The members of the Guardians of the Galaxy who were injected with the nebula gas were like crazy beasts, rushing towards the four Xians with great ferocity.

"Rocket! Gamora!..." Star-Lord was anxious and worried, calling the name of his comrade who had lost his mind.

But what Star-Lord responded to was Groot's wildly dancing branches. Before he could finish his words, he was slapped into the ground.

"If you want them to recover, you have to defeat them first." Ax said, facing the fastest and furious Rocket Raccoon.

After being transformed by the nebula gas, the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy have greatly expanded in size. Rocket Raccoon, who was originally the smallest and only half a man tall, has grown to more than two meters tall, transforming from a cute creature into a veritable beast.

Johnny's armor burst into flames, and he approached Drax the Destroyer, who was the most powerful and physically powerful, intending to show off his skills.

However, it immediately bounced back faster than it had rushed up.

"Damn, this stupid big guy is really powerful." Johnny said with a somewhat disgraced look.

Although the battle of strength was no match for Drax, Johnny was also the kind of person who refused to admit defeat easily. He immediately ignited terrifying flames and attacked Drax again.

Looking at Drax who was engulfed in flames, Johnny said to himself slightly proudly: "Let you taste the power of the Phoenix's high-temperature flames."

However, even though the flames triggered by the power of the Phoenix Energy Bottle can easily burn gold and molten iron, it cannot cause any effective damage to Drax.

With little to no blocking effect, Drax passed through the flames unscathed and punched Johnny in the face, who was caught off guard, and punched him deeply into the ground.

"How could this happen?!" Being chased and beaten by Drax, he was almost unable to fight back. Johnny felt a little self-doubt and said at a loss. The powerful flames he was proud of were completely ineffective, and his disadvantage was getting bigger and bigger. .

"Leave Drax to me." When Johnny's situation was not optimistic, Star-Lord suddenly broke out and knocked Gamora back, and helped Johnny force Drax back, speaking in a calm but firm tone.

As a companion, Star-Lord is very aware of the difficulty of Drax. His physical strength is so strong that it is almost unlike a living thing. Ordinary weapons cannot hurt him at all.

During the time when the Guardians of the Galaxy were roaming the stars, every time Drax encountered an enemy, he would rush forward without thinking and with physical force, but it was almost never seen that Drax was actually injured when his defenses were broken.

Now it has been strengthened by the nebula gas, and it is unimaginable to what extent it has been improved.

"Be careful, don't be brave, just delay time, and we can work together to deal with him." Johnny realized that he really couldn't do anything to Drax, so he warned Star-Lord and went to Gamora.

Ax, in the form of twin rabbits, has firmly suppressed Rocket Raccoon, and the winning trend is already obvious.

Ben held the Frost Gloves to challenge Mantis and basically didn't lose.

"Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, Drax,..." Star-Lord's eyes were burning as he resisted the violent Drax, thinking silently in his heart.

Step by step, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Just like a sword that is constantly tempered and polished, its edge becomes stronger.

"I will definitely make you recover!! Get my partner back!!" Holding the dragon energy bottle in his hand, energy light points emerged from his body and concentrated on the dragon energy bottle held tightly in his hand. Sublimation occurs.

"Wake up CROSS-Z! Get Great Dragon!"

"The Great Dragon!"

As Star-Lord inserts the Great Dragon Evolution Bottle into the Cross-Z Dragon slot. Under the influence of the power of the Great Dragon Evolution Bottle, the Cross-Z Dragon evolves into the Great Cross-Z Dragon. It is synergistically inserted into the build drive and transformed into the form of the Great Dragon (Supreme Dragon).

Star-Lord punched out several majestic energy dragons, entangling and biting them to suppress and repel Drax.

"Ah!!!" Star-Lord roared and charged forward, firing out energy punches one after another, chasing Drax.

Drax was attacked by Star-Lord's continuous attacks without any pause. He was unable to charge up for a counterattack and could only passively withstand the attack.

After Star-Lord vented all his energy in one breath, Drax, who withstood countless attacks, finally fell heavily to the ground, his momentum weakened, and he temporarily lost his ability to fight.

The battle between Ax and Rocket Raccoon was decided almost at the same time. He jumped into the air, stretched his legs like springs, and knocked down Rocket Raccoon with a killer flying kick.

Star-Lord and Ax looked at each other, and then in perfect agreement launched an attack on Groot, who was growing and multiplying all the time.

The two of them smashed the branches that were growing continuously to block their progress, and slowly dismantled Groot's uncontrollably expanding body, approaching the core.

Like a gardener pruning a tree, he pruned it until Groot was only the size of a human being, and then worked together to seal Groot.


"I followed your wishes and let them leave." Looking at the video on the screen, the four of Ax and Star-Lord took the defeated Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Mantis, and Gru After Te left, the big boss spoke in a faint tone.

Ebert on the communication screen chuckled inscrutably and said: "You have collected enough valuable experimental data. It doesn't actually matter whether you take action against them, and those knights are not something you can easily do." Can be dealt with."

"Your research has not been completed yet. There is still potential that they can continue to explore. Now is not the time."

The big boss stared at Ebert meaningfully: "I'm very interested. What do you want to do?"

"Whose side are you on? Are you with us, or with Build and the others?"

Although Ebert chose to cooperate with Xiuka, he always refused to join Xiuka. His true intentions are difficult to fathom.

"Whoever is more able to exert the power of the nebula gas, whoever is more powerful, will be more valuable to me." Ebert said with a smile.

"Only stand with the strong?" the big boss thought thoughtfully.

Ebelt smiled and said nothing. Only with the most powerful materials possible can he create a perfect Pandora's box and cut off communication.

"This guy?..." Pierce frowned and spoke hesitantly.

"It feels very wrong..."

The big boss narrowed his eyes slightly: "My research is about to be completed, Xiuka's great plan will be implemented soon, and we will soon be able to control the most powerful country on the planet."

"The next step is to get rid of those so-called superheroes and conquer and rule the entire earth."

"When the time comes, we will have absolute strength, and no one can stop us. No matter it is a superhero or anyone else, they will not be able to disobey us. They will all prostrate themselves under the glory of the great Shuka."

(End of this chapter)

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