Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 655 Dragon Evolution

In order to stop Shuka, after Nick Fury negotiated, Ax, Star-Lord, Ben, and Johnny went out to find the hive-evolved death swarm and fought fiercely with them.

"This guy's vitality is so tenacious! I'm afraid I have to destroy all the tissues in his body before he can be completely defeated." After several people fought hard, the death group was injured and scattered body tissues. Ax felt heavy.

These scattered organizations still have strong vitality, and they seem to be independent individuals. They are constantly devouring and growing in contact with all living things.

Wherever it went, no matter animals or plants, they were devoured by the swarm of death and turned into nutrients.

These scattered flesh and blood tissues can both return to the main body and join the battle as independent clones.

Star-Lord spat out with a headache: "This thing is too shameless."

"I suspect that even if we kill this big guy, if these separated residual blood and flesh tissues are not completely eliminated, they will regenerate into another death swarm after devouring enough lives."

While fighting against the huge swarm of death, a few people must always pay attention to the scattered body tissues.

In other words, it should be said that the scattered flesh and blood tissue is more troublesome to everyone than the death group itself.

"You are just wasting your efforts. It is impossible for me to be killed now." Hive proudly laughed and taunted the Aix people.

"Damn it!! I don't believe it." Johnny gritted his teeth.

"Wait until I burn you to ashes and see if you can continue to regenerate."

His whole body was burning with terrifying flames, turning into a flaming phoenix and rushing toward the death crowd.

However, the effect is indeed limited, because the size difference is too big. Even if the Phoenix's flames can completely destroy the cell activity of the dead group, the range of damage caused by Johnny is only so large.

The death swarm of cell clusters and life forms also have no vital organs, fatal points and other parts, and have extremely strong recovery capabilities, so Johnny cannot pose a real threat.

"This is not the way to go!" Ben said to Aix anxiously.

"Unless we can completely destroy this monster from beginning to end at once..." Aix sighed slightly, obviously hesitant.

"Everyone goes all out and wins or loses in one go." Star-Lord spoke firmly, saying what Ax had not said.

Using all their strength, several people gathered together to try to completely eliminate the swarm of death.

But if you don't succeed, you will lose the power to resist.

"We have to fight hard and keep dragging it on. We can't defeat the swarm of death. If we don't eliminate him immediately, I don't know how many lives will be swallowed by it!!" Star-Lord said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Aix made a decision and nodded heavily.

The four of them stood side by side, turning the drive rocker crazily, releasing every ounce of power from the energy bottle as much as possible.

Working together, carrying a huge torrent of energy, they all kicked towards the group of deaths.

Breaking through the obstruction of the death group, the knight kick poured all the power into the death group's body, quickly spreading destruction and destroying the death group's body.

Violent explosive flames continued to emerge from the bodies of the death group, quickly covering the entire huge body, and the death group turned into a ball of fireworks in the terrifying explosion.

"Win!?" Aix knelt down half-kneeling in a state of exhaustion.

Several people were overjoyed after the victory.

"It's really dangerous. I didn't expect you to be able to destroy my entire body at once," the hive's voice suddenly sounded again.

A ball of flesh and blood tissue jumped out and wrapped the four people, Ax and Star-Lord, who had lost their strength.

"You are indeed very powerful, but I have separated part of the body tissue from the beginning, so you will still lose in the end."

"Although I have suffered heavy losses, if I can eat a few of you, which is better than countless humans, I will definitely be able to make up for it, and even get a huge improvement." Hive revealed a naked salivation, like a beast that has been hungry for a long time. , see nutritious and delicious food.

"Damn it!" Ben was a little desperate.

Several people were in a state of exhaustion of strength. At this time, they could only barely maintain their transformation and were unable to break free.

Facing the devouring power of the swarm of death, it was obvious that he could not hold on for long. "Just be obedient and become my nourishment!"

"That's not possible, they can't be swallowed by you." Ebert appeared out of thin air and said with a smile.

"Ebert, it's you, what do you mean?" Beehive asked sharply.

"The fruits I cultivate can only be harvested by me." Ebert explained leisurely.

"Ebert!! You finally showed up. The nebula gas and the slammer on the earth are indeed related to you. What do you want to do when you show up at this time?" Star-Lord saw that Ebert and Hive knew each other. , some difficult openings.

"Of course I will save your life." Ebert said to Star-Lord.

After saying that, it turned into an invisible liquid and merged into Star-Lord's body.

After possessing Star-Lord, Ebert easily tore through the hive's bonds.

Take out the evolution drive and take out the dragon energy bottle from Star-Lord's body.

"Dragon! Rider System! Rider System"

Dragon Power Bottle and Knight Evolution lightly plug into the drive.


"Are you ready?"

"Dragon! Dragon! Evol Dragon!"

evol dragon form.

"Aren't you Quill?" Ax, who was rescued, looked at Star-Lord, who had white hair after being possessed by Ebert.

Ebert nodded without hesitation: "I want to borrow Peter Quill's body to reap the ripe fruits."

"Where are you going?" Ebert suddenly stepped aside and stopped the hive that was trying to escape.

"How many of them do you want? I'll leave it to you." Hive's heart said inexplicably.

Ebert spoke happily: "But you are also one of the mature fruits."

With a grasp of his hand, the suction force created out of thin air attracted the death swarm hive, which was now three to four meters in size.

The light dragon in the palm spit out beads, and the small black hole beads twisted, tore and swallowed the huge body of the hive.

"No!!!..." No matter how hard the hive struggled, it was of no avail. It could only be devoured bit by bit until it completely disappeared from the world.

"I was not disappointed. It is indeed an excellent material for refining Pandora's panels." After Ebert swallowed the honeycomb, he spoke with satisfaction and turned around as if ready to leave.

"What on earth are you going to do with Star-Lord's body?" Ax asked.

"I'm going to help your terrifying and dangerous Titan." Ebert replied with a joking smile.

"The power of the knights and these titan beasts we control are all your so-called fruits to be harvested." Aix said in a faint tone.

"That's really smart." Ebert applauded exaggeratedly.

"I'm going to harvest the fruits first."


Then the space was distorted, and the figure disappeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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