"Evolved to a new form again?!" Nick Fury looked at Ebelt in the form of a black hole, his eyes full of fear.

Ebelt has obviously become stronger again.

"Ebert!" Star-Lord supported the unconscious Ax and glared at Ebert.

Ebelt waved his hand to Star-Lord and the others frivolously: "You're here at the right time, come on together. It's just the right time for me to see what you're capable of, and also for me to stretch my muscles."

Star-Lord snorted coldly, handed Ax to Gamora, and rushed towards Ebert aggressively.

"Quoyle..." Nick Fury originally wanted to stop Star-Lord and not act so recklessly.

However, Star-Lord had already rushed forward, and Ben and Johnny also took action, and they could only sigh secretly in their hearts.

Invite Melinda to join in the action and echo Star-Lord.

At the same time, he urgently contacted Tony and asked the Avengers not far away to come over and join forces to fight together.

However, the Avengers and Defenders had already fought against Ebert before, and suffered heavy injuries, but not many of them had the energy to fight again.


"You're only at this level, which is a bit disappointing to me." Ebert leisurely blocked everyone's fierce attacks, and said to Star-Lord with a tone full of disappointment.

Others didn't even look at it, and seemed to ignore it at all.

"It's a bit boring. Let's end this game."

Ebert spoke calmly, turned the waist of the driver, and released energy shaped like a black hole in the starry sky to kick at several people, swallowing and crushing everything like a real black hole.

With one blow, Star-Lord and others were completely kicked over and fell to the ground.

Even riding at extremely high speeds can't completely escape the gravitational influence of the black hole, and can't avoid this mediocre kick.

But after all, he was in better shape than Star-Lord. He was able to maintain his transformed state and was still able to fight.

"Damn, how can you be so strong?!" Star-Lord was very unwilling.

They're not on the same level at all, but they can't even take one move?

Ebert walked up to Star-Lord, bent down and said: "This level of power is far from your limit. If you don't want to see this planet eaten by me, then use everything you have to become Stronger, try to stop me."

At this time, with a roar of thunder, the Hulk fell from the sky and hit Ebert.

After the heavy bombardment, the earth trembled and cracked, but the Hulk's punch hit the ground firmly.

Ebert, who easily avoided the punch, kicked back with a backhand and kicked the Hulk into the sky.

He teleported to the Hulk and launched a volley, black hole kick and kicked the Hulk down from the sky.

"It's a really interesting power." Ebert watched with great interest as he saw with great interest that half of the broken body of the Hulk that he had seriously injured was repaired quickly, and passers-by could see that the size was further expanding at the same time. Open your mouth.

The cube-shaped Pandora's Box appeared in his hand. With a slight press, the box opened and released immeasurable light.

With the Hulk inside, the cubic box the size of a human head contains a huge space that far exceeds its appearance.

After taking in the Hulk, Ebert looked at Kent and Zola who were entangled in the struggle.

"There are also Emperor Stones, which are extremely rare and powerful, perfect materials for creating Pandora's Box."

Holding the cube magic box in his hand, he covered the space between the two people who couldn't move at this time. The battle between the black sun and the shadow moon is like the sun and the moon competing for brightness, which has affected the entire world and caused a solar eclipse.

Pandora's box seems to contain infinite space, containing the sun and moon competing for glory.

"How could this happen?!" Tony looked at this scene with uncontrollable despair in his heart.

The Hulk, who had high hopes, was put into a small box by Ebert. Kent and Zora were also taken away. Who else can resist Ebert now.

Nick Fury, who was lying on the ground, had already pressed the pager. Although he had used it before to summon Captain Marvel to return when he knew about Ebert's situation, the current situation made it necessary to use this method to inform Carol of the critical situation. degree.

Ebert looked at the many superheroes and knights who were already defeated, chuckled, and declared: "You still have seven days before I destroy this planet."

"Seven days later, after Pandora's Box extracts the power of the Hulk, Black Sun, and Shadow Moon, you can't show me any more valuable words."

"There would be no need for this planet and all the life on it to exist anymore."

"I'm waiting for you here." A tall tower rose out of the sky, and Ebert stood on the top of the tower and looked down at everyone.


"In these seven days, we must summon all possible forces to defeat Ebelt." Nick Fury said with a solemn expression.

"The life and death of the entire planet depends on this."

"I informed Carroll at any time, but he may not be able to come back in time."

"It's a pity that we have no way to contact Thor." Peter Parker said regretfully.

"I think we have to consider how to deal with the power of Pandora's Box. Even the Hulk and Black Sun and Shadow Moon were locked in." Tony frowned and said.

"Ebert gave us time to refine Pandora's Box into more powerful power." Star-Lord nodded seriously.

"If we can't deal with Pandora's Box, our strength may become a resource absorbed by Ebert."

"For this, we still have to rely on the build system." Aix appeared at the door after waking up.

"You're finally awake, Ax." Star-Lord said slightly excitedly.

"Akers... Actually, after being possessed by Ebert, I now remember my memories." Akers spoke in a complicated tone.

Susan looked at Aix's eyes looking at her, and her heart moved inexplicably.

"It's me, Reed, Reed Richards." Reed (Akers) said quietly after recovering his memory.

"Reed, is it really you!?" Ben said in surprise and excitement.

Reed Richards nodded: "During the experimental accident, Ebert took me away, modified my appearance, erased my memory, and turned into a Kamen Rider build to fight the Slammer."

"Do you have a way to deal with Ebert?" Nick Fury is now more concerned about, and only cares about, this issue of life and death.

"Only knights who also use the power of nebula gas can check Ebert's use of Pandora's Box." Reed said calmly.

"However, now our strength is insufficient. I have to create the final power-up item of the build system to be able to compete with Ebert."

(End of this chapter)

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