next to it.

"More than one?!" Seeing this, Yin Qi was terrified, since there was a second one, would there be a third and a fourth?
The development of the matter did not disappoint Yin Qi, and soon a second and third appeared, and more identical Devourers jumped out and surrounded Yin Qi.

"Looking at the image, these devourers have obvious characteristics of marine life, and the devourers who previously possessed the host and merged into one body have the characteristics of cats.

Speaking of which, the locust devourer with the ability to split, born of Mr. Stark's desire, seems to have some characteristics of marine animals that insects should not have.

It seems that the experimental tanks of his own species with the characteristics of different types of animals should have different ability characteristics. "Yin Qi looked at the devouring monsters that surrounded him, and thoughts arose in his heart.

It's just that the Devourer obviously wouldn't let Yin Qi'an think quietly, and launched an attack directly.

Yin Qi was a little overwhelmed for a while, although the strength of a single devourer is not strong, Yin Qi, who transformed into Oz, thinks that he can easily defeat it.

But there are too many Devourers, and it seems that the number has been continuously increasing. Yin Qi struggled to withstand the attacks of other Devourers, and the number of Devourers that he eliminated was not as good as the increased number of Devourers.

"We can't go on like this. We must cut off the growth of these Desire-devouring monsters from the source." Yin Qi sensed the constant consumption of his mental and physical strength, and felt a little anxious in his heart.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to launch an attack to kill the Devourer, and turned to defense, silently observing the actions of the Devourer and trying to calm himself down and think of a way to break the situation.

"The increase of these devouring monsters should have a source, just like that time when the devouring locust monsters always split from one original body."

With this in mind, Yin Qi retreated while fighting, and began to search for the source of the devouring monster.

"I found it! It turned out to be conceived from a nest." Yin Qi's eyes lit up, and he found the right owner.

However, it was not so easy to rush to the lair under the siege and interception of many devouring monsters. Seeing that he was struggling, Yin Qi felt a slap in the face, and went straight to the big move without saying a word.

"Cathalpa worm."



Use insects to combine three coins to switch forms.

"This is the power of Oz's company."

Yin Qi exerted the power of the insect group, split into dozens of bodies in an instant, and at the same time used the knight kick to kill a large number of devouring monsters in seconds, clearing a path.

But just after using the big move, he felt dizzy, and a sense of powerlessness came from all over his body. Yin Qi's face changed, and he knew that this was a huge burden of using the Oz team.

Without any hesitation, he directly released the clone, relieved the pressure, and then launched a fatal blow to the lair that gave birth to the Devouring Monster.

Of course, the game is not over yet, Tan Daoyi incarnated as the "King" of Desire, threw out the core coin, gathered all the remaining Devourers together, and turned into a huge and powerful Devourer.

"It seems that Ozzy's consumption is very high, most likely because he can't deal with the devourer who has the power of the core coin, so we can get another core coin." Kazali, the cat-type greedy man who secretly watched the battle, was very excited. He smiled happily and said.

"Of course, my core coin combination can't be used casually.

This Oz is still far away, and he can't bear the huge consumption. It is estimated that he still has three or four points of strength, which is very good. " Wufan said proudly.

"I don't know, who does the core coin belong to this time?" Mezel, the water-type greedy man, licked his lips, full of anticipation.

 Thanks to book friends Shu Dongpowen and Yu_luo for their rewards
(End of this chapter)

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