"The Chrysis Empire actually comes from another universe. No wonder I've never heard of it while walking in the universe." Carol looked at Nebula in a daze and said.

After dealing with the bombs that Ronan had buried deep underground, and the crisis created by Ronan basically subsided, they returned to the Avengers base. Many superheroes immediately asked Nebula for information, or interrogated information.

"So, Ronan is just a puppet." Tony's face was as gloomy as water.

The Chrysis Empire could come back at any time.

"It shouldn't be that easy." Xingyun saw everyone's worries and spoke calmly.

"Crysis is an existence outside the universe after all. It should not be possible to enter this universe as it pleases. Otherwise, Ronan and the rest of us would not be found and allowed us to conquer the earth."

After looking around at everyone's expressions, Xingyun paused, smiled inexplicably, and then said: "According to my observations and guesses, Emperor Clexis should use the strange world of monsters as a medium and transit. Stand and extend your tentacles to our world."

"If you want to open up an independent pocket universe, it won't be easy to do it in a short time."

"This means that for a short period of time, there is no need to worry about the threat from the Chrysis Empire." Peter Parker said, showing a relieved look.

Nebula laughed jokingly: "Indeed, the Chrysis Empire should not be able to extend its hand again in the short term, but... I want to remind you that you may soon face the threat from Thanos."

"Thanos!" Carol couldn't help but exclaimed.

Staring at Nebula with burning eyes: "You mean Thanos is targeting the Earth."

"That's right." Nebula nodded.

"Wait a minute, I want to ask, is this Thanos famous?" Tony said with some disapproval.

"The evil name of Thanos can be said to be resounding throughout many civilized countries in the universe. No one knows it." Carol said with a solemn expression.

"As long as it is controlled by Thanos and the Dark Order under his command, it will inevitably suffer horrific massacres."

"Every time he occupies a planet, he will immediately eliminate half of the life on the planet. According to him, it is to maintain the balance of the universe." Nebula spoke with a playful tone and a sneer.

"Are you kidding me? Exterminating half of all life just for his bullshit balance?! This is massacre! This guy is insane, right?" Tony said in shock and looked at Carol, wanting to ask for confirmation.

"How do you know Thanos is targeting the Earth?" Carol looked at Nebula calmly, acquiescing to Nebula's description of Thanos.

"I was once adopted by Thanos... a killer... He once sent a Chitauri fleet to invade this planet. The Chitauri, the notorious interstellar pirates in the universe, are Thanos' hounds." Nebula looked on. He spoke with a complicated smile.

"Have the Chitauri ever been to Earth?" Carol looked at everyone.

Tony nodded: "A few years ago, a guy named Loki opened a portal and led a Chitauri fleet to invade the Earth, but we were defeated."

"It seems that Thanos is indeed eyeing the earth." Carol frowned.

But if they really planned to attack the Earth, would the Chitauri give up so easily after their failure?

This is not the style of Thanos, who has always acted domineeringly.

"In other words, we have just defeated Chrysis who wants to destroy the United States of America, and soon there will be a cosmic murderer who plans to kill half of the human race on the earth to attack the earth?" At this time, Peter couldn't help but complain in an exaggerated tone. .

"Soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. If Thanos really comes, we have no choice but to resist to the end." Kent said calmly and matter-of-factly.

"It has been several years since the Chitauri invaded, and there has been no follow-up. Could it be that Thanos has given up attacking the Earth?" After entering the Avengers base, he kept looking around and was nervous and excited, and did not dare to speak easily. Ryder, one of the fourze trio, spoke softly.

"Don't take any chances!" "I will return to the universe and monitor the movements of Thanos' Dark Order." Carol said after thinking silently for a moment.

"If something happens, I will rush back as soon as possible to inform you to prepare for war."

"Say goodbye to Nick Fury for me." After Carol finished speaking, she was not muddled at all. She was surrounded by light, soared directly into the sky, turned into a stream of light, and left the earth.

"What about you, what are your plans next?" Tony looked at Nebula with an unclear expression.

Although Nebula turned his back on Ronan, it was only a wise way of protecting himself after Ronan was finally gone.

So Tony doesn't have much trust in Nebula yet.

Nebula smiled nonchalantly: "I plan to join you temporarily until Thanos comes..."

"Then kill him." A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that you hate him very much?" Tony asked curiously.

Nebula's expression was as cold as ice: "I joined Ronan's army before just to have the opportunity to kill Thanos with the power of Clexis."


"From now on, Hydra is under my control, and everyone must obey Shuka's orders." In front of the many snake heads of Hydra, Zola transformed into Shadow Moon, and cut into five or six pieces by himself, still driving the desire to gather. The hive is trampled underfoot.

"Who is for and who is against?"

Ronan, Yon-Rogg and Steve worked together to create a prison and were trapped in the monster world.
Sora and Ronan were gone together.

Zola decisively showed her fangs and defeated the hive, intending to forcibly subdue the leader of Hydra.

The leaders of the Hydra looked at each other in disbelief. Under Yingyue's fierce gaze filled with evil spirit, they had no choice but to bow their heads obediently.

Including the hive that was reassembled into a complete body, he also knelt down half-kneeling to show his surrender with Shadow Moon's Satanic Saber on his neck.

"It seems that everyone is smart, okay, very good!!" Zola couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The next step is to defeat Black Sun, seize another Emperor Stone, become the Creation King, lead Shuka, and rule the world.


"Thanos?!...The overlord of the universe whose goal is to kill lives?!" Nick Fury couldn't help but lightly hit his forehead with his fist, feeling a headache.

Although Ronan was defeated, the turmoil was basically calmed down.

But Nick Fury is even busier.

I was so busy coordinating with all parties and reporting to the superiors that I didn't even have time to participate in the questioning of Nebula, so I finally took some time to take a breather.

Then he met Coulson and Melinda rushing to report the news of Thanos to him.

(End of this chapter)

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