Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 631 The Star-Eating Snake

"This is impossible,... Who are you?" Egg said in fear and disbelief.

Seeing that after Ebert integrated into Star-Lord's body, he was able to fight head-on and forcefully for control of the planet's energy.

Star-Lord possessed by Ebert showed a coveted and excited smile: "The (blood) clan, Ebert, is about to devour your existence."

Egg was flustered for no reason, and roared hysterically: "It's a joke!! Wishful thinking! I am a god, this whole planet is my body, Quill's ability is just inherited from my genes, you actually want to rely on Quill You defeat me."

Ebert showed a gentle smile: "It's not about defeating you, it's about 'eating' you. The (blood) clan originally uses the planet as food."

The tone was so matter-of-fact, as if an apex predator was eyeing an easy prey.

"This... this is impossible!?" Egg felt panicked as he sensed Ebert's power invading his core through Star-Lord.

Although Ebert's current power is not as good as that of Ego as a living planet, Ego is completely unable to stop Ebert's power.

It's like really encountering a natural enemy.

The energy veins that flowed like blood vessels and rivers all over the interior of the planet lost control and began to erupt. It looked like blood vessels were bursting and blood was spraying non-stop.

"This unknown creature that appears suddenly and possesses Quill is also extremely dangerous." Gamora said with some trembling.

Although Ebert took action to corrode Egg and everyone was out of danger, Ebert was obviously not a good person.

Beings that feed on the planet are so terrifying.

Yondu frowned and looked at Peter worriedly.

"Give up the struggle, you are already my meal." Ebert spoke to Egg with a bright smile, exuding an aura of power that instantly spread across the planet.

"Yong...Boss Yongdu?!" Among the space fighters, Yongdu's predator spoke to Yongdu with a trembling voice.

"This is..." Yongdu couldn't help but shrink his pupils and take a breath when he saw the image transmitted by his men.

From the outer space fighter plane, a huge, boundless, illusory snake appeared, coiled around the entire planet, biting the planet, seeming to be injecting venom and sucking blood.

"Quil, I am your father. You are my only heir. We are my family. Don't help this monster anymore." Faced with Ebert's retreat, Egg truly felt that death was approaching. In a panic, he had no choice but to ask Star-Lord for help, hoping that Star-Lord would wake up and stop Ebert.

"We can't stay here any longer." Rocket Raccoon said to the others, looking at the disintegrating and crumbling planet and the wild eruption of energy.

"What about Quil?" Yondu asked worriedly.

"At least now, Quill shouldn't need us to worry about." Rocket Raccoon glanced at Star-Lord, who was possessed by Ebelt, and said.

"On the contrary, if we don't leave, we will be buried alive soon."

"Leave here first." Gamora gritted her teeth. She had to survive before she could discuss and consider future matters.

Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Mantis pulled Yondu away and returned to the fighter plane.

Then everyone watched with their own eyes on the fighter plane in space the collapse of the entire planet. The vast matter and energy collapsed towards a core singularity, or was swallowed and absorbed.

Witness an entire planet being swallowed before your eyes.

"It's so spectacular, like it was swallowed by a black hole." Rocket Raccoon exclaimed in amazement.

"Did you really 'eat' a planet like that?!" Gamora felt a chill running down her spine.

Although there is no life race on Yi Ge's planet and there are no casualties, if Ebert focuses on other planets.Thanos only eliminated half of the life on the planet he occupied. If Ebelt takes off the planet like this, there will definitely be no one left.

"Quell..." Yondu whispered to himself, looking anxiously and worriedly at the figure of Star-Lord in the starry sky of the universe.

Order the spacecraft to approach.

"After a good meal, I finally recovered." Ebert emerged from Star-Lord's body and transformed into a human form.

As soon as Star-Lord, who was exposed in space, woke up, he quickly became hypothermic and painful because he couldn't breathe.

However, after struggling in panic for a moment, he found that he seemed to be fine. It seemed that the vacuum environment of space could not really threaten his life for a short time, although it was extremely uncomfortable.

Ebelt grabbed Star-Lord's shoulder and arrived at the Predator's spaceship in a blink of an eye: "Don't be surprised, Peter Quill, you are not an ordinary person, you can be regarded as a demigod, let alone fused with me. One body, with some of my genes remaining in the body.

The vacuum of space won't kill you that easily. "

Star-Lord looked strange when he heard this, as if he was constipated. What do you mean I have your genes in my body? !This statement is really offensive.

"Who are you?" Star-Lord looked at Ebelt solemnly.

Ebert shrugged and chuckled, and said casually: "Didn't I say it before, the blood family, Ebert."

"A great race that walks the universe and hunts planets in order to evolve."

"I have never heard that there is a race of blood in the universe." Gamora said in a surprised and solemn tone.

Ebelt said with a very calm and calm attitude: "Because I came from other universes to your universe, and even lost my body in the process, and even Pandora's Box was lost."

"Pandora's Box?" Star-Lord asked in confusion.

"Pandora's Box, the most precious treasure of the blood family, is also a key tool for devouring and hunting planets and completing evolution." Ebert explained endlessly.

"By retrieving Pandora's Box, I can continue to hunt planets and continue to evolve."

"Then you, next..." Star-Lord smiled very reluctantly.

"Of course, find Pandora's Box, then find suitable planets in the universe to eat, and continue to evolve." Ebert said in a calm tone.

The tone is as normal as talking about eating and drinking.

Everyone in the bridge of the spaceship felt horrified when they heard this. The planet was like a dessert in Ebert's mouth? !

"I won't let you succeed." As Gamora pulled out a gun and pointed a sword at Ebert, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Ebert looked around, pointed his weapons at his people tremblingly, shook his head with disdain and chuckled: "Just you?"

With a casual wave of his hand, the burst of energy waves knocked everyone down, and all attacks were dispersed with a snap of his fingers.

Ebert looked at everyone with a wicked smile, and showed his arrogance without taking it seriously: "If you want to stop me, you can come and try."

After saying that, he left the spacecraft.

(End of this chapter)

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