Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 577 The Son of the Sun

Chapter 577 The Son of the Sun
"Successfully fused the Emperor Stone." The three priests looked eagerly at the unconscious Kent.

"It was born, the century king Hei Ri."

"Next, we just need to cleanse his past and let him wake up as the king of the century." The heavenly priest Darom said.

The priest of the earth and the priest of the sea nodded, and they were about to clear Kent's memory.

However, the time when Kent implanted the Emperor Stone happened to be the time when Dormammu drove the dark latitude to invade the earth.

The Emperor Stone felt the power of the dark latitude, even though it was far apart, more than half of the earth, the Emperor Stone was still challenged and threatened, as if it had met the Beastmaster, an opponent who coveted its own territory, and suddenly became active.

Kent, who was supposed to be unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes and saw special energy surging in the hands of the three priests. It seemed that he was about to do something to his head?
Immediately, he broke free from the shackles that clasped his hands and feet, and knocked back the nearest sky priest with a punch. At the same time, he immediately got up, jumped up, and looked around.

"Why did he suddenly wake up?!" the local priest Bihume asked in a puzzled manner.
"Catch him first." Sea priest Bara-Ohm rushed towards Kent aggressively.

Kent transforms subconsciously, but finds that this time the transformation is different from the previous ones. Strange power gushes out from the waist, travels through the whole body, and transforms into an exoskeleton to complete the transformation.

Kent activated the Emperor Stone almost instinctively, turning into a black (black sun).

Blocking Sea Priest's heavy fist with one hand, grabbing Sea Priest's wrist and exerting force, smashing Sea Priest heavily into the alloy wall.

Then he immediately turned around and rushed out of the laboratory, carrying the suppression of the telekinetic force imposed by the heavenly priest, which was much easier than before.

Although I can obviously feel that my strength has increased a lot, but after all, I have just integrated the Emperor Stone, so it is impossible to fully develop and master the power of the Emperor Stone directly.

In fact, Kent has no idea about how strong he is and whether he can defeat the three priests and the reformed fighters organized by Xiuka. After all, we are outnumbered. Card base.


"Let him run away." The earth priest Dr. Zola said with an uneasy face.

"After all, it's the Black Sun, the King of Century who implanted the Emperor Stone." The Heavenly Priest said calmly with a calm expression on his face.

"Just relying on you to transform those guys, how can you stop Hei Ri."

"Then why are you just watching?" Dr. Zola's eyes were burning.

"In order to complete the implantation of the Emperor Stone, we consumed a lot of the original power of the Sky, Sea, and Earth Stones. If we try our best, we may damage the root of the God Stone."

"Another century king, before the birth of Shadow Moon, we must not lose the stones of the sky, the sea, and the earth."

"You should listen to me, and complete the brainwashing before the transformation of the Emperor Stone." Dr. Zola still said a little resentfully.

"We have been busy for a long time, but it turns out that this is not equivalent to upgrading No. [-] for free, continuing to fight against us, and this base has also been exposed, so it must be abandoned."

But the heavenly priest Darom sneered: "Ignorance, you don't know anything about the power of the Emperor Stone."

"No matter what you did to him in advance, as long as the Emperor Stone is implanted, the power of the Emperor Stone will naturally be completely removed."

"Okay." Dr. Zola's eyes moved slightly.

"Although there was an accident in the end, the implantation of the Emperor Stone was indeed a success."

"After transferring from here, you must help me fuse the Emperor Stone as agreed in advance, and become your creation king."

The LAN issues instructions to allow the members in the card repair base to transfer the necessary data and equipment.

The three priests reminded Dr. Zola: "If you have successfully implanted the Emperor Stone, you are only the King of the Century. If you want to become the King of Creation and possess supreme power, you must defeat the Black Sun."

Dr. Zola smiled without saying a word, and looked at the three priests meaningfully. In Kent's eyes, the three priests are definitely evil villains that need to be eradicated.

Thinking about it this way, Kent's sudden sobriety may not be a good thing for him.

Originally, the three priests were in a neutral position in the decisive battle between the kings of the two centuries.

It may even become an unstable factor that hinders him from mobilizing the reformed fighters of the repair card organization to besiege No. [-].

But Kent came to his senses and ran away. Now the three priests are clearly opposed to the king of this century, Hei Ri, and they have made enemies. Maybe he can use this to completely subdue the three priests and help him deal with Hei Sun.

Anyway, if he wanted to obtain the complete power of the Emperor Stone, he had to defeat Hei Sun who possessed another Emperor Stone. No matter what, he must have won. With the full support of the three priests, his chances of winning were definitely higher.


"There is nothing useful left, the card repairing organization really moved fast enough." After searching the ruined card repairing base, Tony said with some disappointment.

After Kent escaped from the Shuka base, he immediately contacted the Avengers.

Tony immediately gathered at the location provided by Kent and went to the Shuka base, thinking that he could catch the tail of the Xiuka organization, but the result was that the building was empty.

"Knowing that you fell into Shuka's hands, we were worried about you, but we didn't expect you to be able to escape by yourself." Dr. Banner said to Kent.

Kent smiled: "It requires them to strengthen me and implant the emperor stone, so that I can get a completely new change, so that I can break out from the heavy encirclement of repairing card transformation fighters."

Tony was a little puzzled when he heard the words, "They are experimenting on you, transforming and strengthening them, so don't they have any means of controlling you?"

"Of course, it's just that the emperor's stone suddenly activated spontaneously, allowing me to wake up in advance, before they brainwashed me." Kent shook his head, his eyes were burning and he spoke with anger.

Tony frowned slightly, and his eyes showed interest: "The Emperor's Stone? The repair card organization took a lot of trouble to kidnap you, just to conduct experiments and implant this thing."

"This thing must be very powerful." Dr. Banner said with a smile.

"They just lost their wife and lost their soldiers, which is equivalent to giving Kent the Emperor Stone for nothing."

Kent looked slightly serious: "The Emperor Stone is by no means such a simple enhancement, and now I can only simply use the power of the Emperor Stone to transform.

I don't know exactly how strong the Emperor Stone is, I can only say that it is unfathomable. "

"Moreover, I... the Emperor Stone seems to be able to continuously absorb sunlight and transform it into my strength." Kent felt the warmth of the sun shining on his body, and raised his head to look directly at the bright and dazzling sun.

"Absorb the sunlight and turn it into your own power." Tony looked weird and his tone was subtle.

"This ability really matches your name, Son of the Sun, Superman, Clark Kent."

(End of this chapter)

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